.. _install_steps_mac_adminA: Mac OS (admin'ed): *the administrator part* ============================================ .. contents:: :local: What to do? ----------- Here we describe the administrator's part of the AFNI installation and system setup for *administered* Mac OS versions **10.9-15**. **Root privilege is required for the instruction on this page.** These are accompanied by :ref:`instructions for regular users `, which need to be performed after in order to complete the AFNI setup. Install Xcode and XQuartz ------------------------- .. include:: ../install_instructs/substep_mac_xcode_xquartz.rst Install R --------- .. include:: ../install_instructs/substep_mac_R.rst .. comment out older ver a. | Click here to download a recent (but not the *most* recent) version of R: | https://cran.r-project.org/bin/macosx/el-capitan/base/R-3.4.1.pkg #. Install specific R packages for AFNI (specified in the given script):: curl -LO https://afni.nimh.nih.gov/pub/dist/bin/macos_10.12_local/@afni_R_package_install tcsh @afni_R_package_install -afni Install Netpbm -------------- .. include:: ../install_instructs/substep_mac_netpbm.rst .. comment out old .. include:: ../install_instructs/substep_netpbm.rst .. comment out old-ish Using ``bash`` shell syntax:: ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" < /dev/null 2> /dev/null brew install netpbm .. no longer require/suggest Check shell ----------- Most AFNI scripts are written in ``tcsh``, and most command line examples presented also use ``tcsh`` syntax. While not necessary, it might make sense to have this the be the default shell for a user. If you would like to do so, this can be done by clicking through the following: "System Preferences" -> "Users & Groups" -> click on lock and enter password -> right click on the username and go to "Advanced options" -> go down to where shell is and enter desired one.