** please see README_process.txt for running the analysis ** ** please post comments or question to the AFNI message board ** This is a sample set of processing scripts to analyze multi-echo resting state data in various ways. The analysis has basic processing steps: 1. FreeSurfer : for ROIs and possibly surface mapping - for surface analysis (in one afni_proc.py example) - for ANATICOR - for QC - to create correlation images 2. @SSwarper : for skull-stripping an non-linear template registration 3. RetroTS.py : convert physiological signals to regressors - for ricor processing (in one afni_proc.py example) 4. afni_proc.py : single subject analysis - various examples of how one might run an analysis =========================================================================== The basic input is a BIDS-formatted tree for just a single subject/session: data_00_basic anat : anat/sub-005_ses-01_mprage_run-1_T1w.nii.gz blip : func/sub-005_ses-01_acq-blip_dir-match_run-1_bold.nii.gz blip : func/sub-005_ses-01_acq-blip_dir-opp_run-1_bold.nii.gz epi : func/sub-005_ses-01_task-rest_run-1_echo-1_bold.nii.gz epi : func/sub-005_ses-01_task-rest_run-1_echo-2_bold.nii.gz epi : func/sub-005_ses-01_task-rest_run-1_echo-3_bold.nii.gz physio : func/sub-005_ses-01_task-rest_run-1_physio-ECG.txt physio : func/sub-005_ses-01_task-rest_run-1_physio-Resp.txt --------------------------------------------- The results from steps 1, 2 and 3 (above) will be distributed for convenience. Scripts to generate these initial results are included. Feel free to (re)move these directories are generate them with the included scripts. data_12_fs - processed from anat - FreeSurfer output, imported to AFNI/SUMA - SUMA directory, created by @SUMA_Make_Spec_FS data_13_ssw - processed from anat - @SSwarper output data_14_physio - processed from physiological signals - RetroTS.py output =========================================================================== There are 2 parallel sets of scripts: scripts_biowulf : for running on NIH's high-performance cluster scripts_desktop : for running on a desktop system One can use scripts from either directory for any step. For example, it is okay to run some of the analysis on biowulf and some on a desktop (with the apmulti_demo tree copied between them). Within each script directory are: run_* scripts : these are what should be directly run - controls for subjects and biowulf swarming - these end up executing corresponding do_* scripts run_1* : produce output for steps 1, 2 and 3 (noted at the top) run_2* : different examples of how one might choose to processes their data using afni_proc.py do_* scripts : called by the run_* scripts with the same naming - actually perform the detailed processing steps - include logging (storing text output in log files) =========================================================================== do_*/run_* script labels: A label will refer to a run_* script, a do_* script, and an output data_* directory. For example label 26_ap_me_bT (for an afni_proc.py example) refers to: scripts_desktop/do_26_ap_me_bT.tcsh - AP command for desktop scripts_desktop/run_26_ap_me_bT.tcsh - main script for desktop scripts_biowulf/do_26_ap_me_bT.tcsh - AP command for biowulf scripts_biowulf/run_26_ap_me_bT.tcsh - main script for biowulf data_26_ap_me_bT - output tree Label 26_ap_me_bT implies: 26 - example 26 ap - an afni_proc.py command me - multi-echo processing (as opposed to 'se' for single-echo) b - blip up/down distortion correction T - tedana processing using version from MEICA group All label characters: fs - FreeSurfer ssw - @SSwarper physio - RetroTS.py processing of physiological time series se - single-echo analysis (echo 2 of 3) me - multi-echo processing (3 echoes) b - blip up/down distortion correction n - no blurring (omit blur processing step) r - include 'ricor' processing block (RetroTS.py) s - surface analysis t - tedana processing using version from Prantik T - tedana processing using version from MEICA group