This is the collection of atlases distributed by default with the AFNI binaries. There are other atlas packages available from the AFNI website which are not included by default. The distributed set is under (directory or direct tgz): version history (starting LATE, in 2020): 1.00 ... many updates by RWC and DRG ... 1.01 2020.06.30 add TT_N27_SSW.nii.gz [PT] 1.02 2021.03.06 add MNI_Glasser_HCP_v1.0.nii.gz [DRG] 1.03 2022.01.21 rename 'current' to 'afni_atlases_dist' [RCR] 1.04 2022.04.07 adding in center locations to caez_ml macrolabel atlases [DRG] 1.05 2022.04.24 add afni_refacer_shell_sym_1.0.nii.gz [PT] add afni_refacer_shell_sym_2.0.nii.gz 1.06 2022.09.07 added 116 Cerebellar Vermis (10) to macrolabel atlases [DRG] 2.00 2024.03.12 many atlases removed or added [DRG] removed: TTatlas, CA_MPM_18, MNI_ANAT*, etc. added: Brodmann_Pijn*, Julich*, Freesurfer atlases see: 2.01 2024.03.19 added APQC_atlas_MNI* atlases for APQC [PT]