Welcome to APMULTI demo 02 - realtime (AFNI realtime system processing) This package demonstrates much of the common functionality of AFNI's real-time system. The input is a collection of 12 volumes, initially stored as: DICOM with a single echo DICOM with 3 echoes NIFTI with a single echo To run the complete set of scripts, it is enough to: tcsh run.regress This relies on cmd.regress, which might backup the regression comparison files (some of the log/* text files). It can also be run to clean the old results (see clean_rt in cmd.regress). This full script takes about 75 seconds to run (presently), mostly due to 'sleep' statements between script pieces. To run a single realtime process (e.g. with rt.00.basic), one can: cd rt.00.basic tcsh run.8.all This will run all scripts in that directory. Alternatively, one might want to run and monitor the scripts. In this case, one would usually run a single script per terminal window (using 3 or 4 terminal windows, depending), as in: cd rt.00.basic tcsh run.0.receiver tcsh run.1.afni tcsh run.2.dimon tcsh run.3.stats There is also a run.9.cleanup script in each directory. -------------------- R Reynolds Feb 2022