#!/bin/csh -f if ("$1" == "-h" || "$1" == "-help") then goto HELP endif set zdir = CA_EZ_v1.5-July3107 #Packages and publishes archives for: #N27 tlrc surfaces #Zilles datasets (already setup with script @Prep_New_CA_EZ) #Do the suma_tlrc surfaces echo "Distribute N27's tlrc surfaces (y/n)?" set jnk = $< if ("$jnk" == "y" || "$jnk" == "Y") then echo "Distributing N27 tlrc surfaces...." @Create_suma_tlrc.tgz endif #Do the Eickhoff_Zilles stuff echo "Distribute Zilles datasets in $zdir (y/n)?" echo "This includes putting data in auto-distribution directory" set jnk = $< if ("$jnk" == "y" || "$jnk" == "Y") then echo "Distributing Zilles datasets ...." @Create_ca_ez_tlrc.tgz $zdir endif goto END HELP: echo "" echo "Packages and publishes archives for:" echo "N27 tlrc surfaces and " echo "Zilles datasets (already setup with script @Prep_New_CA_EZ)" echo "" echo "First read" echo "SUMA/Readme_Modify.log" echo " search for + How you install a new Zilles, Amunts, Eickhoff SPM toolbox:" echo " to get info on proper sequence of execution" echo "" goto END END: