#!/usr/bin/env python # all about options (so may merge with afni_base) # do we want all of the import sys, os import afni_base as BASE import afni_util as UTIL # whine about execution as a main program if __name__ == '__main__': import sys print '** %s: not a main program' % sys.argv[0].split('/')[-1] sys.exit(1) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # history: see: afni_history -program option_list.py # # 07 May 2008 [rickr]: # - added doc string and reformatted add_opt() # - modified show() # - added class functions get_string_opt, get_string_list, # get_type_opt and get_type_list # # 06 June 2008 [rickr]: # - get_*_opt functions now return an error code along with the result # # 06 Nov 2008 [rickr]: # - added 'opt' param to get_type_opt and get_type_list # (to skip find_) # # 01 Dec 2008 [rickr]: # - added 'opt' param to get_string_opt and get_string_list # - initialized more parameters (to get_*) to make them optional # # 03 Oct 2012 [rickr]: # - add okdash parameter to option instances, to denote whether any # parameters may have dashes # # 27 Feb 2013 [rickr]: # - added Ziad's apsearch options: -all_opts, -h_find, -h_view # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This class provides functionality for processing lists of comopt elements. class OptionList: def __init__(self, label): self.label = label self.olist = [] # list of comopt elements self.trailers = 0 # for read_options: no trailing args allowed # from read_options: say there were such args self.show_count = 1 # display option count in show() self.verb = 1 # display option count in show() def add_opt(self, name, npar, deflist=[], acplist=[], req=0, setpar=0, \ helpstr = "", okdash=1): """add an option to the current OptionList name : option name, to be provided on command line npar : number of parameters > 0 --> require exactly that number < 0 --> require at least the positive number deflist : default parmeter list (required, for now) acplist : list of acceptable values req : flag: is this required? setpar : flag: set option parlist from deflist okdash : flag: if set, params are allowed to start with '-' """ com = BASE.comopt(name, npar, deflist, acplist, helpstr) com.required = req com.okdash = okdash if setpar: com.parlist = com.deflist self.olist.append(com) def sort(self): """sort command option list by name""" self.olist.sort(cmp=compare_comopts) def show(self, mesg = '', verb = 0, show_count=-1): if verb or mesg != '': print "%sOptionList: %s (len %d)" % \ (mesg, self.label, len(self.olist)) # allow override of class if show_count < 0: show_count = self.show_count for index in range(len(self.olist)): # possibly add short help string if verb and self.olist[index].helpstr : hs = ": %s" % self.olist[index].helpstr elif self.olist[index].n_found > 0 : hs = ' args found = %2d' % self.olist[index].n_found else : hs = '' if show_count: print "opt %02d: %-24s%s" % (index, self.olist[index].name, hs) else: print " %-24s%s" % (self.olist[index].name, hs) def find_opt(self, name, nth=1): # find nth occurance of option name """return nth comopt where name=name, else None""" index = 0 for com in self.olist: if com.name == name: index += 1 if index == nth: return com return None def find_all_opts(self, name): """return all comopts where name=name""" olist = [] for com in self.olist: if com.name == name: olist.append(com) return olist def have_yes_opt(self, name, default=0, nth=1): """return whether such an option exists and param[0] looks like 'yes' default : default value to return if the option does not exist nth : parameter for matching 'find_opt' """ opt = self.find_opt(name, nth=nth) if opt == None: return default if opt_is_yes(opt): return 1 return 0 def have_no_opt(self, name, default=0, nth=1): """return whether such an option exists and param[0] looks like 'no' default : default value to return if the option does not exist nth : parameter for matching 'find_opt' """ opt = self.find_opt(name, nth=nth) if opt == None: return defauldefault if opt_is_yes(opt): return 1 return 0 def count_opt(self, name): """return number of comopts where name=name""" count = 0 for com in self.olist: if com.name == name: count += 1 return count def del_opt(self, name, nth=1): # delete nth occurance of option label """delete nth comopt where name=name, else None""" count = 0 for index in range(len(self.olist)): if self.olist[index].name == name: count += 1 if count == nth: del self.olist[index] return 1 def get_string_opt(self, opt_name=None, opt=None, default=None): """return the option parameter string and err (if opt is passed, we don't need to find it) err = 0 on success, 1 on failure""" if opt == None: opt = self.find_opt(opt_name) if not opt or not opt.parlist: return default, 0 if not opt_name: opt_name = opt.name if len(opt.parlist) != 1: print "** expecting 1 parmeter for option '%s', have: %s" % \ (opt_name, opt.parlist) return default, 1 return opt.parlist[0], 0 def get_string_list(self, opt_name=None, opt=None): """return the option parameter string and an error code (if opt is passed, we don't need to find it)""" if opt == None: opt = self.find_opt(opt_name) if not opt or not opt.parlist or len(opt.parlist) < 1: return None,0 return opt.parlist, 0 def get_type_opt(self, type, opt_name='', opt=None): """return the option param value converted to the given type, and err (err = 0 on success, 1 on failure) If the opt element is passed, we don't need to find it. """ # if no opt was passed, try to find it if opt == None: opt = self.find_opt(opt_name) if not opt or not opt.parlist: return None, 0 if not opt_name: opt_name = opt.name if len(opt.parlist) != 1: print "** expectin 1 parameter for option '%s', have: %s" % \ (opt_name, opt.parlist) return None, 1 try: val = type(opt.parlist[0]) except: print "** cannot convert '%s' to %s" % (opt.parlist[0], type) return None, 1 return val, 0 def get_type_list(self, type, opt_name='', length=0, len_name='', opt=None, verb=1): """return a list of values of the given type, and err err will be set (1) if there is an error type : expected conversion type opt_name : option name to find in opts list length : expected length of option parameters (or 1) (if length == 0, return whatever is found) len_name : name of option that would define expected length opt : optionally provide a comopt element verb : verbose level Find opt_name in opts list. Verify that the parlist values are of the proper type and that there are either 1 or 'length' of them. If 1, duplicate it to length.""" if opt == None: opt = self.find_opt(opt_name) if not opt or not opt.parlist: return None, 0 if not opt_name: opt_name = opt.name olen = len(opt.parlist) if length > 0 and olen != 1 and olen != length: if verb: print '** %s takes 1 or %s (%d) values, have %d: %s' % \ (opt_name, len_name, length, olen, ', '.join(opt.parlist)) return None, 1 try: tlist = map(type,opt.parlist) except: if verb: print "** %s takes only %ss, have: %s" \ % (opt_name,type,opt.parlist) return None, 1 if length > 0 and olen != length: # expand the list tlist = [tlist[0] for i in range(length)] if verb > 1: print '++ expanding %s to list %s' % (opt_name, tlist) elif verb > 1: print '-- have %s list %s' % (opt_name, tlist) return tlist, 0 # return the list # rcr - improve this garbage def check_special_opts(self, argv): """process known '-optlist_* options' and other global_opts, nuking them from argv some options are terminal """ # global options (some take a parameter) global_opts = [ '-optlist_verbose', '-optlist_no_show_count', '-all_opts', '-h_find', '-h_view' ] alen = len(argv) if '-optlist_verbose' in argv: ind = argv.index('-optlist_verbose') self.verb = 4 argv[ind:ind+1] = [] print '++ optlist: setting verb to %d' % self.verb if '-optlist_no_show_count' in argv: ind = argv.index('-optlist_no_show_count') self.show_count = 0 argv[ind:ind+1] = [] if self.verb>1: print '++ optlist: clearing show_count' # terminal options (all end in exit) if '-all_opts' in argv: oname = '-all_opts' ind = argv.index(oname) prog = os.path.basename(argv[0]) self.show(verb=1) sys.exit(0) if '-h_find' in argv: oname = '-h_find' ind = argv.index(oname) prog = os.path.basename(argv[0]) if ind == alen-1: print '** global opt %s needs %s option as parameter' \ % (oname, prog) sys.exit(1) cmd = 'apsearch -phelp %s -word %s' % (prog, argv[ind+1]) if self.verb>1: print '++ optlist: applying %s via: %s'%(oname,cmd) BASE.simple_shell_exec(cmd) sys.exit(0) if '-h_view' in argv: oname = '-h_view' ind = argv.index(oname) prog = os.path.basename(argv[0]) cmd = 'apsearch -view_prog_help %s' % prog if self.verb>1: print '++ optlist: applying %s via: %s'%(oname,cmd) BASE.simple_shell_exec(cmd) sys.exit(0) if self.verb > 1: print '-- argv: orig len %d, new len %d' % (alen,len(argv)) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # read_options: # given an argument list, and OptionList of acceptable options, # return an OptionList of found options, or None on failure def read_options(argv, oplist, verb = -1): """Input an OptionList element, containing a list of options, required or not, and return an OptionList of options as they are found. If verb is not passed, apply that of oplist. return: an OptionList element, or None on a terminal error note: options may occur more than once """ OL = OptionList("read_options") if verb < 0: verb = oplist.verb alen = len(argv) if alen == 0: return OL # prepare a dictionary counting uses of each user option namelist = {} for co in oplist.olist: if co.name in namelist: # complain if input list contains repeats print "** RO warning: option '%s' appears more than once"%co.name namelist[co.name] = 0 if verb > 1 : print "-d namelist: ", namelist # parse the input arguments: # for each arg, verify arg is option, then process params # so ac increments by 1+num_params each time ac = 1 while ac < alen: # -optlist_* : global options to be ignored if argv[ac] in [ '-optlist_verbose', '-optlist_no_show_count' ]: if oplist.verb > 1: print "-- found optlist opt '%s'" % argv[ac] ac += 1 continue com = oplist.find_opt(argv[ac]) if com: namelist[argv[ac]] += 1 # increment dictionary count if verb > 2: print "+d found option '%s'" % com.name if verb > 3: print "-d remaining args: %s" % argv[ac:-1] # create new return option newopt = BASE.comopt(com.name, com.n_exp, com.deflist) newopt.i_name = ac # current index into argv newopt.acceptlist = com.acceptlist newopt.required = com.required ac += 1 # now point to next argument # create parlist of potential parameters if newopt.n_exp > 0: # try to insert that number of args if newopt.n_exp <= alen - ac: if verb > 2: print "+d adding %d params" % newopt.n_exp parlist = argv[ac:ac+newopt.n_exp] else: # too few args print "** error: arg #%d (%s) requires %d params" % \ (ac-1, newopt.name, newopt.n_exp) return None elif newopt.n_exp < 0: # grab everything, and truncate later if verb > 2: print "+d start with all %d params" % (alen-ac) parlist = argv[ac:] else: parlist = [] # n_exp == 0 # truncate parlist if it contains an option for pc in range(len(parlist)): if parlist[pc] in namelist: # then we have pc 'good' params parlist = parlist[:pc] if verb > 1: print "-d truncate %s after %d of %d" % \ (newopt.name, pc, len(parlist)) break; # now check parlist against acceptlist if newopt.acceptlist: for par in parlist: # check against repr(list element), since par is a string # (search slowly for older versions of python) found = 0 for accpar in newopt.acceptlist: if par == str(accpar): found = 1 if not found: # panic into error! aaas yoooou wiiiiish... print "** option %s: param '%s' is not in: %s" % \ (newopt.name, par, newopt.acceptlist) return None # what else can we do? # so do we still have enough parameters? if newopt.n_exp < 0: nreq = abs(newopt.n_exp) else: nreq = newopt.n_exp if len(parlist) < nreq: print "** error: arg #%d (%s) requires %d params, found %d" % \ (ac-1, newopt.name, nreq, len(parlist)) return None # we have a full parlist, possibly check for dashes now if not com.okdash: for par in parlist: if not par: continue # check for empty param? too anal? if par[0] == '-': print '** option %s has illegal dashed parameter: %s' \ % (newopt.name, par) print ' --> maybe parameter is a mis-typed option?' return None # success! insert the remaining list newopt.parlist = parlist newopt.n_found = len(parlist) else: # we seem to be done with expected arguments # there should not be any options in this final list for arg in argv[ac:]: if arg in namelist: print "** error: option %s follows unknown arg #%d (%s)" % \ (arg, ac, argv[ac]) return None if not oplist.trailers : # then trailers are not allowed print "** error: unknown trailing arguments : %s" % argv[ac:] return None # insert remaining args as trailers newopt = BASE.comopt('trailers', -1, []) newopt.n_found = alen - ac newopt.parlist = argv[ac:] if verb > 2: print "-- found trailing args: %s" % newopt.parlist OL.olist.append(newopt) # insert newopt into our return list ac += newopt.n_found # and increment the argument counter # now we have processed all of argv # any unused comopt that has a deflist can be used (else error) for co in oplist.olist: if namelist[co.name] == 0: # may still be okay if co.required: print "** error: missing option %s" % co.name return None elif len(co.deflist) > 0: # use it newopt = BASE.comopt(co.name, len(co.deflist), co.deflist) newopt.parlist = newopt.deflist # leave n_found at -1, so calling function knows OL.olist.append(newopt) # insert newopt into our return list if verb > 2: print "++ applying default opt '%s', args: %s" % \ (co.name, newopt.deflist) if verb > 1 : OL.show("-d all found options: ") if verb > 3 : print "-d final optlist with counts: ", namelist return OL def opt_is_yes(opt): """return 1 if and only if option has yes/Yes/YES for oplist[0]""" if opt == None: return 0 rv = 0 try: val = opt.parlist[0] if val == 'yes' or val == 'Yes' or val == 'YES' \ or val == 'Y' or val == 'y': rv = 1 except: pass return rv def opt_is_no(opt): """return 1 if and only if option has no/No/NO for oplist[0]""" if opt == None: return 0 rv = 0 try: val = opt.parlist[0] if val == 'no' or val == 'No' or val == 'NO' \ or val == 'N' or val == 'n': rv = 1 except: pass return rv def opt_is_val(opt, optval): """return 1 if and only if opt.oplist[0] == optval""" if opt == None: return 0 rv = 0 try: if opt.parlist[0] == optval: rv = 1 except: pass return rv def compare_comopts(c1, c2): """comparison function for use in sort() return -1, 0, 1 for c1 compared with c2 """ if c1.name < c2.name: return -1 if c1.name > c2.name: return 1 return 0 def test_comopts(): okopts = OptionList('for_input') okopts.add_opt('-a', 1, ['4' ] ) okopts.add_opt('-dsets', -1, [ ] ) okopts.add_opt('-debug', 1, ['0' ], range(4) ) okopts.add_opt('-c', 2, ['21', '24'] ) okopts.add_opt('-d', -1, [ ] ) okopts.add_opt('-e', -2, ['21', '24', '265'] ) okopts.trailers = 1 # allow trailing args okopts.show('------ possible input options ------ ') found_opts = read_options(sys.argv, okopts) if found_opts: found_opts.show('------ found options ------ ') # if __name__ == '__main__': # test_comopts()