#!/bin/tcsh -f # List is straight from README.attributes, under scene data. # The order is important, do not mess with it! set lst = ( "0" "value" "1" "obsolete" "2" "fico" \ "3" "fitt" "4" "fift" "5" "fizt" \ "6" "fict" "7" "fibt" "8" "fibn" \ "9" "figt" "10" "fipt" "11" "fbuc" ) if ("$1" =~ "-h" || "$1" == "") then goto USAGE endif set cnt = 0 while ($cnt < $#lst) @ cnt ++ set num = $lst[$cnt] @ cnt ++ set code = $lst[$cnt] if ("$num" == "$1") then echo "$code" goto END else if ("$code" == "$1") then echo "$num" goto END endif end goto END USAGE: echo "Usage: `basename $0` code" echo "Returns name (or number) of statistics code" echo "Based on README.attributes:" set cnt = 0 while ($cnt < $#lst) @ cnt ++ set num = $lst[$cnt] @ cnt ++ set code = $lst[$cnt] echo " $num <--> $code" end echo "" echo "Example:" echo "`basename $0` fipt" echo "`basename $0` 4" echo "" goto END END: