/** \file nifti1_io.h \brief Data structures for using nifti1_io API. - Written by Bob Cox, SSCC NIMH - Revisions by Rick Reynolds, SSCC NIMH */ #ifndef _NIFTI_IO_HEADER_ #define _NIFTI_IO_HEADER_ #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef DONT_INCLUDE_ANALYZE_STRUCT #define DONT_INCLUDE_ANALYZE_STRUCT /*** not needed herein ***/ #endif #include "nifti1.h" /*** NIFTI-1 header specification ***/ #include /*=================*/ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /*=================*/ /*****===================================================================*****/ /***** File nifti1_io.h == Declarations for nifti1_io.c *****/ /*****...................................................................*****/ /***** This code is released to the public domain. *****/ /*****...................................................................*****/ /***** Author: Robert W Cox, SSCC/DIRP/NIMH/NIH/DHHS/USA/EARTH *****/ /***** Date: August 2003 *****/ /*****...................................................................*****/ /***** Neither the National Institutes of Health (NIH), nor any of its *****/ /***** employees imply any warranty of usefulness of this software for *****/ /***** any purpose, and do not assume any liability for damages, *****/ /***** incidental or otherwise, caused by any use of this document. *****/ /*****===================================================================*****/ /* Modified by: Mark Jenkinson (FMRIB Centre, University of Oxford, UK) Date: July/August 2004 Mainly adding low-level IO and changing things to allow gzipped files to be read and written Full backwards compatability should have been maintained Modified by: Rick Reynolds (SSCC/DIRP/NIMH, National Institutes of Health) Date: December 2004 Modified and added many routines for I/O. */ /********************** Some sample data structures **************************/ typedef struct { /** 4x4 matrix struct **/ float m[4][4] ; } mat44 ; typedef struct { /** 3x3 matrix struct **/ float m[3][3] ; } mat33 ; /*...........................................................................*/ /*! \enum analyze_75_orient_code * \brief Old-style analyze75 orientation * codes. */ typedef enum _analyze75_orient_code { a75_transverse_unflipped = 0, a75_coronal_unflipped = 1, a75_sagittal_unflipped = 2, a75_transverse_flipped = 3, a75_coronal_flipped = 4, a75_sagittal_flipped = 5, a75_orient_unknown = 6 } analyze_75_orient_code; /*! \struct nifti_image \brief High level data structure for open nifti datasets in the nifti1_io API. Note that this structure is not part of the nifti1 format definition; it is used to implement one API for reading/writing formats in the nifti1 format. */ typedef struct { /*!< Image storage struct **/ int ndim ; /*!< last dimension greater than 1 (1..7) */ int nx ; /*!< dimensions of grid array */ int ny ; /*!< dimensions of grid array */ int nz ; /*!< dimensions of grid array */ int nt ; /*!< dimensions of grid array */ int nu ; /*!< dimensions of grid array */ int nv ; /*!< dimensions of grid array */ int nw ; /*!< dimensions of grid array */ int dim[8] ; /*!< dim[0]=ndim, dim[1]=nx, etc. */ size_t nvox ; /*!< number of voxels = nx*ny*nz*...*nw */ int nbyper ; /*!< bytes per voxel, matches datatype */ int datatype ; /*!< type of data in voxels: DT_* code */ float dx ; /*!< grid spacings */ float dy ; /*!< grid spacings */ float dz ; /*!< grid spacings */ float dt ; /*!< grid spacings */ float du ; /*!< grid spacings */ float dv ; /*!< grid spacings */ float dw ; /*!< grid spacings */ float pixdim[8] ; /*!< pixdim[1]=dx, etc. */ float scl_slope ; /*!< scaling parameter - slope */ float scl_inter ; /*!< scaling parameter - intercept */ float cal_min ; /*!< calibration parameter, minimum */ float cal_max ; /*!< calibration parameter, maximum */ int qform_code ; /*!< codes for (x,y,z) space meaning */ int sform_code ; /*!< codes for (x,y,z) space meaning */ int freq_dim ; /*!< indexes (1,2,3, or 0) for MRI */ int phase_dim ; /*!< directions in dim[]/pixdim[] */ int slice_dim ; /*!< directions in dim[]/pixdim[] */ int slice_code ; /*!< code for slice timing pattern */ int slice_start ; /*!< index for start of slices */ int slice_end ; /*!< index for end of slices */ float slice_duration ; /*!< time between individual slices */ /*! quaternion transform parameters [when writing a dataset, these are used for qform, NOT qto_xyz] */ float quatern_b , quatern_c , quatern_d , qoffset_x , qoffset_y , qoffset_z , qfac ; mat44 qto_xyz ; /*!< qform: transform (i,j,k) to (x,y,z) */ mat44 qto_ijk ; /*!< qform: transform (x,y,z) to (i,j,k) */ mat44 sto_xyz ; /*!< sform: transform (i,j,k) to (x,y,z) */ mat44 sto_ijk ; /*!< sform: transform (x,y,z) to (i,j,k) */ float toffset ; /*!< time coordinate offset */ int xyz_units ; /*!< dx,dy,dz units: NIFTI_UNITS_* code */ int time_units ; /*!< dt units: NIFTI_UNITS_* code */ int nifti_type ; /*!< 0==ANALYZE, 1==NIFTI-1 (1 file), 2==NIFTI-1 (2 files), 3==NIFTI-ASCII (1 file) */ int intent_code ; /*!< statistic type (or something) */ float intent_p1 ; /*!< intent parameters */ float intent_p2 ; /*!< intent parameters */ float intent_p3 ; /*!< intent parameters */ char intent_name[16] ; /*!< optional description of intent data */ char descrip[80] ; /*!< optional text to describe dataset */ char aux_file[24] ; /*!< auxiliary filename */ char *fname ; /*!< header filename (.hdr or .nii) */ char *iname ; /*!< image filename (.img or .nii) */ int iname_offset ; /*!< offset into iname where data starts */ int swapsize ; /*!< swap unit in image data (might be 0) */ int byteorder ; /*!< byte order on disk (MSB_ or LSB_FIRST) */ void *data ; /*!< pointer to data: nbyper*nvox bytes */ int num_ext ; /*!< number of extensions in ext_list */ nifti1_extension * ext_list ; /*!< array of extension structs (with data) */ analyze_75_orient_code analyze75_orient; /*!< for old analyze files, orient */ } nifti_image ; /* struct for return from nifti_image_read_bricks() */ typedef struct { int nbricks; /* the number of allocated pointers in 'bricks' */ size_t bsize; /* the length of each data block, in bytes */ void ** bricks; /* array of pointers to data blocks */ } nifti_brick_list; /*****************************************************************************/ /*------------------ NIfTI version of ANALYZE 7.5 structure -----------------*/ /* (based on fsliolib/dbh.h, but updated for version 7.5) */ typedef struct { /* header info fields - describes the header overlap with NIfTI */ /* ------------------ */ int sizeof_hdr; /* 0 + 4 same */ char data_type[10]; /* 4 + 10 same */ char db_name[18]; /* 14 + 18 same */ int extents; /* 32 + 4 same */ short int session_error; /* 36 + 2 same */ char regular; /* 38 + 1 same */ char hkey_un0; /* 39 + 1 40 bytes */ /* image dimension fields - describes image sizes */ short int dim[8]; /* 0 + 16 same */ short int unused8; /* 16 + 2 intent_p1... */ short int unused9; /* 18 + 2 ... */ short int unused10; /* 20 + 2 intent_p2... */ short int unused11; /* 22 + 2 ... */ short int unused12; /* 24 + 2 intent_p3... */ short int unused13; /* 26 + 2 ... */ short int unused14; /* 28 + 2 intent_code */ short int datatype; /* 30 + 2 same */ short int bitpix; /* 32 + 2 same */ short int dim_un0; /* 34 + 2 slice_start */ float pixdim[8]; /* 36 + 32 same */ float vox_offset; /* 68 + 4 same */ float funused1; /* 72 + 4 scl_slope */ float funused2; /* 76 + 4 scl_inter */ float funused3; /* 80 + 4 slice_end, */ /* slice_code, */ /* xyzt_units */ float cal_max; /* 84 + 4 same */ float cal_min; /* 88 + 4 same */ float compressed; /* 92 + 4 slice_duration */ float verified; /* 96 + 4 toffset */ int glmax,glmin; /* 100 + 8 108 bytes */ /* data history fields - optional */ char descrip[80]; /* 0 + 80 same */ char aux_file[24]; /* 80 + 24 same */ char orient; /* 104 + 1 NO GOOD OVERLAP */ char originator[10]; /* 105 + 10 FROM HERE DOWN... */ char generated[10]; /* 115 + 10 */ char scannum[10]; /* 125 + 10 */ char patient_id[10]; /* 135 + 10 */ char exp_date[10]; /* 145 + 10 */ char exp_time[10]; /* 155 + 10 */ char hist_un0[3]; /* 165 + 3 */ int views; /* 168 + 4 */ int vols_added; /* 172 + 4 */ int start_field; /* 176 + 4 */ int field_skip; /* 180 + 4 */ int omax, omin; /* 184 + 8 */ int smax, smin; /* 192 + 8 200 bytes */ } nifti_analyze75; /* total: 348 bytes */ /*****************************************************************************/ /*--------------- Prototypes of functions defined in this file --------------*/ char const * nifti_datatype_string ( int dt ) ; char const *nifti_units_string ( int uu ) ; char const *nifti_intent_string ( int ii ) ; char const *nifti_xform_string ( int xx ) ; char const *nifti_slice_string ( int ss ) ; char const *nifti_orientation_string( int ii ) ; int nifti_is_inttype( int dt ) ; mat44 nifti_mat44_inverse( mat44 R ) ; mat33 nifti_mat33_inverse( mat33 R ) ; mat33 nifti_mat33_polar ( mat33 A ) ; float nifti_mat33_rownorm( mat33 A ) ; float nifti_mat33_colnorm( mat33 A ) ; float nifti_mat33_determ ( mat33 R ) ; mat33 nifti_mat33_mul ( mat33 A , mat33 B ) ; void nifti_swap_2bytes ( size_t n , void *ar ) ; void nifti_swap_4bytes ( size_t n , void *ar ) ; void nifti_swap_8bytes ( size_t n , void *ar ) ; void nifti_swap_16bytes( size_t n , void *ar ) ; void nifti_swap_Nbytes ( size_t n , int siz , void *ar ) ; int nifti_datatype_is_valid (int dtype, int for_nifti); int nifti_datatype_from_string(const char * name); const char * nifti_datatype_to_string (int dtype); int nifti_get_filesize( const char *pathname ) ; void swap_nifti_header ( struct nifti_1_header *h , int is_nifti ) ; void old_swap_nifti_header( struct nifti_1_header *h , int is_nifti ); int nifti_swap_as_analyze( nifti_analyze75 *h ); /* main read/write routines */ nifti_image *nifti_image_read_bricks(const char *hname , int nbricks, const int *blist, nifti_brick_list * NBL); int nifti_image_load_bricks(nifti_image *nim , int nbricks, const int *blist, nifti_brick_list * NBL); void nifti_free_NBL( nifti_brick_list * NBL ); nifti_image *nifti_image_read ( const char *hname , int read_data ) ; int nifti_image_load ( nifti_image *nim ) ; void nifti_image_unload ( nifti_image *nim ) ; void nifti_image_free ( nifti_image *nim ) ; int nifti_read_collapsed_image( nifti_image * nim, const int dims [8], void ** data ); int nifti_read_subregion_image( nifti_image * nim, int *start_index, int *region_size, void ** data ); void nifti_image_write ( nifti_image * nim ) ; void nifti_image_write_bricks(nifti_image * nim, const nifti_brick_list * NBL); void nifti_image_infodump( const nifti_image * nim ) ; void nifti_disp_lib_hist( void ) ; /* to display library history */ void nifti_disp_lib_version( void ) ; /* to display library version */ int nifti_disp_matrix_orient( const char * mesg, mat44 mat ); int nifti_disp_type_list( int which ); char * nifti_image_to_ascii ( const nifti_image * nim ) ; nifti_image *nifti_image_from_ascii( const char * str, int * bytes_read ) ; size_t nifti_get_volsize(const nifti_image *nim) ; /* basic file operations */ int nifti_set_filenames(nifti_image * nim, const char * prefix, int check, int set_byte_order); char * nifti_makehdrname (const char * prefix, int nifti_type, int check, int comp); char * nifti_makeimgname (const char * prefix, int nifti_type, int check, int comp); int is_nifti_file (const char *hname); char * nifti_find_file_extension(const char * name); int nifti_is_complete_filename(const char* fname); int nifti_validfilename(const char* fname); int disp_nifti_1_header(const char * info, const nifti_1_header * hp ) ; void nifti_set_debug_level( int level ) ; void nifti_set_skip_blank_ext( int skip ) ; void nifti_set_allow_upper_fext( int allow ) ; int valid_nifti_brick_list(nifti_image * nim , int nbricks, const int * blist, int disp_error); /* znzFile operations */ znzFile nifti_image_open(const char * hname, char * opts, nifti_image ** nim); znzFile nifti_image_write_hdr_img(nifti_image *nim, int write_data, const char* opts); znzFile nifti_image_write_hdr_img2( nifti_image *nim , int write_opts , const char* opts, znzFile imgfile, const nifti_brick_list * NBL); size_t nifti_read_buffer(znzFile fp, void* datatptr, size_t ntot, nifti_image *nim); int nifti_write_all_data(znzFile fp, nifti_image * nim, const nifti_brick_list * NBL); size_t nifti_write_buffer(znzFile fp, const void * buffer, size_t numbytes); nifti_image *nifti_read_ascii_image(znzFile fp, char *fname, int flen, int read_data); znzFile nifti_write_ascii_image(nifti_image *nim, const nifti_brick_list * NBL, const char * opts, int write_data, int leave_open); void nifti_datatype_sizes( int datatype , int *nbyper, int *swapsize ) ; void nifti_mat44_to_quatern( mat44 R , float *qb, float *qc, float *qd, float *qx, float *qy, float *qz, float *dx, float *dy, float *dz, float *qfac ) ; mat44 nifti_quatern_to_mat44( float qb, float qc, float qd, float qx, float qy, float qz, float dx, float dy, float dz, float qfac ); mat44 nifti_make_orthog_mat44( float r11, float r12, float r13 , float r21, float r22, float r23 , float r31, float r32, float r33 ) ; int nifti_short_order(void) ; /* CPU byte order */ /* Orientation codes that might be returned from nifti_mat44_to_orientation().*/ #define NIFTI_L2R 1 /* Left to Right */ #define NIFTI_R2L 2 /* Right to Left */ #define NIFTI_P2A 3 /* Posterior to Anterior */ #define NIFTI_A2P 4 /* Anterior to Posterior */ #define NIFTI_I2S 5 /* Inferior to Superior */ #define NIFTI_S2I 6 /* Superior to Inferior */ void nifti_mat44_to_orientation( mat44 R , int *icod, int *jcod, int *kcod ) ; /*--------------------- Low level IO routines ------------------------------*/ char * nifti_findhdrname (const char* fname); char * nifti_findimgname (const char* fname , int nifti_type); int nifti_is_gzfile (const char* fname); char * nifti_makebasename(const char* fname); /* other routines */ struct nifti_1_header nifti_convert_nim2nhdr(const nifti_image* nim); nifti_1_header * nifti_make_new_header(const int arg_dims[], int arg_dtype); nifti_1_header * nifti_read_header(const char *hname, int *swapped, int check); nifti_image * nifti_copy_nim_info(const nifti_image * src); nifti_image * nifti_make_new_nim(const int dims[], int datatype, int data_fill); nifti_image * nifti_simple_init_nim(void); nifti_image * nifti_convert_nhdr2nim(struct nifti_1_header nhdr, const char * fname); int nifti_hdr_looks_good (const nifti_1_header * hdr); int nifti_is_valid_datatype (int dtype); int nifti_is_valid_ecode (int ecode); int nifti_nim_is_valid (nifti_image * nim, int complain); int nifti_nim_has_valid_dims (nifti_image * nim, int complain); int is_valid_nifti_type (int nifti_type); int nifti_test_datatype_sizes (int verb); int nifti_type_and_names_match (nifti_image * nim, int show_warn); int nifti_update_dims_from_array(nifti_image * nim); void nifti_set_iname_offset (nifti_image *nim); int nifti_set_type_from_names (nifti_image * nim); int nifti_add_extension(nifti_image * nim, const char * data, int len, int ecode ); int nifti_compiled_with_zlib (void); int nifti_copy_extensions (nifti_image *nim_dest,const nifti_image *nim_src); int nifti_free_extensions (nifti_image *nim); int * nifti_get_intlist (int nvals , const char *str); char * nifti_strdup (const char *str); int valid_nifti_extensions(const nifti_image *nim); /*-------------------- Some C convenience macros ----------------------------*/ /* NIfTI-1.1 extension codes: see http://nifti.nimh.nih.gov/nifti-1/documentation/faq#Q21 */ #define NIFTI_ECODE_IGNORE 0 /* changed from UNKNOWN, 29 June 2005 */ #define NIFTI_ECODE_DICOM 2 /* intended for raw DICOM attributes */ #define NIFTI_ECODE_AFNI 4 /* Robert W Cox: rwcox@nih.gov http://afni.nimh.nih.gov/afni */ #define NIFTI_ECODE_COMMENT 6 /* plain ASCII text only */ #define NIFTI_ECODE_XCEDE 8 /* David B Keator: dbkeator@uci.edu http://www.nbirn.net/Resources /Users/Applications/ /xcede/index.htm */ #define NIFTI_ECODE_JIMDIMINFO 10 /* Mark A Horsfield: mah5@leicester.ac.uk http://someplace/something */ #define NIFTI_ECODE_WORKFLOW_FWDS 12 /* Kate Fissell: fissell@pitt.edu http://kraepelin.wpic.pitt.edu /~fissell/NIFTI_ECODE_WORKFLOW_FWDS /NIFTI_ECODE_WORKFLOW_FWDS.html */ #define NIFTI_ECODE_FREESURFER 14 /* http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu */ #define NIFTI_ECODE_PYPICKLE 16 /* embedded Python objects http://niftilib.sourceforge.net /pynifti */ /* LONI MiND codes: http://www.loni.ucla.edu/twiki/bin/view/Main/MiND */ #define NIFTI_ECODE_MIND_IDENT 18 /* Vishal Patel: vishal.patel@ucla.edu*/ #define NIFTI_ECODE_B_VALUE 20 #define NIFTI_ECODE_SPHERICAL_DIRECTION 22 #define NIFTI_ECODE_DT_COMPONENT 24 #define NIFTI_ECODE_SHC_DEGREEORDER 26 /* end LONI MiND codes */ #define NIFTI_ECODE_VOXBO 28 /* Dan Kimberg: www.voxbo.org */ #define NIFTI_ECODE_CARET 30 /* John Harwell: john@brainvis.wustl.edu http://brainvis.wustl.edu/wiki /index.php/Caret:Documentation :CaretNiftiExtension */ #define NIFTI_MAX_ECODE 30 /******* maximum extension code *******/ /* nifti_type file codes */ #define NIFTI_FTYPE_ANALYZE 0 #define NIFTI_FTYPE_NIFTI1_1 1 #define NIFTI_FTYPE_NIFTI1_2 2 #define NIFTI_FTYPE_ASCII 3 #define NIFTI_MAX_FTYPE 3 /* this should match the maximum code */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-- the rest of these apply only to nifti1_io.c, check for _NIFTI1_IO_C_ */ /* Feb 9, 2005 [rickr] */ #ifdef _NIFTI1_IO_C_ typedef struct { int debug; /*!< debug level for status reports */ int skip_blank_ext; /*!< skip extender if no extensions */ int allow_upper_fext; /*!< allow uppercase file extensions */ } nifti_global_options; typedef struct { int type; /* should match the NIFTI_TYPE_ #define */ int nbyper; /* bytes per value, matches nifti_image */ int swapsize; /* bytes per swap piece, matches nifti_image */ char const * const name; /* text string to match #define */ } nifti_type_ele; #undef LNI_FERR /* local nifti file error, to be compact and repetative */ #define LNI_FERR(func,msg,file) \ fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR (%s): %s '%s'\n",func,msg,file) #undef swap_2 #undef swap_4 #define swap_2(s) nifti_swap_2bytes(1,&(s)) /* s: 2-byte short; swap in place */ #define swap_4(v) nifti_swap_4bytes(1,&(v)) /* v: 4-byte value; swap in place */ /***** isfinite() is a C99 macro, which is present in many C implementations already *****/ #undef IS_GOOD_FLOAT #undef FIXED_FLOAT #ifdef isfinite /* use isfinite() to check floats/doubles for goodness */ # define IS_GOOD_FLOAT(x) isfinite(x) /* check if x is a "good" float */ # define FIXED_FLOAT(x) (isfinite(x) ? (x) : 0) /* fixed if bad */ #else # define IS_GOOD_FLOAT(x) 1 /* don't check it */ # define FIXED_FLOAT(x) (x) /* don't fix it */ #endif #undef ASSIF /* assign v to *p, if possible */ #define ASSIF(p,v) if( (p)!=NULL ) *(p) = (v) #undef MSB_FIRST #undef LSB_FIRST #undef REVERSE_ORDER #define LSB_FIRST 1 #define MSB_FIRST 2 #define REVERSE_ORDER(x) (3-(x)) /* convert MSB_FIRST <--> LSB_FIRST */ #define LNI_MAX_NIA_EXT_LEN 100000 /* consider a longer extension invalid */ #endif /* _NIFTI1_IO_C_ section */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*=================*/ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /*=================*/ #endif /* _NIFTI_IO_HEADER_ */