.. _U_misc_error_messages: ************** Error messages ************** Errors are often a little confusing, so here are some common ``Unix`` and ``AFNI`` error messages, along with what they might imply. .. _U_misc_unix_errors: Unix error messages =================== .. _U_MU_err_cmd_not_found: Command not found. ------------------ There are many ways one could accidentally get this error. It means the shell does not know of a command or program by the given name. 0. having a typo in the command name 1. the ``$PATH`` is not properly configureds, so the shell does not know about a given program 2. ``rehash`` is needed - a *new* program is in a ``$PATH`` directory, but the t-shell does not know about it (it is not in the hash table) 3. incorrect use of ``\`` characters at the end of some line(s) The problem is on the line *before* the one mentioned in the error. Line continuation ``\`` characters must be the final character on a given line, followed by a Unix newline character. Any misuse of it at the end of a line means the the will terminate the current command on that line, as well as consider any subsequent line the start of a new command. For example:: 3dDeconvolve -input rall_vr+orig \ -concat concat_file.txt -num_stimts 8 \ ... a. That leads to early termination of the ``3dDeconvolve`` command, which would make it fail (with or without error, depending on the options actually getting passed). b. It would lead to a the shell viewing ``-num_stimts 8`` as the start of a new command, resulting in the error:: -stim_times: Command not found. Note that spaces or tabs after any final ``\`` would also break the line coninuation interpretation, but they are difficult to see. Also, non-Unix newline characters can be problematic. For help with such things, consider ``file_tool``, e.g.:: file_tool -test -infile my_script.txt .. seealso:: `file_tool -help `_ .. _U_MU_err_undefined_var: Undefined variable. ------------------- This error means no variable exists by the given name. 0. maybe there is a typo in the variable name 1. maybe the script author forgot to set the variable 2. maybe the variable was set in a child shell and does not exist in this context (or even in a different terminal window shell) .. _U_MU_err_todo: others - todo ------------- - No match. - ls: ...: No such file or directory .. _U_misc_afni_errors: AFNI error messages =================== These are error messages that are specific to ``AFNI`` programs. .. _U_MA_err_no_open: afni fails to open dataset -------------------------- Some ``AFNI`` program failed to open or read a dataset.