#!/usr/bin/env python
# ver : 1.3 || date: Oct 17, 2018 || auth: PA Taylor
# + new container/div for centering text box (while left-ifying text)
# ver : 1.4 || date: Oct 19, 2018
# + parse inp opts
# ver : 1.5 || date: Nov 1, 2018
# + check for "subtext" files-- things to be put beneath IMG/TXT/WARN for
# extra info.
# ver : 1.5 || date: Nov 20, 2018
# + put in container2 to have gray subtext (differentiate from titles)
# + make all subtxt be BOLD
# + fixed making the whole image line *not* being a link, while also
# having it be centered
#ver = '1.7' ; date = 'Nov 23, 2018' ; auth = 'PA Taylor'
# + for each image/section, will now have json files that describe
# the contents of the title/text/subtext, etc.
# this will allow for easier button definition
# + pages get jumped to correctly now
# + hyperrefs have abbrevs and links to top of page, where a navigator
# menu sits (permanently)
#ver = '1.7' ; date = 'May 17, 2019'
# + [PT] simplifying pbar behavior
#ver = '1.8' ; date = 'May 22, 2019'
# + [PT] help updates
# + [PT] warning level stuff
#ver = '2.3' ; date = 'July 3, 2019'
# + [PT] Colorbars standard widths
# + [PT] QC block ID now in QC block titles
# + [PT] added more help descriptions
#ver = '2.31' ; date = 'July 17, 2019'
# + [PT] tiny tweak in departurating message: guard against dreaded
# double slash
#ver = '2.4' ; date = 'March 27, 2020'
# [PT] remove dependency on lib_apqc_html_helps.py
# + dir_img now from lah
#ver = '2.41' ; date = 'Oct 22, 2021'
# [PT] better path reporting for the "done" message, hopefully
ver = '2.5' ; date = 'Jan 18, 2022'
# [PT] add link buttons
# + particular case: mecho QC block, m_tedana link buttons
import os
import sys
import glob
import json
from afnipy import lib_apqc_html as lah
from afnipy import lib_apqc_html_css as lahc
from afnipy import lib_apqc_tcsh as lat
from afnipy import lib_apqc_io as laio
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
ohtml = lat.ohtml # output file, HTML page
ocss = lat.dir_info + '/styles.css' # CSS of formats/attributes/etc.
ohelp = 'help.html' # output help file, also html
oids = lat.dir_info + '/list_ids.txt' # list of jump_to-able IDs
tobetable = "IHAVEACUNNINGPLAN!" # string to be replaced later
ftypes = [ 'jpg', 'dat', 'txt' ] # types of data to populate HTML page
allblocks = lah.qc_blocks.keys() # SHOULD be ordered list of QC blocks
MAX_WLEVEL_RANK = lahc.wlevel_ranks[MAX_WLEVEL]
# =========================================================================
if __name__ == "__main__":
# parse inputs, and get current dir (to return to at end)
iopts = laio.parse_html_args(sys.argv[1:])
my_cwd = os.getcwd()
list_links = [] # will hold list of links
# move to subj qc dir
# get dictionary form of json, title page info to get subj ID
fname = lah.dir_img + '/' + lat.page_title_json + '.json'
with open( fname, 'r' ) as fff:
titlepg_dict = json.load(fff)
# output JSON file, for rating/comments. Now includes SUBJ ID in
# it, for easier identification
oapqcjson = 'apqc_{}.json'.format( titlepg_dict['subj'] )
# make a list of lists: each sublist is either 'blockid' or
# 'itemid', and then the id. E.g.: ['blockid', 'regr'],
# ['itemid', 'tsnr_vreg']
list_ids = []
# ========================= HTML: start =========================== #
ht = """"""
# ========================= HTML: style =========================== #
# [PT: Jan 14, 2019] Have finally moved CSS attributes to their
# own, external CSS file. They grow up soooo fast...
ht+= '''
'''.format( subj=titlepg_dict['subj'], ocss=ocss )
# javascript functions
ht+= lah.make_javascript_btn_func( titlepg_dict['subj'] )
# ========================= HTML: title =========================== #
# Offset when jumping to div IDs with #id. Value comes from:
# navbar height = 70px
# border bottom = 3px
# padding top = 2px
# [other] = 5px
page_title = lah.dir_img + '/' + lat.page_title_json + '.json'
# 'AATI' = all APQC title info.
AATI = lah.read_title_json(page_title)
ht+= '''
'''.format( tobetable )
# NB: someday, xstudy can be the task_name, likely from a uvar and
# field in page_title_json
ht+= lah.wrap_page_title( AATI.title, AATI.subj,
padmarg=PADMARG_VAL )
list_links.append( [AATI.blockid, AATI.blockid_hov] )
ht+= '''
# ========================= HTML: body =========================== #
ht += '''
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------- get images with any associated text ----------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# First, find ALL images and jsons, and then we'll exclude some
# because they are supplementary sub-images and not independent
# ones (like the *.cor.*, *.sag.* and *pbar* ones)
list_allglob = []
for ff in ftypes:
list_allglob += glob.glob(lah.dir_img + '/*.' + ff)
list_jsonglob = glob.glob(lah.dir_img + '/*.json')
# we don't want the 'cor' ones, for space considerations;
# and now, we don't want the colorbars *here*, either-- will
# read those in based on the names of *axi.jpg.
list_use = []
for x in list_allglob:
if not(x.__contains__('.cor.jpg') or x.__contains__('.pbar.jpg')) :
# for each QC block
for qcb in allblocks:
# find the QC items that belong to it, by parsing names
list_qci = []
for img in list_use:
if img.__contains__('_' + qcb + '_') :
Nqui = len(list_qci)
# loop through any
for ii in range(Nqui):
img = list_qci[ii]
# get extension of file, must be one of ftypes (how
# could it not be??)
img_ext = img.split('.')[-1]
img_json = img.replace(img_ext, 'json')
# 'AAII' = 'all APQC item info'
# initialize empty, may not need/use
AAII = lah.apqc_item_info()
if list_jsonglob.__contains__(img_json) :
AAII = lah.read_descrip_json(img_json)
# 1) Try to get title+text+blockid, only for first one in
# list
if AAII.title and not(ii):
if DID_START_QC_BLOCKS : dcpd = True
else: dcpd = False
ht+= lah.wrap_block_title( AAII.title,
addclass=" class='padtop' ",
do_close_prev_div=dcpd )
list_links.append( [AAII.blockid, AAII.blockid_hov] )
list_ids.append( ['blockid', AAII.blockid] )
list_ids.append( ['itemid', AAII.itemid] )
# 2) Try to add text above it
if AAII.text :
ht+= lah.wrap_block_text( AAII.text,
addclass="class='container' ",
vpad=1 )
if AAII.itemid != list_ids[-1][1] :
list_ids.append( ['itemid', AAII.itemid] )
# 3) Try to add image or dat
if AAII.itemtype == '1D':
# put a border around this type
ht+=lah.wrap_img( img, vpad=True,
addclass=" class='bordered' " )
elif AAII.itemtype == 'VOL':
# decide when to put AV/NV buttons (or not)
if AAII.text and AAII.itemid != 'olap' :
add_nvbtn = True
add_nvbtn = False
ht+=lah.wrap_img( img, itemid=AAII.itemid, vpad=True,
gv_args=AAII.gv_args )
if AAII.nv_html :
fname = lah.dir_img + '/' + AAII.nv_html
ht+= lah.wrap_nv_html(fname)
if AAII.itemid != list_ids[-1][1] :
list_ids.append( ['itemid', AAII.itemid] )
elif AAII.itemtype == 'WARN':
ht+=lah.wrap_dat( lah.read_dat(img),
addclass=" class='warnbord' ",
warn_level = AAII.warn_level,
remove_top_empty = True)
if lahc.wlevel_ranks[AAII.warn_level] > MAX_WLEVEL_RANK :
MAX_WLEVEL = AAII.warn_level
MAX_WLEVEL_RANK = lahc.wlevel_ranks[MAX_WLEVEL]
if AAII.itemid != list_ids[-1][1] :
list_ids.append( ['itemid', AAII.itemid] )
elif AAII.itemtype == 'DAT':
ht+=lah.wrap_dat( lah.read_dat(img),
addclass=" class='datbord' ")
if AAII.itemid != list_ids[-1][1] :
list_ids.append( ['itemid', AAII.itemid] )
elif AAII.itemtype == 'BUTTON':
ht+=lah.wrap_button( lah.read_dat(img),
button_type=AAII.itemid )
# 4) Add in any 'subtext'
if AAII.subtext :
ht+= lah.wrap_block_text( AAII.subtext,
addclass=" class='container2' ",
vpad=2 )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------- put the nav link table in ------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# close final section div
ht+= '''
list_links.append( lah.qc_link_final )
txt_for_navtable = lah.make_nav_table(list_links, subj=AATI.subj,
max_wlevel = MAX_WLEVEL)
ht = ht.replace(tobetable, txt_for_navtable)
# -------------- done: wrap up and close body text ------------------
# ------------- write to file ----------------
# main index.html output file
fff = open(ohtml, 'w')
# write the external style file for the HTML files
lahc.write_css_file( ocss )
# at least here, the JSON has indentation
lah.write_json_file(list_links, oapqcjson)
# output help html file; reuse same external CSS file
lah.write_help_html_file( ohelp, ocss )
# output list of IDs to a text file, to display
lah.write_list_ids_file( oids, list_ids )
# silly check, so no doubling of slash in path (not harmful, but
# annoyingly unaesthetic)
path_qcdir = iopts.qcdir
if path_qcdir[-1] == '/' :
path_qcdir = iopts.qcdir[:-1]
# [PT: Oct 22, 2021] update the 'done' message path, because the
# originally-reported relative path is often not useful. here,
# get abs path to current dir, which should be QC_*/, because of
# os.chdir(..) above
pwd_res = os.getcwd()
qcfile_abs = pwd_res + '/' + ohtml
bye_msg = """
++ Done! Wrote QC HTML.
To view, run either this (without server):
afni_open -b {qcfile_abs}
... or this (with server):
open_apqc.py -infiles {qcfile_abs}
# exit, pursued by a bear