.. _nh_macaque_template_nmtv1: **Macaque template: NMT v1 (older)** ======================================================== .. contents:: :local: .. highlight:: None Overview ------------------------ Here we present the NIMH Macaque Template (NMT), version 1.2 and 1.3. This is a group template from 31 macaques with surfaces and GM/WM/CSF segmentations. **Please note that there is a newer version of this template.** See this page: :ref:`nh_macaque_template_nmtv2`. NMT v1.3 ------------------------ Contents ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 20 80 :stub-columns: 0 * - NMT v1.3 contents - Description * - **CustomAtlases.niml** - atlas description text file for AFNI * - **D99_atlas_1.2a_al2NMT.nii.gz** - D99 atlas in NMT v1.3 space * - **NMT_brainmask.nii.gz** - binary brain mask (including cerebellum) * - **NMT_env.csh** - script to set AFNI environment variables for AFNI to use atlases and make AFNI more monkey friendly. **Note:** running this script will change your default atlases for ``whereami`` functionality, so if you also do human studies, be aware that you might have to change some environment settings again later. * - **NMT_GM_cortical_mask.nii.gz** - binary mask of cortical GM * - **NMT_GM_cortical_mask_withWM.nii.gz** - map of cortical GM and WM * - **NMT.nii.gz** - the NMT itself, including non-brain material * - **NMT_segmentation_4class.nii.gz** - map of tissue segmentation, cortex and cerebellum * - **NMT_SS.nii.gz** - the NMT itself, skullstripped * - **NMT_subject_align** - a script used to perform affine and nonlinear alignments of an anatomical volume to the NMT using AFNI commands. **Note:** In the NMT v2, this script has been replaced with the AFNI command ``@animal_warper`` * - **NMT_subject_morph** - a script that uses ANTs to perform template-based morphometrics of a native scan. Requires outputs from NMT_subject_align. **Note:** we do not recommend use of this script, as `the new CIVET-macaque pipeline `_ conducts automated surface-based morphometrics in the NMT space. * - **NMT_subject_pipeline** - a wrapper script that performs NMT_subject_align, NMT_subject_process and NMT_subject_morph using a single command! * - **NMT_subject_process** - a script used to perform template-based skullstripping and segmentation in the native space of a subject using AFNI and ANTs commands. Requires outputs from NMT_subject_align. **Note:** In the NMT v2, template-based skullstripping is performed by the AFNI command ``@animal_warper`` * - **processing_masks/** - directory of tissue and segmentation volumes * - **quick_view.csh** - example script to quickly view surfaces and volumes in ``suma`` and ``afni`` * - **README.md** - go ahead, I *dare* you to read it * - **supplemental_D99/** - directory of a table of D99 ROI index/label definitions * - **supplemental_masks/** - directory of NIFTI volumes of "other" structures (vasculature, cerebellum, LR brainmask, olfactory bulb) * - **surfaces/** - directory of GIFTI surfaces of many of the tissue/segmentation regions Download ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To download and unpack the datasts to your present working directory, copy+paste:: @Install_NMT -nmt_ver 1.3 Citation/questions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you make use of the NMT v1.3 template or accompanying data in your research, please cite: Seidlitz J, Sponheim C, Glen DR, Ye FQ, Saleem KS, Leopold DA, Ungerleider L, Messinger A (2018). "A Population MRI Brain Template and Analysis Tools for the Macaque." NeuroImage 170: 121–31. `https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.04.063`_. Jung B, Taylor PA, Seidlitz PA, Sponheim C, Glen DR, Messinger A (2020). "A Comprehensive Macaque FMRI Pipeline and Hierarchical Atlas." NeuroImage, submitted. | For questions, comments and/or suggestions, contact: | **Adam.Messinger@nih.gov** | **benjamin.jung@nih.gov** | **glend@mail.nih.gov**. | NMT v1.2 ------------------------ .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 100 * - A SUMA view of the NMT v1.2. * - .. image:: media/nmt/v1/nmt_v1_afnisuma.png :width: 70% :align: center Download ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To download and unpack the datasts to your present working directory, copy+paste:: @Install_NMT -nmt_ver 1.2 Citation/questions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you make use of the NMT v1.2 template or accompanying data in your research, please cite: Seidlitz J, Sponheim C, Glen DR, Ye FQ, Saleem KS, Leopold DA, Ungerleider L, Messinger A (2018). "A Population MRI Brain Template and Analysis Tools for the Macaque." NeuroImage 170: 121–31. ``_. | For questions, comments and/or suggestions, contact: | **Adam.Messinger@nih.gov** | **Jakob.Seidlitz@nih.gov** | **glend@mail.nih.gov**.