#!/bin/tcsh # This is an example of making the [3] brick for the @SSwarper target # volume, which is simply a whole brain mask of the skullstripped # dset. Might not even really need a script to do... # # ver: 1.0 # dat: 2018-06-06 # written by PA Taylor # # ==================================================================== set rset = TT_N27+tlrc. set opref = BRICK3 set blab = "Bmask" # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # mask dset set fout = "${opref}_${blab}.nii.gz" 3dcalc \ -a "$rset" \ -expr 'step(a)' \ -prefix ${fout} # use same brick labels as original MNI152_2009_template 3drefit -sublabel 0 "$blab" $fout # ----------------------------------------------- echo "\n\n++ Done: ${fout}\n\n" exit 0