#!/bin/tcsh -f set pp = $0:h #Run R in script more. Better than R CMD BATCH if ($#argv == 0) then set arglist = (-interactive) else set noglob set arglist = ($*) unset nogolb endif set tname = `basename $0`.R set afpath = `which afni` set afpath = `dirname $afpath` if ( -f $pp/${tname}) then set tname = $pp/${tname} else if ( -f $pp/R_scripts/${tname}) then set tname = $pp/R_scripts/${tname} else if ( -f $afpath/${tname}) then set tname = $afpath/${tname} else echo "** Error `basename $0`:" echo "${tname} not found in $pp or $pp/R_scripts, or $afpath/" echo "" exit 1 endif set Rpath = `which R` if ($status) then echo "Error: R not found. You need R to run `basename $0`" exit 1 endif if (0) then #This worked OK, except for the blasted -gSOMETHING problem Rscript ${tname} $arglist else #command taken from Rscript --verbose ... #by adding the --gui option explicitly here, I can #quiet the stupid message: WARNING: unknown gui ... #every time there is a -gSOMETHING option in arglist R --slave --no-restore --file=${tname} --gui X11 --args $arglist endif exit 0