#!/bin/tcsh -fe if ("$1" == "-h" || "$1" == "-help") goto HELP if ($#argv == 0) then echo "Enter path to suma_demo directory:" set pt = $< else set pt = $1 endif if ("$pt:t" != "suma_demo" || ("$pt:t" == "" && "$pt:h:t" == "suma_demo")) then echo "path $pt does not point to suma_demo" echo "If you don't have suma_demo directory, install it" echo "by following the commands specified in `basename $0` -help" echo "" goto END endif set pt=$pt/afni set od = "$PWD" CREATE_DATA: set avelist = () set ipref = DemoSubj_EccExpavir set l = `prompt_user -pause "\ --\n\ Mapping delay (statistical data) onto surface.\n\ \n\ Look at the shell for the commands to be executed for each step\n\ --"` if ( $l == '0') goto STEND rm -f ${ipref}.DEL.niml.dset echo "" echo "Next Command(s):" echo "----------------" set echo 3dVol2Surf -spec ${pt}/../SurfData/SUMA/DemoSubj_lh.spec \ -surf_A lh.smoothwm.asc \ -surf_B lh.pial.asc \ -sv ${pt}/DemoSubj_SurfVol_Alnd_Exp+orig.HEAD \ -grid_parent ${pt}/${ipref}.DEL+orig.BRIK \ -map_func ave \ -out_niml ${ipref}.DEL.niml.dset unset echo set l = `prompt_user -pause "\ --\n\ Map time series data onto surface.\n\ --"` if ( $l == '0') goto STEND rm -f ${ipref}.niml.dset echo "" echo "Next Command(s):" echo "----------------" set echo 3dVol2Surf -spec ${pt}/../SurfData/SUMA/DemoSubj_lh.spec \ -surf_A lh.smoothwm.asc \ -surf_B lh.pial.asc \ -sv ${pt}/DemoSubj_SurfVol_Alnd_Exp+orig.HEAD \ -grid_parent ${pt}/${ipref}+orig.BRIK \ -map_func ave \ -out_niml ${ipref}.niml.dset unset echo set l = `prompt_user -pause "\ --\n\ Map a full (all nodes) listing of the correlation coefficients,\n\ This listing will be used in masking later on\n\ --"` if ( $l == '0') goto STEND rm -f ${ipref}.Full.DEL.niml.dset echo "" echo "Next Command(s):" echo "----------------" set echo 3dVol2Surf -spec ${pt}/../SurfData/SUMA/DemoSubj_lh.spec \ -surf_A lh.smoothwm.asc \ -surf_B lh.pial.asc \ -sv ${pt}/DemoSubj_SurfVol_Alnd_Exp+orig.HEAD \ -grid_parent ${pt}/${ipref}.DEL+orig.BRIK'[2]' \ -oob_value 0 \ -map_func ave \ -out_niml ${ipref}.Full.DEL.niml.dset unset echo set avelist = ($avelist ${ipref}.niml.dset ) SMOOTHING_VARIATIONS: set l = `prompt_user -pause "\ --\n\ Smooth the data by an ADDITIONAL 5 mm FWHM\n\ --"` if ( $l == '0') goto STEND set prefout = ${ipref}_sm1 rm -rf ${prefout}*.dset ${prefout}*.log echo "" echo "Next Command(s):" echo "----------------" set echo SurfSmooth -met HEAT_07 \ -spec ${pt}/../SurfData/SUMA/DemoSubj_lh.spec \ -surf_A lh.smoothwm.asc \ -input ${ipref}.niml.dset \ -blurmaster ${ipref}.niml.dset \ -detrend_master \ -output ${prefout} \ -fwhm 5 | tee ${prefout}.log unset echo set avelist = ($avelist ${prefout}.niml.dset ) set l = `prompt_user -pause "\ --\n\ Smooth the data until smoothnes REACHES 7mm FWHM\n\ --"` if ( $l == '0') goto STEND set prefout = ${ipref}_sm2 rm -rf ${prefout}*.dset ${prefout}*.log echo "" echo "Next Command(s):" echo "----------------" set echo SurfSmooth -met HEAT_07 \ -spec ${pt}/../SurfData/SUMA/DemoSubj_lh.spec \ -surf_A lh.smoothwm.asc \ -input ${ipref}.niml.dset \ -blurmaster ${ipref}.niml.dset \ -detrend_master \ -output ${prefout} \ -target_fwhm 7 | tee ${prefout}.log unset echo set avelist = ($avelist ${prefout}.niml.dset ) set l = `prompt_user -pause "\ --\n\ Smooth the dataset with prespecified number of iterations, \n\ in order to produce same result as above (7mm target FWHM) \n\ Sigma and Niter were taken from the smoothing history file.\n\ This is equivalent to adding the -blurmaster with the same.\n\ -target_fwhm, but it is much faster because the smoothness\n\ parameters are pre-specified.\n\ --"` if ( $l == '0') goto STEND echo "" echo "Next Command(s):" echo "----------------" set echo set params = `1dcat ${prefout}.1D.smrec'{$}'` set prefout = ${ipref}_sm3 if ( -f ${prefout}.niml.dset) rm -rf ${prefout}*.dset ${prefout}*.log SurfSmooth -met HEAT_07 \ -spec ${pt}/../SurfData/SUMA/DemoSubj_lh.spec \ -surf_A lh.smoothwm.asc \ -input ${ipref}.niml.dset \ -output ${prefout} \ -sigma $params[3] -Niter $params[1] | tee ${prefout}.log unset echo set avelist = ($avelist ${prefout}.niml.dset ) set l = `prompt_user -pause "\ --\n\ Same as the previous example, but blur to 5mm FWHM.\n\ For this we find the corresponding entry in the smoothing record.\n\ --"` if ( $l == '0') goto STEND echo "" echo "Next Command(s):" echo "----------------" set echo 1deval -a ${ipref}_sm2.1D.smrec'[1]' -expr "abs(a-5)" > tmp_diff.1D 3dTstat -argmin -prefix tmp_min.1D tmp_diff.1D\' set imin = `1dcat tmp_min.1D` set params = `1dcat ${ipref}_sm2.1D.smrec"{$imin}"` rm -f tmp_*.1D unset echo set l = `prompt_user -pause "\ --\n\ That would be $params[1] iterations at sigma of $params[3]\n\ according to the smoothing record in ${ipref}_sm2.1D.smrec\n\ --"` if ( $l == '0') goto STEND set prefout = ${ipref}_sm4 if ( -f ${prefout}.niml.dset) rm -rf ${prefout}*.dset ${prefout}*.log echo "" echo "Next Command(s):" echo "----------------" set echo SurfSmooth -met HEAT_07 \ -spec ${pt}/../SurfData/SUMA/DemoSubj_lh.spec \ -surf_A lh.smoothwm.asc \ -input ${ipref}.niml.dset \ -output ${prefout} \ -sigma $params[3] -Niter $params[1] | tee ${prefout}.log unset echo set avelist = ($avelist ${prefout}.niml.dset ) set l = `prompt_user -pause "\ --\n\ Looking at time series from single node 5779\n\ --"` if ( $l == '0') goto STEND set node = 5779 set nl = () foreach dset ($avelist) set pref = $dset:r:r echo "ConvertDset -input ${dset}'{5779}' -o_1Dpt_stdout > ${pref}_node${node}.1D" ConvertDset -input ${dset}'{5779}' -o_1Dpt_stdout > ${pref}_node${node}.1D set nl = ($nl ${pref}_node${node}.1D) end 1dcat $nl | 1dplot -nopush -one -stdin & set l = `prompt_user -pause "\ --\n\ Blurring the delay data using the master timeseries\n\ Pretend we had no smoothing record for this master\n\ --"` if ( $l == '0') goto STEND set prefout = ${ipref}.DEL_smd1 if ( -f ${prefout}.niml.dset) rm -rf ${prefout}*.dset ${prefout}*.log echo "" echo "Next Command(s):" echo "----------------" set echo SurfSmooth -met HEAT_07 \ -spec ${pt}/../SurfData/SUMA/DemoSubj_lh.spec \ -surf_A lh.smoothwm.asc \ -input ${ipref}.DEL.niml.dset \ -output ${prefout} \ -blurmaster ${ipref}.niml.dset \ -detrend_master \ -target_fwhm 5 | tee ${prefout}.log unset echo set l = `prompt_user -pause "\ --\n\ We could have used the previous records still stored\n\ in params variable. ($params)\n\ --"` if ( $l == '0') goto STEND set prefout = ${ipref}.DEL_smd2 if ( -f ${prefout}.niml.dset) rm -rf ${prefout}*.dset ${prefout}*.log echo "" echo "Next Command(s):" echo "----------------" set echo SurfSmooth -met HEAT_07 \ -spec ${pt}/../SurfData/SUMA/DemoSubj_lh.spec \ -surf_A lh.smoothwm.asc \ -input ${ipref}.DEL.niml.dset \ -output ${prefout} \ -sigma $params[3] -Niter $params[1] | tee ${prefout}.log unset echo set l = `prompt_user -pause "\ --\n\ Blur a specific section (mask) only using blurmaster\n\ Note that mask is applied to master also so smoothness\n\ estimates come from mask region only and could therefore\n\ vary from cases where the smoothness was estimated from\n\ entire dataset such as in _smd1.\n\ --"` if ( $l == '0') goto STEND set prefout = ${ipref}.DEL_smd3 if ( -f ${prefout}.niml.dset) rm -rf ${prefout}*.dset ${prefout}*.log echo "" echo "Next Command(s):" echo "----------------" set echo SurfSmooth -met HEAT_07 \ -spec ${pt}/../SurfData/SUMA/DemoSubj_lh.spec \ -surf_A lh.smoothwm.asc \ -input ${ipref}.DEL.niml.dset \ -cmask "-a ${ipref}.Full.DEL.niml.dset -expr step(a-0.4)" \ -output ${prefout} \ -blurmaster ${ipref}.niml.dset \ -detrend_master \ -target_fwhm 5 | tee ${prefout}.log unset echo set l = `prompt_user -pause "\ --\n\ Repeat the previous step, this time basing the number of iterations\n\ on the smoothing record from the entire blurmaster, \n\ rather than the masked blurmaster.\n\ In this case, smd4 is pretty much like smd1 inside mask zone.\n\ --"` if ( $l == '0') goto STEND set prefout = ${ipref}.DEL_smd4 if ( -f ${prefout}.niml.dset) rm -rf ${prefout}*.dset ${prefout}*.log echo "" echo "Next Command(s):" echo "----------------" set echo SurfSmooth -met HEAT_07 \ -spec ${pt}/../SurfData/SUMA/DemoSubj_lh.spec \ -surf_A lh.smoothwm.asc \ -input ${ipref}.DEL.niml.dset \ -cmask "-a ${ipref}.Full.DEL.niml.dset -expr step(a-0.4)" \ -output ${prefout} \ -sigma 0.415305 -Niter 16| tee ${prefout}.log unset echo set l = `prompt_user -pause "\ --\n\ To visualize results, you can launch suma with:\n\ suma -niml -spec $pt/../SurfData/SUMA/DemoSubj_lh.spec \\\n\ -sv $pt/DemoSubj_SurfVol_Alnd_Exp+orig.HEAD &\n\ \n\ Then load datasets:\n\ DemoSubj*.DEL_smd[1-4]*.niml.dset and *.Full.DEL.niml.dset\n\ using SUMA's control surface interface and switch between datasets \n\ to view the results.\n\ You probably want to turn on '1 Only' to avoid confusion.\n\ \n\ Or you can cut and paste the commands echoed to the screen \n\ after you dismiss this window and let the driver program \n\ load all of them for you\n\ \n\ For more info on automation, see @DriveSuma and @DriveAfni.\n\ \n\ --"` if ( $l == '0') goto STEND echo "" echo "" echo "------------" echo "To load and visualize results automatically:" echo "" echo " @Quiet_Talkers -npb_val 76" echo "" echo " suma -npb 76 -niml \" echo " -spec $pt/../SurfData/SUMA/DemoSubj_lh.spec \" echo " -sv $pt/DemoSubj_SurfVol_Alnd_Exp+orig.HEAD &" echo "" echo ' set lst = (DemoSubj*.DEL_smd[1-4]*.niml.dset *.Full.DEL.niml.dset)' echo ' foreach ds ($lst)' echo ' DriveSuma -npb 76 -com surf_cont \' echo ' -load_dset $ds -surf_label lh.smoothwm.asc -1_only y' echo ' end' echo "" echo "That will load the datasets in question for you. Scroll through them via" echo "The Switch Dset interface in the Surface Controller" echo "" echo "For more info on automation, see @DriveSuma and @DriveAfni." echo "--" echo "------------" goto END HELP: echo "Usage: `basename $0` " echo "A script to illustrate controlled blurring of data on the surface." echo "Requires the contents of archive:" echo " https://afni.nimh.nih.gov/pub/dist/edu/data/SUMA_demo.tgz" echo "" echo "If you don't have suma_demo, run the following commands" echo " curl -O https://afni.nimh.nih.gov/pub/dist/edu/data/SUMA_demo.tgz" echo " tar xvzf SUMA_demo.tgz" echo "" echo "Then run:" echo " `basename $0` suma_demo" echo "" goto END STEND: echo "" echo "Stopped by user" goto END END: