#!/bin/tcsh -f @global_parse `basename $0` "$*" ; if ($status) exit 0 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @auto_tlrc depends on (at least) the following AFNI programs: # # 3dAttribute 3dBrickStat 3dNotes 3dSkullStrip 3dWarp 3dWarpDrive # 3dZeropad 3dcalc 3dcopy 3dinfo 3drefit 3drename 3dresample # @AfniOrient2RAImap @Center_Distance @CheckForAfniDset @FindAfniDsetPath # @FromRAI @GetAfniOrient @GetAfniPrefix @GetAfniView @VolCenter # @clip_volume @global_parse @parse_afni_name afni cat_matvec ccalc # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [PT: May 30, 2021] add new opt '-use_gz'. This allows final dset to be # gzipped even when using '-suffix ..'. This is needed # for auto_warp.py to be able to be used happily, because # now it will use *.nii.gz volumes, instead of *.nii # because of current AFNI_COMPRESSOR behavior (gzips *.nii) PARSE: #exit status set estat = 0 set nonomatch set Narg = $# set ok_notice = 0 # reduced default padding to 15 slices on all sides # 40 is excessive and takes up a lot of memory particularly for # high resolution datasets (24 May 2019 [drg]) set pd_default = 15 # set pd_default = 40 set cnt = 1 set tmppref = '__ats_tmp_' set cropt = '-coarserot' set inweight = 0 # use -weight INPUT_DATASET 30 Mar 2012 [rickr] set RemoveSkull = 1 set KeepView = 0 set ref_in = '' set anat_in = '' set apar_mode = 0 set apar_copyWarpinfo = 0 set warp_orig_vol = 0; set KeepTmp = 0 set verb = 0 set pd = $pd_default #set suf = "_at" set suf = "" set prefix = "" set gz = "" set rmode = 'default' set xform_type = 'affine_general' set ss_opt = '' set user_res = 0 set dxyz_list = ( 1 1 1 ) set clpbelow = '' # default number of iterations in 3dWarpDrive (formerly not set) # mod drg 5/24/2019 set maxite = "-maxite 50" # set maxite = '' set accept_maxite = 1 set acpciate = 0 set npass = -twopass set prexform = "" set cen_opt = "" set OneWarp = 1 set copy_base = "" set out_space = "" set delete_pre = 0 set over = 0 set OW = ' ' set warpdrive_method = "3dWarpDrive" set alcost = "lpa+ZZ" if ("$1" == '') goto HELP while ($cnt <= $Narg) set donext = 1; if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-help" || "$argv[$cnt]" == "-h") then goto HELP endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-echo") then set echo set donext = 0 endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-overwrite") then set over = 1 set OW = '-overwrite ' set donext = 0 endif # onewarp now default, here just to avoid breaking older scripts if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-onewarp") then set OneWarp = 1 set donext = 0 endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-twowarp") then set OneWarp = 0 set donext = 0 endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-init_xform") then set pLoc = $cnt if ($pLoc == $Narg) then echo "Need xform file after -init_xform" goto END else @ cnt ++ set prexform = "$argv[$cnt]" set donext = 0 endif endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-xform") then set pLoc = $cnt if ($pLoc == $Narg) then echo "Need string after -xform" goto END else @ cnt ++ set xform_type = "$argv[$cnt]" if ( "$xform_type" != "affine_general" && \ "$xform_type" != "shift_rotate_scale" && \ "$xform_type" != "auto" && \ "$xform_type" != "shift_rotate") then echo "-xform option $xform_type not allowed." goto END endif if ("$xform_type" == "shift_rotate") then echo "" echo "Warning: ********************************" echo "-xform option does not allow for scaling!" echo "Proceeding with your wishes anyway ..." echo "" endif set donext = 0 endif endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-clip_below") then set pLoc = $cnt if ($pLoc == $Narg) then echo "Need Zmm after -clip_below" goto END else @ cnt ++ set clpbelow = "$argv[$cnt]" set donext = 0 endif endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-rmode") then set pLoc = $cnt if ($pLoc == $Narg) then echo "Need string after -rmode" goto END else @ cnt ++ set rmode = "$argv[$cnt]" set donext = 0 endif endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-maxite") then set pLoc = $cnt if ($pLoc == $Narg) then echo "Need string after -maxite" goto END else @ cnt ++ set maxite = "-maxite $argv[$cnt]" set donext = 0 endif endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-dxyz") then set pLoc = $cnt if ($pLoc == $Narg) then echo "Need voxel size after -dxyz" goto END else @ cnt ++ set dxyz_list[1] = "$argv[$cnt]" set dxyz_list[2] = "$argv[$cnt]" set dxyz_list[3] = "$argv[$cnt]" set user_res = 1 set donext = 0 endif endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-dx") then set pLoc = $cnt if ($pLoc == $Narg) then echo "Need voxel size after -dx" goto END else @ cnt ++ set dxyz_list[1] = "$argv[$cnt]" set user_res = 1 set donext = 0 endif endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-dy") then set pLoc = $cnt if ($pLoc == $Narg) then echo "Need voxel size after -dy" goto END else @ cnt ++ set dxyz_list[2] = "$argv[$cnt]" set user_res = 1 set donext = 0 endif endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-dz") then set pLoc = $cnt if ($pLoc == $Narg) then echo "Need voxel size after -dz" goto END else @ cnt ++ set dxyz_list[3] = "$argv[$cnt]" set user_res = 1 set donext = 0 endif endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-suffix") then set pLoc = $cnt if ($pLoc == $Narg) then echo "Need a string after -suffix" goto END else @ cnt ++ set suf = "$argv[$cnt]" if ("$suf" == "none" || "$suf" == "NONE" || "$suf" == "None") then echo "Suffix not used." set suf = '' endif set donext = 0 endif endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-prefix") then set pLoc = $cnt if ($pLoc == $Narg) then echo "Need a string after -prefix" goto END else @ cnt ++ set prefix = "$argv[$cnt]" set donext = 0 endif endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-base") then set pLoc = $cnt if ($pLoc == $Narg) then echo "Need template volume after -base" goto END else @ cnt ++ set ref_in = "$argv[$cnt]" set donext = 0 endif endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-base_copy") then set pLoc = $cnt if ($pLoc == $Narg) then echo "Need prefix volume after -base_copy" goto END else @ cnt ++ set copy_base = "$argv[$cnt]" set donext = 0 endif endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-base_list") then set copy_base = "LIST" set donext = 0 endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-apar") then set pLoc = $cnt if ($pLoc == $Narg) then echo "Need transform volume after -apar" goto END else @ cnt ++ set ref_in = "$argv[$cnt]" set apar_mode = 1 set donext = 0 endif endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-copy_warp") then set apar_copyWarpinfo = 1 set donext = 0 endif if ( $donext && \ ( "$argv[$cnt]" == "-pad_base" || \ "$argv[$cnt]" == "-pad_input" ) ) then set pLoc = $cnt if ($pLoc == $Narg) then echo "Need value after -pad_base (or -pad_input) " goto END else @ cnt ++ set pd = "$argv[$cnt]" if ($pd > 100 || $pd < 0) then echo "Error: -base_pad should be between 0 and 100" echo "I have $pd" goto END endif set donext = 0 endif endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-input") then set pLoc = $cnt if ($pLoc == $Narg) then echo "Need volume after -input" goto END else @ cnt ++ set anat_in = "$argv[$cnt]" set donext = 0 endif endif # now default, here for old scripts if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-OK_maxite") then set accept_maxite = 1 set donext = 0 endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-not_OK_maxite") then set accept_maxite = 0 set donext = 0 endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-onepass") then set npass = '' set donext = 0 endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-twopass") then set npass = '-twopass' set donext = 0 endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-ncr") then set cropt = '' set donext = 0 endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-inweight") then set inweight = 1 set donext = 0 endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-ok_notice") then set ok_notice = 1; set donext = 0 endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-no_ss") then set RemoveSkull = 0; set donext = 0 endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-warp_orig_vol") then set warp_orig_vol = 1; set donext = 0 endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-keep_view") then set KeepView = 1; set donext = 0 endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-keep_tmp") then set KeepTmp = 1 set donext = 0 endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-rigid_equiv") then set acpciate = 1 set donext = 0 endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-clean") then echo 'Cleanup...' set Ret_Clean = END goto CLEANUP set donext = 0 endif # [PT: May 30, 2021] need this to be able to use gzipped # datasets when we use "-suffix ..", instead of "-prefix .." if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-use_gz") then set gz = ".gz" set donext = 0 endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-3dAllineate") then set warpdrive_method = "3dAllineate" set donext = 0 endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-3dAlcost") then set pLoc = $cnt if ($pLoc == $Narg) then echo "Need method name after -3dAlcost" goto END else @ cnt ++ set alcost = "$argv[$cnt]" set warpdrive_method = "3dAllineate" set donext = 0 endif endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-no_pre") then set delete_pre = 1 set donext = 0 endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-verb") then set verb = 1; set donext = 0 endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-no_avoid_eyes") then set ss_opt = "$ss_opt -no_avoid_eyes"; set donext = 0 endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-out_space") then set pLoc = $cnt if ($pLoc == $Narg) then echo "Need name of space for output after -out_space" echo "See whereami_afni -show_spaces for some possibilities" goto END else @ cnt ++ set out_space = "$argv[$cnt]" set donext = 0 endif endif if ($donext == 1) then echo "Error: Option or parameter '$argv[$cnt]' not understood" apsearch -popt `basename $0` -word $argv[$cnt] goto END endif @ cnt ++ end goto SET_REF_PATH SET_REF_PATH_RETURN: if ("$anat_in" == "" || "$ref_in" == "") then echo "Error: Need both -base and -input parameters" goto END endif if ("$prefix" != "" && "$suf" != "") then echo "Can not set both prefix and suffix." goto END endif #echo "Template/Apar path is: $ref_path" set prs_in = `@parse_afni_name "$anat_in"` set anat_path = $prs_in[1] set isNIFTI = `3dinfo -is_nifti "$anat_in"` set isTLRC = `3dinfo -av_space "$anat_in"` if ("$isTLRC" == "+tlrc") then echo "" echo "Notice:" echo "Input dataset is in +tlrc already, `basename $0` might fail." echo "If the space of $anat_in is incorrectly set (check with next command)" echo " 3dinfo -prefix -av_space $anat_in " echo "you can reset it with something like:" echo " 3drefit -space ORIG $anat_in " echo "then remove all temp files, and try again." echo "" endif set delete_this = () if ("$isNIFTI" == 1) then set NIpref = `echo "$prs_in[2]" | sed 's/.nii.gz$//g' | sed 's/.nii$//g'` set RNS = `3dnewid -hash NIpref` echo "Copying NIFTI volume to $prs_in[1]/${NIpref}_${RNS}" 3dcopy -overwrite "$anat_in" $prs_in[1]/${NIpref}_${RNS} set anat_in = ($prs_in[1]/${NIpref}_${RNS}+????.HEAD) if ($#anat_in != 1) then echo "Failed to copy NIFTI input ($anat_in)" goto END endif set delete_this = ($delete_this $prs_in[1]/${NIpref}_${RNS}+????.HEAD \ $prs_in[1]/${NIpref}_${RNS}+????.BRIK* ) set prs_in = `@parse_afni_name "$anat_in"` else set RNS = '' endif #Make a copy of anat_in if we are given sub-brick selectors if ($#prs_in > 3) then set anat_in2 = $prs_in[1]/$prs_in[2]"_$prs_in[4]"$prs_in[3] echo "Copying sub-brick $prs_in[3] to $anat_in2" 3dcalc ${OW} -a "$anat_in" -expr "a" -prefix $anat_in2 if ( `@CheckForAfniDset ${anat_in2}` != 2 ) then echo "Error: Anatomical dset copy ${anat_in2} not found." goto END endif set anat_in = $anat_in2 set prs_in = `@parse_afni_name "$anat_in"` endif set preWopt = '' if ($prexform == "AUTO_CENTER_CM") then set cen_opt = '-cm' set prexform = "AUTO_CENTER" else if ($prexform == "CENTER_CM") then set cen_opt = '-cm' set prexform = "CENTER" endif if ($prexform == "AUTO_CENTER" || $prexform == "CENTER" ) then #Check for center differences and act on it set dist_cent = `@Center_Distance -dset ${ref_in} ${anat_in}` set needcen = `ccalc -form int -eval "step($dist_cent - 40)"` if ($needcen == 1 || $prexform == "CENTER") then echo "" echo "Performing center alignment with @Align_Centers" echo "" @Align_Centers -base ${ref_in} ${cen_opt} -1Dmat_only \ -dset ${anat_in} set pp = `@GetAfniPrefix ${anat_in}` set prexform = (`ls ${pp}_shft.1D`) 1dmatcalc "&read4x4Xform($prexform) &write(stdout:)" > ${pp}_44.1D mv ${pp}_44.1D $prexform 3drename ${OW} ${pp}_shft ${tmppref}_${pp}_shft if ( ! -f $prexform ) then echo "Failed to create AUTO_CENTER xform" goto BEND endif set preWopt = "-gridset ${tmppref}_${pp}_shft*.HEAD -NN " else echo "Center distance of $dist_cent mm no auto_center needed " set prexform = '' endif endif #Apply pre-transform if need be set nopre_anat_in = $anat_in if ($prexform != '') then 3dWarp -overwrite -matvec_out2in $prexform \ -prefix pre.${prs_in[2]} $preWopt ${anat_in} #This operation is the same as # cat_matvec $prexform -ONELINE > d1.$prexform # 3dAllineate -1Dmatrix_apply d1.$prexform \ # -prefix Horse2 struct+orig. # The 3dAllineate is the way users should verify # if their init_xform is good. set anat_in = pre.${anat_in:t} set prs_in = `@parse_afni_name "$anat_in"` endif #At the moment, must have . for anat_path #It looks like 3drefit does not like an input dset with a path if ( "$anat_path" != "." ) then echo "Error: input dataset must be in the current directory" echo "Current path for input dataset is $anat_path" echo "Sorry." # checking why this is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # goto END endif #if in apar mode, no need for skull stripping if ($apar_mode == 1) then set RemoveSkull = 0 endif #set default rmode if ("$rmode" == "default") then if ($apar_mode == 1) then set rmode = "cubic" else set rmode = "cubic" endif endif #figure out resample's mode, based on rmode if ("$rmode" == "quintic") then set resam = "Bk" else if ("$rmode" == "cubic") then set resam = "Cu" else if ("$rmode" == "linear") then set resam = "Li" else if ("$rmode" == "NN") then set resam = "NN" else echo "Error: Bad resampling option $rmode" goto END endif set anat_pref = `@GetAfniPrefix "${anat_in}"` set anat_view = `@GetAfniView "${anat_in}"` if ($RemoveSkull == 1) then set ns_pref = ${anat_pref}_ns else set ns_pref = ${anat_pref} endif #update tmppref IF YOU MUST! # so that you can use multiple versions concurrently #set tmppref = "${tmppref}__`@GetAfniPrefix ${anat_in}`" set rs_pref = ${tmppref}__rs_`@GetAfniPrefix "${anat_in}"` set tt_pref = ${anat_pref}${suf} if ("$isNIFTI" == 1) then if ($suf == '') then set suf = '_at' endif set out_pref = ${NIpref}${suf} if ( -f ${out_pref}.nii && $over == 0) then echo "ERROR: ${out_pref}.nii exists already" goto BEND endif if ($RemoveSkull != 1) then # if input and output are identical, do not run 19 Feb 2020 [rickr] # (avoid confusing FATAL ERROR: already exists, e.g. Robin on MB) if ( "`@GetAfniPrefix $anat_in`" != ${ns_pref} ) then echo "++ anat already stripped, copying $anat_in as $ns_pref" 3dcopy $anat_in $ns_pref else echo "++ anat already stripped, re-using" endif endif else set out_pref = `@GetAfniPrefix "${nopre_anat_in}"`${suf} endif if ("$prefix" != "") then set out_pref = `echo "$prefix" | sed 's/.nii.gz$//g' | sed 's/.nii$//g'` set gz = `echo $prefix|grep '.gz$'` if ("$gz" != "") then set gz = ".gz" else set gz = "" endif set niigz = `echo $prefix|grep '.nii.gz$'` set nii = `echo $prefix|grep '.nii$'` if ("$nii" != "" || "$niigz" != "") then set isNIFTI = 1 set NIpref = `echo "$out_pref" | sed 's/.nii.gz$//g' | sed 's/.nii$//g'` else set isNIFTI = 0 endif endif set ref_pref_pad = "${tmppref}_ref_`@GetAfniPrefix ${ref_in}`_${pd}pad" set ref_view = `3dinfo -av_space ${ref_in}` if (`3dinfo -is_nifti $ref_in` == 1) then set ref_nopad = "${ref_path}/`@GetAfniPrefix ${ref_in}`" else set ref_nopad = "${ref_path}/`@GetAfniPrefix ${ref_in}`${ref_view}" endif # use the template space for the transformed dataset if ($out_space == "" ) then set ref_space = `3dinfo -space ${ref_in}` else set ref_space = $out_space endif IN_CHECK: if ("$suf" == '' && $KeepView == 1) then echo "Cannot use -keep_view and -suffix none" goto BEND endif if ( `@CheckForAfniDset ${ref_in}` < 2 ) then echo "Error: Template (or -apar) dset ${ref_in} not found." goto BEND endif set ttt_pref = "`@GetAfniPrefix ${ref_in}`" if ("$ttt_pref" == "TT_avg152EPI") then echo "" echo "Error:" echo "Template TT_avg152EPI+tlrc should no longer be used." echo "For an equivalent template in MNI space use MNI_EPI+tlrc" echo "For an equivalent template in TLRC space use TT_EPI+tlrc" echo "" set estat = 1 goto END endif if ("$ttt_pref" == "TT_avg152T1" || "$ttt_pref" == "TT_avg152EPI") then if ("$ttt_pref" == "TT_avg152T1") then set alternate = "MNI_avg152T1" else set alternate = "MNI_EPI" endif goto WARN_notice endif OK_notice: if ( `@CheckForAfniDset ${anat_in}` != 2 ) then echo "Error: Anatomical dset ${anat_in} not found." set estat = 1 goto END endif #if ($KeepView == 1) then # if ( `@CheckForAfniDset ${tt_pref}${anat_view}` != 0 && ${over} == 0) then # echo "Error: Output dset ${tt_pref}${anat_view} exists" # set estat = 1 # goto END # endif # if ($acpciate == 1) then # if ( `@CheckForAfniDset ${tt_pref}.Xat.rigid${anat_view}` != 0 \ # && ${over} == 0) then # echo "Error: Output dset ${tt_pref}.Xat.rigid${anat_view} exists" # set estat = 1 # goto END # endif # endif #else # if ( `@CheckForAfniDset ${tt_pref}${ref_view}` != 0 \ # && ${over} == 0 ) then # echo "Error: Output dset ${tt_pref}${ref_view} exists" # set estat = 1 # goto END # endif # if ($acpciate == 1) then # if ( `@CheckForAfniDset ${tt_pref}.Xat.rigid${ref_view}` != 0 \ # && ${over} == 0) then # echo "Error: Output dset ${tt_pref}.Xat.rigid${ref_view} exists" # set estat = 1 # goto END # endif # endif #endif if ($apar_mode == 1) then goto APAR_MODE else goto AUTO_TLRC_MODE endif ####################### #Begin auto tlrc block ####################### AUTO_TLRC_MODE: #make sure only one sub-brick in input set nsb = `3dAttribute -name DATASET_RANK $anat_in` if ($nsb[4] != "1") then echo "Error: Only one sub-brick allowed as input in usage mode 1" echo " Input dataset has $nsb[4] sub-bricks. Use '[]' to " echo " choose one sub-brick." echo "" set estat = 1 goto END endif #Check for center differences and warn set dist_cent = `@Center_Distance -dset ${ref_in} ${anat_in}` if (`ccalc -form int -eval "step($dist_cent - 40)"`) then echo "" echo "*********** Warning *************" echo "Dataset centers are $dist_cent mm" echo "apart. If registration fails, or if" echo "parts of the original anatomy gets" echo "cropped, try adding option " echo " -init_xform AUTO_CENTER " echo "to your @auto_tlrc command." #echo "cropped, try recentering all the " #echo "input data using this command:" #echo "@Align_Centers -base ${ref_in} \\" #echo " -dset ${anat_in} \\" #echo " -child ${anat_path}/*.HEAD" #echo "" #echo "Then rerun `basename $0` using the _shft" #echo "version of your datasets." echo "" echo "*********************************" echo "" # do not stop processing, the user has been warned 16 May 2012 [rickr] # # if (`ccalc -form int -eval "step($dist_cent - 80)"`) then # echo "Hit Enter to proceed." # set junk = $< # endif else echo "Center distance of $dist_cent mm" endif #cleanup in case cleanup was not done in last execution set Ret_Clean = PAD goto CLEANUP PAD: #Padding the reference since tt vols are perrty tight if ( `@CheckForAfniDset ${ref_pref_pad}${ref_view}` == 0 ) then echo "Padding ..." 3dZeropad -I $pd -S $pd -A $pd -P $pd -L $pd -R $pd \ -mm -prefix ./${ref_pref_pad} ${ref_in} if ($status) then echo "Failed to pad" goto BEND endif endif SS: if ( `@CheckForAfniDset ${ns_pref}${anat_view}` != 2 || \ ($RemoveSkull == 1 && $over == 1) ) then if ("$ss_opt" != "") then echo "Skull Stripping (with options ${ss_opt})..." else echo "Skull Stripping ..." endif 3dSkullStrip ${OW} -input ${anat_path}/${anat_pref}${anat_view} \ -prefix ${ns_pref} ${ss_opt} if ( `@CheckForAfniDset ${ns_pref}${anat_view}` != 2 ) then echo "Error: Failed to create skull stripped brain" set estat = 1 goto END endif else if ($RemoveSkull == 1) then echo "Notice:" echo "Reusing skull stripped volume " echo " ${ns_pref}${anat_view} found on disk." echo "" endif endif CLIP_BELOW: if ($clpbelow != '') then \rm -rf ${ns_pref}_clpbel*.???? >& /dev/null @clip_volume -below $clpbelow \ -input ${ns_pref}${anat_view} -prefix ${ns_pref}_clpbel set ns_pref = ${ns_pref}_clpbel if (`@CheckForAfniDset ${ns_pref}${anat_view}` != 2) then echo "Error: Failed to clip below $clpbelow mm" set estat = 1 goto END endif endif RES: #Resamplin if ( `@CheckForAfniDset ${rs_pref}${anat_view}` != 2 ) then echo "Resampling ..." \rm -f ${tmppref}_resamp* >& /dev/null #Use cubic for smoothness of result # since it will be used in registration. #But that causes edge artifacts from interpolation. # Use a resampled mask to cleanup # may want - -rmode ${resam} 3dresample ${OW} -rmode Cu -master ${ref_pref_pad}${ref_view} \ -inset ${ns_pref}${anat_view} \ -prefix ./${tmppref}_resamp_edge_art if ($status) then echo "Failed to resample" goto BEND endif 3dcalc ${OW} -a "${ns_pref}${anat_view}" \ -expr "step(a)*10000" \ -prefix ./${tmppref}_resamp_step # not sure why this is called NN with Linear interpolation 3dresample ${OW} -rmode Linear -master ${ref_pref_pad}${ref_view} \ -inset ${tmppref}_resamp_step${anat_view} \ -prefix ./${tmppref}_resamp_NN 3dcalc ${OW} -a "${tmppref}_resamp_edge_art${ref_view}." \ -b "${tmppref}_resamp_NN${ref_view}." \ -expr "a*step(b-5000)" -prefix ./${tmppref}_resamp if ( `@CheckForAfniDset ${tmppref}_resamp${ref_view}` != 2 ) then echo "Error: Failed to create resampled volume" set estat = 1 goto END endif #clip values to range of input set range = `3dBrickStat -min -max ${ns_pref}${anat_view}` set min = `ccalc -eval "$range[1] - 0.0001"` set max = `ccalc -eval "$range[2] + 0.0001"` echo "Clipping $min $max ..." 3dcalc ${OW} -a ${tmppref}_resamp${ref_view} \ -expr "a*step(a-$min)*step($max-a) + $range[1]*step($range[1]-a) + $range[2]*step(a-$range[2])" \ -prefix ${rs_pref} if ( -f ${rs_pref}${anat_view}.HEAD && $over == 1 \ && "${anat_view}" != "${ref_view}") then \rm -f ${rs_pref}${anat_view}.HEAD ${rs_pref}${anat_view}.BRIK* endif 3drefit -view ${anat_view} ${rs_pref}${ref_view}.HEAD if ( -f ${tmppref}_resamp_NN${anat_view}.HEAD && $over == 1 \ && "${anat_view}" != "${ref_view}") then \rm -f ${tmppref}_resamp_NN${anat_view}.HEAD \ ${tmppref}_resamp_NN${anat_view}.BRIK* endif 3drefit -view ${anat_view} ${tmppref}_resamp_NN${ref_view}.HEAD if ( -f ${tmppref}_resamp_edge_art${anat_view}.HEAD && $over == 1 \ && "${anat_view}" != "${ref_view}") then \rm -f ${tmppref}_resamp_edge_art${anat_view}.HEAD \ ${tmppref}_resamp_edge_art${anat_view}.BRIK* endif 3drefit -view ${anat_view} ${tmppref}_resamp_edge_art${ref_view}.HEAD if ( $KeepTmp == 0) \rm -f ${tmppref}_resamp* >& /dev/null if ( `@CheckForAfniDset ${rs_pref}${anat_view}` != 2 ) then echo "Error: Failed to change view of resampled volume" set estat = 1 goto END endif endif REG: #Registration echo "Registration ($rmode final interpolation) ..." if ( $KeepTmp == 0) \rm -f ${tmppref}_reg* >& /dev/null set spopt = '' if ($verb == 1) then set spopt = "$spopt -verb" endif set spopt = "$spopt $cropt" # maybe weight from input dataset (esp if coverage is not full) if ($inweight == 1) then set spopt = "$spopt -weight ${rs_pref}${anat_view}" endif set pass = 1 set Converged = 0 while ($Converged == 0 && $pass < 3) \rm -f ${ns_pref}_WarpDrive.log >& /dev/null if ($warpdrive_method == "3dWarpDrive") then 3dWarpDrive ${OW} ${maxite} ${spopt} ${npass} \ -${xform_type} -${rmode} \ -final ${rmode} -1Dmatrix_save ${ns_pref}.Xaff12.1D \ -base ${ref_pref_pad}${ref_view} \ -summ ${ns_pref}_WarpDrive.log \ -prefix ./${tmppref}_reg_warpdriveout \ -input ${rs_pref}${anat_view} else 3dAllineate ${OW} ${npass} -source_automask \ -warp ${xform_type} -${rmode} -cost $alcost \ -final ${rmode} -1Dmatrix_save ${ns_pref}.Xaff12.1D \ -base ${ref_pref_pad}${ref_view} \ -prefix ./${tmppref}_reg_warpdriveout \ -input ${rs_pref}${anat_view} # >& ${ns_pref}_WarpDrive.log set Converged = 1 endif if ($status) then echo "Bad exit status from 3dWarpDrive" goto BEND endif if ($warpdrive_method == "3dAllineate") then # 3dAllineate matches base dataset as master if ( `@CheckForAfniDset ${tmppref}_reg_warpdriveout${ref_view}` != 2) then echo "Error: Failed in $warpdrive_method " set estat = 1 goto END endif # resetting out view to match rest of script 3drefit -view ${anat_view} ${tmppref}_reg_warpdriveout${ref_view} else if ( `@CheckForAfniDset ${tmppref}_reg_warpdriveout${anat_view}` != 2) then echo "Error: Failed in $warpdrive_method " set estat = 1 goto END endif #check for convergence # this one fails when there is a # in the name! #set res = "`cat ${ns_pref}_WarpDrive.log | grep 'RMS\[0\]'`" # this should do it: cat "${ns_pref}_WarpDrive.log" > ___cat.tmp set res = "`grep 'RMS\[0\]' ___cat.tmp`" \rm -f ___cat.tmp >& /dev/null echo "$res" set rms_i = `echo "$res" | cut -d ' ' -f3` echo $rms_i set rms_f = `echo "$res" | cut -d ' ' -f4` set rms_diff_pos = `ccalc -eval "step($rms_f - $rms_i)" | cut -d '.' -f1` set rms_ratio = `ccalc -form int -eval "($rms_i - $rms_f) / $rms_i * 100"` set rat = `echo "$res" | cut -d ' ' -f9` set niter = `echo "$rat" | cut -d '/' -f1` set nitermax = `echo "$rat" | cut -d '/' -f2` set Converged = 1 if ($rms_diff_pos) then if ($pass == 1) then if ("$xform_type" == "affine_general") then echo "" echo "Warning:*****************************" echo "Registration did not converge, trying " echo "registration without shearing." echo "" set xform_type = 'shift_rotate_scale' 3drename ${OW} ${tmppref}_reg_warpdriveout${anat_view} \ ${tmppref}_reg_warpdriveout_NoConvergence set Converged = 0 set pass = 2 else echo "" echo "Warning:**************************" echo "Registration did not converge, not " echo "much else to try automatically. " echo "Check your results, the -help tips" echo "and report persisting problems to " echo "program authors." echo "" echo "Script will stop ..." echo "" set pass = 3 set Converged = 0 goto END endif else if ($pass == 2) then echo "" echo "Warning:***************************" echo "Registration did not converge, even " echo "without shear operation." echo "Check your results, the -help tips" echo "and report persisting problems to " echo "program authors." echo "" echo "Script will stop ..." echo "" set pass = 3 set Converged = 0 goto END endif endif else #looks OK, but did we reach the limit? if ($niter < $nitermax) then echo "" echo "Warping has converged." echo "" else if ($pass == 1) then echo "" echo "Warping used up maximum iterations of $nitermax" echo "Convergence might not have" echo "been reached. " echo "Doubling number of iterations" echo "" 3drename ${OW} ${tmppref}_reg_warpdriveout${anat_view} \ ${tmppref}_reg_warpdriveout_maxed_iters set ans = `ccalc -form int "2 * $nitermax"` set maxite = "-maxite $ans" set Converged = 0 set pass = 2 else if ($rms_ratio > 30) then echo "" echo "Warping used up maximum iterations even after " echo "doubling number of iterations to $nitermax." echo "However, convergence is possible, given an RMS" echo "improvement of $rms_ratio%" echo "Check results at the end" echo "" set pass = 3 else echo "" echo "Warping used up maximum iterations" echo "even after doubling number of iterations to $nitermax." echo "Convergence might not have been reached." echo "" echo "If you find the alignment poor, try" echo "rerunning the script with a transform" echo "type of fewer parameters (-xform) or by using " echo "an even higher number of iterations (-maxite)." echo "You can also choose to continue with the" echo "current result (dset: ${tmppref}_reg_warpdriveout${anat_view}" echo "by using the option: -OK_maxite" echo "" set pass = 3 if ($accept_maxite == 1) then #doing nothing will proceed echo "Accepting result per user's choice." echo "" else echo "Script will stop ..." echo "" set Converged = 0 goto END endif endif endif endif endif endif end FINAL_XFORM: set tt_prefpad = ${tmppref}__pad${pd}_${tt_pref} if ($prexform != '') then if ($warpdrive_method == "3dAllineate") then #That's in ONELINE format, 3dWarp does not like it cat_matvec ${ns_pref}.Xaff12.1D > ${tt_prefpad}.Xat.l2.1D else #another way to do the same cat_matvec \ ${tmppref}_reg_warpdriveout${anat_view}::WARPDRIVE_MATVEC_FOR_000000 \ > ${tt_prefpad}.Xat.l2.1D endif #Need to combine xforms cat_matvec ${tt_prefpad}.Xat.l2.1D ${prexform} \ > ${tt_prefpad}.Xat.1D set msktmp = ${tt_prefpad}.Xat.l2.1D else #This is the same as ${ns_pref}.Xaff12.1D if ($warpdrive_method == "3dAllineate") then #That's in ONELINE format, 3dWarp does not like it cat_matvec ${ns_pref}.Xaff12.1D > ${tt_prefpad}.Xat.1D else #another way to get the same cat_matvec \ ${tmppref}_reg_warpdriveout${anat_view}::WARPDRIVE_MATVEC_FOR_000000 \ > ${tt_prefpad}.Xat.1D endif set msktmp = ${tt_prefpad}.Xat.1D endif cp ${tt_prefpad}.Xat.1D ${out_pref}.Xat.1D # make a final version of the mask warp set mskwarpmatrix = ${out_pref}.maskwarp.Xat.1D cat_matvec $msktmp > $mskwarpmatrix # move the temporary one line affine transformation matrix to # a permanent output file name if ("$isNIFTI" == 1) then if ( -f ${ns_pref}_WarpDrive.log) \ mv ${ns_pref}_WarpDrive.log ${out_pref}.nii_WarpDrive.log if ( -f ${ns_pref}.Xaff12.1D) \ mv ${ns_pref}.Xaff12.1D ${out_pref}.nii.Xaff12.1D else if ( -f ${ns_pref}.Xaff12.1D) \ mv ${ns_pref}.Xaff12.1D ${out_pref}.Xaff12.1D endif OUTPUT_GRID: if ($user_res) then 3dresample -rmode Linear \ -dxyz ${dxyz_list[1]} ${dxyz_list[2]} ${dxyz_list[3]} \ -inset ${tmppref}_reg_warpdriveout${anat_view} \ -prefix ./${tmppref}_gridout if ($status) then echo "Failed to resample" goto BEND endif else 3dcopy ${tmppref}_reg_warpdriveout${anat_view} ${tmppref}_gridout if ($status) then echo "Failed to copy" goto BEND endif endif WARP_INPUT_BY_XFORM: 3dWarp ${OW} -matvec_out2in ${out_pref}.Xat.1D \ -${rmode} -prefix ./${tt_prefpad} \ -gridset ${tmppref}_gridout${anat_view} \ ${nopre_anat_in} if ($warp_orig_vol == 0) then set warpmatrix = ${out_pref}.Xat.1D set gridset = ${tmppref}_gridout${anat_view} set ttvolpref = ${tt_prefpad} set headset = ${ttvolpref}${anat_view} set mskvol = ${rs_pref}${anat_view} set mskwrppar = ${tmppref}_reg_warpdriveout${anat_view} set nomskpref = .skl set warpnii = 0 set RET_apply_mask = BMW goto APPLY_MASK BMW: #copy fields if ($warpdrive_method == "3dWarpDrive") then set FromVol = ${tt_prefpad}.skl${anat_view} set ToVol = ${tt_prefpad}${anat_view} set RET_copy_fields = BM goto COPY_FIELDS endif BM: endif if ( `@CheckForAfniDset ${tt_prefpad}${anat_view}` != 2 ) then echo "Error: Failed to create tlrced brain" set estat = 1 goto END endif UNPAD: #unPadding the anatomical echo "Unpadding ..." set tt_prefupad = ${tmppref}__upad${pd}_${tt_pref} 3dZeropad -I -$pd -S -$pd -A -$pd -P -$pd -L -$pd -R -$pd -mm \ -prefix ./${tt_prefupad} ${tt_prefpad}${anat_view} #copy the WARPDRIVE_MATVEC_ fields to the zero unpadded dude if ($warpdrive_method == "3dWarpDrive") then set FromVol = ${tt_prefpad}${anat_view} set ToVol = ${tt_prefupad}${anat_view} set RET_copy_fields = UP goto COPY_FIELDS endif UP: # set the space of the output to match the template space 3drefit -space $ref_space ${tt_prefupad}${anat_view} 3dNotes -a "Dataset created via: `basename $0` $argv[*]" \ -h "Dataset created via: `basename $0` $argv[*]" \ ${tt_prefupad}${anat_view} if ($KeepView == 0) then echo "Changing view of transformed anatomy" if ( -f ${tt_prefupad}${ref_view}.HEAD && $over == 1 \ && "${anat_view}" != "${ref_view}") then \rm -f ${tt_prefupad}${ref_view}.HEAD ${tt_prefupad}${ref_view}.BRIK* endif 3drefit -view ${ref_view} ${tt_prefupad}${anat_view}.HEAD if ("${ref_view}" == "+tlrc" && "${anat_view}" == "+orig") then if ($warpdrive_method == "3dWarpDrive") then #Now add a 3drefit line to specify the warp parent echo "Setting parent with 3drefit -wset ${nopre_anat_in} ${tt_prefupad}${ref_view}" 3drefit -wset ${nopre_anat_in} ${tt_prefupad}${ref_view} endif endif #finally, rename the damned thing if ("$isNIFTI" == 1) then 3dAFNItoNIFTI ${OW} -prefix ${out_pref}.nii${gz} ${tt_prefupad}${ref_view} set outset = ${out_pref}.nii${gz} else 3drename ${OW} ${tt_prefupad}${ref_view} ${out_pref}${ref_view} set outset = ${out_pref}${ref_view} endif else if ("$isNIFTI" == 1) then 3dAFNItoNIFTI ${OW} -prefix ${out_pref}.nii${gz} ${tt_prefupad}${anat_view} set outset = ${out_pref}.nii${gz} else 3drename ${OW} ${tt_prefupad}${anat_view} ${out_pref}${anat_view} set outset = ${out_pref}${anat_view} endif endif ACPCIATE: if ($acpciate == 1) then echo "Doing the MSB thing..." #create a version without scaling if ($warpdrive_method == "3dAllineate") then cat_matvec ${out_pref}.Xat.1D -P \ > ${out_pref}.Xat.rigid.1D else cat_matvec ${outset}::WARPDRIVE_MATVEC_FOR_000000 -P \ > ${out_pref}.Xat.rigid.1D endif if ($KeepView == 0) then set rigid_outview = ${ref_view} else set rigid_outview = ${anat_view} endif if ("$isNIFTI" == 1) then set rigid_outprefix = $NIpref.Xat.rigid.nii${gz} set rigid_inprefix = $rigid_outprefix set headset = $rigid_inprefix set skl_outprefix = $NIpref.Xat.rigid.skl.nii${gz} set warpnii = 1 else set rigid_outprefix = ${out_pref}.Xat.rigid set rigid_inprefix = "${out_pref}.Xat.rigid${rigid_outview}" set headset = "${out_pref}.Xat.rigid${anat_view}" set skl_outprefix = ${out_pref}.Xat.rigid.skl endif 3dWarp ${OW} -matvec_out2in ${out_pref}.Xat.rigid.1D \ -gridset ${outset} \ -${rmode} -prefix ${rigid_outprefix} \ ${nopre_anat_in} if ($warp_orig_vol == 0) then set warpmatrix = ${out_pref}.Xat.rigid.1D set gridset = ${outset} set ttvolpref = ${out_pref}.Xat.rigid set mskvol = ${rs_pref}${anat_view} set mskwrppar = ${tmppref}_reg_warpdriveout${anat_view} set nomskpref = .skl set RET_apply_mask = BMR goto APPLY_MASK BMR: endif if ($KeepView == 0 && $isNIFTI == 0) then 3drefit -space "ACPC" -view ${ref_view} ${out_pref}.Xat.rigid${anat_view}.HEAD else # reset the space of the output to be ACPC 3drefit -space "ACPC" ${rigid_inprefix} endif # 3drefit -space "ACPC" ${out_pref}.Xat.rigid${anat_view} 3dNotes -a "Dataset created via: `basename $0` $argv[*]" \ -h "Dataset created via: `basename $0` $argv[*]" \ ${rigid_inprefix} # ${out_pref}.Xat.rigid${anat_view} # if ($KeepView == 0) then # echo "Changing view of rigid_equiv anatomy" # if ( -f ${out_pref}.Xat.rigid${ref_view}.HEAD && $over == 1 \ # && "${anat_view}" != "${ref_view}") then # \rm -f ${out_pref}.Xat.rigid${ref_view}.HEAD \ # ${out_pref}.Xat.rigid${ref_view}.BRIK* # endif # 3drefit -view ${ref_view} ${out_pref}.Xat.rigid${anat_view}.HEAD # if ("$isNIFTI" == 1) then # 3dAFNItoNIFTI ${OW} -prefix $NIpref.Xat.rigid.nii${gz} \ # ${out_pref}.Xat.rigid${ref_view}.HEAD # \rm -f ${out_pref}.Xat.rigid${ref_view}.* # endif # else # if ("$isNIFTI" == 1) then # 3dAFNItoNIFTI ${OW} -prefix $NIpref.Xat.rigid.nii${gz} \ # ${out_pref}.Xat.rigid${anat_view}.HEAD # \rm -f ${out_pref}.Xat.rigid${anat_view}.* # endif # endif endif # end of AC-PCiate -rigid equiv. goto WRAP_UP ####################### #end of auto tlrc block ####################### ####################### #Begin apar block ####################### APAR_MODE: set tmp_out_pref = ${tmppref}${out_pref} echo "Applying tlrc warp from ${ref_nopad} to ${ns_pref}${anat_view} ..." if ( -f warp_tmp${anat_view}.HEAD) then \rm -f warp_tmp${anat_view}.HEAD warp_tmp${anat_view}.BRIK* endif echo "Padding the input data before warping" 3dZeropad ${OW} -I $pd -S $pd -A $pd -P $pd -L $pd -R $pd -mm \ -prefix ./${tmppref}_ipad ${ns_pref}${anat_view} if ($status) then echo "Failed to pad" goto BEND endif echo "Creating grid at (${dxyz_list[1]} ${dxyz_list[2]} ${dxyz_list[3]})mm RAI resolution..." 3dresample ${OW} -master ${ref_in} \ -dxyz ${dxyz_list[1]} ${dxyz_list[2]} ${dxyz_list[3]} \ -prefix ./${tmppref}_warp_grid \ -inset ${ref_in} \ -rmode Linear if ($status) then echo "Failed to resample" goto BEND endif if ($OneWarp) then echo "Direct warping per parent transform ($rmode interpolation) ..." 3dWarp ${OW} -matparent ${ref_nopad} \ -gridset ${tmppref}_warp_grid${ref_view} \ -prefix ./${tmp_out_pref} -${rmode} \ ${tmppref}_ipad${anat_view} if ($status) then echo "Failed to warp" goto BEND endif else #Keep old way involving two interpolations for backward #compatibility - now only on request echo "Warping per parent transform ($rmode interpolation) and resampling with $resam interpolation (use -onewarp for single interpolation) ..." 3dWarp ${OW} -matparent ${ref_nopad} \ -prefix ./${tmp_out_pref} -${rmode} \ ${tmppref}_ipad${anat_view} #Change view of master or else 3dresample will force a change if (${ref_view} == '') then set ref_view = `3dinfo -av_space ${ref_in}` endif if ( -f ${tmppref}_warp_grid${anat_view}.HEAD && $over == 1 \ && "${anat_view}" != "${ref_view}") then \rm -f ${tmppref}_warp_grid${anat_view}.HEAD \ ${tmppref}_warp_grid${anat_view}.BRIK* endif 3drefit -view ${anat_view} ${tmppref}_warp_grid${ref_view} 3dresample -master ${tmppref}_warp_grid${anat_view} \ -prefix ./${tmp_out_pref} -inset ${tmp_out_pref}${anat_view} \ -rmode ${resam} -overwrite if ($status) then echo "Failed to resample" goto BEND endif endif if ( `@CheckForAfniDset ${tmp_out_pref}${anat_view}` != 2) then echo "Error: Failed to create tlrced dset" set estat = 1 goto END endif if ($apar_copyWarpinfo) then #If the tlrc dset with warp info is not the first in the directory, #then AFNI may not be able to find appropriate warp and parent info #This stuff here should help. #David Perlman got into this trouble with: # @auto_tlrc -base TT_avg152T1+tlrc -input T1High+orig \ # -ok_notice -suffix _ns # followed by # @auto_tlrc -apar T1High_ns+tlrc -input T1High+orig -suffix NONE # #copy the WARPDRIVE_MATVEC_ fields to the zero unpadded dude if ($warpdrive_method == "3dWarpDrive") then set FromVol = ${ref_nopad} set ToVol = ${tmp_out_pref}${anat_view} set RET_copy_fields = APCW goto COPY_FIELDS endif APCW: if ($warpdrive_method == "3dWarpDrive") then 3drefit -wpar ${ref_nopad} ${tmp_out_pref}${anat_view} endif endif # reset the space of the output to match the template space 3drefit -space $ref_space ${tmp_out_pref}${anat_view} 3dNotes -a "Dataset created via: `basename $0` $argv[*]" \ -h "Dataset created via: `basename $0` $argv[*]" \ ${tmp_out_pref}${anat_view} if ("$isNIFTI" == 1 && -f ${out_pref}.nii || -f ${out_pref}.nii.gz) then echo "ERROR: Final output ${out_pref}.nii.gz is already on disk" echo " Aborted command:" echo " 3drename ${tmp_out_pref}${ref_view} ${out_pref}${ref_view}" echo "Transformed dataset ${tmp_out_pref}${ref_view} not renamed" goto BEND endif if ($KeepView == 0) then echo "Changing view of xformed volumes" if ( -f ${tmp_out_pref}${ref_view}.HEAD && $over == 1 \ && "${anat_view}" != "${ref_view}") then \rm -f ${tmp_out_pref}${ref_view}.HEAD \ ${tmp_out_pref}${ref_view}.BRIK* endif 3drefit -view ${ref_view} ${tmp_out_pref}${anat_view}.HEAD if ("$isNIFTI" == 1) then 3dAFNItoNIFTI ${OW} -prefix ${out_pref}.nii${gz} \ ${tmp_out_pref}${ref_view} else if ( `@CheckForAfniDset ${out_pref}${ref_view}` < 1 || \ $over == 1) then 3drename ${OW} ${tmp_out_pref}${ref_view} ${out_pref}${ref_view} else echo "ERROR: Final output ${out_pref}${ref_view} is already on disk" echo " Aborted command:" echo " 3drename ${tmp_out_pref}${ref_view} ${out_pref}${ref_view}" echo "Transformed dataset ${tmp_out_pref}${ref_view} not renamed" goto BEND endif endif else if ("$isNIFTI" == 1) then 3dAFNItoNIFTI $OW -prefix ${out_pref}.nii${gz} ${tmp_out_pref}${anat_view} else if ( `@CheckForAfniDset ${out_pref}${anat_view}` < 1 || \ $over == 1) then 3drename ${OW} ${tmp_out_pref}${anat_view} ${out_pref}${anat_view} else echo "ERROR: Final output ${out_pref}${anat_view} is already on disk" echo " Aborted command:" echo " 3drename ${tmp_out_pref}${anat_view} ${out_pref}${anat_view}" echo "Transformed dataset ${tmp_out_pref}${anat_view} not renamed" goto BEND endif endif endif if ( $KeepTmp == 0) \rm -f ${tmppref}*+????.???? >& /dev/null goto WRAP_UP ####################### #End of apar block ####################### WRAP_UP: #this time, cleanup and goto END if ($KeepTmp != 1) then set Ret_Clean = END echo "Cleanup ..." #Don't move this IF into CLEANUP, it is only to #be executed at exit. if ($#delete_this) then foreach ff ($delete_this) if ( -f "$ff") \rm -f "$ff" >& /dev/null end endif if (("${RNS}" != '') && ("$isNIFTI" != 1)) then set kl = (`\ls *_${RNS}+????.HEAD *_${RNS}_shft+????.HEAD`) foreach kk ($kl) set k = `echo $kk | sed "s/_${RNS}//"` 3drename ${OW} $kk $k end set kl = (`\ls *_${RNS}_shft.1D`) foreach kk ($kl) set k = `echo $kk | sed "s/_${RNS}//"` mv $kk $k end endif if ($delete_pre == 1) \rm -f pre.*+????.[HB]??? >& /dev/null goto CLEANUP else goto END endif goto END #ONLY SUB-ROUTINES BELOW CLEANUP: \rm -f ${tmppref}*ref*.????* >& /dev/null \rm -f ${tmppref}*_reg*.????* >& /dev/null \rm -f ${tmppref}*_resam*.????* >& /dev/null \rm -f ${tmppref}*_rs*.????* >& /dev/null \rm -f ${tmppref}*_pad*.????* >& /dev/null \rm -f ${tmppref}_acpc*.????* >& /dev/null \rm -f ${tmppref}*gridout*.????* >& /dev/null \rm -f ${tmppref}*ipad*.????* >& /dev/null \rm -f ${tmppref}_MP* >& /dev/null \rm -f ${tmppref}*upad*.????* >& /dev/null \rm -f ${tmppref}*warp_grid*.????* >& /dev/null \rm -f ${tmppref}*_shft*.????* >& /dev/null goto $Ret_Clean SET_REF_PATH: set ref_path = $ref_in:h if ( "$ref_path" == "$ref_in" ) then #echo "No Path specified ( $ref_path == $ref_in )" set ref_path = "." if ($apar_mode == 1) then goto END_REF_SEARCH endif #if not in apar mode, try to set the path if ( `@CheckForAfniDset ${ref_in}` == 2 || -f ${ref_in}) then if ($verb) echo "Template dset ${ref_in} found." goto END_REF_SEARCH endif set ref_path = `@FindAfniDsetPath $ref_in` if ( "$ref_path" == '' ) then set ref_path = "." echo "Error: Template $ref_in could not be located" set estat = 1 goto END endif #echo "try finding ref_in in new ref_path" if ( `@CheckForAfniDset ${ref_path}/${ref_in}` < 2 ) then echo "Error: Template dset ${ref_in} not found" echo " in afni's binaries directory" set estat = 1 goto END endif if ($verb) echo "Using template from ${ref_path} ..." set ref_in = ${ref_path}/${ref_in} else # echo "Path specified (${ref_path}), stay out of this" # still check for existing dataset 30 Jul 2015 [rickr] if ( `@CheckForAfniDset ${ref_in}` < 2 ) then echo "Error: template (or -apar) dset not found: ${ref_in}" goto BEND endif endif END_REF_SEARCH: if ($copy_base == "LIST" ) then echo "$ref_in" if ($anat_in == '' && $apar_mode == 0) goto END else if ($copy_base != "" ) then 3dcopy $ref_in $copy_base if ($anat_in == '' && $apar_mode == 0) goto END endif #echo $copy_base goto SET_REF_PATH_RETURN HELP: if (1) then echo "Usage 1: A script to transform an antomical dataset to align with" echo " some standard space template." echo "" echo " `basename $0` [options] <-base template> <-input anat>" echo " Mandatory parameters:" echo " -base template : Reference anatomical volume" echo " Usually this volume is in some standard space like" echo " TLRC or MNI space and with afni dataset view of" echo " (+tlrc)." echo " Preferably, this reference volume should have had" echo " the skull removed but that is not mandatory." echo " AFNI's distribution contains several templates." echo ' For a longer list, use "whereami_afni -show_templates"' echo " TT_N27+tlrc --> Single subject, skull stripped volume." echo " This volume is also known as " echo " N27_SurfVol_NoSkull+tlrc elsewhere in " echo " AFNI and SUMA land." echo " (www.loni.ucla.edu, www.bic.mni.mcgill.ca)" echo " This template has a full set of FreeSurfer" echo " (surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu)" echo " surface models that can be used in SUMA. " echo " For details, see Talairach-related link:" echo " https://afni.nimh.nih.gov/afni/suma" echo " TT_icbm452+tlrc --> Average volume of 452 normal brains." echo " Skull Stripped. (www.loni.ucla.edu)" echo " TT_avg152T1+tlrc --> Average volume of 152 normal brains." echo " Skull Stripped.(www.bic.mni.mcgill.ca)" echo " TT_EPI+tlrc --> EPI template from spm2, masked as TT_avg152T1" echo " TT_avg152 and TT_EPI volume sources are from" echo " SPM's distribution. (www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm/)" echo "" echo " If you do not specify a path for the template, the script" echo " will attempt to locate the template AFNI's binaries directory." echo "" echo " NOTE: These datasets have been slightly modified from" echo " their original size to match the standard TLRC" echo " dimensions (Jean Talairach and Pierre Tournoux" echo " Co-Planar Stereotaxic Atlas of the Human Brain" echo " Thieme Medical Publishers, New York, 1988). " echo " That was done for internal consistency in AFNI." echo " You may use the original form of these" echo " volumes if you choose but your TLRC coordinates" echo " will not be consistent with AFNI's TLRC database" echo " (San Antonio Talairach Daemon database), for example." echo " -input anat : Original anatomical volume (+orig)." echo " The skull is removed by this script" echo " unless instructed otherwise (-no_ss)." echo " Optional parameters:" echo " -no_ss : Do not strip skull of input data set" echo " (because skull has already been removed" echo " or because template still has the skull)" echo " NOTE: The -no_ss option is not all that optional." echo " Here is a table of when you should and should not use -no_ss" echo " " echo " Template Template" echo " WITH skull WITHOUT skull" echo " Dset." echo " WITH skull -no_ss xxx " echo " " echo " WITHOUT skull No Cigar -no_ss" echo " " echo " Template means: Your template of choice" echo " Dset. means: Your anatomical dataset" echo " -no_ss means: Skull stripping should not be attempted on Dset" echo " xxx means: Don't put anything, the script will strip Dset" echo " No Cigar mean: Don't try that combination, it makes no sense." echo " " echo " -warp_orig_vol: Produce a TLRC version of the input volume, rather" echo " than a TLRC version of the skull-stripped input." echo " This option is useful if you want the skull to be " echo " preserved in the +tlrc output. " echo " The default is to produce the skull-stripped version" echo " of the input in +tlrc space." echo " -dxyz MM : Cubic voxel size of output DSET in TLRC" echo " space. Default is the resolution of the " echo " template. If you do not want your output" echo " voxels to be cubic, then use the " echo " -dx, -dy, -dz options below." echo " -dx MX : Size of voxel in the x direction" echo " (Right-Left). Default is 1mm." echo " -dy MY : Size of voxel in the y direction" echo " (Anterior-Posterior). Default is 1mm." echo " -dz MZ : Size of voxel in the z direction." echo " (Inferior-Superior). Default is 1mm." echo " -pad_base MM : Pad the base dset by MM mm in each directions." echo " That is needed to make sure that datasets" echo " requiring wild rotations do not get cropped." echo " Default is MM = $pd_default." echo " If your output dataset is clipped, try increasing" echo " MM to `ccalc -eval $pd_default+10` or " echo " `ccalc -eval $pd_default+20`." echo " If that does not help, make sure" echo " that the skull-stripped volume has no clipping." echo " If it does, then the skull stripping needs to" echo " be corrected. Feel free to report such instances" echo " to the script's authors." echo " -keep_tmp : Keep temporary files." echo " -clean : Clean all temp files, likely left from -keep_tmp" echo " option then exit." echo " -xform XFORM : Transform to use for warping:" echo " Choose from affine_general or shift_rotate_scale" echo " Default is affine_general but the script will" echo " automatically try to use shift_rotate_scale " echo " if the alignment does not converge." echo " -no_avoid_eyes : An option that gets passed to 3dSkullStrip." echo " Use it when parts of the frontal lobes get clipped" echo " See 3dSkullStrip -help for more details." echo " -ncr : 3dWarpDrive option -coarserot is now a default." echo " It will cause no harm, only good shall come of it." echo " -ncr is there however, should you choose NOT TO" echo " want coarserot used for some reason" echo " -onepass : Turns off -twopass option for 3dWarpDrive. This will" echo " speed up the registration but it might fail if the " echo " datasets are far apart. " echo " -twopass : Opposite of -onepass, default." echo " -maxite NITER : Maximum number of iterations for 3dWarpDrive." echo " Note that the script will try to increase the " echo " number of iterations if needed. " echo " When the maximum number of iterations is reached" echo " without meeting the convergence criteria," echo " the script will double the number of iterations" echo " and try again. If the second pass still fails," echo " the script will continue unless the user specifies the" echo " -not_OK_maxite option." echo " The default number of iterations is 50 for first" echo " pass and then doubled to 100 in second pass." echo " To reset to former default, set maxite to 0" echo " -not_OK_maxite : See -maxite option." echo " -inweight : Apply -weight INPUT (in 3dWarpDrive)." echo " By default, 3dWarpDrive uses the BASE dataset to" echo " weight the alignment cost. Use this option to" echo " weight via the INPUT dataset, instead." echo " This might be useful for partial coverage cases." echo " -rigid_equiv : Also output a the rigid-body version of the " echo " alignment. This would align the brain with" echo " TLRC axis without any distortion. Note that" echo " the resultant .Xrigid volume is NOT in TLRC" echo " space. Do not use this option if you do not" echo " know what to do with it!" echo " For more information on how the rigid-body" echo " equivalent transformation is obtained, see" echo " cat_matvec -help 's output for the -P option. " echo " -init_xform XFORM0.1D: Apply affine transform in XFORM0.1D before" echo " beginning registration and then include XFORM0.1D" echo " in the final xform." echo " To verify that XFORM0.1D does what you think" echo " it should be doing, try:" echo " 3dWarp -matvec_out2in XFORM0.1D \\" echo " -prefix pre.anat anat+orig" echo " and verify that 'pre.anat+orig' is" echo " transformed by XFORM0.1D as you expected it to be." echo "" echo " XFORM0.1D can be obtained in a variety of ways. " echo " One of which involves extracting it from a transformed" echo " volume." echo " For example, say you want to perform an initial" echo " rotation that is equivalent to: " echo " 3drotate -matvec_order RotMat.1D \\" echo " -prefix struct.r struct+orig " echo " The equivalent XFORM0.1D is obtained with:\n" echo " cat_matvec 'struct.r+orig::ROTATE_MATVEC_000000' -I \\" echo " > XFORM0.1D " echo "" echo " See cat_matvec -help for more details on extracting" echo " appropriate affine transforms from dataset headers." echo "" echo " Note: You can also use -init_xform AUTO_CENTER to automatically" echo " run @Align_Centers if the centers are off by more than " echo " 40 mm. " echo " AUTO_CENTER_CM would do the centering based on the" echo " center of mass rather than the center of the volume grids." echo "" echo " You can force centering with -init_xform CENTER" echo " or with -init_xform CENTER_CM regardless of the center" echo " distance between volumes" echo "" echo " -no_pre: Delete temporary dataset created by -init_xform" echo "" echo " -out_space spacename: Set output to a particular space" echo " Usually, output space is determined by the space" echo " of the input template and does not need to be set" echo " explicitly here" echo "" echo " -3dAllineate: Use 3dAllineate with the lpa+ZZ cost function" echo " instead of 3dWarpDrive" echo " -3dAlcost costfunction : use another cost function, like nmi," echo " for instance" echo " -overwrite: Overwrite existing output. " echo " With this option, 3dSkullstrip will get rerun even" echo " if skull stripped volume is found on disk, unless of" echo " course you use the -no_ss option." echo " This option has not been fully tested under the myriad" echo " combinations possible. So check closely the first" echo " time you use it, if use it you must" echo "" echo "Note on the subject of transforms:" echo " The script will output the final transform in a 1D file with the" echo " extension Xat.1D, say THAT_NAME.1D" echo " Call this transform Mt and let Xt and Xo be the 4x1 column vectors" echo " coordinates of the same voxel in standard (t) and original (o)" echo " space, respectively. The transform is such that Xo = Mt Xt " echo " You can use this transform to manually warp a volume in orig" echo " space to the standard space with:" echo "" echo " 3dWarp -matvec_out2in THAT_NAME.Xat.1D -prefix PPP SOME_VOL+orig." echo " 3drefit -view +tlrc PPP+orig" echo "" echo " Example:" echo " `basename $0` -base TT_N27+tlrc. -input SubjectHighRes+orig." echo " (the output is named SubjectHighRes+TLRC, by default." echo " See -suffix for more info.)" echo "" echo "Usage 2: A script to transform any dataset by the same TLRC " echo " transform obtained with `basename $0` in Usage 1 mode" echo "" echo " Note: You can now also use adwarp instead." echo "" echo " `basename $0` [options] <-apar TLRC_parent> <-input DSET>" echo " Mandatory parameters:" echo " -apar TLRC_parent : An anatomical dataset in tlrc space" echo " created using Usage 1 of `basename $0`" echo " From the example for usage 1, TLRC_parent" echo " would be: SubjectHighRes+TLRC" echo " -input DSET : Dataset (typically EPI time series or" echo " statistical dataset) to transform to" echo " tlrc space per the xform in TLRC_parent" echo " -dxyz MM : Cubic voxel size of output DSET in TLRC" echo " space Default MM is 1. If you do not" echo " want your output voxels to be cubic" echo " Then use the -dx, -dy, -dz options below." echo " -dx MX : Size of voxel in the x direction" echo " (Right-Left). Default is 1mm." echo " -dy MY : Size of voxel in the y direction" echo " (Anterior-Posterior). Default is 1mm." echo " -dz MZ : Size of voxel in the z direction." echo " (Inferior-Superior).Default is 1mm." echo " Optional parameters:" echo " -pad_input MM : Pad the input DSET by MM mm in each direction." echo " That is needed to make sure that datasets" echo " requiring wild rotations do not get cropped." echo " Default is MM = $pd_default." echo " If your output dataset is clipped, try increasing" echo " MM to `ccalc -eval $pd_default+10` or " echo " `ccalc -eval $pd_default+20`." echo " If that does not help, report the" echo " problem to the script's authors." echo " -onewarp : Create follower data (-apar use) with one interpolation" echo " step, instead of two. - Now default " echo " This option reduces blurring of the output data." echo " -twowarp : Create follower data (-apar use) with two interpolations" echo " step, instead of one. " echo " This option is for backward compatibility." echo "" echo " Example:" echo " `basename $0` -apar SubjectHighRes+tlrc. \\" echo " -input Subject_EPI+orig. -dxyz 3" echo " (the output is named Subject_EPI_at+TLRC, by default." echo "" echo "Common Optional parameters:" echo " -rmode MODE: Resampling mode. Choose from:" echo " linear, cubic, NN or quintic ." echo " Default for 'Usage 1' is cubic." echo " Default for 'Usage 2' is cubic for 3dWarp," echo " followed by Bk for the 3dresample step." echo " -prefix prefix: Name output dataset " echo " (xxx -> xxx+tlrc, yyy.nii.gz, zzz.nii)" echo " -suffix SUF : Name the output dataset by append SUF " echo " to the prefix of the input data for the output." echo " Default for SUF is NONE (see below)" echo " NOTE: You can now set SUF to 'none' or 'NONE' and enable" echo " afni's warp on demand features." echo " With NIFTI input volumes -suffix defaults to _at" echo " -keep_view : Do not mark output dataset as +tlrc" echo " -base_copy COPY_PREFIX: Copy base (template) dataset into COPY_PREFIX." echo " You can use ./ for COPY_PREFIX if you" echo " want the copy to have the same name as the" echo " template." echo " -base_list : List the full path of the base dataset" echo " -use_gz : When using '-suffix ..', behave as if you had" echo " provided a prefix with '*.gz' at the end." echo " Useful if your '-suffix'-specified output will" echo " be NIFTI, and you want it zipped" echo " -verb : Yakiti yak yak" echo "" echo "" echo "When you're down and troubled and you need a helping hand:" echo " 1- Oh my God! The brain is horribly distorted (by Jason Stein):" echo " The probable cause is a failure of 3dWarpDrive to converge." echo " In that case, rerun the script with the option " echo " -xform shift_rotate_scale. That usually takes care of it." echo " Update:" echo " The script now has a mechanism for detecting cases " echo " where convergence is not reached and it will automatically" echo " change -xform to fix the problem. So you should see very " echo " few such cases. If you do, check the skull stripping" echo " step for major errors and if none are found send the" echo " authors a copy of the command you used, the input and base" echo " data and they'll look into it." echo " 2- Parts of the frontal cortex are clipped in the output:" echo " That is likely caused by aggressive skull stripping." echo " When that happens, use the -no_avoid_eyes option." echo " 3- Other parts of the brain are missing:" echo " Examine the skull stripped version of the brain" echo " If the source of the problem is with the stripping," echo " then you'll need to run 3dSkullStrip manually and " echo " select the proper options for that dataset." echo " Once you have a satisfactorily stripped brain, use that" echo " version as input to @auto_tlrc along with the -no_ss option." echo " 4- Skull stripped dataset looks OK, but TLRC output is clipped." echo " Increase the padding from the default value by little more " echo ' than the size of the clipping observed. (see -pad_* ' echo " options above)" echo " 5- The high-res anatomical ends up at a lower resolution: " echo " That is because your template is at a lower resolution." echo " To preserve (or control) the resolution of your input," echo " run @auto_tlrc in usage 2 mode and set the resolution" echo ' of the output with the -d* options.' echo " 6- I want the skulled anatomical, not just the stripped" echo " anatomical in TLRC space:" echo " Use @auto_tlrc in usage 2 mode." echo " 7- What if I want to warp EPI data directly into TLRC space?" echo " If you have an EPI template in TLRC space you can use it" echo " as the base in @auto_tlrc, usage 1 mode. You can use whatever" echo " you want as a template. Just make sure you are warping" echo " apples to oranges, not apples to bananas for example." echo " 8- Bad alignment still:" echo " Check that the center of your input data set is not too" echo " far off from that of the template. Centers (not origins)" echo " of the templates we have are close to 0, 0, 0. If your" echo " input dataset is 100s of mm off center then the alignment" echo " will fail. " echo " The easiest way around this is to add -init_xform AUTO_CENTER" echo " to your command. If that still fails you can try to manually" echo " shift all of the input data in your session by an equal amount" echo " to get the centers closer to zero." echo " For example, say the center of your subject's volumes" echo " is around 100, 100, 100. To shift the centers close to 0, 0, 0 do:" echo " 3drefit -dxorigin -100 -dyorigin -100 -dzorigin -100 Data+orig" echo " Then use @auto_tlrc on the shifted datasets." echo " Take care not to shift datasets from the same session by differing" echo " amounts as they will no longer be in alignment." echo "" @global_parse -gopts_help echo "" echo "Written by Ziad S. Saad (saadz@mail.nih.gov)" echo " SSCC/NIMH/NIH/DHHS" echo "" goto END endif WARN_notice: #Check if templates are new set info = `3dinfo -verb $ref_in` set vvv = `echo "$info" | grep 'Dataset in' | grep 'coordinate space'` if ("$vvv" == "") then set vers_str = "Old version of TT_avg152 template found." echo "" echo "Error:" echo "It looks like your version of template $ref_nopad is old," echo "and in MNI space." echo "Please download new corrected version of this template " echo "and of ${alternate}+tlrc " echo "to work with this version of `basename $0` ." echo "New template versions are available from https://afni.nimh.nih.gov/pub/dist/tgz" echo "" goto END else set vers_str = "Corrected version of TT_avg152 template found." echo "" echo $vers_str echo "" set ap = "`@FindAfniDsetPath ${alternate}+tlrc`" if ("$ap" == "") then echo "" echo "${alternate}+tlrc not found. I recommend you download it in case you" echo "want to reuse the older (MNI space) version of $ttt_pref" echo "Old version is now available here: https://afni.nimh.nih.gov/pub/dist/tgz" echo "" endif endif if ($ok_notice != 1) then echo "" echo "Warning:" echo "Because of the error in older versions of TT_avg152 template, this script" echo "requires that you use the flag -ok_notice to proceed." echo "Before proceeding, DO check the error message at:" echo " https://afni.nimh.nih.gov/afni/MOTD/MOTD_2006_10_12.txt " echo "To produce results using the old version of the template, " echo "use template ${alternate}+tlrc ." echo "" goto END else goto OK_notice endif COPY_FIELDS: set fl = ( WARPDRIVE_INPUT_IDCODE WARPDRIVE_INPUT_NAME \ WARPDRIVE_BASE_IDCODE WARPDRIVE_MATVEC_FOR_000000 \ WARPDRIVE_MATVEC_FOR_000000 WARPDRIVE_MATVEC_INV_000000 ) foreach ff ($fl) #Redirect to /dev/null to avoid FATAL ERROR alarm when some #attributes are not present. 3drefit -atrcopy $FromVol \ $ff $ToVol >& /dev/null end goto $RET_copy_fields APPLY_MASK: echo "Applying brain mask" 3dcalc ${OW} -a "${mskvol}" -overwrite \ -expr "step(a)*10000" -prefix ./${tmppref}_reg_braintlrcstep # set gridset = ${ttvolpref}${anat_view} 3dWarp ${OW} -matvec_out2in ${mskwarpmatrix} -overwrite \ -gridset $gridset \ -linear -prefix ./${tmppref}_reg_braintlrcmask \ ${tmppref}_reg_braintlrcstep${anat_view} # 3dWarp ${OW} -matparent ${mskwrppar} -overwrite \ # -gridset $gridset \ # -linear -prefix ./${tmppref}_reg_braintlrcmask \ # ${tmppref}_reg_braintlrcstep${anat_view} # 3drename ${OW} ${ttvolpref}${anat_view} ${ttvolpref}${nomskpref} if ($isNIFTI == 1 && $warpnii == 1) then mv $headset $skl_outprefix # 3dcopy ${OW} $headset ${ttvolpref}${nomskpref} 3dcalc ${OW} -a "${tmppref}_reg_braintlrcmask${anat_view}" \ -b $skl_outprefix \ -expr "step(a-5000)*b" \ -prefix $headset else set headview = `@GetAfniView $headset` # rename the warped original dataset with skull to be .skl 3drename ${OW} $headset ${ttvolpref}${nomskpref} 3dcalc ${OW} -a "${tmppref}_reg_braintlrcmask${anat_view}" \ -b "${ttvolpref}${nomskpref}${headview}" \ -expr "step(a-5000)*b" \ -prefix ./${ttvolpref} # ${anat_view} endif goto $RET_apply_mask goto END BEND: set estat = 1 goto END END: exit $estat