#!/usr/bin/env afni_run_R #Welcome to 3dICC.R, an AFNI IntraClass Correlation Package! #----------------------------------------------------------- #Version 0.0.1, Dec. 22, 2008 #Author: Gang Chen (gangchen@mail.nih.gov) #Website: http://afni.nimh.nih.gov/sscc/gangc/icc.html #SSCC/NIMH, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda MD 20892 #----------------------------------------------------------- # Commannd line to run this script: 3dICC.R MyOutput & (R CMD BATCH 3dICC3.R MyOut &) # (Output is a file in which the running progress including # error messages will be stored) #varComp <- function(x) { # v<-as.numeric(VarCorr(x)[,1]) # v<-as.numeric(na.omit(v)) # v/sum(v) #} lineNum <- function(key, inFile) grep(key, readLines(inFile), ignore.case = TRUE) getInfo <- function(key, inFile) { LN<-lineNum(key, inFile) if (length(LN)>0) unlist(strsplit(unlist(scan(file=inFile, what= list(""), skip=LN-1, strip.white=TRUE, nline=1)), "\\:"))[2] else NA } band <- function(x, lo, hi) {ifelse((x<=hi)&(x>=lo), x, ifelse(x>hi, hi, lo))} system("rm -f .RData") source(file.path(Sys.getenv("AFNI_R_DIR"), "AFNIio.R")) #source(file.path(Sys.getenv("LME"), "AFNIio.R")) # Output filename: optional Out <- getInfo("Output", "model.txt") if(is.na(Out)) { print("No output file name provided: a suffix of TEST will be used...") Out <- "TEST" } OutFile <- paste(Out, "+orig", sep="") # MASK: optional mask <- getInfo("Mask", "model.txt") # Line 4: model formula #ModelShape <- unlist(strsplit(unlist(scan(file="model.txt", what= list(""), # skip=3, strip.white=TRUE, nline=1)), "\\:"))[2] #number of factors #nF <- length(unique(unlist(strsplit(unlist(strsplit(ModelShape[[1]], #:q "\\*")), "\\+")))) #factors #terms <- unlist(strsplit(strsplit(ModelShape[[1]], "\\+")[[1]], "\\*")) #ModelForm <- as.formula(paste("Beta~", ModelShape)) # number of Clusters: optional nNodes <- as.integer(getInfo("Clusters", "model.txt")) if(is.na(nNodes)) nNodes<-1 # header position (hp) defined by column name InputFile if(!is.na(LN<-lineNum("InputFile", "model.txt"))) { Model <- read.table("model.txt", skip=LN-1, header=TRUE) # More decent way to do this? Model$Subj <- as.factor(Model$Subj) Model$InputFile <- as.character(Model$InputFile) } else {print("ERROR: No column named inputFile found!"); break} # Assume the last column is input files #FileCol <- length(colnames(Model)) #FileCol <- dim(Model)[2] # Number of input files NoFile <- dim(Model[1])[1] # number of factors nFact <- dim(Model)[2]-1 # factor names fNames <- colnames(Model)[which(colnames(Model) != "InputFile")] ModelForm <- paste("Beta~", fNames[1]) if (nFact == 2 ) ModelForm <- paste(ModelForm,"+",fNames[2]) if (nFact == 3 ) ModelForm <- paste(ModelForm,"+",fNames[2],"+",fNames[3], "+",fNames[1],"*",fNames[2],"+",fNames[1],"*",fNames[3],"+",fNames[2],"*",fNames[3]) ModelForm <- as.formula(ModelForm) # Read in the 1st input file so that we have the dimension information Data <- read.AFNI(Model[1, "InputFile"]) dimx <- Data$dim[1] dimy <- Data$dim[2] dimz <- Data$dim[3] if (!is.na(mask)) Mask <- read.AFNI(mask)$brk if (length(grep('tlrc', Model[1, "InputFile"]))==1) outView <- "tlrc" if (length(grep('orig', Model[1, "InputFile"]))==1) outView <- "orig" # initialization IData <- array(data=NA, dim=c(dimx, dimy, dimz, NoFile)) IData[,,,1] <- Data$brk # Read in the rest input files (beta) for (m in 2:NoFile) { IData[,,,m] <- read.AFNI(Model[m, "InputFile"])$brk } # try out a few voxels and see if the model is OK, and find out the number of F tests and DF's # for t tests (and catch potential problems as well) ii<-dimx%/%2; jj<-dimy%/%2; kk<-dimz%/%2 tag <-1 while (tag == 1) { tag<-0 Model$Beta<-IData[ii, jj, kk,] try(fm <- lm(ModelForm, Model), tag <- 1) if (ii1) { library(snow) #cl <- makeCluster(rep('locahost', nNodes), type = "SOCK") cl <- makeCluster(nNodes, type = "SOCK") for (kk in 1:dimz) { outData[,,kk,] <-aperm(parApply(cl, IData[,,kk,], c(1,2), runAna2, Model=Model, ModelForm=ModelForm, dof=DF, tag=0), c(2,3,1)) cat("Z slice #", kk, "done: ", format(Sys.time(), "%D %H:%M:%OS3"), "\n") } stopCluster(cl) } } if (nFact==3) { nBrick <- 7 outData <- array(0, dim=c(dimx, dimy, dimz, nBrick)) if (nNodes==1) for (kk in 1:dimz) { outData[,,kk,] <-aperm(apply(IData[,,kk,], c(1,2), runAna3, Model=Model, ModelForm=ModelForm, dof=DF, tag=0), c(2,3,1)) cat("Z slice #", kk, "done: ", format(Sys.time(), "%D %H:%M:%OS3"), "\n") } if (nNodes>1) { library(snow) #cl <- makeCluster(rep('locahost', nNodes), type = "SOCK") cl <- makeCluster(nNodes, type = "SOCK") for (kk in 1:dimz) { outData[,,kk,] <-aperm(parApply(cl, IData[,,kk,], c(1,2), runAna3, Model=Model, ModelForm=ModelForm, dof=DF, tag=0), c(2,3,1)) cat("Z slice #", kk, "done: ", format(Sys.time(), "%D %H:%M:%OS3"), "\n") } stopCluster(cl) } } print(sprintf("Analysis finished: %s", format(Sys.time(), "%D %H:%M:%OS3"))) rm(IData) # retrieve some memory #outData <- band(outData, 0, 1) #dd<-aperm(dd, c(2,3,4,1)) MyLabel <- paste(dimnames(fmAOV)[1][[1]]) write.AFNI(OutFile, outData, MyLabel, note=Data$header$HISTORY_NOTE, origin=Data$origin, delta=Data$delta, idcode=newid.AFNI()) statpar <- "3drefit" statpar <- paste(statpar, " -newid -view ", outView, OutFile) system(statpar) print(sprintf("Congratulations! You've got output %s+%s.*", Out, outView)) # set save defaults using option: #options(save.defaults=list(ascii=TRUE, safe=FALSE)) #save.image() #unlink(".RData")