#!/usr/bin/env python # python3 status: started # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [PT: May 30, 2021] update to use all *.nii.gz all the time # + so that "AFNI_COMPRESSOR = GZIP" in present functioning # doesn't cause probs (though the above will soon not # affect *.nii?) # [PT: June 2, 2020] ... rolled back to use all *.nii, because RCR fixed how # AFNI_COMPRESSOR works with NIFTI (-> now ignores them) # [PT: Mar 3, 2023] running this prog with no opts now produces FULL help # + add in -hview functionality # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- import sys, os import copy from time import asctime # AFNI modules from afnipy.afni_base import * from afnipy.afni_util import * from afnipy.option_list import * from afnipy.db_mod import * from afnipy import ask_me g_help_string = """ =========================================================================== auto_warp.py - Nonlinear registration Basic Usage: auto_warp.py -base TT_N27+tlrc -input anat.nii \\ -skull_strip_input yes --------------------------------------------- REQUIRED OPTIONS: -base : name of reference or template volume -input : name of dataset to be registered MAJOR OPTIONS: -help : this help message OTHER OPTIONS: -qblur bB bS : specify 3dQwarp blurs for base and source volumes -qworkhard i0 i1: set the two values for 3dQwarp's -workhard option -qw_opts 'OPTS': Pass all of OPTS as extra options directly to 3dQwarp """ ## BEGIN common functions across scripts (loosely of course) class RegWrap: def __init__(self, label): self.align_version = "0.06" # software version (update for changes) self.label = label # this program's name self.valid_opts = None self.user_opts = None self.verb = 1 # a little talkative by default self.save_script = '' # save completed script into given file self.rewrite = 0 #Do not recreate existing volumes self.oexec = "" #dry_run is an option self.anat2temp = 1 # align anat to template by default self.rmrm = 1 # remove temporary files self.prep_only = 0 # do preprocessing only self.odir = os.getcwd() self.resample_flag = 1 # do resample self.deoblique_flag = 1 # deoblique datasets first self.deoblique_opt = "" # deobliquing/obliquing options self.at_opt = "" # @auto_tlrc options self.qw_opts = "" # 3dQwarp extra options self.qworkhard = [0, 1] self.qblur = [-3, -3]# blurs for 3dQwarp self.output_dir = '' # user assigned path for anat and EPI return #Define and initialize defaults of user options def init_opts(self): self.valid_opts = OptionList('init_opts') self.valid_opts.add_opt('-base', 1, [], \ helpstr="Template volume.") self.valid_opts.add_opt('-input', 1, [], \ helpstr="dataset to be aligned to the template") self.valid_opts.add_opt('-keep_rm_files', 0, [], \ helpstr="Don't delete any of the temporary files created here") self.valid_opts.add_opt('-prep_only', 0, [], \ helpstr="Do preprocessing steps only without alignment") self.valid_opts.add_opt('-help', 0, [], \ helpstr="The main help describing this program with options") self.valid_opts.add_opt('-hview', 0, [], \ helpstr="Like '-help', but opening in a text editor") self.valid_opts.add_opt('-limited_help', 0, [], \ helpstr="The main help without all available options") self.valid_opts.add_opt('-option_help', 0, [], \ helpstr="Help for all available options") self.valid_opts.add_opt('-version', 0, [], \ helpstr="Show version number and exit") self.valid_opts.add_opt('-ver', 0, [], \ helpstr="Show version number and exit") self.valid_opts.add_opt('-verb', 1, [], \ helpstr="Be verbose in messages and options" ) # 26 Nov 2012 [rickr] self.valid_opts.add_opt('-save_script', 1, [], \ helpstr="save executed script in given file" ) self.valid_opts.add_opt('-skip_affine', 1, ['no'], ['yes', 'no'], \ helpstr="Skip the affine registration process\n" \ "Equivalent to -affine_input_xmat ID \n" \ "(apply identity transformation)\n") self.valid_opts.add_opt('-skull_strip_base', 1, ['no'], ['yes', 'no'],\ helpstr="Do not skullstrip base/template dataset") self.valid_opts.add_opt('-skull_strip_input', 1, ['no'], ['yes', 'no'],\ helpstr="Do not skullstrip input dataset") self.valid_opts.add_opt('-ex_mode', 1, ['script'], \ ['quiet', 'echo', 'dry_run', 'script'], \ helpstr="Command execution mode.\n" \ "quiet: execute commands quietly\n" \ "echo: echo commands executed\n" \ "dry_run: only echo commands\n" ) self.valid_opts.add_opt('-overwrite', 0, [],\ helpstr="Overwrite existing files") self.valid_opts.add_opt('-suffix', 1,['_al']) # child anat datasets self.valid_opts.add_opt('-child_anat', -1,[],\ helpstr="Names of child anatomical datasets") #resolutions for computing transforms # 16 Dec 2013 [rickr] self.valid_opts.add_opt('-qblur', 2, [], helpstr="3dQwarp base and source blurs (FWHM)\n") # June 2nd 2014 [ZSS] self.valid_opts.add_opt('-qw_opts', -1, [], helpstr="3dQwarp miscellaneous options.\n" \ "Parameters will get passed directly to 3dQwarp.\n") self.valid_opts.add_opt('-qworkhard', 2, [0, 1], helpstr="3dQwarp -workhard values\n") self.valid_opts.add_opt('-warp_dxyz', 1,[0.0],\ helpstr="Resolution used for computing warp (cubic only)\n") self.valid_opts.add_opt('-affine_dxyz', 1,[0.0],\ helpstr="Resolution used for computing initial transform (cubic only)\n") self.valid_opts.add_opt('-affine_input_xmat', 1,deflist=['AUTO'],\ helpstr="Affine transform to put input in standard space.\n"\ "Special values are:\n"\ " 'AUTO' to use @auto_tlrc\n"\ " 'ID' to do nothing\n"\ " 'FILE.1D' for a pre-computed matrix FILE.1D will\n"\ " get applied to the input before Qwarping\n") self.valid_opts.add_opt('-smooth_anat', -1,[],\ helpstr="Smooth anatomy before registration\n") self.valid_opts.add_opt('-smooth_base', -1,[],\ helpstr="Smooth template before registration\n") self.valid_opts.add_opt(name='-unifize_input', npar = 1, deflist='yes',acplist=['yes','no'],\ helpstr="To unifize or not unifize the input\n") self.valid_opts.add_opt('-output_dir', 1,['awpy'],\ helpstr="Set directory for output datasets\n") self.valid_opts.add_opt('-followers', npar=-1, deflist=[],\ helpstr="Specify follower datasets\n") self.valid_opts.add_opt('-affine_followers_xmat', npar=-1, deflist=[],\ helpstr="Specify follower datasets' affine transforms\n") self.valid_opts.add_opt('-skullstrip_opts', -1, [], helpstr="3dSkullstrip miscellaneous options.\n" \ "Parameters will get passed directly to 3dSkullstrip.\n") self.valid_opts.add_opt('-at_opts', -1, [], helpstr="@auto_tlrc miscellaneous options.\n" \ "Parameters will get passed directly to @auto_tlrc.\n") self.valid_opts.trailers = 0 # do not allow unknown options def dry_run(self): if self.oexec != "dry_run": return 0 else: return 1 def apply_initial_opts(self, opt_list): opt1 = opt_list.find_opt('-version') # user only wants version opt2 = opt_list.find_opt('-ver') if ((opt1 != None) or (opt2 != None)): # ps.version() ps.ciao(0) # terminate opt = opt_list.find_opt('-verb') # set and use verb if opt != None: self.verb = int(opt.parlist[0]) opt = opt_list.find_opt('-save_script') # save executed script if opt != None: self.save_script = opt.parlist[0] opt = opt_list.find_opt('-ex_mode') # set execute mode if opt != None: self.oexec = opt.parlist[0] opt = opt_list.find_opt('-keep_rm_files') # keep temp files if opt != None: self.rmrm = 0 opt = opt_list.find_opt('-prep_only') # preprocessing only if opt != None: self.prep_only = 1 opt = opt_list.find_opt('-help') # does the user want help? if opt != None: ps.self_help(2) # always give full help now by default ps.ciao(0) # terminate opt = opt_list.find_opt('-hview') # does the user want help IN A GUI? if opt != None: cmd = 'apsearch -view_prog_help {}'.format( self.label ) simple_shell_exec(cmd) # from afni_base.py ps.ciao(0) # terminate opt = opt_list.find_opt('-limited_help') # less help? if opt != None: ps.self_help() ps.ciao(0) # terminate opt = opt_list.find_opt('-option_help') # help for options only if opt != None: ps.self_help(1) ps.ciao(0) # terminate opt = opt_list.find_opt('-suffix') if opt != None: self.suffix = opt.parlist[0] if((opt=="") or (opt==" ")) : self.error_msg("Cannot have blank suffix") ps.ciao(1); # 13 Dec, 2013 [rickr] - for Peter Molfese vals, rv = opt_list.get_type_list(float, '-qblur', length=2) if rv: ps.ciao(1) if vals != None: self.qblur = vals vals, rv = opt_list.get_type_list(float, '-qworkhard', length=2) if rv: ps.ciao(1) if vals != None: if len(vals) == 2: self.qworkhard = vals else: ps.ciao(1) opt = opt_list.find_opt('-qw_opts') istr = ' ' if opt != None: self.qw_opts = ' %s' % \ ' '.join(UTIL.quotize_list(opt.parlist, '\\\n%s '%istr, 1)) opt = opt_list.find_opt('-warp_dxyz') if opt != None: self.warp_dxyz = float(opt.parlist[0]) if (self.warp_dxyz != 0.0 and (self.warp_dxyz < 0.01 or self.warp_dxyz > 10.0)): self.error_msg("Bad value for -dxyz of %s" % opt.parlist[0]) ps.ciao(1); else: self.error_msg("This should not happen for pre-defined options"); ps.ciao(1) opt = opt_list.find_opt('-affine_dxyz') if opt != None: self.affine_dxyz = float(opt.parlist[0]) if (self.affine_dxyz != 0.0 and (self.affine_dxyz < 0.01 or self.affine_dxyz > 10.0)): self.error_msg("Bad value for -dxyz of %s" % opt.parlist[0]) ps.ciao(1); else: self.error_msg("This should not happen for pre-defined options"); ps.ciao(1) opt = opt_list.find_opt('-unifize_input') self.unifize_input = opt_is_yes(opt) # any affine transform supplied (defaults to auto_tlrc call) opt = opt_list.find_opt('-affine_input_xmat') self.affine_input_xmat = opt.parlist[0] # skip_affine is same as input of IDentity matrix opt = opt_list.find_opt('-skip_affine') if opt_is_yes(opt): self.affine_input_xmat = "ID" opt = opt_list.find_opt('-followers') if (opt == None): self.followers=[] else: self.followers = [] for fol in opt.parlist: self.followers.append(afni_name(fol)) opt = opt_list.find_opt('-affine_followers_xmat') if (opt == None): self.affine_followers_xmat=[] else: self.affine_followers_xmat = opt.parlist if (len(self.followers)): if (len(self.affine_followers_xmat) and \ len(self.affine_followers_xmat)!=len(self.followers)): error_ex("followers and their transforms don't jive") if (len(self.affine_followers_xmat)==0): for kk in self.followers: self.affine_followers_xmat.append("ID") #Parse user options def get_user_opts(self): self.user_opts = read_options(sys.argv, self.valid_opts) if self.user_opts == None: return 1 #bad # no options: apply -help if ( len(self.user_opts.olist) == 0 or \ len(sys.argv) <= 1 ) : ps.self_help(2) ps.ciao(0) # terminate if self.user_opts.trailers: opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('trailers') if not opt: print("** ERROR: seem to have trailers, but cannot find them!") else: print("** ERROR: have invalid trailing args: %s" % opt.parlist) return 1 # failure # apply the user options if self.apply_initial_opts(self.user_opts): return 1 if self.verb > 3: self.show('------ found options ------ ') return def show(self, mesg=""): print('%s: %s' % (mesg, self.label)) if self.verb > 2: self.valid_opts.show('valid_opts: ') self.user_opts.show('user_opts: ') def info_msg(self, mesg=""): if(self.verb >= 1) : print("#++ %s" % mesg) def error_msg(self, mesg=""): print("#**ERROR %s" % mesg) def error_ex(self, mesg=""): print("#**ERROR %s" % mesg) self.ciao(1) def exists_msg(self, dsetname=""): self.info_msg(mesg="** Dataset: %s already exists: Reusing." % dsetname); def ciao(self, i): if i > 0: print("** ERROR - script failed") elif i==0: print("") os.chdir(self.odir) if self.save_script: write_afni_com_history(self.save_script) sys.exit() # save the script command arguments to the dataset history def save_history(self, dset, exec_mode): self.info_msg("Saving history") # sounds dramatic, doesn't it? cmdline = args_as_command(sys.argv, \ '3dNotes -h "', '" %s' % dset.input()) com = shell_com( "%s\n" % cmdline, exec_mode) com.run() # show help # if help_level is 1, then show options help only # if help_level is 2, then show main help and options help def self_help(self, help_level=0): if(help_level!=1) : print(g_help_string) if(help_level): print("A full list of options for %s:\n" % ps.label) for opt in self.valid_opts.olist: print(" %-20s" % (opt.name )) if (opt.helpstr != ''): print(" %-20s %s" % \ (" use:", opt.helpstr.replace("\n","\n %-20s "%' '))) if (opt.acceptlist): print(" %-20s %s" % \ (" allowed:" , ', '.join(opt.acceptlist))) if (opt.deflist): if type(opt.deflist[0]) != str: # 31 Mar 2014 [rickr] print(" %-20s %s" % (" default:",opt.deflist)) else: print(" %-20s %s" % \ (" default:",' '.join(opt.deflist))) return 1 # remove all the temporary files for epi and anat base names def cleanup(self, rmold=0): opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-output_dir') return 0 def version(self): self.info_msg("auto_warp.py version: %s" % self.align_version) # copy dataset 1 to dataset 2 # show message and check if dset1 is the same as dset2 # return non-zero error if cannot copy def copy_dset(self, a, prefix): n = afni_name(prefix) if (not n.exist() or ps.rewrite or ps.dry_run()): n.delete(ps.oexec) com = shell_com( \ "3dcopy %s %s" \ % (a.input(), n.input()) , ps.oexec) com.run() if (not n.exist() and not ps.dry_run()): print("** ERROR: Could not copy dset\n") ps.ciao(1) else: self.exists_msg(n.input()) return n ## BEGIN script specific functions def process_input(self): for opt in self.user_opts.olist: if (opt.test() == None): ps.ciao(1) # do not allow AFNI_COMPRESSOR (or avoid NIFTI) 10 Jun 2015 [rickr] */ ename = 'AFNI_COMPRESSOR' if ename in os.environ: print('-- clearing %s ...' % ename) del os.environ[ename] opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-skull_strip_input') if opt == None: self.error_ex("should not be empty") if opt.parlist[0] == 'no': ps.skullstrip_input = 0 else: ps.skullstrip_input = 1 opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-skull_strip_base') if opt == None: self.error_ex("should not be empty") if opt.parlist[0] == 'no': ps.skullstrip_base = 0 else: ps.skullstrip_base = 1 #get anat and epi opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-input') if opt == None: self.error_ex("No -input"); ps.input = afni_name(opt.parlist[0]) if (not ps.input.exist()): self.error_ex("Could not find input") opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-base') if opt == None: self.error_ex("No -template"); ps.base = afni_name(opt.parlist[0]) ps.base.locate() if (not ps.base.exist()): self.error_ex("Could not find base") #get 3dSkullstrip options opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-skullstrip_opts') if opt != None: ps.skullstrip_opt = ' '.join(opt.parlist) else: ps.skullstrip_opt = '' #get auto_tlrc options opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-at_opts') if opt != None: ps.at_opt = ' '.join(opt.parlist) else: ps.at_opt = '' # user says it's okay to overwrite existing files opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-overwrite') if opt != None: ps.rewrite = 1 opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-output_dir') # set alternative output directory if opt != None: self.output_dir = opt.parlist[0] self.output_dir = "%s/" % os.path.realpath(self.output_dir) print("# Output directory %s" % self.output_dir) com = shell_com(("mkdir %s" % self.output_dir), self.oexec) com.run() print("cd %s" % self.output_dir) if(not self.dry_run()): os.chdir(self.output_dir) # all inputs look okay - this goes after all inputs. ########## return 1 # find smallest dimension of dataset in x,y,z def min_dim_dset(self, dset=None) : com = shell_com( \ "3dAttribute DELTA %s" % dset.input(), ps.oexec,capture=1) com.run() if ps.dry_run(): return (1.234567) # new purty python way (donated by rick) min_dx = min([abs(float(com.val(0,i))) for i in range(3)]) if(min_dx==0.0): min_dx = 1.0 return (min_dx) # resample EPI data to match higher resolution anatomical data def resample_epi( self, e=None, resample_opt="", prefix="temp_rs", \ subbrick=""): o = afni_name(prefix) if (not o.exist() or ps.rewrite or ps.dry_run()): o.delete(ps.oexec) self.info_msg( "resampling %s to match %s data" % \ (ps.dset2_generic_name, ps.dset1_generic_name )) if (subbrick == ""): sb = "" else: if(subbrick.isdigit()): sb = "[%s]" % subbrick else: sb = "[0]" com = shell_com( \ "3dresample -master %s -prefix %s -inset %s'%s' -rmode Cu" \ % (ps.anat_ns.ppv(), o.pp(), e.input(),sb), ps.oexec) com.run() if (not o.exist() and not ps.dry_run()): print("** ERROR: Could not resample\n") ps.ciao(1) else: self.exists_msg(o.pve()) return o # remove skull or outside brain area def skullstrip_data(self, e=None, use_ss='3dSkullStrip', \ skullstrip_opt="", prefix = "temp_ns"): self.info_msg( "removing skull or area outside brain") if (use_ss == '3dSkullStrip'): #skullstrip epi n = afni_name(prefix) if (not n.exist() or ps.rewrite or ps.dry_run()): n.delete(ps.oexec) com = shell_com( \ "3dSkullStrip -orig_vol %s -input %s -prefix %s" \ % (skullstrip_opt, e.input(), n.input()) , ps.oexec) com.run() if (not n.exist() and not ps.dry_run()): print("** ERROR: Could not strip skull\n") ps.ciao(1) else: self.exists_msg(n.input()) elif use_ss == '3dAutomask': #Automask epi n = afni_name(prefix) j = afni_name("%s__tt_am_%s" % (n.p(),n.pve())) if (not n.exist() or ps.rewrite or ps.dry_run()): n.delete(ps.oexec) com = shell_com( \ "3dAutomask -prefix %s %s && 3dcalc -a %s "\ "-b %s -prefix %s -expr 'step(b)*a'" \ % ( j.pp(), e.input(), e.input(), j.input(), n.pp()), ps.oexec) com.run() if (not n.exist() and not ps.dry_run()): print("** ERROR: Could not strip skull with automask\n") ps.ciao(1) j.delete(ps.oexec) else: self.exists_msg(n.input()) else: n = e; return n #unifize? def unifize_data(self, a, prefix = "temp_un"): n = afni_name(prefix) if (not n.exist() or ps.rewrite or ps.dry_run()): n.delete(ps.oexec) com = shell_com( \ "3dUnifize -GM -input %s -prefix %s" \ % (a.input(), n.input()) , ps.oexec) com.run() if (not n.exist() and not ps.dry_run()): print("** ERROR: Could not strip skull\n") ps.ciao(1) else: self.exists_msg(n.input()) return n # prepare input def prepare_input(self, use_ss='3dSkullStrip'): prefix = "%s/anat.ns.nii" % (ps.output_dir) if (ps.skullstrip_input): skullstrip_o = self.skullstrip_data(self.input, use_ss, ps.skullstrip_opt, prefix) else: skullstrip_o = self.copy_dset (self.input, prefix="%s/anat.nii" % (ps.output_dir)) if (ps.unifize_input): prefix = "%s/anat.un.nii" % (ps.output_dir) skullstrip_o = self.unifize_data(skullstrip_o, prefix) return skullstrip_o # do the preprocessing of the anatomical data def prepare_base(self, use_ss='3dSkullStrip'): prefix = "%s/base.ns.nii" % (ps.output_dir) if (ps.skullstrip_base): skullstrip_o = self.skullstrip_data( self.base, use_ss, ps.skullstrip_opt, prefix) else: skullstrip_o = self.copy_dset (self.base, prefix="%s/base.nii" % (ps.output_dir)) return skullstrip_o def resample(self,a,prefix='resampled', dxyz=0.0, m=None): n = afni_name(prefix) if (m == None): m = a if (not n.exist() or ps.rewrite or ps.dry_run()): n.delete(ps.oexec) if (dxyz != 0.0): com = shell_com( \ "3dresample -inset %s -prefix %s -dxyz %f %f %f "\ " -rmode Li -master %s" \ % ( a.input(), n.input(), dxyz, dxyz, dxyz, m.input()), ps.oexec) else: com = shell_com( \ "3dresample -inset %s -prefix %s "\ " -rmode Li -master %s" \ % ( a.input(), n.input(), m.input()), ps.oexec) com.run() if (not n.exist() and not ps.dry_run()): print("** ERROR: Could not strip skull with automask\n") ps.ciao(1) else: self.exists_msg(n.input()) return(n) def match_resolutions(self, a, b, suf, dxyz=0.0, m=None): if (dxyz != 0.0): print("%f" % (dxyz)) ar = self.resample(a,prefix="anat%s.nii" % suf, dxyz=dxyz, m=m) br = self.resample(b,prefix="base%s.nii" % suf, dxyz=dxyz, m=m) else: ar = a br = b dxa = self.min_dim_dset(a) dxb = self.min_dim_dset(b) print("%f %f" % (dxa, dxb)) if (dxb < dxa): br = self.resample(b,prefix="base%s.nii" % suf, dxyz=dxa, m=m) if (dxa > dxb): ar = self.resample(a,prefix="anat%s.nii" % suf, dxyz=dxb, m=m) com = shell_com(\ "3dinfo -same_grid %s %s" % (ar.input(), br.input()), ps.oexec, capture=1) com.run() if (len(com.so) and int(com.so[0]) == 0): ar = self.resample(ar,prefix="anat%sb.nii" % suf ,m=br) return ar,br def align_auto_tlrc( self, a=None, b=None, \ alopt=" ",\ suf = ".aff", at_opt = "", xmat=None): #m is the weight brick self.info_msg( "Aligning %s data to %s data" % \ (b.input(), a.input() )) n = a.new(new_pref="%s%s" % (a.prefix, suf), parse_pref=1) if (not n.exist() or ps.rewrite or ps.dry_run()): n.delete(ps.oexec) if (xmat==None): com = shell_com( \ "@auto_tlrc -base %s " \ " -input %s " \ " -suffix %s " \ " -no_ss -no_pre" \ " -init_xform CENTER %s" \ % ( b.input(), a.input(), suf, at_opt ), \ ps.oexec) else: com = shell_com( \ "3dWarp -matvec_out2in %s -prefix %s %s " \ % ( xmat, n.input(), a.input() ), \ ps.oexec) com.run() if (not n.exist() and not ps.dry_run()): self.error_msg("Failed in affine step"); ps.ciao(1) xmat = "%s.Xat.1D" % n.prefix if (not os.path.isfile(xmat) and not ps.dry_run()): self.error_msg("Failed to find xmat %s" % xmat); ps.ciao(1) else: self.exists_msg(n.input()) if (xmat==None): xmat = "%s.Xat.1D" % n.prefix return n,xmat def qwarping(self, a=None, b = None, prefix=None): self.info_msg( "Aligning %s data to %s data" % \ (b.input(), a.input() )) if (prefix==None): prefix = "%s.qw" % a.prefix n = a.new(new_pref=prefix, parse_pref=1) if (not n.exist() or ps.rewrite or ps.dry_run()): n.delete(ps.oexec) if self.qworkhard[0] < 0: whopt = '-workhard' else: whopt = "-workhard:%d:%d" % (self.qworkhard[0], self.qworkhard[1]) com = shell_com( \ "3dQwarp "\ " -prefix %s "\ " -blur %s %s %s "\ " %s -base %s -source %s "\ % ( n.input(), self.qblur[0], self.qblur[1], whopt, self.qw_opts, b.input(), a.input()), ps.oexec) com.run() if (not n.exist() and not ps.dry_run()): self.error_msg("Failed in warping step"); ps.ciao(1) else: self.exists_msg(n.input()) w = n.new(new_pref="%s_WARP" % n.prefix) return (n,w) def qwarp_applying(self, a, aff, wrp, prefix=None, dxyz=0.0, master=None): self.info_msg( "Applying warps to %s" % \ ( a.input() )) if (prefix==None): prefix = "./%s.aw.nii" % a.prefix n = afni_name(prefix) n.new_path("./") if (not n.exist() or ps.rewrite or ps.dry_run()): n.delete(ps.oexec) if (aff != "ID"): # waff = "-affter %s" % aff nwarp = '"%s %s"' % (wrp.input(), aff) # 7 Nov, 2014 [rickr] else: # waff = "" nwarp = '%s' % wrp.input() if (dxyz==0.0): dxopt = "" else: dxopt = "-dxyz %f" % dxyz # warp datasets may need to grow, so allow for a different master if master == None: mast_str = "NWARP" else: mast_str = "%s" % master.input() com = shell_com( \ "3dNwarpApply "\ "-nwarp %s "\ "-master %s "\ " %s "\ "-source %s "\ "-prefix %s "\ % ( nwarp, mast_str, dxopt, a.input(), n.input()), ps.oexec) com.run() if (not n.exist() and not ps.dry_run()): n.show() self.error_msg("Failed in warping step"); ps.ciao(1) else: self.exists_msg(n.input()) return n def align_epi_anat(self, e, a, aff): prefix = "%s_al" % e.prefix n = e.new(new_pref=prefix) n.new_path("./") affout = "%s_al_post_mat.aff12.1D" % e.prefix if (not os.path.isfile(affout) or not n.exist() or ps.rewrite or ps.dry_run()): n.delete(ps.oexec) if (aff != "ID"): waff = "-post_matrix %s" % aff else: waff = "" com = shell_com( \ "align_epi_anat.py "\ " -epi %s -epi_base 3 -epi2anat "\ " -anat %s -big_move "\ " -anat_has_skull no -overwrite "\ " %s "\ % ( e.input(), a.input(), waff), \ ps.oexec) com.run() if (not os.path.isfile(affout) and not ps.dry_run()): self.error_msg("Failed in warping step"); ps.ciao(1) else: self.exists_msg(n.input()) return(affout) # Main: if __name__ == '__main__': ps = RegWrap('auto_warp.py') ps.init_opts() ps.version() rv = ps.get_user_opts() if (rv != None): ps.ciao(1) #process and check input params if(not (ps.process_input())): ps.ciao(1) # get rid of any previous temporary data ps.cleanup() ps.anat_no_skull = a=ps.prepare_input() b=ps.prepare_base() if (ps.affine_input_xmat == 'AUTO'): #@auto_tlrc if (ps.affine_dxyz != 0.0): a,b = ps.match_resolutions(a,b, '.rs', ps.affine_dxyz) #now run auto_tlrc a, ps.affine_input_xmat = ps.align_auto_tlrc(a,b, at_opt=ps.at_opt) elif (ps.affine_input_xmat == 'ID'): #input already in std space if (0): print("Nothing to do") else: #User specified matrix to take input to std space a, ps.affine_input_xmat = ps.align_auto_tlrc(a,b, xmat=ps.affine_input_xmat) #set resolutions properly now with master always the base a,b = ps.match_resolutions(a,b, '.rw', ps.warp_dxyz, m=b) #compute the warp a, ps.warp_input_xform = ps.qwarping(a=a, b=b) #apply warps # warp datasets may grow, so pass base as master 26 Mar 2014 [rcr/zss] aw = ps.qwarp_applying(a=ps.input, aff=ps.affine_input_xmat, wrp=ps.warp_input_xform, master=b) ps.save_history(aw, ps.oexec) #apply warps for all followers if (len(ps.followers)): k = 0 for fol in ps.followers: if (ps.affine_followers_xmat[k] == 'AUTO'): ps.affine_followers_xmat[k] = ps.align_epi_anat(e=fol, a = ps.anat_no_skull, aff=ps.affine_input_xmat) ps.qwarp_applying(a=fol, aff=ps.affine_followers_xmat[k], wrp=ps.warp_input_xform, dxyz=2.5) k = k + 1 #cleanup after the parents too? if (ps.rmrm): ps.cleanup() ps.ciao(0)