Ifile: Program to read GE RT-EPI image files and divine their ordering in time and space. Ifile also generates the command for @RenamePanga to package the images into an AFNI brick. Try one of the binaries Ifile_* or compile your own To compile: Linux: cc -o Ifile -O2 Ifile.c -lm SGI: gcc -o Ifile_Irix -O2 Ifile.c -lm Solaris: gcc -o Ifile_Solaris Ifile.c -lm For help on Ifile usage, execute Ifile with no arguments @RenamePanga: Script to package GE RT-EPI images into an AFNI brick. Robert W. Cox (rwcox@nih.gov) & Ziad S. Saad (ziad@nih.gov) SSCC/NIMH Dec. 10/01