README.atlas_building Eickhoff Zilles Atlas building in AFNI + How you install a new Zilles, Amunts, Eickhoff SPM toolbox: 1- Download the toolbox from: 2- Unpack archive and move directory Anatomy_XXX to matlab's spm path (not necessary but nice should you want to use the toolbox in spm. on Eomer, v1.3b was placed here: /var/automount/Volumes/elrond0/home4/users/ziad/Programs/matlab/spm2/toolbox/Anatomy_13b For each new atlas, rename Anatomy directory from .zip file to Anatomy_v??. 3- Update the symbolic link Anatomy (under the same toolbox path above) to point to the latest Anatomy_XXX just created. 4- Run the matlab function CA_EZ_Prep which will create new versions of thd_ttatlas_CA_EZ[.c,.h] to reflect new changes. The newly created files have the -auto added to their name for safety. Examine the files then move (remove the -auto) them to AFNI's src: eomer:/Users/ziad/AFNI/src. Also, the script creates the file thd_ttatlas_CA_EZ-ref.h to AFNI's src, it contains the references for the library and will be used by the script @Prep_New_CA_EZ below Edit the CA_EZ_Prep program (in AFNI's source or wherever you have AFNI's MATLAB library installed) to look in the spm/toolbox/Anatomy folder you just created before running CA_EZ_Prep. The references are not parsed properly now resulting in an error, but can be manually edited in the ...ref.h file created. Also program no longer creates the thd_ttatlas_CA_EZ-ref.h file and reports an error. Instead edit the existing source code file, adding any new references and updating the version numbers in the strings at the beginning and end. Match the array sizes to the array sizes in thd_ttatlas_CA_EZ.h. The reference lines must not be blank except for the last one. Fit lines so they will be displayed at 80 columns. The Pretty print function in whereami prints with an additional 6 spaces. All reference lines are shortened to include only a single -> rather than ---->. This makes formatting a bit trickier. Each line represents a single string in an array of strings, so each line requires a comma at the end; otherwise, the string wraps into the next line. + make cleanest + make vastness 5- Now you need to create the AFNI TT versions of these datasets. Most of that is done from directory: eomer:/Users/ziad/AFNI_Templates_Atlases/ZILLES_N27_ATLASES. + First edit zver in @Prep_New_CA_EZ. Then run script @Prep_New_CA_EZ, which will create TT versions of the database. You should run afni in the new version's directory and check on the results. In particular, examine the TT_* results and check for alignment issues, etc. Also change the orig_dir to the location of the Anatomy path used in step 2 and the reftxt variable to the path of your source. Copy @Shift_Volume script from afni source to something in your path like ~/abin/. The environment variable must be set (in .afnirc or setenv in tcsh) AFNI_ANALYZE_ORIGINATOR = YES Oddly, the environment variable AFNI_ANALYZE_VIEW = orig must also be set, because 3dcopy is somehow assuming to copy to Talairach view without it when the ORIGINATOR variable is also set (despite a warning message to the contrary!!!), and a corresponding error is displayed when the script uses 3drefit to change from +orig to +tlrc because no +orig dataset exists. This isn't particularly important because we can just set the environment variable to go directly to Talairach in the script and assume no +orig anyway. I modified the script to use Talairach directly. + You might want at this point to run the script @Compare_CA_EZ after editing the few variables at the top. This script is not meant to catch errors, but it might altert you to funkyness, respect. In particular, watch for: ++ dset dimensional changes or origin shifts. If that happens, then that's bad news. ++ The anatomical N27 dset should be identical to the previous version. If that is not the case, there's a lot more work ahead because MNI<-->TLRC is based on this dataset and the TLRC surfaces are aligned to it. If N27 changes then you need to revisit directory N27, then N27_Surfaces before proceeding! ++ Look at the log file and diff directory created. Minor bug in order of min and max in script. Note one can expect minor differences where region numbers change (in MNIa_N27_CA_EZ_MPM+tlrc). + If all looks hunky dori, you can now copy the new TT dsets to your abin directory for your viewing pleasure. + cp TT_N27_CA_EZ_MPM+tlrc.* TT_N27_CA_EZ_PMaps+tlrc* TT_N27_EZ_LR+tlrc* TT_N27_EZ_ML+tlrc* ~/abin + No need to copy TT_N27+tlrc* because that should not change. 6- To distribute the atlases, run @DistArchives (after editing zdir) from eomer:/Users/ziad/AFNI_Templates_Atlases/ an archive named: /Volumes/elrond0/var/www/html/pub/dist/tgz/CA_EZ_v1.3b.tgz (for version 1.3b) is put on AFNI's site ( Update @Create_ca_ez_tlrc.tgz script to point to the right src_path for the Atlases (/Users/dglen/AFNI_Templates_Atlases) and the right target for distribution (Web_dir = /Volumes/elrond0/var/www/html/pub/dist/tgz) depending on the naming of the mount point on your system. Say No to creating new N27 datasets unless they have changed, and they probably won't. Update via cvs, source code changes for thd_ttatlas_CA_EZ[.c,.h] and thd_ttatlas_CA_EZ-ref.h and any other changes made to whereami.c to add to the help. Update scripts in cvs distribution too - @Prep_New_CA_EZ, @Compare_CA_EZ, @DistArchives, @Create_ca_ez_tlrc.tgz, (@Create_suma_tlrc.tgz)/ Create or modify README.atlas_building that includes this documentation. ************* Add the gray matter files, and the Fibers to the scripts I still need to figure out what to do with this. The fibers look like just another atlas with each region at a single value. Integrating standard atlases for now with distribution and cvs source.