#!/bin/csh -f #Should use @update.afni.binaries echo "" echo "This script is obsolete. In its place use:" echo " @update.afni.binaries " echo "" goto END OLD: if ("$1" == "-h" || $1 =~ "-help") then goto USAGE endif set RemoteServer = 'http://afni.nimh.nih.gov/' set RemoteSRC = $RemoteServer'AFNI/src' set RemoteDOC = $RemoteServer'AFNI/doc' set MacName = `hostname -s` if ($status) then #maybe you're on a Natalia's SUN, try this option set MacName = $_INIT_UTS_NODENAME endif #set up the desitnation, based on the machine you're using goto SETDESTIN goto END GetIt: echo "About to Update AFNI on $MacName - Hit enter to continue (ctrl+c to escape)..." set buf = $< #make sure target directories exist test -d $localSRC || goto NoSRCDir test -d $localBIN || goto NoNINDir test -d $localDOC || goto NoDOCDir #Get the source if ("$localSRC" != "") then echo "Downloading Source Code ..." wget -x -r -l10 -nv -m -np -nH -P $localSRC --cut-dirs=2 $RemoteSRC endif #Backup Old version -binaries only- if ("$localBIN" != "") then echo "Downloading Binaries ..." test -d $localBIN.Bak || mkdir $localBIN.Bak cp -r $localBIN/* $localBIN.Bak #Get the binaries wget -x -r -l10 -nv -m -np -nH -P $localBIN --cut-dirs=3 $RemoteBIN endif #Get the documentation if ("$localDOC" != "") then echo "Downloading Documentation ..." wget -x -r -l10 -nv -m -np -nH -P $localDOC --cut-dirs=2 $RemoteDOC endif goto END SETDESTIN: #This is a template to modfy for your own computer if ("$MacName" == 'MY_MACHINE') then #Change MY_MACHINE to your machine name #for MY_MACHINE set localSRC = '' #The full path indicating where AFNI source code are to be stored set localBIN = '' #The full path indicating where AFNI executables are to be stored set localDOC = '' #The full path indicating where AFNI Documentation is to be stored #The location of the AFNI executables distribution for your computer set RemoteBIN = $RemoteServer'AFNI/bin/linux_mdk72' goto GetIt endif if ("$MacName" == 'finrod') then #Change MY_MACHINE to your machine name #for MY_MACHINE set localSRC = '/usr/Software/AFNI98' #The full path indicating where AFNI source code are to be stored set localBIN = '/usr/Software/AFNI98/abin' #The full path indicating where AFNI executables are to be stored set localDOC = '/usr/Software/AFNI98/DOC' #The full path indicating where AFNI Documentation is to be stored #The location of the AFNI executables distribution for your computer set RemoteBIN = $RemoteServer'AFNI/bin/sgi10k_6.5' goto GetIt endif if ("$MacName" == 'ashlar') then #Change MY_MACHINE to your machine name #for MY_MACHINE set localSRC = '/usr/local/Afni/' #The full path indicating where AFNI source code are to be stored set localBIN = '/usr/local/Afni/abin' #The full path indicating where AFNI executables are to be stored set localDOC = '/usr/local/Afni/DOC' #The full path indicating where AFNI Documentation is to be stored #The location of the AFNI executables distribution for your computer set RemoteBIN = $RemoteServer'AFNI/bin/solaris26_gcc' goto GetIt endif if ("$MacName" == 'safni') then #Change MY_MACHINE to your machine name #for safni set localSRC = '/home/ziad/Software/AFNI98/' #The full path indicating where AFNI source code are to be stored set localBIN = '/home/ziad/abin' #The full path indicating where AFNI executables are to be stored set localDOC = '/home/ziad/Software/AFNI98/DOC' #The full path indicating where AFNI Documentation is to be stored #The location of the AFNI executables distribution for your computer set RemoteBIN = $RemoteServer'AFNI/bin/linux_mdk72' goto GetIt endif if ("$MacName" == 'potassium') then #for potassium set localSRC = '' #The full path indicating where AFNI source code are to be stored set localBIN = '/usr/local/abin' #The full path indicating where AFNI executables are to be stored set localDOC = '' #The full path indicating where AFNI Documentation is to be stored #The location of the AFNI executables distribution for your computer set RemoteBIN = $RemoteServer'AFNI/bin/linux_mdk72' goto GetIt endif if ("$MacName" == 'iodine' || "$MacName" == 'rhodium' ) then #for iodine set localSRC = '/home/ziad/Software/AFNI98' set localBIN = '/home/ziad/Software/AFNI98/abin' set localDOC = '/home/ziad/Software/AFNI98/DOC' set RemoteBIN = $RemoteServer'AFNI/bin/linux_mdk72' #back up my on code @BackUpPlugs goto GetIt endif if ("$MacName" == 'neon') then #for neon set localSRC = '/usr/people/ziad/Software/AFNI98' set localBIN = '/usr/people/ziad/Software/AFNI98/abin' set localDOC = '/usr/people/ziad/Software/AFNI98/DOC' set RemoteBIN = $RemoteServer'AFNI/bin/sgi10k_6.5' goto GetIt endif if ("$MacName" == 'fim2') then #for fim2 set localSRC = '/home/jfrost/Software/AFNI98' set localBIN = '/home/jfrost/Software/AFNI98/abin' set localDOC = '/home/jfrost/Software/AFNI98/DOC' set RemoteBIN = $RemoteServer'AFNI/bin/linux_mdk72' goto GetIt endif goto BadMachine BadMachine: echo "Error: Machine $MacName not supported" goto END NoSRCDir: echo "You must create the directory : $localSRC" goto END NoNINDir: echo "You must create the directory : $localBIN" goto END NoDOCDir: echo "You must create the directory : $localDOC" goto END USAGE: echo "Usage: `basename $0`" echo 'Updates AFNI on your computer using wget' echo 'If you are using the program for the first time,' echo 'you must add some info about your computer into the script' echo 'You can easily do so by modifying the template in the block SETDESTIN.' echo "IMPORTANT: Rename this script once you modify it. Otherwise, " echo "it will get overwritten whenever you update your AFNI distribution." echo "Before the update begins, executables from the current version" echo 'are copied into $localBIN.bak directory' echo "For more info, see:" echo "http://afni.nimh.nih.gov/~cox/afni_wget.html" echo "Ziad Saad (saadz@mail.nih.gov) SSCC/NIMH/NIH, Bethesda MD USA" goto END END: