import sys as sys import numpy as np #np.set_printoptions(linewidth=200) def read_fsl_eddy_parameters(my_file): '''Read in an FSL (eddy-)produced *.eddy_parameters file and output a simple text file of 6 columns resembling the output of 3dvolreg: 3 translations (mm) and 3 rotations (deg). Tested/used on FSL v5.0.11; may work on eddy_parameters files from different versions of the same software. Note that reordering occurs. The first 6 columns of FSL/eddy *eddy_parameters files are in the following order: rot x rot y rot z trans x trans y trans z 3dvolreg order is: rot z rot x rot y trans z trans x trans y ''' fff = open( my_file ,'r') raw_data = fff.readlines() fff.close() data_list1 = [] for line in raw_data: aa = np.zeros(6) x = w.split() Nx = len(x) if Nx < 6: sys.exit("** Problem in this line:\n %s\n\n" % line) for i in range (6): aa[i] = float(x[i]) # convert rads to degs aa[3:]*= 180./np.pi # convert to 3dvolreg ordering bb = Conv_TRxyz_to_RTzyx(aa) data_list1.append(bb) return np.array(data_list1) def read_tortoise_transformations(my_file): '''Read in a TORTOISE (DIFFPREP-)produced *_transformations.txt file and output a simple text file of 6 columns resembling the output of 3dvolreg: 3 rotations (deg) and 3 translations (mm). Tested/used on TORTOISE v3.1; may work on transformations.txt files from different versions of the same software. Note that reordering occurs. The first 6 columns of TORTOISE/DIFFPREP transformation.txt files are in the following order: Column 0 : x (for axial data = RL, in mm) Column 1 : y (for axial data = AP, in mm) Column 2 : z (for axial data = IS, in mm) Column 3 : x (Euler angles, in rads) Column 4 : y (Euler angles, in rads) Column 5 : z (Euler angles, in rads) 3dvolreg order is: rot z rot x rot y trans z trans x trans y ''' fff = open( my_file ,'r') raw_data = fff.readlines() fff.close() data_list1 = [] for line in raw_data: aa = np.zeros(6) w = line.translate(None,"[]") x = w.split(',') Nx = len(x) if Nx < 6: sys.exit("** Problem in this line:\n %s\n\n" % line) for i in range (6): aa[i] = float(x[i]) # convert rads to degs aa[3:]*= 180./np.pi # convert to 3dvolreg ordering bb = Conv_TRxyz_to_RTzyx(aa) data_list1.append(bb) return np.array(data_list1) # ------------ convert between volreg ordering and trans_xyz rot_xyz ----- def Conv_TRxyz_to_RTzyx(x): '''trans (xyz) rot (xyz) ordering to volreg; inverse of onv_RTzyx_to_TRxyz ''' if len(x) - 6: sys.exit("** Problem converting matrices! Wrong number of components") y = np.zeros(6) y[0] = x[5] y[1] = x[3] y[2] = x[4] y[3] = x[2] y[4] = x[0] y[5] = x[1] return y def Conv_RTzyx_to_TRxyz(x): '''volreg ordering to trans (xyz) rot (xyz); inverse of Conv_TRxyz_to_RTzyx ''' if len(x) - 6: sys.exit("** Problem converting matrices! Wrong number of components") y = np.zeros(6) y[0] = x[4] y[1] = x[5] y[2] = x[3] y[3] = x[1] y[4] = x[2] y[5] = x[0] return y # --------------------- for RMS calcs ---------------------- def Rx(x): out = np.zeros((3,3)) out[0,0] = 1 out[1,1] = np.cos(x) out[2,2] = out[1,1] out[2,1] = np.sin(x) out[1,2] = -out[2,1] return out def Ry(x): out = np.zeros((3,3)) out[1,1] = 1 out[0,0] = np.cos(x) out[2,2] = out[0,0] out[0,2] = np.sin(x) out[2,0] = -out[0,2] return out def Rz(x): out = np.zeros((3,3)) out[2,2] = 1 out[0,0] = np.cos(x) out[1,1] = out[0,0] out[1,0] = np.sin(x) out[0,1] = -out[1,0] return out # input angles in order of z-, y- and x- rots. # calculation would be done as if L-multiplying in order of # Rx, then Ry, then Rz # can use optional 4th argument if input angles are in 'rad' # and not (default) 'deg' def Rzyx(c, b, a, atype='deg'): if atype=='deg': fac = np.pi/180. a*=fac b*=fac c*=fac elif not(atype =='rad'): print "Error! unknown angle specification '%s'!", atype sys.exit(5) YX =, Rx(a)) ZYX =, YX) return ZYX # Following Reuter et al. 2014. Need 't' and 'R' to have the same # units (mm). For humans, 'R' here should prob be between 60-75 mm. def calc_RMS_from_MtR(M, t, R): Mid = M - np.identity(3) MidTMid =, Mid) TrMids = np.trace(MidTMid) out = R * R * TrMids / 5. out+=, t) return np.sqrt(out) def calc_RMS_from_6mot(x, brrad, atype='deg'): '''Main function to calculate RMS from six solid body parameters: three translation (in mm), and 3 rotation (in deg, def; can also put in 'rad'). INPUT x : [req] An array of 6 numbers, which should be 3 translation in mm and 3 rotation in either deg (def) or rad (signalled with 3rd arg). Order of components should be in same order as outputs of 3dvolreg: roll pitch yaw dS dL dP where "roll" is rotation about I-S axis (shaking head "no"), "pitch" is rotation around L-R axis (nodding, which is common), and yaw is rotation about A-P axis. brrad : [req] Single number, the length scale brain; e.g., approx radius of the brain, like r~(3.*V/(4*np.pi))**(1./3). Required. atype : [opt] Specify whether rotations are either 'deg' (def) or 'rad'. OUTPUT Single floating point number, the RMS. ''' Nx = len(x) if not( Nx == 6 ): sys.exit("** Error: wrong length %d in input array" % Nx) # convert volreg ordering to Tx, Ty, Tz, Rx, Ry, Rz y = Conv_RTzyx_to_TRxyz(x) # NOTE: while rotations and translations can't be mixed, the order # of components within rotations isn't so important, since the # trace is taken, and likewise for rotations since it is a # dot-product. Also note, annoying in Taylor et al. (2016), the # RMS formula is written incorrectly (it should be # (r**2)/5*(M-I)... etc.; there is an extra "plus" incorrectly), # but the actual calculation was correct. MM = LSF.Rzyx(y[5], y[4], y[3], atype=atype) tt = np.array(y[:3]) RR = brrad y = LSF.calc_RMS(MM,tt,RR) return y # =============================================================== #if __name__ == "__main__":