#!/bin/tcsh # AP: basic, single echo rest, with blip up/down correction # This script runs a corresponding do_*.tcsh script, for a given # subj+ses pair. It could be adapted to loop over many subj+ses values. # To execute: # tcsh RUN_SCRIPT_NAME # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # specify script to execute set cmd = 40_ap_se # labels set subj = sub-005 set ses = ses-01 # upper directories set dir_inroot = .. set dir_log = ${dir_inroot}/logs # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # make directory for storing text files to log the processing \mkdir -p ${dir_log} # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # run command script (verbosely and stop at any failure); log terminal text. tcsh -xef do_${cmd}.tcsh ${subj} ${ses} \ |& tee ${dir_log}/log_${cmd}_${subj}_${ses}.txt