#!/usr/bin/env python # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # These are routines for checking whether libraries can be imported # (and getting python version). # # Consider starting a python file (as library or main program) with # something like the following: # # import sys # import module_test_lib # g_testlibs = ['numpy', 'wx', 'matplotlib', 'scipy'] # if module_test_lib.num_import_failures(g_testlibs): sys.exit(1) # # -------------------------------------------------- # # main functions: # # get_py_ver() : return list of version indices: like ['2','4','1'] # e.g. verlist = get_py_ver() # # get_py_ver_float() : return python version as float: like 2.4 # e.g. if get_py_ver_float() < 2.5: PANIC() # # num_import_failures() : return the number of failures importing libraries # e.g. num_errs = test_libs(['sys','os','R','scipy']) # # test_import() : test a single library # e.g. if test_import('numpy'): print '** failure' # # R Reynolds 28 Oct 2008 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # todo: # # - fromlibs = { 'scipy': ['linalg', 'signal', 'stats'], 'fish': ['tuna'] } # - add to import imp, sys # add 'R' if needed genlibs = ['os', 'sys', 'string', 'glob', 'copy', 'gc', 'time', 'webbrowser'] mathlibs = ['math', 'random', 'numpy', 'scipy'] guilibs = ['PyQt4', 'wx', 'matplotlib'] alllibs = [] alllibs.extend(genlibs) alllibs.extend(mathlibs) alllibs.extend(guilibs) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # library failure message list (for select library packages) g_mesglist = [ [ 'numpy', """ -> consider downloading 'numpy' from www.scipy.org or on Linux: "sudo yum install numpy" or on OS X: "sudo fink install numpy-py25" """ ], [ 'matplotlib', """ -> consider downloading 'matplotlib' from matplotlib.sourceforge.net or on Linux: "sudo yum install python-matplotlib" or on OS X: "sudo fink install matplotlib-py25" """ ], [ 'R', """ -> consider downloading 'R' from a site in the mirror list: http://cran.r-project.org/mirrors.html or on Linux: "sudo yum install R" consider also installing the developer sub-package 'R-devel' "sudo yum install R-devel" """ ], [ 'scipy', """ -> consider downloading 'scipy' from www.scipy.org or on Linux: "sudo yum install scipy" or on OS X: "sudo fink install scipy-py25" """ ], [ 'PyQt4', """ -> please see the output of "uber_subject.py -help_install" """ ], [ 'wx', """ -> consider downloading 'wxpython' from www.wxpython.org or on Linux: "sudo yum install wxPython" or on OS X: "sudo fink install wxpython-py25" Note: wxpython-py25 is not available on OS X 10.4 """ ] ] # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # main functions def get_py_ver(): "return the python version as a list, allow for older versions" vlist = ['0', '0'] try: import platform vlist = platform.python_version_tuple() except: if sys.version[0] == '1': import string ver = string.split(sys.version) vlist = string.split(ver[0], '.') else: ver = sys.version.split() vlist = ver[0].split('.') return vlist def get_py_ver_float(): pv = get_py_ver() if pv[0] == '1': return float('%c.%c' % (pv[0],pv[1])) else: return float('%s.%s' % (pv[0],pv[1])) # not for general use: return message for libname def _get_mesg(libname): for mpair in g_mesglist: if mpair[0] == libname: return mpair[1] return '' # function definition string for if we are running pythong 2.5 + # (this version produces a syntax error in 2.4.x python) import_find_test_25_def = \ """def import_find_test_25(libname, details=1, verb=1): # return loaded library or None (on failure) try: mod = sys.modules[libname] except: pass else: if verb>1: print "++ module already loaded: %s" % libname return mod try: fp, pname, desc = imp.find_module(libname) except: if verb > 0: if details: mesg = _get_mesg(libname) else: mesg = '' if mesg: print "---------------------------------------------------------" print "** python module not found: %s" % libname if mesg: print mesg return None if verb>2: print "++ module '%s' found at %s" % (libname, pname) # continue and try to load it mod = None try: mod = imp.load_module(libname, fp, pname, desc) except: if verb>0: print "** failed to load module: %s" % libname mod = None # be sure of return value else: if verb>1: print "++ module loaded: %s" % (libname) finally: if fp: if verb>3: print "-- close file for module: %s" % libname fp.close() return mod """ # function definition string for if we are running pythong 2.4.x # (the 2.5 version is a syntax error in 2.4.x python) import_find_test_24_def = \ """def import_find_test_24(libname, details=1, verb=1): # return loaded library or None (on failure) try: mod = sys.modules[libname] except: pass else: if verb>1: print "++ module already loaded: %s" % libname return mod try: fp, pname, desc = imp.find_module(libname) except: if verb > 0: if details: mesg = _get_mesg(libname) else: mesg = '' if mesg: print "---------------------------------------------------------" print "** python module not found: %s" % libname if mesg: print mesg return None if verb>2: print "++ module '%s' found at %s" % (libname, pname) # continue and try to load it mod = None try: try: mod = imp.load_module(libname, fp, pname, desc) except: if verb>0: print "** failed to load module: %s" % libname mod = None # be sure of return value else: if verb>1: print "++ module loaded: %s" % (libname) finally: if fp: if verb>3: print "-- close file for module '%s'" % libname fp.close() return mod """ def test_import(libname, details=1, verb=1): """try to import a single library, specified as a string e.g. if test_import('numpy'): print '** failure' details: if libname is in g_mesglist, print message return 0 on success, 1 on failure""" # note python version pv = get_py_ver_float() if pv < 2.5: # use 2.4 version (might fail) exec(import_find_test_24_def) imptest = import_find_test_24 else: # use 2.5 version exec(import_find_test_25_def) imptest = import_find_test_25 if imptest(libname, details, verb): return 0 else: return 1 def num_import_failures(liblist=[], details=1, verb=1): """try to import a list of library names as strings liblist: e.g. ['wx', 'numpy'] details: if libname is in g_mesglist, print message return the number of failures (0=success)""" # note python version pv = get_py_ver_float() if verb > 2: print '-- python version %s' % pv if pv < 2.5: # use 2.4 version (might fail) exec(import_find_test_24_def) imptest = import_find_test_24 else: # use 2.5 version exec(import_find_test_25_def) imptest = import_find_test_25 if liblist: libs = liblist else: libs = alllibs errs = 0 for lib in libs: rlib = imptest(lib, details, verb) if not rlib: errs = errs + 1 return errs