#!/usr/bin/env python import sys, os from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui import copy, glob import lib_subjects as SUBJ import afni_util as UTIL g_history = """ ... : previous version Mar 02, 2011: - added static_TextWindow function - added open and save actions to TextWindow - process local vars in string format, not QString - current font is courier bold May 11, 2011: added createAction, addActions and resize_table_cols May 13, 2011: added make_button, lable, checkbox, line - glt box: - write make_gltsym_table -> to self.gvars.Table_gltsym - wrte self.gltsym_list_to_table - set as global (call group_box_gltsym) - gbox_toggle_frame (close symbolic GLTs box) - handle push buttons in CB_gbox_PushB callback - be able to update self.gvars.Label_gltsym_len - update g_help_gltsym (add info based on sample stim labels, or those for the given subject) """ g_layout_spacing = 1 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class TextWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow): def __init__(self, fname='', text='', title='', viewonly=False, getfile=0, parent=None): """open a general text window fname : name of file to read into window text : text to display in window title : window title viewonly: can still saveas, but ignore modified flag on close (for viewing output that is already in a file) getfile : if fname='', open a file loader widget If fname and text are both empty, open a file chooser. """ if title == '': title = 'text view' super(TextWindow, self).__init__(parent) # self.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) self.status = 0 # non-zero means error self.filename = '' # associated file name self.editor = QtGui.QTextEdit() self.setCentralWidget(self.editor) OpenAct = self.new_action("&Open", self.openfile, shortcut=QtGui.QKeySequence.Open, tip="read new file") SaveAct = self.new_action("&Save", self.save, shortcut=QtGui.QKeySequence.Save, tip="write file to disk") CloseAct = self.new_action("&Close", self.close, shortcut=QtGui.QKeySequence.Close, tip="close this window") try: SaveAsAct = self.new_action("Save &As", self.saveas, shortcut=QtGui.QKeySequence.SaveAs, tip="write out to new file") actlist = [OpenAct, SaveAct, SaveAsAct, CloseAct] except: actlist = [OpenAct, SaveAct, CloseAct] fileMenu = self.menuBar().addMenu("&File") self.add_actions(fileMenu, actlist) # try to set a fixed-width font font = self.editor.currentFont() font.setFamily('courier') font.setBold(True) self.editor.setCurrentFont(font) # open the window with: # - content from given file # - given text # - an 'open file' widget # - or nothing # store filename in QString format self.filename = fname if self.filename != '': self.editor.document().setModified(False) if not self.readfile(): self.status = 1 elif text != '': self.editor.setPlainText(text) self.editor.document().setModified(False) elif getfile: if not self.openfile(): self.status = 2 self.resize(700,500) self.setWindowTitle(title) def new_action(self, text, slot=None, shortcut=None, tip=None, signal="triggered()"): action = QtGui.QAction(text, self) if slot is not None: self.connect(action, QtCore.SIGNAL(signal), slot) if shortcut is not None: action.setShortcut(shortcut) if tip is not None: action.setToolTip(tip) action.setStatusTip(tip) return action def add_actions(self, target, actions): for action in actions: if action is None: target.addSeparator() else: target.addAction(action) def closeEvent(self, event): if self.editor.document().isModified(): ans = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, "Unsaved Changes", "Save unsaved changes in %s?" % self.filename, QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes|QtGui.QMessageBox.No) if ans == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes: self.saveas() def openfile(self): filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Open File") if filename.isEmpty(): return False self.filename = str(filename) return self.readfile() def readfile(self): if self.filename == '': print '** readfile: no filename set' return False fp = None ret = True try: fp = QtCore.QFile(self.filename) if not fp.open(QtCore.QIODevice.ReadOnly): raise IOError, unicode(fp.errorString()) except (IOError, OSError), e: QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, "Text Editor: Load Error", "Failed to load %s: %s" % (self.filename, e)) ret = False if not ret: return ret # bail on error stream = QtCore.QTextStream(fp) stream.setCodec("UTF-8") self.editor.setPlainText(stream.readAll()) self.editor.document().setModified(False) fp.close() self.setWindowTitle("file: %s" % \ QtCore.QFileInfo(self.filename).fileName()) return ret def saveas(self): filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Save File As", self.filename, "Text files (*.txt *.* )") if not filename.isEmpty(): self.filename = str(filename) self.setWindowTitle("Text Editor: %s" % \ QtCore.QFileInfo(self.filename).fileName()) return self.writefile() return False def save(self): print '++ TW save: "%s"' % self.filename if self.filename == '': guiWarning("Error", "** no file set for 'Save'", self) return False return self.writefile() def writefile(self): if self.filename == '': guiWarning("Error", "** no file set for 'Write'", self) return False print '++ writing as file %s ...' % self.filename fp = None try: fp = QtCore.QFile(self.filename) if not fp.open(QtCore.QIODevice.WriteOnly): raise IOError, unicode(fp.errorString()) stream = QtCore.QTextStream(fp) stream << self.editor.toPlainText() self.editor.document().setModified(False) except (IOError, OSError), e: QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, "File Save Error", "Error saving text file %s : %s" % (self.filename, e)) finally: if fp is not None: fp.close() return True # end TextWindow class # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def static_TextWindow(fname='', text='', title='', parent=None): """create a 'delete on exit' TextWindow""" stitle = '(static) %s' % title win = TextWindow(text=text, title=stitle, fname=fname, parent=parent) if win.status: print '** failure creating TextWindow' del(win) return None else: win.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) win.show() return win def create_button_list_widget(labels, tips=None, cb=None, dir=0, hstr=0, hind=-1, style=None): """create a layout of buttons within a QWidget - buttons will be stored as 'bdict' within the returned QWidget - bdict[label] = button - if tips is set (length should match), setStatusTip - if cb is set, connect all call-backs to it - if dir = 1, layout direction is vertical, else horizontal - hstr is for Horizontal stretch policy, 1 to stretch - hind is index for help widget: add spacer and setIcon - if style: use for help icon return a QWidget (with layout and buttons in dict) """ # main widget to return bwidget = QtGui.QWidget() if tips != None: if len(tips) != len(labels): print '** CBLW: %d labels does not match %d tips, discarding...' \ % (len(labels), len(tips)) tips = None if dir: layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() else: layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() bwidget.bdict = {} for ind, lab in enumerate(labels): button = QtGui.QPushButton(lab) # if cb: button.clicked.connect(cb) if cb: button.connect(button, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), cb) policy = button.sizePolicy() policy.setHorizontalPolicy(hstr) button.setSizePolicy(policy) if tips != None: button.setStatusTip(tips[ind]) _set_button_style(button) bwidget.bdict[lab] = button if ind > 0: layout.addStretch() if ind == hind and style: button.setIcon(style.standardIcon(QtGui.QStyle.SP_MessageBoxQuestion)) layout.addWidget(button) bwidget.setLayout(layout) layout.setMargin(1) return bwidget def make_button(label, tip=None, cb=None, hstr=0): """create a single button, possibly with a tip, callback and stretch policy""" button = QtGui.QPushButton(label) if cb: button.connect(button, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), cb) policy = button.sizePolicy() policy.setHorizontalPolicy(hstr) button.setSizePolicy(policy) if tip != None: button.setStatusTip(tip) _set_button_style(button) return button def make_label(text, tip='', hstr=0): """create a label that does not stretch""" label = QtGui.QLabel(text) policy = label.sizePolicy() policy.setHorizontalPolicy(hstr) label.setSizePolicy(policy) if tip != '': label.setStatusTip(tip) return label def make_checkbox(text, checked=0, tip=None, cb=None, hstr=0): cbox = QtGui.QCheckBox(text) cbox.setChecked(checked) if tip != None: cbox.setStatusTip(tip) if cb != None: cbox.connect(cbox, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), cb) policy = cbox.sizePolicy() policy.setHorizontalPolicy(hstr) cbox.setSizePolicy(policy) return cbox def make_line(text='', cb=None, hstr=1): line = QtGui.QLineEdit() line.setText(text) if cb != None: line.connect(line, QtCore.SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), cb) policy = line.sizePolicy() policy.setHorizontalPolicy(hstr) line.setSizePolicy(policy) return line def create_button_grid(labels, tips=None, cb=None, rlen=4): """create a layout of buttons within a QWidget - buttons will be stored as 'blist' within the returned QWidget - if tips is set (length should match), setStatusTip - if cb is set, connect all call-backs to it - rlen = number of buttons per row (if any label is None: start a new row) return a QWidget (with layout and buttons in blist) """ # main widget to return bwidget = QtGui.QWidget() if tips != None: if len(tips) != len(labels): print '** CBG: %d labels does not match %d tips, discarding...' \ % (len(labels), len(tips)) tips = None layout = QtGui.QGridLayout() # bwidget.blist = [QtGui.QPushButton(lab) for lab in labels] bwidget.bdict = {} row, col = 0, 0 for ind, label in enumerate(labels): if label == None: # start a new row col = 0 row += 1 continue if col == rlen: # but keep going col = 0 row += 1 button = QtGui.QPushButton(label) bwidget.bdict[label] = button # if cb: button.clicked.connect(cb) if cb: bwidget.connect(button, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), cb) policy = button.sizePolicy() policy.setHorizontalPolicy(0) button.setSizePolicy(policy) if tips != None: button.setStatusTip(tips[ind]) _set_button_style(button) layout.addWidget(button, row, col) col += 1 layout.setSpacing(g_layout_spacing) bwidget.setLayout(layout) return bwidget def create_label_line_grid(labels, tips=None, cb=None, rlen=2): """create a layout of buttons within a QWidget - labels will be stored as gvars.lab_list within the returned QWidget - lines will be stored as gvars.line_list within the returned QWidget - if tips is set (length should match), setStatusTip - rlen = number of items per row (line is always extendable and last on grid row) return a QWidget """ # main widget to return widget = QtGui.QWidget() widget.gvars = SUBJ.VarsObject(name='label_line_grid') if tips: if len(tips) != len(labels): print '** CLLG: %d labels does not match %d tips, discarding...' \ % (len(labels), len(tips)) tips = None layout = QtGui.QGridLayout() widget.gvars.lab_list = [] widget.gvars.line_list = [] for ind, label in enumerate(labels): if tips: tip = tips[ind] else: tip = '' qlab = make_label(label, tip) qline = make_line('', cb) if tip: qline.setStatusTip(tip) widget.gvars.lab_list.append(qlab) widget.gvars.line_list.append(qline) layout.addWidget(qlab, ind, 0) layout.addWidget(qline, ind, rlen-1) layout.setSpacing(g_layout_spacing) widget.setLayout(layout) return widget def _set_button_style(button): # maybe... # button.setProperty('color', QtGui.QColor('green')) return def print_icon_names(): print '=== Icon keys: ' for key in QtGui.QStyle.__dict__.keys(): if key[0:3] == 'SP_': print 'key = %s' % key def create_menu_button(parent, name, menu_list, call_back=None): """with a menu button, the call_back is applied to the menu action (note that the text will come from the list)""" pushb = make_button(name) menu = QtGui.QMenu(parent) act_dict = {} for item in menu_list: action = menu.addAction(item) # if call_back: action.triggered.connect(call_back) if call_back: menu.connect(action,QtCore.SIGNAL('triggered()'),call_back) act_dict[item] = action pushb.setMenu(menu) pushb.act_dict = act_dict return pushb def create_label_lineedit_widget(ltext, ltip='', etext='', ecb=None): """create a widget with H Layout containing label and lineedit QLabel QLineEdit (name) (display text) 16 Oct 2012 return widget""" widget = QtGui.QWidget() layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() label = make_label(ltext, ltip) line = make_line(etext, cb=ecb) layout.addWidget(label) layout.addWidget(line) widget.setLayout(layout) widget.LineEdit = line return widget def create_display_label_pair(name, text, tip=''): """create a non-editable label pair (sunken panel) with the given text QLabel QLabel (name) (display text) if tip, set a StatusTip for both labels return 2 labels""" name_label = QtGui.QLabel(name) text_label = QtGui.QLabel(text) text_label.setFrameStyle(QtGui.QFrame.Panel) text_label.setFrameShadow(QtGui.QFrame.Sunken) if tip: name_label.setStatusTip(tip) text_label.setStatusTip(tip) return name_label, text_label def createAction(parent, text, slot=None, shortcut=None, tip=None, checkable=False, icon=None, signal="triggered()"): """create an action item to add to a menu or tool bar possibly: - add a shortcut - set tool tip and status tip - set call-back (slot) - make checkable - set an icon """ action = QtGui.QAction(text, parent) if shortcut is not None: action.setShortcut(shortcut) if tip is not None: action.setToolTip(tip) action.setStatusTip(tip) if slot is not None: parent.connect(action, QtCore.SIGNAL(signal), slot) if checkable: action.setCheckable(True) if icon is not None: action.setIcon(icon) return action def addActions(parent, target, actions): """add a list of actions to the target if an action is None, add as a separator """ for action in actions: if action is None: target.addSeparator() else: target.addAction(action) def valid_as_int(text, name, warn=0, wparent=None, empty_ok=1): """the text can be either empty (if empty_ok) or be an int if not and 'warn' is set, show a warning message return 1 if valid, 0 otherwise """ # search for valid cases valid = 1 if len(text) == 0: if empty_ok: return 1 extext = "" valid = 0 else: try: val = int(text) except: valid = 0 extext = ' ' if valid: return 1 if warn: guiWarning( \ "Error: invalid identifier", \ "bad text: %s%s\n\n" \ "Characters in field '%s' must be alphabetic, numeric\n" \ "or '_' (underscore), starting with alphabetic." \ % (text, extext, name), wparent) return 0 def valid_as_float(text, name, warn=0, wparent=None, empty_ok=1): """the text can be either empty (if empty_ok) or be a float if not and 'warn' is set, show a warning message return 1 if valid, 0 otherwise """ # search for valid cases valid = 1 if len(text) == 0: if empty_ok: return 1 extext = "" valid = 0 else: try: val = float(text) except: valid = 0 extext = ' ' if valid: return 1 if warn: guiWarning( \ "Error: invalid identifier", \ "bad text: %s%s\n\n" \ "Expected float in field '%s'.\n" \ % (text, extext, name), wparent) return 0 def valid_as_float_list(text, name, warn=0, wparent=None, empty_ok=1, clen=0): """the text can be either empty (if empty_ok) or be a float - if not and 'warn' is set, show a warning message - if clen > 0 and length does not match, report an error return 1 if valid, 0 otherwise """ # search for valid cases valid = 1 if len(text) == 0: if empty_ok: return 1 extext = "" valid = 0 else: slist = text.split() if clen > 0 and len(slist) != clen: extext = ' <%d floats are required>' valid = 0 else: try: flist = [float(sval) for sval in slist] except: extext = ' ' valid = 0 if valid: return 1 if clen == 0: fstr = 'float list' else: fstr = '%d float entries' % clen if warn: guiWarning( \ "Error: invalid identifier", \ "bad text: %s%s\n\n" \ "Expected %s in field '%s'.\n" \ % (text, extext, fstr, name), wparent) return 0 def valid_as_identifier(text, name, warn=0, wparent=None, empty_ok=1): """the text can be either empty (if empty_ok) or be of the form: alpha, (alphanum|_)* if not and 'warn' is set, show a warning message return 1 if valid, 0 otherwise """ # in a bad case, display ttext in error message # search for valid cases if len(text) == 0: if empty_ok: return 1 extext = "" valid = 0 else: # check for valid characters # replace [._] with alpha, then check s[0].isalpha and rest isalphanum # scopy = copy.deepcopy(text) scopy = str(text) if scopy[0].isalpha(): # first character is good scopy = scopy.replace('_', 'x') # swap out '_' to use isalnum() scopy = scopy.replace('.', 'x') # swap out '.' to use isalnum() if scopy.isalnum(): return 1 # then VALID if ' ' in text or '\t' in text: extext = ' ' else: extext = '' # if here, invalid if warn: guiWarning( \ "Error: invalid identifier", \ "bad text: %s%s\n\n" \ "Characters in field '%s' must be alphabetic, numeric\n" \ "or '_' (underscore), starting with alphabetic." \ % (text, extext, name), wparent) return 0 def valid_as_sub_brick(text, name, warn=0, wparent=None, empty_ok=1, goodlist=[], badlist=[]): """be simple for now, just append # in goodlist for valid_as_filename """ return valid_as_filename(text, name, warn=warn, wparent=wparent, empty_ok=empty_ok, goodlist=['#']) def valid_as_filename(text, name, warn=0, wparent=None, empty_ok=1, goodlist=[], badlist=[]): """the text can be either empty (if empty_ok) or consist of: alphanum, [@%-_+=,.:/] goodlist: items will be added to punctlist badlist: items will be removed to punctlist if not and 'warn' is set, show a warning message return 1 if valid, 0 otherwise """ punctlist = ['@', '%', '-', '_', '+', '=', ',', '.', ':', '/'] # add good items and remove bad ones for item in goodlist: if not item in punctlist: punctlist.append(item) for item in badlist: if item in punctlist: punctlist.remove(item) # puncttext = '@%-_+=,.:/' puncttext = ''.join(punctlist) # search for valid cases if len(text) == 0: if empty_ok: return 1 extext = "" else: # replace punctlist chars with 'x' and call isalphanum scopy = str(text) for p in punctlist: scopy = scopy.replace(p, 'x') # swap out any punctuation if scopy.isalnum(): return 1 # if alphanumeric, we're good ... if ' ' in text or '\t' in text: extext = ' ' else: extext = '' # if here, invalid if warn: guiWarning( \ "Error: invalid name", \ "bad text: %s%s\n\n" \ "Characters in field '%s' must be alphabetic,\n" \ "numeric, or in : %s" \ % (text, extext, name, puncttext), wparent) return 0 def valid_as_filepath(text, name, warn=0, wparent=None, empty_ok=1): """text should look like a path to an existing file (do not allow spaces or tabs in name) if not and 'warn' is set, show a warning message return 1 if valid, 0 otherwise """ # in a bad case, display ttext in error message # search for valid cases if len(text) == 0: if empty_ok: return 1 # VALID extext = "" else: # just check for whitespace, then existence if ' ' in text or '\t' in text: extext = ' ' elif not os.path.isfile(text): extext = ' ' else: return 1 # VALID # if here, invalid if warn: guiWarning( \ "Error: invalid as filename", \ "bad text: %s%s\n\n" \ "Name in field '%s' must exist and not contain whitespace." \ % (text, extext, name), wparent) return 0 def guiMessage(title, text, parent): mbox = QtGui.QMessageBox(QtGui.QMessageBox.Information, title, text, QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok, parent) mbox.show() def guiWarning(title, text, parent): mbox = QtGui.QMessageBox(QtGui.QMessageBox.Warning, title, text, QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok, parent) mbox.show() def guiError(title, text, parent): mbox = QtGui.QMessageBox(QtGui.QMessageBox.Critical, title, text, QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok, parent) mbox.show() def resize_table_cols(table): """resize to column contents, unless it is in strech_cols""" ncols = table.columnCount() # resize columns to fit data for col in range(ncols): # to be safe, work on column indices if col in table.stretch_cols: table.horizontalHeader().setResizeMode(col,QtGui.QHeaderView.Stretch) else: table.horizontalHeader().setResizeMode(col, QtGui.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) # StringTable: todo # - table is entirely composed of strings # - delete row/subject (delete column?) # - add row # - sort by any column # - set 'sort-by' column # - init with 2D array # - init with Var list and list of var attributes # # class StringTable(QtGui.QTableWidget): """sized widget containing a grid of entries Label_count is optionally set to track table length """ def __init__(self, name='no name',headings=[], stretch_cols=[], parent=None, verb=1): super(StringTable, self).__init__(parent) self.lvars = SUBJ.VarsObject(name=name) self.lvars.verb = verb self.Label_count = None # track table length self.setSelectionBehavior(QtGui.QAbstractItemView.SelectRows) self.set_col_headers(headings) self.set_stretch_cols(stretch_cols) self.setSortingEnabled(True) def set_count_label(self, label): """store label to track number of table entries""" self.Label_count = label def set_col_headers(self, headers): if not headers: return 0 ncols = len(headers) self.setColumnCount(ncols) self.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(headers) if self.lvars.verb > 2: print '++ ST set headers: %s' % headers return 0 def set_stretch_cols(self, stretch_cols): if not stretch_cols: return 0 ncols = self.columnCount() self.lvars.stretch_cols = stretch_cols[:] for col in stretch_cols: if col < 0 or col >= ncols: continue # maybe table was cleared self.horizontalHeader().setResizeMode(col, QtGui.QHeaderView.Stretch) return 0 def populate(self, data, col_headers=None): """populate with strings, maybe set column headers - each row must have the same length - entries of None or '' are okay return 0 on success, 1 on error """ self.clearContents() self.setRowCount(0) self.setColumnCount(0) if not data: self.resize_table() return 0 if col_headers: self.set_col_headers(col_headers) nrows = len(data) ncols = len(data[0]) self.setColumnCount(ncols) # check ncols per row for row in data: if len(row) != ncols: guiError('Bad Table entries', 'inconsistent column lengths: %s' % [len(row) for row in data], self) return 1 # fill table with text rows for row, rdata in enumerate(data): self.insertRow(row) for col, val in enumerate(rdata): self.setItem(row, col, QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(val)) if self.lvars.verb > 2: print '-- table populated: %d x %d table with %d x %d data' \ % (self.rowCount(), self.columnCount(), nrows, ncols) self.resize_table() return 0 def resize_cols(self): """resize to column contents, unless it is in stretch_cols""" ncols = self.columnCount() scols = self.lvars.val('stretch_cols') if scols == None: scols = [] for col in range(ncols): if col in scols: self.horizontalHeader().setResizeMode(col,QtGui.QHeaderView.Stretch) else: self.horizontalHeader().setResizeMode(col, QtGui.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) def show_size(self, mesg = ''): # rcr - maybe remove all such calls? if self.lvars.verb > 2: print '-- table size %s: %d x %d' \ % (mesg, self.rowCount(), self.columnCount()) def resize_table(self): """resize row heights and column widths if self.Label_count is set, update the text with #rows """ lv = self.lvars self.resizeRowsToContents() self.remove_blank_table_rows() nrows = self.rowCount() if nrows > 0: rheight = self.rowHeight(0) else: rheight = 0 if lv.verb > 2: print '-- resize table (%s) to row height %d' % (lv.name, rheight) self.setAlternatingRowColors(True) self.setFixedHeight(self.max_size(nrows, rheight=rheight)) self.resize_cols() self.show_size('resize C') if self.Label_count: self.Label_count.setText('%d' % nrows) def max_size(self, nrows, rheight=0): """return the number of pixels to use based on the number of rows (scale by any passed row height)""" if rheight > 0: rowheight = rheight else: rowheight = 25 if nrows <= 6: show_rows = nrows elif nrows < 18: show_rows = 6+0.5*(nrows-6) # after 6, add half, per else: show_rows = 12 return min(200, max(75, rheight*(show_rows+1.25))) def delete_selected_rows(self): """delete all table rows that are selected""" sel_items = self.selectedItems() if len(sel_items) == 0: return for item in sel_items: item.setText('') self.resize_table() def remove_blank_table_rows(self): """delete rows that are blank""" nrows = self.rowCount() ncols = self.columnCount() # work from row = nrows-1 down to 0, so deletion does not affect indices for row in range(nrows-1, -1, -1): found = 0 # search for something in this row for col in range(ncols): item = self.item(row, col) if item != None: if str(item.text()) != '': found = 1 break if not found: self.removeRow(row) return 0 # end StringTable class # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # class to fill a table with datasets (in many ways) class DatasetTableWidget(QtGui.QWidget): """dataset table widget class: control buttons (via create_button_list_widget) dataset table descriptive labels (no edit) - common directory - wildcard form - dataset count inputs: - parent - list of button list widgets (from create_button_list_widget) - maybe init, add, clear, help output class contains (in self.gvars): button_widgets, table, Label_common_dir, Label_wildcard, Label_ndsets output class contains (in self.lvars): dset_col, verb, cb_edited todo: methods to write - populate, delete selected rows? - set_edited_callback - get_table_data """ def __init__(self, parent, button_widgets=[], verb=1): super(DatasetTableWidget, self).__init__(parent) self.lvars = SUBJ.VarsObject(name='DatasetTableWidget local vars') self.lvars.dset_col = 0 # column with dataset names self.lvars.sid_col = 0 # column with subject IDs self.lvars.sort_col = 0 # column to sort by, unless specified self.lvars.cb_edited = None # callback for when table is edited self.lvars.verb = verb self.gvars = SUBJ.VarsObject(name='DatasetTableWidget GUI vars') vlayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self) # add any button widgets for bwid in button_widgets: vlayout.addWidget(bwid) self.gvars.button_widgets = button_widgets # add an empty table self.gvars.table = StringTable(parent=self, verb=verb) vlayout.addWidget(self.gvars.table) # now add non-edit labels for common dir, wildcard and dataset count bwidget = QtGui.QWidget() layout = QtGui.QGridLayout() nlabel, tlabel = create_display_label_pair('common directory', '') layout.addWidget(nlabel, 0, 0) layout.addWidget(tlabel, 0, 1) self.gvars.Label_common_dir = tlabel nlabel, tlabel = create_display_label_pair('wildcard form', '') layout.addWidget(nlabel, 1, 0) layout.addWidget(tlabel, 1, 1) self.gvars.Label_wildcard = tlabel nlabel, tlabel = create_display_label_pair('dataset count', '0') layout.addWidget(nlabel, 2, 0) layout.addWidget(tlabel, 2, 1) self.gvars.Label_ndsets = tlabel # and add count label to table self.gvars.table.set_count_label(tlabel) # basically fix column 0 and let column 1 grow layout.setColumnStretch(0, 1) layout.setColumnStretch(1, 20) bwidget.setLayout(layout) vlayout.addWidget(bwidget) vlayout.setSpacing(g_layout_spacing) def set_generic_col(self, name, col): ncols = self.gvars.table.columnCount() default = 0 if col < 0 or col >= ncols: col = default cname = '%s_col' % name self.lvars.set_var(cname, col) if self.lvars.verb > 2: val = self.lvars.val(cname) print '++ set %s to %s %s' % (cname, val, type(val)) def get_generic_col(self, name, default=0): ncols = self.gvars.table.columnCount() cname = '%s_col' % name val = self.lvars.val(cname) if val < 0 or (val >= ncols and ncols > 0): if default < 0: default = 0 print '** GDC: bad %s = %d (ncols = %d), resetting to %d...' \ % (cname, val, ncols, default) self.lvars.set_var(cname, default) val = default if self.lvars.verb > 2: print '++ get %s as %s %s' % (cname, val, type(val)) return val def set_dset_col(self, col): self.set_generic_col('dset', col) def set_sid_col(self, col): self.set_generic_col('sid', col) def get_dset_col(self): return self.get_generic_col('dset', self.gvars.table.columnCount()-1) def get_sid_col(self): return self.get_generic_col('sid', 0) def get_data(self): """return 2D array of data from table""" table = self.gvars.table nrows = table.rowCount() ncols = table.columnCount() if nrows == 0: return [] dcol = self.get_dset_col() common_dir = str(self.gvars.Label_common_dir.text()) if self.lvars.verb > 2: print '-- GD: return col %d from %dx%d table' % (dcol, nrows, ncols) dlist = [] for row in range(nrows): drow = [] for col in range(ncols): item = table.item(row, col) dd = str(item.text()) if col == dcol: # possibly prepend common_dir to datasets if common_dir: dd = '%s/%s' % (common_dir, dd) drow.append(dd) dlist.append(drow) return dlist def get_dset_list(self): """return simple array of datasets, including any common directory""" table = self.gvars.table nrows = table.rowCount() if nrows == 0: return [] dcol = self.get_dset_col() common_dir = str(self.gvars.Label_common_dir.text()) if self.lvars.verb > 2: print '-- GDList: return col %d from %dx%d table'%(dcol, nrows, ncols) dlist = [] for row in range(nrows): item = table.item(row, dcol) dset = str(item.text()) if common_dir: dset = '%s/%s' % (common_dir, dset) dlist.append(dset) return dlist def get_short_dset_list(self): """return simple array of datasets, without any common directory""" table = self.gvars.table nrows = table.rowCount() if nrows == 0: return [] dcol = self.get_dset_col() if self.lvars.verb > 2: print '-- GSDList: return col %d from %dx%d table'%(dcol, nrows, ncols) dlist = [] for row in range(nrows): item = table.item(row, dcol) dlist.append(str(item.text())) return dlist def update_table_column(self, darray, col): """modify just the given column of the table (e.g. short dataset names or subject IDs) """ table = self.gvars.table nrows = table.rowCount() if nrows == 0: return if self.lvars.verb > 2: print '++ update table column %d with %d elements' % (col,len(darray)) if self.lvars.verb > 3: print ' nrows %d, elements: %s' % (nrows, darray) for row in range(nrows): item = table.item(row, col) item.setText(darray[row]) def set_sort_col(self, scol): """if the passed column is >= 0, apply, else apply 0""" if scol >= 0: self.lvars.sort_col = scol else: self.lvars.sort_col = 0 def set_stretch_col(self, scol): """if the passed column is >= 0, apply, else apply 0""" if scol >= 0: self.gvars.table.set_stretch_cols([scol]) else: self.gvars.table.set_stretch_cols([0]) def simple_populate(self, dsets): """populate with datasets, assuming to go after sids and dsets""" dlist = [['', dd] for dd in dsets] self.populate(dlist, col_headers=['sid','dataset'], dset_col=1, sid_col=0) self.set_stretch_col(1) if self.lvars.sort_col >= 0: self.gvars.table.sortItems(self.lvars.sort_col) def populate(self, data, col_headers=None, dset_col=-1, sid_col=-1, make_sids=1): """fill the table with data, breaking datasets into pieces if dset_col or sid_col, set them if make_sids, try to create them from the dataset list """ if self.lvars.verb > 2: # rcr - keep? nr = len(data) nc = 0 if nr > 0: nc = len(data[0]) t = self.gvars.table print '++ populate %d x %d table with %d x %d data, dc=%d, sc=%d' \ % (t.rowCount(), t.columnCount(), nr, nc, dset_col, sid_col) self.gvars.table.populate(data, col_headers) self.set_dset_col(dset_col) self.set_sid_col(sid_col) dcol = self.get_dset_col() scol = self.get_sid_col() dsets = [row[dcol] for row in data] cdir, snames, globstr = UTIL.flist_to_table_pieces(dsets) self.update_table_column(snames, dcol) self.gvars.Label_common_dir.setText(cdir) self.gvars.Label_wildcard.setText(globstr) self.set_sort_col(dcol) # and try to set subject IDs if make_sids and scol >= 0: sids = UTIL.get_ids_from_dsets(snames) # rcr : if failure, clear table and whine??? if not sids: sids = ['' for name in snames] self.update_table_column(sids, scol) # if there is something to sort by, exptect to if not UTIL.vals_are_constant(sids, ''): self.set_sort_col(scol) if self.lvars.verb>1: print '-- populated, scol %d, dcol %d'%(scol, dcol) # end DatasetTableWidget class # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # class to fill a table with datasets (in many ways) class DsetChooser(QtGui.QDialog): """class to fill a table with datasets, in any of many ways - list of buttons, for ways to init or add to table - 'delete selected rows' and 'clear' buttons - DatasetTable """ def __init__(self, name='Dset Chooser', parent=None, verb=1, helpstr=None): super(DsetChooser, self).__init__(parent) self.gvars = SUBJ.VarsObject(name='DsetChooser GUI vars') self.lvars = SUBJ.VarsObject(name='DsetChooser local vars') self.lvars.verb = verb self.lvars.pop_cb = None # make help window global helpstr_dset_chooser if helpstr == None: helpstr = helpstr_dset_chooser self.gvars.help_win = TextWindow(parent=self) self.gvars.help_win.setWindowTitle('Dataset Chooser Help') self.gvars.help_win.editor.setText(helpstr) vlayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self) # create button list for gbox = self.make_input_group_box() vlayout.addWidget(gbox) # create button list widget labels = ['delete selected entries', 'clear table', 'help'] tips = ['delete highlighted rows from table', 'delete all entries in table', 'display help for this section'] bwidget = create_button_list_widget(labels, cb=self.cb_pushb, tips=tips, hind=2) self.gvars.table_widget = DatasetTableWidget(self, button_widgets=[bwidget], verb=self.lvars.verb) vlayout.addWidget(self.gvars.table_widget) # and add OK and QUIT buttons labels = ['OK', 'Quit'] tips = ['apply dataset list to calling window', 'close this window and cancel the operation'] bwidget = create_button_list_widget(labels, cb=self.cb_pushb, tips=tips) vlayout.addWidget(bwidget) vlayout.setSpacing(g_layout_spacing) self.setWindowTitle(name) def make_input_group_box(self): gbox = get_styled_group_box("init table via wildcard pattern") glayout = QtGui.QGridLayout(gbox) label1 = make_label('1. select representative file', 'choose a file to alter into a wildcard pattern') button1 = make_button('choose file', 'choose a file to alter into a wildcard pattern', cb=self.cb_pushb) label2 = make_label('2. alter name into desired wildcard pattern', 'modify the filename text into a wildcard string') line2 = make_line ('') label3 = make_label('3. apply wildcard pattern to fill table', 'fill table with files matching pattern') button3 = make_button('apply pattern', 'fill table with files matching pattern', cb=self.cb_pushb) self.gvars.Line_wild_rep = line2 self.gvars.PushB_apply = button3 button3.setFocus() self.connect(line2, QtCore.SIGNAL('returnPressed()'), self.wildcard_return_press) glayout.addWidget(label1, 0, 0) glayout.addWidget(button1, 0, 1) glayout.addWidget(label2, 1, 0) glayout.addWidget(line2, 2, 0, 1, 2) glayout.addWidget(label3, 3, 0) glayout.addWidget(button3, 3, 1) glayout.setColumnStretch(0, 20) glayout.setColumnStretch(1, 1) return gbox def set_populate_cb(self, callback): """the calling object should specify what to do once the user clicks OK in this dataset chooser""" self.lvars.pop_cb = callback def cb_okay(self): if not self.lvars.pop_cb: print '** no callback for datasets' return dlist = self.gvars.table_widget.get_dset_list() self.lvars.pop_cb(dlist) self.cb_quit() def cb_quit(self): self.done(0) def wildcard_return_press(self): self.gvars.PushB_apply.setFocus() def apply_pattern(self): pattern = str(self.gvars.Line_wild_rep.text()) if not pattern: guiWarning("Error", "** no pattern to apply", self) return glist = glob.glob(pattern) if len(glist) == 0: guiWarning("Error", "** no files match wildcard pattern", self) return self.gvars.table_widget.simple_populate(glist) def cb_pushb(self): try: sender = self.sender() text = str(sender.text()) except: print '** DsetChooser:cb_pushb: no sender text' return if text == 'delete selected entries': self.gvars.table_widget.gvars.table.delete_selected_rows() elif text == 'clear table': self.gvars.table_widget.populate([]) elif text == 'help': self.gvars.help_win.show() elif text == 'OK': self.cb_okay() elif text == 'Quit': self.cb_quit() # wildcard application buttons elif text == 'choose file': # fill gvars.Line_wild_rep fname = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "choose representative dataset file", '', 'datasets (*.HEAD *.nii *.nii.gz);;all files (*)') if fname == None: return fname = str(fname) if not fname: return if not valid_as_filepath(fname, 'choose file', 1, self, 1): return self.gvars.Line_wild_rep.setText(fname) self.gvars.Line_wild_rep.setFocus() elif text == 'apply pattern': self.apply_pattern() else: print "** DC:cb_pushb: unexpected button text '%s'" % text # end DsetChooser class # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class label_opt_exec_widget(object): """QWidget containing row of label, item menu, pushbutton parent : parent widget label : left-most label widget menulist : list of menu item names pbtext : pushbutton text cb : callback to apply to PB 'clicked()' event, if set (otherwise, callbacks might be applied via bdict) name : optional name to apply to object """ def __init__(self, parent, label, menulist, pbtext, cb=None, name=None): self.mainw = QtGui.QWidget(parent) # main widget if name == None: self.name = 'QWidget with label, item menu, pushbutton' else: self.name = name # widget layout self.layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self.mainw) # add label self.label = QtGui.QLabel(self.mainw) self.label.setText(label) self.layout.addWidget(self.label) # add menu comboBox self.menu = QtGui.QComboBox(self.mainw) for item in menulist: self.menu.addItem(item) self.layout.addWidget(self.menu) # and finally the pushbutton self.pb = QtGui.QPushButton(self.mainw) self.pb.setText(pbtext) if cb != None: self.pb.connect(self.pb, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), cb) self.layout.addWidget(self.pb) def menu_choice(self): """return the selected menu index (comboBox)""" return self.menu.currentIndex() # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class button_list_widget(object): """QWidget containing array of buttons parent : parent widget labels : list for the names cb : callback to apply to all 'clicked()' events, if set (otherwise, callbacks might be applied via bdict) ltype : layout type: 0=vertical, 1=horizontal""" def __init__(self, parent, labels, cb=None, ltype=0): self.mainw = QtGui.QWidget(parent) # main widget self.name = 'QWidget with button list' self.bdict = {} # button dictionary if ltype == 0: layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self.mainw) else: layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self.mainw) for label in labels: b = QtGui.QPushButton(self.mainw) b.setText(label) if cb: b.connect(b, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), cb) self.bdict[label] = b layout.addWidget(b) def get_button_text(self, button): """return text for button locate this button and return text verify that the button is in this widget, then return button.text().toAscii().data() if no button is found, return 'NO_SUCH_BUTTON'""" keys = self.bdict.keys() for key in keys: if self.bdict[key] == button: return button.text().toAscii().data() return 'NO_SUCH_BUTTON' # end button_list_widget class # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class radio_group_box(object): """QGroupBox with radio buttons of the labels parent : parent widget title : QGroupBox title labels : list for the names default : radiobutton index to set ltype : layout type: 0=vertical, 1=horizontal""" def __init__(self, parent, title, labels, default=0, ltype=0): self.mainw = QtGui.QGroupBox(title, parent) # main widget self.name = 'QGroupBox of radio buttons' self.title = title self.blist = [] # button list if ltype == 0: layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self.mainw) else: layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self.mainw) for label in labels: rb = QtGui.QRadioButton(label, self.mainw) self.blist.append(rb) layout.addWidget(rb) self.set_checked(default) def set_checked(self, index): """check the radio button in the blist""" if index < 0 or index >= len(self.blist): index = 0 self.blist[index].setChecked(True) def get_checked(self): """return the index of the checked radio button""" for ind, rb in enumerate(self.blist): if rb.isChecked(): return ind print("** no button in radio_group_box '%s' isChecked" % self.title) return 0 # end radio_group_box class # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class TcshCommandWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow): def __init__(self, command, dir='', outfile='', sepwin=0, parent=None): """Create a window to display the processing of a given tcsh command. The command is executed via 'tcsh -c command'. command - command to execute dir - if set, use as processing directory sepwin - if set, use separate windows for stdout and stderr """ super(TcshCommandWindow, self).__init__(parent) # set up widgets self.widget = QtGui.QWidget() self.Edit_out = QtGui.QTextEdit() # stdout, and maybe stderr self.Bstart = QtGui.QPushButton('Start') self.Bstop = QtGui.QPushButton('Stop') self.Bstart.setEnabled(False) # no use in this context? # create layout, for either 1 or 2 sub-windows layout = QtGui.QGridLayout() # try to apply a fixed-with font set_font_family(self.Edit_out, "courier", bold=True) if sepwin: offset = 8 self.Edit_err = QtGui.QTextEdit() set_font_family(self.Edit_err, "courier", bold=True) layout.addWidget(self.Edit_out, 0, 0, offset, 5) layout.addWidget(self.Edit_err, offset, 0, offset, 5) offset += 8 else: offset = 16 layout.addWidget(self.Edit_out, 0, 0, offset, 5) self.Edit_err = self.Edit_out # same edit window if dir != '': clabel, slabel = create_display_label_pair('exec directory:', dir) layout.addWidget(clabel, offset, 0) layout.addWidget(slabel, offset, 1, 1, 4) offset += 1 clabel, slabel = create_display_label_pair('exec command:', command) layout.addWidget(clabel, offset, 0) layout.addWidget(slabel, offset, 1, 1, 4) offset += 1 clabel, slabel = create_display_label_pair('status:', 'starting...') layout.addWidget(clabel, offset, 0) layout.addWidget(slabel, offset, 1, 1, 4) self.Label_status = slabel offset += 1 layout.addWidget(self.Bstart, offset, 2, 1, 1) layout.addWidget(self.Bstop, offset, 3, 1, 1) offset += 1 self.widget.setLayout(layout) self.setCentralWidget(self.widget) self.resize(700,500) # updates to QTextEdit widgets self.Edit_out.setLineWrapMode(QtGui.QTextEdit.NoWrap) self.Edit_err.setLineWrapMode(QtGui.QTextEdit.NoWrap) # set callbacks # self.Bstart.clicked.connect(self.cb_start) # self.Bstop.clicked.connect(self.cb_stop) self.connect(self.Bstart, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.cb_start) self.connect(self.Bstop, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.cb_stop) self.process = QtCore.QProcess() # self.process.readyReadStandardError.connect(self.readstderr) # self.process.readyReadStandardOutput.connect(self.readstdout) # self.process.finished.connect(self.finished) self.connect(self.process, QtCore.SIGNAL('readyReadStandardError()'), self.readstderr) self.connect(self.process, QtCore.SIGNAL('readyReadStandardOutput()'), self.readstdout) # self.connect(self.process, QtCore.SIGNAL('finished()'), self.finished) # 'finished' does not work via QtCore.SIGNAL, but funtion is not so # necessary, so just 'try' the new way... try: self.process.finished.connect(self.finished) except: pass self.status = 0 self.setWindowTitle('processing command: %s' % command) self.command = command self.dir = dir self.cb_start() def update_status(self, status): self.Label_status.setText(status) def finished(self): self.readstderr() self.readstdout() status = self.process.exitStatus() print '-- processed finished, state = %d, status = %d' \ % (self.process.state(), status) if status: self.update_status('process finished: FAILURE') else: self.update_status('process finished: SUCCESS') def readstdout(self): text = str(self.process.readAllStandardOutput()) if len(text) == 0: return editor = self.Edit_out editor.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.End, QtGui.QTextCursor.MoveAnchor) editor.insertPlainText(text) editor.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.End, QtGui.QTextCursor.MoveAnchor) editor.ensureCursorVisible() def readstderr(self): text = str(self.process.readAllStandardError()) if len(text) == 0: return editor = self.Edit_err editor.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.End, QtGui.QTextCursor.MoveAnchor) editor.insertPlainText(text) editor.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.End, QtGui.QTextCursor.MoveAnchor) editor.ensureCursorVisible() def cb_start(self, cmd=''): if cmd == '' or cmd == False: cmd = self.command if cmd == '' or cmd == False: print '** SPW: no command to execute' return # note directory if self.dir != '': print '-- setting working dir to %s' % self.dir self.process.setWorkingDirectory(self.dir) print 'starting command: %s\n' % cmd args = ['-c', cmd] self.process.start('tcsh', args) if self.process.waitForStarted(): print '++ process is started, pid = %d' % self.process.pid() self.update_status('process running, pid = %d' % self.process.pid()) self.status = 0 else: print '** failed to start' self.update_status('** error: failed to start') self.status = -1 def cb_stop(self): print 'stopping command %s ...' % self.command self.process.kill() # end TcshCommandWindow class # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ProcessWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow): def __init__(self, command='', dir='', title='', parent=None, sepwin=0): """Create a window to display the processing of a passed command, or of those specified by the user. command - if set, execute the command dir - if set, use as processing directory sepwin - if set, use separate windows for stdout and stderr """ if title == '': title = 'tcsh: shell command window' super(ProcessWindow, self).__init__(parent) # track commands self.commandlist = [] # set up widgets self.widget = QtGui.QWidget() self.Edit_out = QtGui.QTextEdit() # stdout, and maybe stderr self.Edit_hist = QtGui.QTextEdit() self.lineedit = QtGui.QLineEdit() self.Bstart = QtGui.QPushButton('Start') self.Bstop = QtGui.QPushButton('Stop') clabel = QtGui.QLabel('tcsh command: ') # create layout, for either 1 or 2 sub-windows layout = QtGui.QGridLayout() set_font_family(self.Edit_out, "courier") set_font_family(self.Edit_hist, "courier") if sepwin: offset = 8 self.Edit_err = QtGui.QTextEdit() set_font_family(self.Edit_err, "courier") layout.addWidget(self.Edit_out, 0, 0, offset, 5) layout.addWidget(self.Edit_err, offset, 0, offset, 5) offset += 8 else: offset = 16 layout.addWidget(self.Edit_out, 0, 0, offset, 5) self.Edit_err = self.Edit_out # same edit window layout.addWidget(clabel, offset, 0) layout.addWidget(self.lineedit, offset, 1, 1, 4) offset += 1 layout.addWidget(self.Bstart, offset, 2, 1, 1) layout.addWidget(self.Bstop, offset, 3, 1, 1) offset += 1 nlines = 3 self.Edit_hist.setMaximumSize(700,60) layout.addWidget(self.Edit_hist, offset, 0, nlines, 5) offset += nlines self.widget.setLayout(layout) self.setCentralWidget(self.widget) self.resize(700,500) # updates to QTextEdit widgets self.Edit_out.setLineWrapMode(QtGui.QTextEdit.NoWrap) self.Edit_err.setLineWrapMode(QtGui.QTextEdit.NoWrap) # set callbacks # self.lineedit.returnPressed.connect(self.cb_newcommand) # self.Bstart.clicked.connect(self.cb_start) # self.Bstop.clicked.connect(self.cb_stop) self.connect(self.lineedit, QtCore.SIGNAL('returnPressed()'), self.cb_newcommand) self.connect(self.Bstart, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.cb_start) self.connect(self.Bstop, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.cb_stop) self.process = QtCore.QProcess() # self.process.readyReadStandardError.connect(self.readstderr) # self.process.readyReadStandardOutput.connect(self.readstdout) # self.process.finished.connect(self.finished) self.connect(self.process, QtCore.SIGNAL('readyReadStandardError()'), self.readstderr) self.connect(self.process, QtCore.SIGNAL('readyReadStandardOutput()'), self.readstdout) # self.connect(self.process, QtCore.SIGNAL('finished()'), self.finished) # 'finished' does not work via QtCore.SIGNAL, but funtion is not so # necessary, so just 'try' the new way... try: self.process.finished.connect(self.finished) except: pass self.status = 0 if title != '': self.setWindowTitle(title) else: self.setWindowTitle('command processing') self.command = command self.dir = dir if command != '': self.lineedit.setText(command) self.cb_start() def finished(self): self.readstderr() self.readstdout() print '-- processed finished, state = %d, status = %d' \ % (self.process.state(), self.process.exitStatus()) def readstdout(self): text = str(self.process.readAllStandardOutput()) if len(text) == 0: return editor = self.Edit_out editor.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.End, QtGui.QTextCursor.MoveAnchor) editor.insertPlainText(text) editor.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.End, QtGui.QTextCursor.MoveAnchor) editor.ensureCursorVisible() def readstderr(self): text = str(self.process.readAllStandardError()) if len(text) == 0: return editor = self.Edit_err editor.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.End, QtGui.QTextCursor.MoveAnchor) editor.insertPlainText(text) editor.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.End, QtGui.QTextCursor.MoveAnchor) editor.ensureCursorVisible() def cb_newcommand(self): cmd = str(self.lineedit.text()) if cmd == '': return pstate = self.process.state() print '-- trying command %d' % len(self.commandlist) if pstate == QtCore.QProcess.NotRunning: return self.cb_start() else: return print '** will not run new command until old one is finished' print '== state is %s\n' % pstate def cb_start(self, cmd=''): if cmd == '' or cmd == False: cmd = str(self.lineedit.text()) if cmd == '': return # execute command via "tcsh -c COMMAND" args = ['-c', cmd] # note directory if self.dir != '': print '-- setting working dir to %s' % self.dir self.process.setWorkingDirectory(self.dir) print 'starting command: %s\n' % str(cmd) self.commandlist.append(cmd) self.Edit_hist.append(cmd) self.lineedit.clear() self.process.start('tcsh', args) if self.process.waitForStarted(): print '++ process is started, pid = %d' % self.process.pid() self.status = 0 else: print '** failed to start' self.status = -1 def cb_stop(self): print 'stopping' self.process.kill() # end ProcessWindow class # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class PyCommandWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow): def __init__(self, title='', callback=None, parent=None): """open a text window for executing internal python commands The callback function should be set. Note that variables used will be with respect to that function. The window will be used for a history of commands. """ if title == '': title = 'text view' super(PyCommandWindow, self).__init__(parent) # self.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) self.widget = QtGui.QWidget() # main widget self.editor = QtGui.QTextEdit() # history frame self.lineedit = QtGui.QLineEdit() # new command line clabel = QtGui.QLabel('command: ') layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.editor.resize(300,300) layout.addWidget(self.editor) hwidget = QtGui.QWidget() hlayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() hlayout.addWidget(clabel) hlayout.addWidget(self.lineedit) hwidget.setLayout(hlayout) layout.addWidget(hwidget) self.widget.setLayout(layout) self.setCentralWidget(self.widget) self.callback = callback if callback != None: # self.lineedit.returnPressed.connect(self.process_command) self.connect(self.lineedit, QtCore.SIGNAL('returnPressed()'), self.process_command) def process_command(self): command = str(self.lineedit.text()) self.lineedit.clearFocus() if self.callback != None: self.callback(command) self.editor.append(command) # end PyCommandWindow class # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # generic functions def get_checked_group_box(title, view=True, ltype='V', cb_check=None): """return a GroupBox with: gbox.frame = main frame gbox.mainlayout = main layout ltype: G, H, V = grid, horizontal or vertical layout view: whether frame is viewable (if so, it will be checked) cb_check: callback for when check is toggled """ gbox = get_styled_group_box(title) # put frame inside gbox, which we can hide via toggled button glayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(gbox) frame = QtGui.QFrame(gbox) frame.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.NoFrame) glayout.addWidget(frame) gbox.frame = frame gbox.setCheckable(True) gbox.setChecked(view) if view: gbox.frame.show() else: gbox.frame.hide() if cb_check: gbox.connect(gbox, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), cb_check) # make the main layout a child of frame if ltype == 'G': mainlayout = QtGui.QGridLayout(frame) elif ltype == 'H': mainlayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(frame) else: mainlayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(frame) mainlayout.setSpacing(g_layout_spacing) mainlayout.setMargin(0) glayout.setMargin(0) gbox.mainlayout = mainlayout return gbox def toggle_checked_gbox(gbox): """toggle group box between checked/shown and unchecked""" if gbox.isChecked(): tstr = str(gbox.title()) posn = tstr.find(' (hidden') if posn > 0: gbox.setTitle(tstr[0:posn]) gbox.frame.show() else: tstr = str(gbox.title()) gbox.setTitle('%s (hidden but applied)' % tstr) gbox.frame.hide() def get_styled_group_box(title): gbox = QtGui.QGroupBox(title) # set box color color = QtGui.QColor('blue').light(50) palette = QtGui.QPalette(gbox.palette()) palette.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.Active, QtGui.QPalette.Mid, color) gbox.setPalette(palette) return gbox def set_font_family(obj, family, bold=False): """set an object's font class and bold type""" # none of this seems to work, what am I missing? font = obj.currentFont() font.setFamily(family) font.setBold(bold) obj.setCurrentFont(font) # obj.setCurrentFont(QtGui.QFont('fixed')) #qtf = QtGui.QTextCharFormat() #qtf.setFontFixedPitch(True) #obj.setCurrentCharFormat(qtf) return # =========================================================================== # help strings for various classes # =========================================================================== helpstr_dset_chooser = """ choosing a list of datasets 1. select a representative file Choose a single dataset file to be included in the list. For example, OLSQ.FT.betas+tlrc.HEAD from the AFNI_data6 class data: .../AFNI_data6/group_results/OLSQ.FT.betas+tlrc.HEAD ^^^^ 2. alter name into desired wildcard pattern Replace part of the name with '*', or other wildcard characters, so that it matches the desired list of datasets. If it matches too many, selected datasets can be deleted later. For example, alter subject FT's dataset, replacing 'FT' with '*': .../AFNI_data6/group_results/OLSQ.*.betas+tlrc.HEAD ^^^ 3. hit or click on 'apply pattern' This will fill the table with a list of datasets matching the wildcard pattern. """ if __name__ == '__main__': if '-help' in sys.argv: print 'this is not helpful' sys.exit(0) sys.exit(0) app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) win1 = TextWindow() win1.show() win2 = TextWindow(text = 'hello, this is\nsome text!') win2.show() app.exec_()