#!/bin/tcsh @global_parse `basename $0` "$*" ; if ($status) exit 0 #set version = "0.0"; set rev_dat = "June 3, 2022" # [PT] creation of this script, which (at present) is a useful # precursor for EPI-anatomical alignment. # #set version = "1.0"; set rev_dat = "June 3, 2022" # [PT] add help file # #set version = "1.1"; set rev_dat = "July 4, 2022" # [PT] change how masking is turned off # set version = "1.2"; set rev_dat = "Jan 29, 2024" # [PT] change how local_mask is parsed, so '-mask DSET' is # properly handled with an initial dset copy to the wdir # # ---------------------------------------------------------------- set abbrev = "LocalUni" # ----------------------- set defaults -------------------------- set input = "" set opref = "" set odir = "." set pppp = "`3dnewid -fun11`" set wdir_base = "__wdir_${abbrev}" set wdir_name = "${wdir_base}_${pppp}" set local_perc = 50 set local_rad = -3 set local_mask = "-automask" set filt_thr = 1.5 set overwrite = "" set DO_CLEAN = 1 # default: keep working dir # ------------------- process options, a la rr ---------------------- if ( $#argv == 0 ) goto SHOW_HELP set ac = 1 while ( $ac <= $#argv ) # terminal options if ( ("$argv[$ac]" == "-h" ) || ("$argv[$ac]" == "-help" )) then goto SHOW_HELP endif if ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-ver" ) then goto SHOW_VERSION endif if ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-echo" ) then set echo # ----------- required else if ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-input" ) then if ( $ac >= $#argv ) goto FAIL_MISSING_ARG @ ac += 1 set input = "$argv[$ac]" else if ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-prefix" ) then if ( $ac >= $#argv ) goto FAIL_MISSING_ARG @ ac += 1 set opref = `basename "$argv[$ac]"` set odir = `dirname "$argv[$ac]"` # ----------- 3dLocalStat opts else if ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-local_perc" ) then if ( $ac >= $#argv ) goto FAIL_MISSING_ARG @ ac += 1 set local_perc = "$argv[$ac]" else if ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-local_rad" ) then if ( $ac >= $#argv ) goto FAIL_MISSING_ARG @ ac += 1 set local_rad = "$argv[$ac]" else if ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-local_mask" ) then if ( $ac >= $#argv ) goto FAIL_MISSING_ARG @ ac += 1 set local_mask = "$argv[$ac]" # special case to turn off masking if ( "${local_mask}" == "None" ) then set local_mask = "" endif else if ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-wdir_name" ) then if ( $ac >= $#argv ) goto FAIL_MISSING_ARG @ ac += 1 set wdir_name = "$argv[$ac]" set check = `echo "${wdir_name}" | grep '/'` if ( "${check}" != "" ) then echo "\n\n** ERROR: -wdir_name arg must not have '/':" echo " '${wdir_name}'\n\n" goto BAD_EXIT endif else if ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-filter_thr" ) then if ( $ac >= $#argv ) goto FAIL_MISSING_ARG @ ac += 1 set filt_thr = "$argv[$ac]" else if ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-overwrite" ) then set overwrite = "-overwrite" else if ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-no_clean" ) then set DO_CLEAN = 0 else echo "\n\n** ERROR: unexpected option #$ac = '$argv[$ac]'\n\n" goto BAD_EXIT endif @ ac += 1 end # ======================================================================= # ============================ ** SETUP ** ============================== # ======================================================================= if ( "${input}" == "" ) then echo "** ERROR: missing input file. Use '-input ..'" goto BAD_EXIT endif if ( "${opref}" == "" ) then echo "** ERROR: missing output prefix. Use '-prefix ..'" goto BAD_EXIT endif # ===================== output dir + wdir ======================= echo "++ Start 3dLocalUnifize work" # check output directory, use input one if nothing given if ( ! -e "${odir}" ) then echo "++ Making new output directory: ${odir}" \mkdir -p "${odir}" endif set wdir = "${odir}/${wdir_name}" # make the working directory if ( ! -e "${wdir}" ) then echo "++ Making working directory: ${wdir}" \mkdir -p "${wdir}" else echo "+* WARNING: Somehow found a premade working directory (?):" echo " ${wdir}" endif # check about whether local_mask opt uses a mask dset; if so, copy # that mask to wdir and change var to use that local copy set nlm = `python -c "print(len('${local_mask}'.split()))"` if ( "${nlm}" == "2" ) then # does local_mask start with '-mask'? set lll = `echo "${local_mask}" | awk '{print $1}'` if ( "${lll}" == "-mask" ) then # if here, we have a mask dset input # get name of mask; careful of subbrick selectors set mmm = `echo "${local_mask}" | awk '{print $2}'` # copy the dset 3dTcat ${overwrite} \ -prefix "${wdir}/dset_mask.nii.gz" \ "${mmm}" if ( $status ) then echo "** ERROR when processing local_mask opt: '${local_mask}'" goto BAD_EXIT endif # edit the local_mask opt to use the local wdir mask name set local_mask = "-mask dset_mask.nii.gz" endif endif # ======================= main program work =========================== # Copy original image in set idset = "${input}" set odset_cp = dset_00_cp.nii.gz 3dTcat ${overwrite} \ -prefix "${wdir}/${odset_cp}" \ "${idset}" cd "${wdir}" # Calc the smooth/median image set idset = "${odset_cp}" set odset_lu = dset_01_lu.nii.gz 3dLocalstat ${overwrite} \ ${local_mask} \ -nbhd "SPHERE(${local_rad})" \ -stat "perc:${local_perc}:${local_perc}:1" \ -prefix "${odset_lu}" \ "${idset}" # Calc the ratio of original to this set idset = "${odset_lu}" set jdset = "${odset_cp}" set odset_rat = dset_02_rat.nii.gz 3dcalc ${overwrite} \ -a "${idset}" \ -b "${jdset}" \ -expr "b/a" \ -prefix "${odset_rat}" set dset_out = "${odset_rat}" # (opt) Filter possible outlier ratio values if ( `echo "${filt_thr} > 0 " | bc` ) then echo "++ Apply filter threshold to scaled image: ${filt_thr}" set idset = "${odset_rat}" set odset_filt = dset_03_filt.nii.gz 3dcalc ${overwrite} \ -a "${idset}" \ -expr "maxbelow(${filt_thr},a)" \ -prefix "${odset_filt}" set dset_out = "${odset_filt}" else echo "++ NO filter threshold will be applied to the scaled image" endif # ----------- finish 3dcopy ${overwrite} \ "${dset_out}" \ "../${opref}" # ------------------------- wrap up ---------------------------- # move out of wdir to the odir cd .. set whereout = "$PWD" if ( "$DO_CLEAN" == "1" ) then echo "\n+* Removing the working dir: '${wdir_name}'\n" \rm -rf "${wdir_name}" else echo "\n++ NOT removing the working dir: '${wdir_name}'\n" endif echo "" echo "++ DONE! View the finished, locally-unifized product:" echo " ${whereout}/${opref}" echo "" goto GOOD_EXIT # ======================================================================== # ======================================================================== SHOW_HELP: cat << EOF ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OVERVIEW ~1~ This program takes an input and generates a simple "unifized" output volume. It estimates the median in the local neighborhood of each voxel, and uses that to scale each voxel's brightness. The result is a new dataset of brightness of order 1, which still has the interesting structure(s) present in the original. This program's output looks very useful to help with dataset alignment (esp. EPI-to-anatomical) in a wide array of cases. ver : ${version} date : ${rev_dat} auth : PA Taylor (SSCC, NIMH, NIH) USAGE ~1~ This program is generally run as: 3dLocalUnifize [options] -prefix DSET_OUT -input DSET_IN where the following options exist: -input DSET_IN :(req) input dataset -prefix DSET_OUT :(req) output dataset name, including path -wdir_name WD :name of temporary working directory, which should not contain any path information---it will be created in the same directory as the final dataset is created (def: ${wdir_base}_, plus a random alphanumeric str) -echo :run this program very verbosely (def: don't do so) -no_clean :do not remove the working directory (def: remove it) ... and the following are 'tinkering' options, likely not needed in most cases: -local_rad LR :the spherical neighborhood's radius for the 3dLocalStat step (def: ${local_rad}) -local_perc LP :the percentile used in the 3dLocalStat step, generating the scaling volume (def: ${local_perc}) -local_mask LM :provide the masking option to be used in the 3dLocalStat step, which should be enclosed in quotes for passing along to the internal program call. So, to use a pre-existing mask, you might call this option like: -local_mask "-mask my_mask.nii.gz" To remove any masking, put the special keyword "None" as the option value. (def: "${local_mask}") -filter_thr FT :put a ceiling on values in the final, scaled dataset, whose values should be of order 1; setting FT to be a value <=0 turns off this final filtering (def: ${filt_thr}) NOTES ~1~ This program is designed to not need a lot of tinkering with options, such as the '-local_* ..' ones. In most cases, the default scaling will be useful. EXAMPLES ~1~ 1. Basic local unifizing: 3dLocalUnifize \\ -prefix vr_base_LU \\ -input vr_base_min_outlier+orig.HEAD 1. Same as above, without masking: 3dLocalUnifize \\ -prefix vr_base_LU_FOV \\ -input vr_base_min_outlier+orig.HEAD \\ -local_mask None EOF # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- goto GOOD_EXIT SHOW_VERSION: echo "version $version (${rev_dat})" goto GOOD_EXIT FAIL_MISSING_ARG: echo "** ERROR! Missing an argument after option flag: '$argv[$ac]'" goto BAD_EXIT BAD_EXIT: exit 1 GOOD_EXIT: exit 0