.. from: https://afni.nimh.nih.gov/pub/dist/HOWTO/howto/ht00_inst/html/linux_inst_current.html .. _install_steps_linux_ubuntu: **Linux, Ubuntu 15.10 and earlier** ================================================================== .. contents:: The essential system setup :local: .. highlight:: none These setup instructions are for **Ubuntu Linux version 20.04** (Focal Fossa). *And a note of thanks to Chris Rorden, who contributed advice to these instructions!* Things to note before starting -------------------------------- .. include:: substep_intro.rst #. **To copy and paste** in a Linux terminal, one can use ``Ctrl+Shift+c`` and ``Ctrl+Shift+v``, respectively. (In WSL terminals, one might first enable this functionality: rightclick on the panel's taskbar, select "Properties" and put a checkmark by this option.) #. **To open a text file,** use any text editor you like, and/or you can type ``gedit FILENAME``, such as either:: gedit ~/.bashrc gedit ~/.bashrc & Install prerequisite packages ----------------------------- 1. To be able to install latest packages, copy+paste:: sudo apt-get update #. For ... * *... versions 15.04 and earlier*, copy+paste:: sudo apt-get install -y tcsh libxp6 xfonts-base python-qt4 \ python-matplotlib \ libmotif4 libmotif-dev motif-clients \ gsl-bin netpbm xvfb gnome-tweak-tool \ libjpeg62 xterm gedit evince firefox eog \ xfonts-100dpi Copy+paste:: sudo apt-get update * *... version 15.10*, copy+paste:: sudo apt-get install -y tcsh xfonts-base python-qt4 gedit evince \ python-matplotlib \ libmotif4 libmotif-dev motif-clients \ gsl-bin netpbm xvfb gnome-tweak-tool \ libjpeg62 firefox eog xfonts-100dpi Copy+paste:: sudo apt-get update Copy+paste:: sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgsl.so /usr/lib/libgsl.so.0 Copy+paste:: sudo dpkg -i http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/libx/libxp/libxp6_1.0.2-2_amd64.deb Copy+paste:: sudo apt-get install -f (To check your version number, copy+paste: ``lsb_release -a``) **Purpose:** Installs a lot of packages that AFNI depends on (so we don't have to reinvent the wheel!). Install AFNI binaries --------------------- 1. For ...: * *... (default) installing the binaries from online*, copy+paste:: cd curl -O https://afni.nimh.nih.gov/pub/dist/bin/misc/@update.afni.binaries tcsh @update.afni.binaries -package linux_openmp_64 -do_extras * *... (alternative) installing already-downloaded binaries,* you can use ``-local_package ..`` (replace "PATH_TO_FILE" with the actual path; also, if ``@update.afni.binaries`` has also been downloaded, you can skip the ``curl ..`` command), copy+paste:: cd curl -O https://afni.nimh.nih.gov/pub/dist/bin/misc/@update.afni.binaries tcsh @update.afni.binaries -local_package PATH_TO_FILE/linux_openmp_64.tgz -do_extras **Purpose:** Download and unpack the current binaries in your ``$HOME`` directory; set the AFNI binary directory name to ``$HOME/abin/``; and add that location to the ``$PATH`` in both ``~/.cshrc`` and ``~/.bashrc``. Install R --------- 1. Check your shell type (``echo $0``). For ... | * ... a ``tcsh`` terminal, copy+paste:: setenv R_LIBS $HOME/R mkdir $R_LIBS echo 'export R_LIBS=$HOME/R' >> ~/.bashrc echo 'setenv R_LIBS ~/R' >> ~/.cshrc curl -O https://afni.nimh.nih.gov/pub/dist/src/scripts_src/@add_rcran_ubuntu.tcsh * ... a ``bash`` terminal, copy+paste:: export R_LIBS=$HOME/R mkdir $R_LIBS echo 'setenv R_LIBS ~/R' >> ~/.cshrc echo 'export R_LIBS=$HOME/R' >> ~/.bashrc curl -O https://afni.nimh.nih.gov/pub/dist/src/scripts_src/@add_rcran_ubuntu.tcsh **Purpose:** Step 1 of setting up modern R from scratch. Set the environment variable ``$R_LIBS`` to specify where to install+find the packages. The file obtained using ``curl`` contains instructions to add a more uptodate set of R libraries to the source list. #. Copy+paste:: sudo tcsh @add_rcran_ubuntu.tcsh **Purpose:** This script updates your package manager to be able to get a modern version of R. If you *don't* already have R on your system, it will install it. If you *do* have R, it will stop and ask if you want to remove it and update it, or not. #. Copy+paste:: rPkgsInstall -pkgs ALL **Purpose:** Get specific R packages needed for AFNI programs. This step might take a while to complete. .. ---------- HERE/BELOW: copy for all installs -------------- Setup Python (opt) --------------------------------- .. include:: substep_miniconda.rst Prepare for Bootcamp ------------------------------------ .. include:: substep_bootcamp.rst Evaluate setup/system (**important!**) --------------------------------------- .. include:: substep_evaluate.rst Niceify terminal (optional, but goood) -------------------------------------- .. include:: substep_rcfiles.rst Install extras (optional, but recommended for Bootcamp prep) ----------------------------------------------------------------- .. include:: substep_extra_packs.rst Keep up-to-date (remember!) --------------------------- .. include:: substep_update.rst