#!/usr/bin/env tcsh # possibly init tree from apmulti_data.tgz using init_apmulti_tree.tcsh # (nothing else is required for entire setup and analysis) tcsh -x ../git/apmulti_scripts/init_apmulti_tree.tcsh \ ../apmulti_subj_packages/sub-004.tgz \ |& tee out.init_tree.txt # now get the script repo and initialize the sub-trees # (using the desktop version gets all desktop scripts) tcsh -xef apmulti_scripts/apmulti_root/scripts_desktop/do_00_init_tree.tcsh \ |& tee log_00_init.txt \mv log_00_init.txt apmulti_root/logs # create NIFTI datasets (run Dimon and rename/convert to NIFTI) cd apmulti_root/apmulti_dicom tcsh -xef scripts_desktop/do_11_run_dimon.tcsh \ |& tee logs/log_11.run_dimon.txt tcsh -xef scripts_desktop/do_12_copy_epi.tcsh \ | & tee ../logs/log_12.copy_epi.txt # copy NIFTI EPI from dicom tree to demo tree # # from apmulti_root, copy EPI from apmulti_dicom to apmulti_demo # for now, just copy the rest?? cd .. tcsh -ef scripts_desktop/do_01_dicom2demo.tcsh |& tee log_01_dicom2demo.txt \mv log_01_dicom2demo.txt logs # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # extract release demo # # a. update git repo (not in demo tree) # b. make demo tree (exclude temp tgz's and AP result trees): # rsync -av --exclude \*.tgz --exclude \*.results apmulti_demo demo.release # cd demo.release/apmulti_demo # c. delete all AP results # rm -fr data_2* # rm logs/???_2* # rm swarms/swarm_2* # d. redo script dirs # rm -fr scripts_* # rsync -av $gitdir/apmulti_root/apmulti_demo/ . # e. and rename???? (apmulti_demo -> apmulti_demo_01_baic?) # (since there may be other aspects to use in future demos?) # cd .. # mv apmulti_demo apmulti_demo_01_basic # # The resulting tree is now 1.5G, apmulti_demo.tgz is size 814M. # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # and re-analyze demo data, to verify # # we could almost run: # ---------------------------------------- # cd apmulti_demo_01_basic/scripts_biowulf # # foreach run ( run_[23]* ) # tcsh $run # end # ---------------------------------------- # # but the 'T' require python3, while python2 works for the rest