==================================================== Notes on Image and Volume Registration in AFNI 2.21+ ==================================================== Two basic methods are supplied. The first does 2D (in-plane) alignment on each slice separately. There is no attempt to correct for out-of-slice movements. The second does 3D (volumetric) alignment on each 3D sub-brick in a dataset. Both methods compute the alignment parameters by an iterative weighted least squares fit to a base image or volume (which can be selected from another dataset). The AFNI package registration programs are designed to find movements that are small -- 1-2 voxels and 1-2 degrees, at most. They may not work well at realigning datasets with larger motion (as would occur between imaging sessions) -- however, this issue is discussed later. 2D registration is implemented in programs * imreg: operates on slice data files, outside of the AFNI framework * 2dImReg: same as imreg, but takes data from an AFNI dataset * plug_imreg: same as 2dImReg, but interactively within AFNI 3D registration is implemented in programs * 3dvolreg: operates on 3D+time datasets * plug_volreg: same as 3dvolreg, but interactively within AFNI 2D image rotation/translation can be done with program imrotate. 3D and 3D+time AFNI dataset rotation/translation can be done with program 3drotate. Each realignment method has its good and bad points. The bad point about 2D registration is the obvious lack of correction for out-of-slice movement. The bad point about 3D registration is that there is no ability to compensate for movements that occur during the time that the volume is acquired -- usually several seconds. A better approach would be to merge the two methods. This may be done in the future, but is not available now. Several data resampling schemes are implemented in the registration programs. Generally, the most accurate resampling is obtained with the Fourier method, but this is also the slowest. A polynomial interpolation method can be used instead if speed is vital. The registration and rotation routines in 3dvolreg (and plug_volreg) have been carefully written for efficiency. As a result, 3dvolreg is several times faster than AIR 3.08 (available from Roger Woods at http://bishopw.loni.ucla.edu/AIR3/index.html ). Using Fourier interpolation in 3dvolreg and trilinear interpolation in AIR, 3dvolreg was 2-3 times faster on some typical FMRI datasets (128x128x30x80). Dropping to 7th order (heptic) polynomial interpolation speeds up 3dvolreg by another factor of 2. The two programs (AIR and 3dvolreg) produce nearly identical estimates of the movement parameters. ----------------------------------- Robert W. Cox, PhD -- November 1998 Medical College of Wisconsin ----------------------------------- The following words can be used as the basis for a concise description of the registration algorithm, if you need such a thing for a paper. A paper on the algorithm has been published: RW Cox and A Jesmanowicz. Real-time 3D image registration for functional MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 42:1014-1018, 1999. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The algorithm used for 3D volume registration is designed to be efficient at fixing motions of a few mm and rotations of a few degrees. Using this limitation, the basic technique is to align each volume in a time series to a fiducial volume (usually an early volume from the first imaging run in the scanning session). The fiducial volume is expanded in a 1st order Taylor series at each point in the six motion parameters (3 shifts, 3 angles). This expansion is used to compute an approximation to a weighted linear least squares fit of the target volume to the fiducial volume. The target volume is then moved according to the fit, and the new target volume is re-fit to the fiducial. This iteration proceeds until the movement is small. Effectively, this is gradient descent in the nonlinear least squares estimation of the movement parameters that best make the target volume fit the fiducial volume. This iteration is rapid (usually only 2-4 iterations are needed), since the motion parameters are small. It is efficient, based on a new method using a 4-way 3D shear matrix factorization of the rotation matrix. It is accurate, since Fourier interpolation is used in the resampling process. On the SGI and Intel workstations used for this project, a 64x64x16 volume can be aligned to a fiducial in less than 1 second. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =============================================================================== Using 3dvolreg/3drotate to Align Intrasubject/Intersession Datasets: AFNI 2.29+ =============================================================================== When you study the same subject on different days, to compare the datasets gathered in different sessions, it is first necessary to align the volume images. If you do not want to do this in the +acpc or +tlrc coordinate systems (which may not be accurate enough), then you need to use 3dvolreg to compute and apply the correct rotation+shift to register the datasets. This note discusses the practical difficulties posed by this problem, and the AFNI solution. ---------------------- The Discursive Section ---------------------- The difficulties include: (A) Subject's head will be positioned differently in the scanner -- both in location and orientation. (B) Low resolution, low contrast echo-planar images are harder to realign accurately than high resolution, high contrast SPGR images, when the subject's head is rotated. (C) Anatomical coverage of the EPI slices will be different, meaning that exact overlap of the functional data from two sessions may not be possible. (D) The geometrical relationship between the EPI and SPGR (MPRAGE, etc.) images may be different on different days. (E) The coordinates in the scanner used for the two scanning sessions may be different (e.g., slice coverage from 40I to 50S on one day, and from 30I to 60S on another), even if the anatomical coverage is the same. (F) The resolution (in-plane and/or slice thickness) may vary between scanning sessions. (B-D) imply that simply using 3dvolreg to align the EPI data from session 2 with EPI data from session 1 won't work well. 3dvolreg's calculations are based on matching voxel data, but if the images don't cover the same part of the brain fully, they won't register well. ** Note well: 3dvolreg cannot deal with problem (F) -- if you want to ** ** compare data on different days, be sure to use the same ** ** image acquisition parameters! [See 3dZregrid below.] ** The AFNI solution is to register the SPGR images from session 2 to session 1, to use this transformation to move the EPI data (or functional datasets derived from the EPI data) from session 2 in the same way. The use of the SPGR images as the "parents" gets around difficulty (B), and is consistent with the extant AFNI processing philosophy. The SPGR alignment procedure specifically ignores the data at the edges of the bricks, so that small (5%) mismatches in anatomical coverage shouldn't be important. (This also helps eliminate problems with various unpleasant artifacts that occur at the edges of images.) Problem (C) is addressed by zero-padding the EPI datasets in the slice- direction. In this way, if the EPI data from session 2 covers a somewhat different patch of brain than from session 1, the bricks can still be made to overlap, as long as the zero-padding is large enough to accomodate the required data shifts. Zero-padding can be done in one of 3 ways: (1) At dataset assembly time, in to3d (using the -zpad option); or (2) At any later time, using the program 3dZeropad; or (3) By 3drotate (using -gridparent with a previously zero-padded dataset). Suppose that you have the following 4 datasets: S1 = SPGR from session 1 F1 = functional dataset from session 1 S2 = SPGR from session 2 F2 = functional dataset from session 2 Then the following commands will create datasets registered from session 2 into alignment with session 1: 3dvolreg -twopass -twodup -clipit -base S1+orig -prefix S2reg S2+orig 3drotate -clipit -rotparent S2reg+orig -gridparent F1+orig \ -prefix F2reg F2+orig The first command writes the rotation+shift transformation use to align S2 with S1 into the header of S2reg. The "-rotparent" option in the second command tells 3drotate to take the transformation from the .HEAD file of S2reg, rather than from the command line. The "-gridparent" option tells the program to make sure the output dataset (F2reg) is in the same geometrical relationship to S1 as dataset F1. When you are creating EPI datasets, you may want to use the -zpad option to to3d, so that they have some buffer space on either side to allow for mismatches in anatomical coverage in the slice direction. Note that the use of the "-gridparent" option to 3drotate implies that the output dataset F2reg will be sampled to the same grid as dataset F1. If needed, F2reg will be zeropadded in the slice-direction to make it have the same size as F1. If you want to zeropad a dataset after creation, this can be done using a command line like: 3dZeropad -z 2 -prefix F1pad F1+orig which will add 2 slices of zeros to each slice-direction face of each sub-brick of dataset F1, and write the results to dataset F1pad. The above 3dvolreg+3drotate combination is reasonable for rotating functional datasets derived from EPI time series in session 2 to be aligned with data from session 1. If you want to align the actual EPI time series between sessions, the technique above requires two interpolation steps on the EPI data. This is because you want to register all the session 2 EPI data together internally, and then later rotate+shift these registered datasets to be aligned with session 1. In general, it is bad to interpolate data twice, since each interpolation step corrupts the data a little. (One visible manifestation of this effect is image blurring.) To avoid this problem, program 3dvolreg also can use the "-rotparent -gridparent" options to specify the transform to the final output coordinate system. When these options are used, the EPI time series is registered internally as usual, but after each sub-brick has its own registration transformation computed, the extra transformation (from the -rotparent dataset) that aligns to session 1 is multiplied in. This means that the final output of such a 3dvolreg run will be directly realigned to the session 1 coordinate system. For example: 3dvolreg -twopass -twodup -clipit -base S1+orig -prefix S2reg S2+orig 3dvolreg -clipit -base 4 -prefix E1reg E1+orig 3dvolreg -clipit -rotparent S2reg+orig -gridparent E1reg+orig \ -base 4 -prefix E2reg E2+orig The first command is exactly as before, and provides the anatomical transform from session 2 to session 1. The second command is for registering the sub- bricks from session 1's EPI scans. The third command is for registering the sub-bricks from session 2's EPI scans, and simultaneously transforming them to session 1's frame of reference. After this is done, the functional activation program of your choice could be applied to E1reg and E2reg (etc.). Which is better: to analyze each session and then rotate the derived functional maps to the master session, OR to rotate the EPI time series to the master session, and then analyze? There is no good answer to this question, because there are good points and bad points to each method. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Analyze then Rotate | Rotate then Analyze ------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- GOOD: the time-offsets of each slice | BAD: large inter-session out-of-slice are still accurate after small | rotations will make the concept intra-session out-of-slice | of slicewise time-offsets useless rotations | BAD: rotating statistical maps (SPMs) | GOOD: EPI values are linear (about) in requires interpolating values | the raw MRI data; interpolating that are not linearly dependent | them (linear combinations) is on the data | perfectly reasonable ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [No doubt I'll think of more good/bad tradeoffs someday.] A third method is to time shift all 3D+time datasets to the same origin, prior to registration. This has the drawback that it deals with aliased higher frequency signals (e.g., the heartbeat) improperly. It has the positive feature that it eliminates the annoying time-offsets as soon as possible, so you don't have to think about them any more. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dealing with Variable Slice Thicknesses in Different Sessions: 3dZregrid ------------------------------------------------------------------------ When comparing data from different sessions, it would be best to gather these data in the same fashion on each day, insofar as practicable. The difficulty of getting the subject's head in the same orientation/position is what these notes are all about. It isn't difficult to make sure that the slice thickness is the same on each day. However, it may occasionally happen that your SPGR (or other anatomical) datasets will have slightly different slice thicknesses. 3dvolreg will NOT accept base and input datasets that don't have the same grid spacings in all 3 dimensions. So what to do? (Dramatic pause here.) The answer is program 3dZregrid. It can resample -- interpolate -- a dataset to a new slice thickness in the z-direction ONLY. For example, suppose that on day 1 the SPGR for subject Elvis had slice thickness 1.2 mm and on day 2 you accidentally used 1.3 mm. Then this command would fail: 3dvolreg -twopass -twodup -clipit -base Elvis1+orig \ -prefix Elvis2reg Elvis2+orig with a rather snide message like the following: ** Input Elvis3+orig.HEAD and base Elvis1+orig.HEAD don't have same grid spacing! Input: dx= 0.938 dy=-0.938 dz=-1.300 Base: dx= 0.938 dy=-0.938 dz=-1.200 ** FATAL ERROR: perhaps you could make your datasets match? In this case, you should do the following: 3dZregrid -dz 1.2 -prefix Elvis2ZZ Elvis2+orig 3dvolreg -twopass -twodup -clipit -base Elvis1+orig \ -prefix Elvis2reg Elvis2ZZ+orig The intermediate dataset (Elvis2ZZ+orig) will be linearly interpolated in the slice (z) direction to 1.2 mm. The same number of slices will be used in the output dataset as are in the input dataset, which means that the output dataset will be slightly thinner. In this case, that is good, since the Elvis1+orig dataset actually covers a smaller volume than the Elvis2+orig dataset. In principle, you could use 3dZregrid to help compare/combine functional datasets that were acquired with different slice thicknesses. However, I do NOT recommend this. There has been little or no research on this kind of operation, and the meaningfulness of the results would be open to serious question. (Not that this will stop some people, of course.) ------------------------------- Summary of Tools and Techniques ------------------------------- (1) Zero pad the functional data before doing inter-session rotations. This will allow for imperfect overlap in the acquisitions of the EPI slices. At dataset assembly time, you can zero pad with to3d -zpad 2 .... which will insert 2 slices of zeros at each slice-direction face of the dataset. If you use this method for zero padding, note the following: * If the geometry parent dataset was created with -zpad, the spatial location (origin) of the slices is set using the geometry dataset's origin BEFORE the padding slices were added. This is correct, since you need to set the origin/geometry on the current dataset as if the padding slices were not present. To3d will adjust the origin of the output dataset so that the actual data slices appear in the correct location (it uses the same function that 3dZeropad does). * The zero slices will NOT be visible in the image viewer in to3d, but will be visible when you use AFNI to look at the dataset. * Unlike the '-zpad' option to 3drotate and 3dvolreg, this adds slices only in the z-direction. * You can set the environment variable 'AFNI_TO3D_ZPAD' to provide a default for this option. * You can pad in millimeters instead of slices by appending 'mm' to the the -zpad parameter: '-zpad 6mm' will add as many slices as necessary to get at least 6 mm of padding. For example, if the slice thickness were 2.5 mm, then this would be equivalent to '-zpad 3'. You could also use this in 'setenv AFNI_TO3D_ZPAD 6mm'. You can also zeropad datasets after they are created using 3dZeropad -z 2 -prefix ElvisZZ Elvis+orig This creates a new dataset (here, named ElvisZZ+orig) with the extra 4 slices (2 on each slice-direction side) added. When this is done, the origin of the new dataset is adjusted so that the original part of the data is still in the same spatial (xyz-coordinate) location as it was before -- in this way, it will still overlap with the SPGRs properly (assuming it overlapped properly before zero-padding). If you want to specify padding in mm with 3dZeropad, you don't put the 'mm' suffix on the slice count; instead, you use the '-mm' flag, as in 3dZeropad -mm -z 6 -prefix ElvisMM Elvis+orig (The reason for this annoying changing from to3d's method is that 3dZeropad can also do asymettric padding on all faces, and I didn't want to deal with the annoying user who would specify some faces in mm and some in slices.) For the anatomical images I am used to dealing with (whole-head SPGRs and MPRAGEs), there is no real reason to zeropad the dataset -- the brain coverage is usually complete, so realignment between sessions should not lose data. There might be situations where this advice is incorrect; in particular, if the anatomical reference images do NOT cover the entire head. (2) Choose one session as the "master" and register all the anatomicals from other sessions to the master anatomical. For example 3dvolreg -clipit -twopass -twodup -zpad 4 -rotcom -verbose \ -base ANAT001+orig -prefix ANAT002reg ANAT002+orig where I'm assuming datasets labeled "001" are from the master session and those labeled "002" are from another session. Some points to mull: * If necessary, use 3dZregrid to adjust all anatomical datasets to have the same slice thickness as the master session, prior to using 3dvolreg. * The -zpad option here just pads the 3D volumes with zeros (4 planes on all 6 sides) during the rotation process, and strips those planes off after rotation. This helps minimize some artifacts from the shearing algorithm used for rotation. * If you are using a local gradient coil for image acquisition, the images may be slightly distorted at their inferior edges. This is because the magnetic gradient fields are not perfectly linear at the edges of the coil. When the SPGRs from different sessions are aligned, you may see small distortions at the base of the brain even though the rest of the volume appears well-registered. This occurs because the subject's head is placed differently between sessions, and so the gradient coil distortions are in different anatomical locations. Flipping between the SPGRs from the two sessions make the distortions quite obvious, even if they are imperceptible in any single image. Registration by itself cannot correct for this effect. (Sorry, MCW and MAI.) * The -rotcom option prints out the rotation/translation used. This is for informational purposes only -- you don't need to save this. In fact, it is now saved in the header of the output dataset, and could be retrieved with the command 3dAttribute VOLREG_ROTCOM_000000 ANAT002reg+orig The list of all the 3dvolreg-generated dataset attributes is given later in this document. (3) Register all the EPI time series within the session and also apply the transformation to take the data to the master session reference system. For example 3dvolreg -clipit -zpad 4 -verbose \ -rotparent ANAT002reg+orig -gridparent FUNC001_001reg+orig \ -base 'FUNC002_001+orig[4]' \ -prefix FUNC002_007reg FUNC002_007+orig where FUNCsss_nnn is the nnn-th EPI time series from the sss-th session; and the base volume for each session is taken as the #4 sub-brick from the first EPI time series. Some points to ponder: * If you didn't do it before (step 1), you probably should zeropad FUNC001_001+orig or FUNC001_001reg+orig before doing the command above. If you failed to zeropad dataset FUNC002_007+orig, it will be zeropadded during the 3dvolreg run to match the -gridparent. * I recommend the use of -verbose with inter-session registration, so that you can see what is going on. * After the EPI time series are all registered to the master session, the activation analysis fun can now begin! * The slice time-offsets in FUNC002_007reg will be adjusted to allow for dataset shifts in the slice-direction from FUNC002_007+orig to FUNC001_001reg+orig. If you use the -verbose option and 3dvolreg decides this is needed, it will print out the amount of shift (always an integer number of slices). * However, if there is any significant rotation between the sessions, the whole concept of voxel time shifts (slicewise or otherwise) becomes meaningless, since the data from different time-offsets will be mixed up by the inter-slice interpolation. If preserving this time information is important in your analysis, you probably need to analyze the data from each session BEFORE aligning to the master session. After the analysis, 3drotate can be used with -rotparent/-gridparent (as outlined earlier) to transform the functional maps to the master session brain alignment. * An alternative would be to use 3dTshift on the EPI time series, to interpolate the slices to the same time origin. Then registration and intersession alignment could proceed. You can also do this during the 3dvolreg run by adding the switch '-tshift ii' to the 3dvolreg command line (before the input file). Here, 'ii' is the number of time points to ignore at the start of the time series file -- you don't want to interpolate in time using the non-T1 equilibrated images at the beginning of the run: 3dTshift -ignore 4 -prefix FUNC002_base FUNC002_001+orig 3dvolreg -clipit -zpad 4 -verbose -tshift 4 \ -rotparent ANAT002reg+orig -gridparent FUNC001_001reg+orig \ -base 'FUNC002_base+orig[4]' \ -prefix FUNC002_007reg FUNC002_007+orig In this example, the first 4 time points of FUNC002_007+orig are ignored during the time shifting. Notice that I prepared a temporary dataset (FUNC002_base) to act as the registration base, using 3dTshift. This is desirable, since the FUNC002_007 bricks will be time shifted prior to registration with the base brick. Since the base brick is NOT from FUNC002_007, it should be time shifted in the same way. (After FUNC002_base has been used, it can be discarded.) * The FUNC datasets from session 001 don't need (or want) the -rotparent, -gridparent options, and would be registered with some command like 3dvolreg -clipit -zpad 4 \ -base 'FUNC001_001+orig[4]' \ -prefix FUNC001_007reg FUNC001_007+orig ------------------------------------- Apologia and Philosophical Maundering ------------------------------------- I'm sorry this seems so complicated. It is another example of the intricacy of FMRI data and analysis -- there is more than one reasonable way to proceed. ----------------------------------- Robert W Cox - 14 Feb 2001 National Institute of Mental Health rwcox@nih.gov ----------------------------------- ==================================================================== Registration Information Stored in Output Dataset Header by 3dvolreg ==================================================================== The following attributes are stored in the header of the new dataset. Note that the ROTCOM and MATVEC values do NOT include the effects of any -rotparent transformation that is multiplied in after the internal realignment transformation is computed. VOLREG_ROTCOM_NUM = number of sub-bricks registered (1 int) [may differ from number of sub-bricks in dataset] [if "3dTcat -glueto" is used later to add images] VOLREG_ROTCOM_xxxxxx = the string that would be input to 3drotate to (string) describe the operation, as in -rotate 1.000I 2.000R 3.000A -ashift 0.100S 0.200L 0.300P [xxxxxx = printf("%06d",n); n=0 to ROTCOM_NUM-1] VOLREG_MATVEC_xxxxxx = the 3x3 matrix and 3-vector of the transformation (12 floats) generated by the above 3drotate parameters; if U is the matrix and v the vector, then they are stored in the order u11 u12 u13 v1 u21 u22 u23 v2 u31 u32 u33 v3 If extracted from the header and stored in a file in just this way (3 rows of 4 numbers), then that file can be used as input to "3drotate -matvec_dicom" to specify the rotation/translation. VOLREG_CENTER_OLD = Dicom order coordinates of the center of the input (3 floats) dataset (about which the rotation takes place). VOLREG_CENTER_BASE = Dicom order coordinates of the center of the base (3 floats) dataset. VOLREG_BASE_IDCODE = Dataset idcode for base dataset. (string) VOLREG_BASE_NAME = Dataset .HEAD filename for base dataset. (string) These attributes can be extracted in a shell script using the program 3dAttribute, as in the csh example: set rcom = `3dAttribute VOLREG_ROTCOM_000000 Xreg+orig` 3drotate $rcom -heptic -clipit -prefix Yreg Y+orig which would apply the same rotation/translation to dataset Y+orig as was used to produce sub-brick #0 of dataset Xreg+orig. To see all these attributes, one could execute 3dAttribute -all Xreg+orig | grep VOLREG ============================================================================== ============================== EXAMPLE and NOTES by Ziad Saad ============================== This is an example illustrating how to bring data sets from multiple sessions on the same subject in alignment with each other. This is meant to be a complement to Bob Cox's notes (above) on the subject. The script @CommandGlobb is supplied with the AFNI distributions and is used to execute an AFNI command line program on multiple files automatically. The master SPGR is S1+orig and the new SPGR S2+orig. Both should have the same resolution. Step #1: Align S2 to S1 ----------------------- 3dvolreg -clipit -twopass -twodup -zpad 8 -rotcom -verbose \ -base S1+orig -prefix S2_alndS1 S2+orig >>& AlignLog # (the file AlignLog will contain all the output of 3dvolreg) In the next step, we will rotate the EPI data sets from the new session (E2_*) to bring them into alignment with an EPI data sets from the master session (E1_1). All of E2_* and E1_* have the same resolution. Step #2: Inter-session registration of E1_* ------------------------------------------- Because we will be combining EPI time series from different sessions, it is best to remove slice timing offsets from the EPI time series. Time series offsets are defined on a slice by slice basis and become meaningless when the slices are shifted around and rotated. Time Shifting (TS) can be applied by 3dvolreg, however since TS occurs prior to registration, you should use a base with Time Shifted time series. #create Time Shifted Base 3dTshift -ignore 0 -prefix E1_1-TSbase E1_1+orig #inter-session registration of E1_* @CommandGlobb -com '3dvolreg -Fourier -tshift 0 -base E1_1-TSbase+orig[100]' \ -newxt vr -list E1_*+orig.HEAD Note that we used the [100] sub-brick of the time-shifted E1_1-TSbase as the base for registration. In our practice, this is the sub-brick that is closest in time to the SPGR acquisition, which we do at the end of the imaging session. If you do your SPGR (MP-RAGE, ...) at the start of the imaging session, it would make more sense to use the [4] sub-brick of the first EPI dataset as the EPI registration base for that session ([4] to allow for equilibration of the longitudinal magnetization). Step #3: Padding the master session EPI datasets ------------------------------------------------ Pad the master echo planar data (E1_*) to ensure that you have a large enough spatial coverage to encompass E2_* (and E3_* E4_* ....). You do not have to do this but all of E2_*, E3_*, etc will be cropped (or padded) to match E1_*. You may choose to restrict the volume analyzed to the one common to all of the E* data sets but that can be done using masks at a later stage. Here, we'll pad with 4 slices on either side of the volume. @CommandGlobb -com '3dZeropad -z 4' -newxt _zpd4 -list E1_*vr+orig.BRIK Step #4: Register E2_* to E1_* ------------------------------ Note that E2_* inter-scan motion correction will be done simultaneously with the intra-scan registration. #create a time shifted base echo planar data set (for inter-scan registration) 3dTshift -ignore 0 -prefix E2_1-TSbase E2_1+orig #perform intra and inter - scan registration #[NOTE: the '3dvolreg ...' command must all be on one line -- it ] #[ is only broken up here to make printing this file simpler] @CommandGlobb -com \ '3dvolreg -clipit -zpad 4 -verbose -tshift 0 -rotparent S2_alndS1+orig -gridparent E1_1vr_zpd4+orig -base E2_1-TSbase+orig[100]' \ -newxt vr_alndS1 -list E2_*+orig.HEAD ----------------------------------------- Ziad Saad, FIM/LBC/NIMH/NIH, Feb 27, 2001 ziad@nih.gov -----------------------------------------