#!/usr/bin/env python # basically, a GUI to write an afni_proc.py command import sys, os, copy, math # system libraries : test, then import as local symbols import module_test_lib testlibs = ['copy', 'signal'] if module_test_lib.num_import_failures(testlibs): sys.exit(1) import copy import afni_util as UTIL import lib_subjects as SUBJ import lib_uber_skel as USKEL import option_list as OPT g_command_help = """ =========================================================================== uber_skel.py - sample uber processing program (based on uber_align_test.py, version 0.2) usage: uber_skel.py --- This help describes only the command line options to this program, which enables one to: - initialize user variables (for GUI or command line) - initialize control variables (for GUI or command line) - pass PyQt4 options directly to the GUI - run without the GUI ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Examples: GUI examples: uber_skel.py uber_skel.py -qt_opts -style=motif Informational examples: -------------------------------------------------- There are some programming comments available here: uber_skel.py -help_howto_program -------------------------------------------------- uber_skel.py -help uber_skel.py -help_gui uber_skel.py -hist uber_skel.py -show_valid_opts uber_skel.py -ver Non-GUI examples (all have -no_gui): uber_skel.py -no_gui -print_script \\ -uvar anat FT/FT_anat+orig \\ -uvar epi FT/FT_epi_r1+orig uber_skel.py -no_gui -save_script align.test \\ -uvar anat FT/FT_anat+orig \\ -uvar epi FT/FT_epi_r1+orig \\ -uvar epi_base 2 \\ -uvar epi_strip_meth 3dAutomask \\ -uvar align_centers yes \\ -uvar giant_move yes \\ -uvar cost ls \\ -uvar multi_list lpc lpc+ lpc+ZZ lpa ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - R Reynolds May, 2011 =========================================================================== """ class AlignInterface(object): def __init__(self): self.verb = 1 self.valid_opts = self.get_valid_opts() def get_valid_opts(self): """return an OptionsList of valid program options""" # terminal, informative options vopts = OPT.OptionList('uber_subject.py options') vopts.add_opt('-help', 0, [], helpstr='show this help') vopts.add_opt('-help_gui', 0, [], helpstr='show help for GUI') vopts.add_opt('-help_todo', 0, [], helpstr='show todo list') vopts.add_opt('-help_howto_program',0,[],helpstr='programming overview') vopts.add_opt('-hist', 0, [], helpstr='show revision history') vopts.add_opt('-show_default_vars',0,[],helpstr='show variable defaults') vopts.add_opt('-show_valid_opts',0,[],helpstr='show all valid options') vopts.add_opt('-ver', 0, [], helpstr='show module version') vopts.add_opt('-verb', 1, [], helpstr='set verbose level') vopts.add_opt('-no_gui', 0, [], helpstr='do not open graphical interface') vopts.add_opt('-qt_opts',-1, [],helpstr='pass the given options to PyQt') vopts.add_opt('-print_script', 0, [], helpstr='print align test script') vopts.add_opt('-save_script', 1, [], helpstr='save align test script') vopts.add_opt('-cvar', -2, [], helpstr='set control variable') vopts.add_opt('-uvar', -2, [], helpstr='set user variable to value') vopts.trailers = 0 # do not allow unknown options return vopts def process_options(self): """return 1 on valid and exit 0 on valid and continue -1 on invalid """ argv = sys.argv # a quick out (no help, continue and open GUI) if len(argv) == 0: return 0 # process any optlist_ options self.valid_opts.check_special_opts(argv) # ------------------------------------------------------------ # check for terminal options before processing the rest if '-help' in argv: print g_command_help return 1 if '-help_gui' in argv: print USKEL.helpstr_gui return 1 if '-help_howto_program' in argv: print USKEL.helpstr_create_program return 1 if '-help_todo' in argv: print USKEL.helpstr_todo return 1 if '-hist' in argv: print USKEL.g_history return 1 if '-show_default_vars' in argv: USKEL.g_user_defs.show('default uvars :') return 1 if '-show_valid_opts' in argv: self.valid_opts.show('', 1) return 1 if '-ver' in argv: print 'uber_skel.py: version %s' % USKEL.g_version return 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------ # read and process user options (no check for terminal opts) self.uopts = OPT.read_options(argv, self.valid_opts) if not self.uopts: return -1 uopts = self.uopts # convenience # init subject options struct self.cvars = SUBJ.VarsObject('control vars from command line') self.uvars = SUBJ.VarsObject('user vars from command line') self.guiopts = ['uber_skel.py'] # first set verbose level val, err = uopts.get_type_opt(int, '-verb') if val != None and not err: self.verb = val else: self.verb = 1 SUBJ.set_var_str_from_def('uvars', 'verb', ['%d'%self.verb], self.uvars, defs=USKEL.g_user_defs) use_gui = 1 # assume GUI unless we hear otherwise # first process all setup options errs = 0 for opt in uopts.olist: # skip -verb (any terminal option should block getting here) if opt.name == '-verb': continue # and skip and post-setup options (print command, save, etc.) elif opt.name == '-print_script': continue elif opt.name == '-save_script': continue # now go after "normal" options if opt.name == '-no_gui': use_gui = 0 continue # get any PyQt4 options elif opt.name == '-qt_opts': val, err = uopts.get_string_list('', opt=opt) if val != None and err: return -1 self.guiopts.extend(val) # cvar requires at least 2 parameters, name and value elif opt.name == '-cvar': val, err = uopts.get_string_list('', opt=opt) if val != None and err: return -1 # and set it from the form name = [value_list] if SUBJ.set_var_str_from_def('cvars', val[0], val[1:], self.cvars, USKEL.g_ctrl_defs, verb=self.verb) < 0: errs += 1 continue # uvar requires at least 2 parameters, name and value elif opt.name == '-uvar': val, err = uopts.get_string_list('', opt=opt) if val != None and err: return -1 # and set it from the form name = [value_list] if SUBJ.set_var_str_from_def('uvars', val[0], val[1:], self.uvars, USKEL.g_user_defs, verb=self.verb) < 0: errs += 1 continue if not errs: # then we can handle any processing options if uopts.find_opt('-print_script'): self.print_script() if not errs: # then we can handle any processing options opt = uopts.find_opt('-save_script') if opt != None: val, err = uopts.get_string_opt('', opt=opt) if val != None and not err: self.save_script(val) if errs: return -1 if use_gui: return 0 # continue and open GUI else: return 1 # no error, but terminate on return def print_script(self): """create alignment script and print to terminal""" atest, cmd = self.get_script() print cmd def save_script(self, fname): atest, cmd = self.get_script() if cmd == '': return if atest.write_script(fname): print '** failed to write afni_proc.py command to disk' def get_script(self): """return the AlignTest object and script (print warnings and errors to screen)""" atest = USKEL.AlignTest(self.cvars, self.uvars) nwarn, wstr = atest.get_warnings() status, mesg = atest.get_script() if status: # only show errors print '%s\nERRORS:\n\n%s\n' % (75*'*', mesg) cmd = '' else: if wstr: print '%s\n**** Warnings:\n\n%s\n%s\n' % (75*'-',wstr,75*'-') cmd = '### alignment test script:\n\n%s\n' % mesg return atest, cmd def run_gui(self): try: from PyQt4 import QtGui except: print '\n**** failed to import PyQt4.QtGui ****\n\n' \ ' PyQt4 must be installed to run the uber_subject.py GUI\n' \ ' --> see the output of: uber_subject.py -help_install\n' return 1 # if the above worked, let any GUI import errors show normally import gui_uber_skel as GUT app = QtGui.QApplication(self.guiopts) D = GUT.MainWindow(cvars=self.cvars, uvars=self.uvars, set_pdir=1) QtGui.QApplication.setStyle(QtGui.QStyleFactory.create("cleanlooks")) D.show() app.exec_() return 0 def main(): aint = AlignInterface() if not aint: return 1 rv = aint.process_options() if rv > 0: return 0 # terminal success elif rv < 0: return 1 # terminal failure # else rv == 0, so continue with GUI return aint.run_gui() if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())