AFNI adaptation of atlases from 'Anatomy Toolbox Version 1.5-July3107' ---------------------------------------------------------------- ++ References, Disclaimer and Usage Conditions for Anatomy Toolbox Atlases: ANATOMY TOOLBOX Version 1.5 written by: Simon Eickhoff ( Institut for Medicine (IME) Research Center Juelich Phone + 49 2461-61-5219 / Fax + 49 2461-61-2820 References: Eickhoff SB et al.: A new SPM toolbox for combining probabilistic cytoarchitectonic maps and functional imaging data. (2005) NeuroImage 25 (4): 1325-1335 Eickhoff SB et al.: Testing anatomically specified hypotheses in functional imaging using cytoarchitectonic maps. (2006) NeuroImage 32 (2): 570-82 Eickhoff SB et al., Assignment of functional activations to probabilistic cytoarchitectonic areas revisited. (2007) NeuroImage 26 (3): 511-521 Publications describing the included cytoarchitectonic maps: Auditory cortex TE 1.0, TE 1.1, TE 1.2---------------> Morosan et al., NeuroImage 2001 Broca's area BA 44, BA 45----------------------------> Amunts et al., J Comp Neurol 1999 Motor cortex BA 4a, BA 4p BA 6-----------------------> Geyer et al., Nature 1996 -> S. Geyer, Springer press 2003 Somatosensory cortex BA 3a, BA 3b, BA 1 BA 2---------> Geyer et al., NeuroImage, 1999, 2000 -> Grefkes et al., NeuroImage 2001 Parietal operculum / SII OP 1, OP 2, OP 3, OP 4------> Eickhoff et al., Cerebral Cortex 2006a,b Amygdala (CM/LB/SF) Hippocampus (FD/CA /SUB/EC/HATA)-> Amunts et al., Anat Embryol 2005 anterior intraparietal sulcus hIP1, hIP2-------------> Choi et al., J Comp Neurol 2006 Visual cortex BA 17, BA 18 hOC5----------------------> Amunts et al., NeuroImage 2000 -> Malikovic et al., Cerebral Cortex 2006 Fiber tracts ar,cb,cing,ct,fom,iof,lgb,mb,mbg,or,slf,sof,uf -> Burgel et al., NeuroImage 1999, 2006 All other areas may only be used with authors' permission ! AFNI adaptation by Ziad S. Saad (, SSCC/NIMH/NIH) Info automatically created with CA_EZ_Prep.m based on se_note.m ++ Notes on AFNI implementation of the toolbox: Data were transformed to standard Talairach space to be consistent with AFNI's coordinate system. However, the coordinates from interactive and stand-alone 'whereami' are output in TLRC, MNI and MNI Anatomical spaces. To use the database, simply copy place all datasets TT_N27* to AFNI's bin directory. ++ Thanks, Contact and Log We thank Drs. Eickhoff and Zilles for providing the data. Questions and comments on AFNI's implementation should be directed to: Dr. Ziad S. Saad, (Data archive created on Wed Aug 1 13:46:18 EDT 2007, gollum in /Users/dglen/afni/src/ZILLES_N27_ATLASES using @Prep_New_CA_EZ)