#!/bin/tcsh -f ################################################# ## 11/2017 Justin Rajendra ## install R packages for afni/shiny/whatever ## find afni for OmicCircos install script set afni_bin = `which afni` set afni_dir = `dirname ${afni_bin}` set OmicR = "${afni_dir}/shiny/misc/OmicCircos_pkg_install.R" ## check for R set R_bin = "`where R`" if ( "$R_bin" == "" ) then echo ; echo "ERROR: R not found!" ; echo echo "Is R installed?" echo "If not, download and install R from:" echo "https://cran.r-project.org" echo "If R is installed, does it run on your tcsh command line?" echo "If not, check your paths." ; echo exit 1 endif ## get the current program name set prog = `basename $0` ## set the defaults set afni = "boo" set shiny = "boo" set custom = "boo" set circos = "boo" ## list of packages set afniPkgs = "c('afex','phia','snow','nlme','lme4','paran','psych','brms')" set discoPkgs = "c('shiny','shinydashboard','plotly','colourpicker','data.table','gplots','RColorBrewer')" set custList = "" ## show help if ( $#argv < 1 ) then goto SHOW_HELP endif set narg = 1 @ amax = $#argv - 0 while ( $narg <= $amax ) if ( "$argv[$narg]" == "-afni" ) then set afni = "yay" else if ( "$argv[$narg]" == "-shiny" ) then set shiny = "yay" else if ( "$argv[$narg]" == "-circos" ) then set circos = "yay" else if ( "$argv[$narg]" == "-custom" ) then @ narg ++ set custom = "yay" set custList = "$argv[$narg]" else if ( "$argv[$narg]" == "-help" || "$argv[$narg]" == "-h" ) then goto SHOW_HELP else goto SHOW_HELP endif @ narg ++ end ########################################################################### ## make the list of packages to install and install them ## install afni basics if ( $afni == "yay") then echo "Installing: ${afniPkgs}" ; echo Rscript -e "install.packages(${afniPkgs},repos='https://cran.rstudio.com')" endif ## install disco shiny stuff if ( $shiny == "yay" ) then echo "Installing: ${discoPkgs}" ; echo Rscript -e "install.packages(${discoPkgs},repos='https://cran.rstudio.com')" endif ## install OmicCircos if ( $circos == "yay") then echo "Installing: OmicCircos" ; echo Rscript "${OmicR}" endif ## install custom list if ( $custom == "yay" ) then set custList = `echo $custList | tr ' ' ,` set custList = `echo \'{$custList}\' | tr ' ' ,` set custPkgs = "c(${custList})" echo "Trying to install: ${custPkgs}" ; echo Rscript -e "install.packages(${custPkgs},repos='https://cran.rstudio.com')" endif ## end custom list exit 0 ########################################################################### SHOW_HELP: cat << EOF ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $prog ~1~ Helper script to install R packages for various afni-ish purposes. You must have R installed, and permissions for its package library. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- options: ~1~ -afni : Current list of packages for afni. Similar to rPkgsInstall. Installs: afex phia snow nlme lme4 paran psych brms -shiny : Current list of packages for afni based shiny apps. May have trouble with openssl on some linux OS's. Make sure the openssl OS package is installed with a package manager (apt-get, yum, etc.). Installs: shiny shinydashboard plotly colourpicker data.table gplots RColorBrewer -circos : Packages for FATCAT_matplot. Installs OmicCircos via biocLite. Actually runs OmicCircos_pkg_install.R. -custom : Install whatever R packages you desire. Requires a space separated list of packages. Must start and end with double quotes. e.g. "earth wind fire" -help : Show this help. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- examples: ~1~ $prog -afni $prog -afni -shiny -custom "earth wind fire" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Justin Rajendra 11/2017 EOF exit 0