__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en" from mdp import numx, numx_rand, utils, graph, Node class _NGNodeData(object): """Data associated to a node in a Growing Neural Gas graph.""" def __init__(self, pos, error=0.0, hits=0, label=None): # reference vector (spatial position) self.pos = pos # cumulative error self.cum_error = error self.hits = hits self.label = label class _NGEdgeData(object): """Data associated to an edge in a Growing Neural Gas graph.""" def __init__(self, age=0): self.age = age def inc_age(self): self.age += 1 class GrowingNeuralGasNode(Node): """Learn the topological structure of the input data by building a corresponding graph approximation. The algorithm expands on the original Neural Gas algorithm (see mdp.nodes NeuralGasNode) in that the algorithm adds new nodes are added to the graph as more data becomes available. Im this way, if the growth rate is appropriate, one can avoid overfitting or underfitting the data. More information about the Growing Neural Gas algorithm can be found in B. Fritzke, A Growing Neural Gas Network Learns Topologies, in G. Tesauro, D. S. Touretzky, and T. K. Leen (editors), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 7, pages 625-632. MIT Press, Cambridge MA, 1995. **Attributes and methods of interest** - graph -- The corresponding `mdp.graph.Graph` object """ def __init__(self, start_poss=None, eps_b=0.2, eps_n=0.006, max_age=50, lambda_=100, alpha=0.5, d=0.995, max_nodes=2147483647, input_dim=None, dtype=None): """Growing Neural Gas algorithm. :Parameters: start_poss sequence of two arrays containing the position of the first two nodes in the GNG graph. If unspecified, the initial nodes are chosen with a random position generated from a gaussian distribution with zero mean and unit variance. eps_b coefficient of movement of the nearest node to a new data point. Typical values are 0 < eps_b << 1 . Default: 0.2 eps_n coefficient of movement of the neighbours of the nearest node to a new data point. Typical values are 0 < eps_n << eps_b . Default: 0.006 max_age remove an edge after `max_age` updates. Typical values are 10 < max_age < lambda. Default: 50 `lambda_` insert a new node after `lambda_` steps. Typical values are O(100). Default: 100 alpha when a new node is inserted, multiply the error of the nodes from which it generated by 0<alpha<1. A typical value is 0.5. Default: 0.5 d each step the error of the nodes are multiplied by 0<d<1. Typical values are close to 1. Default: 0.995 max_nodes maximal number of nodes in the graph. Default: 2^31 - 1 """ self.graph = graph.Graph() self.tlen = 0 #copy parameters (self.eps_b, self.eps_n, self.max_age, self.lambda_, self.alpha, self.d, self.max_nodes) = (eps_b, eps_n, max_age, lambda_, alpha, d, max_nodes) super(GrowingNeuralGasNode, self).__init__(input_dim, None, dtype) if start_poss is not None: if self.dtype is None: self.dtype = start_poss[0].dtype node1 = self._add_node(self._refcast(start_poss[0])) node2 = self._add_node(self._refcast(start_poss[1])) self._add_edge(node1, node2) def _set_input_dim(self, n): self._input_dim = n self.output_dim = n def _add_node(self, pos): node = self.graph.add_node(_NGNodeData(pos)) return node def _add_edge(self, from_, to_): self.graph.add_edge(from_, to_, _NGEdgeData()) def _get_nearest_nodes(self, x): """Return the two nodes in the graph that are nearest to x and their squared distances. (Return ([node1, node2], [dist1, dist2])""" # distance function def _distance_from_node(node): #return norm(node.data.pos-x)**2 tmp = node.data.pos - x return utils.mult(tmp, tmp) g = self.graph # distances of all graph nodes from x distances = numx.array(map(_distance_from_node, g.nodes)) ids = distances.argsort()[:2] #nearest = [g.nodes[idx] for idx in ids] #return nearest, distances[ids] return (g.nodes[ids[0]], g.nodes[ids[1]]), distances.take(ids) def _move_node(self, node, x, eps): """Move a node by eps in the direction x.""" # ! make sure that eps already has the right dtype node.data.pos += eps*(x - node.data.pos) def _remove_old_edges(self, edges): """Remove all edges older than the maximal age.""" g, max_age = self.graph, self.max_age for edge in edges: if edge.data.age > max_age: g.remove_edge(edge) if edge.head.degree() == 0: g.remove_node(edge.head) if edge.tail.degree() == 0: g.remove_node(edge.tail) def _insert_new_node(self): """Insert a new node in the graph where it is more necessary (i.e. where the error is the largest).""" g = self.graph # determine the node with the highest error errors = map(lambda x: x.data.cum_error, g.nodes) qnode = g.nodes[numx.argmax(errors)] # determine the neighbour with the highest error neighbors = qnode.neighbors() errors = map(lambda x: x.data.cum_error, neighbors) fnode = neighbors[numx.argmax(errors)] # new node, halfway between the worst node and the worst of # its neighbors new_pos = 0.5*(qnode.data.pos + fnode.data.pos) new_node = self._add_node(new_pos) # update edges edges = qnode.get_edges(neighbor=fnode) g.remove_edge(edges[0]) self._add_edge(qnode, new_node) self._add_edge(fnode, new_node) # update errors qnode.data.cum_error *= self.alpha fnode.data.cum_error *= self.alpha new_node.data.cum_error = 0.5*(qnode.data.cum_error+ fnode.data.cum_error) def get_nodes_position(self): return numx.array(map(lambda n: n.data.pos, self.graph.nodes), dtype = self.dtype) def _train(self, input): g = self.graph d = self.d if len(g.nodes)==0: # if missing, generate two initial nodes at random # assuming that the input data has zero mean and unit variance, # choose the random position according to a gaussian distribution # with zero mean and unit variance normal = numx_rand.normal self._add_node(self._refcast(normal(0.0, 1.0, self.input_dim))) self._add_node(self._refcast(normal(0.0, 1.0, self.input_dim))) # loop on single data points for x in input: self.tlen += 1 # step 2 - find the nearest nodes # dists are the squared distances of x from n0, n1 (n0, n1), dists = self._get_nearest_nodes(x) # step 3 - increase age of the emanating edges for e in n0.get_edges(): e.data.inc_age() # step 4 - update error n0.data.cum_error += numx.sqrt(dists[0]) # step 5 - move nearest node and neighbours self._move_node(n0, x, self.eps_b) # neighbors undirected neighbors = n0.neighbors() for n in neighbors: self._move_node(n, x, self.eps_n) # step 6 - update n0<->n1 edge if n1 in neighbors: # should be one edge only edges = n0.get_edges(neighbor=n1) edges[0].data.age = 0 else: self._add_edge(n0, n1) # step 7 - remove old edges self._remove_old_edges(n0.get_edges()) # step 8 - add a new node each lambda steps if not self.tlen % self.lambda_ and len(g.nodes) < self.max_nodes: self._insert_new_node() # step 9 - decrease errors for node in g.nodes: node.data.cum_error *= d def nearest_neighbor(self, input): """Assign each point in the input data to the nearest node in the graph. Return the list of the nearest node instances, and the list of distances. Executing this function will close the training phase if necessary.""" super(GrowingNeuralGasNode, self).execute(input) nodes = [] dists = [] for x in input: (n0, _), dist = self._get_nearest_nodes(x) nodes.append(n0) dists.append(numx.sqrt(dist[0])) return nodes, dists class NeuralGasNode(GrowingNeuralGasNode): """Learn the topological structure of the input data by building a corresponding graph approximation (original Neural Gas algorithm). The Neural Gas algorithm was originally published in Martinetz, T. and Schulten, K.: A "Neural-Gas" Network Learns Topologies. In Kohonen, T., Maekisara, K., Simula, O., and Kangas, J. (eds.), Artificial Neural Networks. Elsevier, North-Holland., 1991. **Attributes and methods of interest** - graph -- The corresponding `mdp.graph.Graph` object - max_epochs - maximum number of epochs until which to train. """ def __init__(self, num_nodes = 10, start_poss=None, epsilon_i=0.3, # initial epsilon epsilon_f=0.05, # final epsilon lambda_i=30., # initial lambda lambda_f=0.01, # final lambda max_age_i=20, # initial edge lifetime max_age_f=200, # final edge lifetime max_epochs=100, n_epochs_to_train=None, input_dim=None, dtype=None): """Neural Gas algorithm. Default parameters taken from the original publication. :Parameters: start_poss sequence of two arrays containing the position of the first two nodes in the GNG graph. In unspecified, the initial nodes are chosen with a random position generated from a gaussian distribution with zero mean and unit variance. num_nodes number of nodes to use. Ignored if start_poss is given. epsilon_i, epsilon_f initial and final values of epsilon. Fraction of the distance between the closest node and the presented data point by which the node moves towards the data point in an adaptation step. Epsilon decays during training by e(t) = e_i(e_f/e_i)^(t/t_max) with t being the epoch. lambda_i, lambda_f initial and final values of lambda. Lambda influences how the weight change of nodes in the ranking decreases with lower rank. It is sometimes called the "neighborhood factor". Lambda decays during training in the same manner as epsilon does. max_age_i, max_age_f Initial and final lifetime, after which an edge will be removed. Lifetime is measured in terms of adaptation steps, i.e., presentations of data points. It decays during training like epsilon does. max_epochs number of epochs to train. One epoch has passed when all data points from the input have been presented once. The default in the original publication was 40000, but since this has proven to be impractically high too high for many real-world data sets, we adopted a default value of 100. n_epochs_to_train number of epochs to train on each call. Useful for batch learning and for visualization of the training process. Default is to train once until max_epochs is reached. """ self.graph = graph.Graph() if n_epochs_to_train is None: n_epochs_to_train = max_epochs #copy parameters self.num_nodes = num_nodes self.start_poss = start_poss self.epsilon_i = epsilon_i self.epsilon_f = epsilon_f self.lambda_i = lambda_i self.lambda_f = lambda_f self.max_age_i = max_age_i self.max_age_f = max_age_f self.max_epochs = max_epochs self.n_epochs_to_train = n_epochs_to_train super(GrowingNeuralGasNode, self).__init__(input_dim, None, dtype) if start_poss is not None: if self.num_nodes != len(start_poss): self.num_nodes = len(start_poss) if self.dtype is None: self.dtype = start_poss[0].dtype for node_ind in range(self.num_nodes): self._add_node(self._refcast(start_poss[node_ind])) self.epoch = 0 def _train(self, input): g = self.graph if len(g.nodes) == 0: # if missing, generate num_nodes initial nodes at random # assuming that the input data has zero mean and unit variance, # choose the random position according to a gaussian distribution # with zero mean and unit variance normal = numx_rand.normal for _ in range(self.num_nodes): self._add_node(self._refcast(normal(0.0, 1.0, self.input_dim))) epoch = self.epoch e_i = self.epsilon_i e_f = self.epsilon_f l_i = self.lambda_i l_f = self.lambda_f T_i = float(self.max_age_i) T_f = float(self.max_age_f) max_epochs = float(self.max_epochs) remaining_epochs = self.n_epochs_to_train while remaining_epochs > 0: # reset permutation of data points di = numx.random.permutation(input) if epoch < max_epochs: denom = epoch/max_epochs else: denom = 1. epsilon = e_i * ((e_f/e_i)**denom) lmbda = l_i * ((l_f/l_i)**denom) T = T_i * ((T_f/T_i)**denom) epoch += 1 for x in di: # Step 1 rank nodes according to their distance to random point ranked_nodes = self._rank_nodes_by_distance(x) # Step 2 move nodes for rank,node in enumerate(ranked_nodes): #TODO: cut off at some rank when using many nodes #TODO: check speedup by vectorizing delta_w = epsilon * numx.exp(-rank / lmbda) * \ (x - node.data.pos) node.data.pos += delta_w # Step 3 update edge weight for e in g.edges: e.data.inc_age() # Step 4 set age of edge between first two nodes to zero # or create it if it doesn't exist. n0 = ranked_nodes[0] n1 = ranked_nodes[1] nn = n0.neighbors() if n1 in nn: edges = n0.get_edges(neighbor=n1) edges[0].data.age = 0 # should only be one edge else: self._add_edge(n0, n1) # step 5 delete edges with age > max_age self._remove_old_edges(max_age=T) remaining_epochs -= 1 self.epoch = epoch def _rank_nodes_by_distance(self, x): """Return the nodes in the graph in a list ranked by their squared distance to x. """ #TODO: Refactor together with GNGNode._get_nearest_nodes # distance function def _distance_from_node(node): tmp = node.data.pos - x return utils.mult(tmp, tmp) # maps to mdp.numx.dot g = self.graph # distances of all graph nodes from x distances = numx.array(map(_distance_from_node, g.nodes)) ids = distances.argsort() ranked_nodes = [g.nodes[id] for id in ids] return ranked_nodes def _remove_old_edges(self, max_age): """Remove edges with age > max_age.""" g = self.graph for edge in self.graph.edges: if edge.data.age > max_age: g.remove_edge(edge)