#!/bin/tcsh -f set VerNum = '3.2 (09/02/03)' if ("$1" == '' || "$1" == '-h' || "$1" == '-help' || "$5" == '') then goto USAGE endif #count arguments set Nargs = $#argv set To3Dint = 0 set UseGp = 0 set GeomOption = '' set Autoto3d = 1 set KeepPrefix = 0 set OutCheck = 0 set PatOpt = 'alt+z' set OutDir = 'afni' if ($Nargs > 5) then #for the moment this is for interactive mode set cnt = 6 while ($cnt <= $Nargs) switch ($argv[$cnt]) case -oc: set OutCheck = 1 breaksw case -kp: set KeepPrefix = 1 breaksw case -i: set To3Dint = 1 breaksw case -sp: @ cnt ++ if ($Nargs < $cnt) then echo "" echo "ERROR: You must specify a pattern option after -sp." echo "" goto ENDALL endif set PatOpt = $argv[$cnt] breaksw case -od: @ cnt ++ if ($Nargs < $cnt) then echo "" echo "ERROR: You must specify a pattern option after -od." echo "" goto ENDALL endif set OutDir = $argv[$cnt] breaksw case -gp_OBSOLETE: #IF YOU DECIDE TO REUSE THIS OPTION: #You'll need to make sure -od option does #not occur after this one and replace "afni/" with #$OutDir/ below. set UseGp = 1 @ cnt ++ if ($Nargs < $cnt) then echo "" echo "ERROR: You must specify a geometry parent brick name after -gp." echo "" endif #trim then form the name and make sure it exists in the present directory or in the afni directory. set GeomParent = $argv[$cnt] set GeomParent = $GeomParent:r set GeomParent = `echo $GeomParent | sed 's/+orig//'` set GeomParent = "$GeomParent""+orig" if ( -f $GeomParent".HEAD") then #OK, enough now else if (-f afni/$GeomParent".HEAD") then echo "" echo "WARNING:" echo " Found geometry parent $GeomParent in afni directory." echo "" set GeomParent = "afni/$GeomParent" else goto NOGEOMPARENT endif set GeomOption = "-geomparent $GeomParent" breaksw default: goto BADOPT breaksw endsw @ cnt ++ end endif #check if you're in the output directory and suggest going back one if ("$cwd:t" == "$OutDir") then echo "" echo "WARNING:" echo "It looks like you're in the output directory $OutDir." echo "If your images are not here you'll get an error message from to3d" echo "Usually your data should reside one directory back." echo "If you want to abort this script, hit ctrl+c" echo "Otherwise, hit Enter to Proceed ..." echo "" set junk = $< endif set DirN = $1 set sDir = `count_afni -digits 3 $DirN $DirN` set Nloc = $2 set Nslc = $3 set Nreps = $4 set TR = 0 set BrickRoot = "$5" set LogFile = "./MAPLOG_Panga" set aDir = "$OutDir" set Ntot = `expr $Nslc \* $Nreps` set listfile = "./PangaList" #make directorie and check for bricks test -d $aDir || mkdir $aDir #determine the appropriate brickroot if ($KeepPrefix == 0) then set loop = 1 set found = 1 set cnt = 1 while ($loop ) set cnt_pd = $cnt set BrickPrefix = $BrickRoot"_r"$cnt_pd test -f $aDir/$BrickPrefix'+orig.HEAD' || set found = 0 if ($found == 0) then set loop = 0 endif @ cnt ++ end echo "Will use $BrickPrefix for this data set." else set BrickPrefix = $BrickRoot echo "Using $BrickPrefix for output data set." endif test -f $aDir/$BrickPrefix'+orig.HEAD' && goto BRIKINafni RENAMING: set Nimage = 0 echo "Forming image list ..." test -d $sDir || goto NOSDIR set NlocPad = `count_afni -digits 3 $Nloc $Nloc` set NimagePad = `count_afni -digits 5 $Nimage $Nimage` echo "" echo "Logfile for $BrickPrefix $cwd `date` (`basename $0` Version $VerNum)" >> $LogFile echo "From $sDir/I.$NlocPad ..." echo "From $sDir/I.$NlocPad ..." >> $LogFile test -f $listfile && rm -f $listfile set Nremain = `expr $Ntot - $Nimage` #remaining images while ($Nremain > 0) #echo "Nimage $Nimage, Nloc $Nloc, Ntot $Ntot, Nremain $Nremain" # set Nwhatapain = `expr $Nremain + $Nloc` # *** Dec 23 03 set Nwhatapain = `expr $Nremain + $Nloc - 1` # ** Jun 07 04 [rickr] #add first image's offset to next condition or indexing #will fail for time series containing #less than 1000 images total if ($Nwhatapain > 999) then #echo 'Full' #echo "in $sDir from $Nloc to 999" # add -column since addto_args() has 4096 byte limit count -column -digit 3 -root $sDir/I. $Nloc 999 \ >> $listfile set Nimage = `expr $Nimage + 999 - $Nloc + 1` set Nremain = `expr $Ntot - $Nimage` set Nloc = 1 set NimagePad = `count_afni -digits 3 $Nimage $Nimage` set NLocPad = `count_afni -digits 3 $Nloc $Nloc` set DirN = `expr $DirN + 20` set sDir = `count_afni -digits 3 $DirN $DirN` test -d $sDir || goto NOSDIR #echo " $sDir ..." else if ($Nremain > 0) then #echo 'Frac' set Nend = `expr $Nremain + $Nloc` @ Nend -- #echo "in $sDir from $Nloc to $Nend" set NendPad = `count_afni -digits 3 $Nend $Nend` count -column -digit 3 -root $sDir/I. $Nloc $Nend \ >> $listfile set Nimage = `expr $Nimage + $Nend` set Nremain = `expr $Ntot - $Nimage` #echo $Nimage $Nremain endif end echo " to $sDir/I.$NendPad" echo " to $sDir/I.$NendPad" >> $LogFile echo "Done with File List. on to To3D ..." echo "" goto TO3D NOSDIR: echo "" echo "ERROR:\012Directory $sDir not found." echo "" goto ENDALL NOGEOMPARENT: echo "" echo "ERROR:\012Geometry parent file $GeomParent not found. Make sure you specify its path along with its name." echo "" goto ENDALL TO3D: if (0) then set SYS = `uname -s` if ("$SYS" =~ "Linux") then set SwapOpt = "-2swap" else set SwapOpt = '' endif else #to3d now takes care of swapping set SwapOpt = '' endif set OutlierFile = $BrickPrefix'_Outliers.1D' if ($OutCheck == 1) then set OutCheckOpt = "-save_outliers $OutlierFile" else set OutCheckOpt = '-skip_outliers' endif #default params for Coronal images #set DefSize = "-xFOV 120R-L -yFOV 120S-I -zSLAB 20P-A" #pre automation if ($To3Dint == 1) then #interactive mode or geometry parent specified set DefSize = '-nosave' else set DefSize = '' endif echo "Now Running: to3d $OutCheckOpt $GeomOption -epan -prefix $BrickPrefix $SwapOpt -time:zt $Nslc $Nreps $TR $PatOpt $DefSize -@ < $listfile" echo "" echo "to3d $OutCheckOpt $GeomOption -epan -prefix $BrickPrefix $SwapOpt -time:zt $Nslc $Nreps $TR $PatOpt $DefSize -@ < $listfile" >> $LogFile to3d $OutCheckOpt $GeomOption -epan -prefix $BrickPrefix $SwapOpt -time:zt $Nslc $Nreps $TR $PatOpt $DefSize -@ < $listfile test -f $BrickPrefix'+orig.HEAD' || goto NOBRIK mv $BrickPrefix'+orig.HEAD' $BrickPrefix'+orig.BRIK'* $aDir test -f $OutlierFile && mv $OutlierFile $aDir echo 'Done with To3D. ' goto AFNI LOOKFORMISSING: set Nimage = 1 echo "Searching for missing image, this takes a while ..." echo "Now in $sDir ..." set NlocPad = `count_afni -digits 3 $Nloc $Nloc` set NimagePad = `count_afni -digits 5 $Nimage $Nimage` while ($Nimage <= $Ntot) if ($Nloc > 999) then set Nloc = 1 set DirN = `expr $DirN + 20` set sDir = `count_afni -digits 3 $DirN $DirN` echo "Now in $sDir ..." set NlocPad = `count_afni -digits 3 $Nloc $Nloc` set NimagePad = `count_afni -digits 5 $Nimage $Nimage` endif set NlocPad = `count_afni -digits 3 $Nloc $Nloc` set NimagePad = `count_afni -digits 5 $Nimage $Nimage` test -f $sDir/I.$NlocPad || goto MISSINGFILE @ Nloc ++ @ Nimage ++ end echo "Done with Missing File Search" goto ENDALL AFNI: echo "" echo "READY. \012Either execute:" echo "" echo "cd $aDir" echo "afni &" echo "" echo "Or in afni" echo "" #cd $aDir #afni & #echo 'Done.' goto ENDALL BADOPT: echo "" echo "ERROR:" echo "Could not understand option $argv[$cnt]." echo "" goto ENDALL MISSINGFILE: echo "" echo "ERROR:" echo "Could not find the {$Nimage}th file: $sDir/I.$NlocPad" echo "Only $Nimage images found out of a required total of $Ntot." echo "" echo "Could not find the {$Nimage}th file: $sDir/I.$NlocPad" >> $LogFile echo "Only $Nimage images found out of a required total of $Ntot." echo "" >> $LogFile goto ENDALL BRIKINafni: echo "" echo "ERROR:" echo "Output Brick $BrickPrefix+orig exists in $aDir." echo "Will not Overwrite." echo "" goto ENDALL NOBRIK: echo "" echo "ERROR:" echo "Output Brick $BrickPrefix+orig was not written to disk." echo "" echo "Output Brick $BrickPrefix+orig was not written to disk." echo "" >> $LogFile goto ENDALL USAGE: set DS = `date +%Y`.`date +%m`.`date +%d` echo "" echo "Usage: `basename $0` <# slices> <# reps> " echo " [-kp] [-i] [-oc] [-sp Pattern] [-od Output Directory]" echo "" echo "Creates AFNI bricks from RealTime GE EPI series." echo "" echo "This script is designed to run from the directory where the famed RT image directories are copied to." echo "If the data were copied from fim3T-adw using @RTcp, this directory should be something like:" echo "/mnt/arena/03/users/sdc-nfs/Data/RTime/$DS///" echo "" echo " : (eg: 3) The directory number where the first image of the series is stored." echo " : (eg: 19) The number of the first image in the series." echo "<# slices> : (eg: 18) The number of slices making up the imaged volume." echo "<# reps> : (eg: 160) The number of samples in your time series." #echo " : (eg: 2000) Obvious isn't it ?" echo " : (eg: PolcCw) The prefix for the output brick." echo " Bricks are automatically saved into the output directory" echo " Unless you use -kp option, bricks are automatically named" echo " _r# where # is generated each time you " echo " run the script and successfully create a new brick." echo "" echo "Optional Parameters:" echo "-i : Launches to3d in interactive mode. This allows you to double check the automated settings." #echo " Otherwise a default setting is used. The default would only be a problem if you try to overlay function on anatomy." #echo "-gp : You can specify a geomparent brick which may have been created with the -i option" #echo " If the GeomParent is not found in the current directory, the script looks for it under" #echo " the output directory before complaining." echo " -kp: Forces @RenamePanga to use the prefix you designate without modification." echo " -oc: Performs outliers check. This is useful to do but it slows to3d down and" echo " maybe annoying when checking your data while scanning. If you choose -oc, the" echo " outliers are written to a .1D file and placed in the output directory." echo " -sp Pattern: Sets the slice acquisition pattern. The default option is alt+z." echo " see to3d -help for various acceptable options." echo " -od : Directory where the output (bricks and 1D files) will" echo " be stored. The default directory is ./afni" echo "" echo "" echo "A log file (MAPLOG_Panga) is created in the current directory." echo "" echo "Panga: A state of revenge." echo "***********" echo "Dec 4 2001 Changes:" echo "- No longer requires the program pad_str." echo "- Uses to3d to read geometric slice information." echo "- Allows for bypassing the default naming convention." echo "- You need to be running AFNI built after Dec 3 2001 to use this script." echo "- Swapping needs are now determined by to3d." echo "If to3d complains about not being able to determine swapping needs, check the data manually" echo "- Geom parent option (-gp) has been removed." echo "- TR is no longer set from command line, it is obtained from the image headers." echo "Thanks to Jill W., Mike B. and Shruti J. for reporting bugs and testing the scripts." echo "***********" echo "" echo "Usage: `basename $0` <# slices> <# reps> " echo " [-kp] [-i] [-oc] [-sp Pattern] [-od Output Directory]" echo "" echo " Version $VerNum Ziad Saad (saadz@mail.nih.gov) Dec 5 2001 SSCC/LBC/NIMH." goto ENDALL ENDALL: