:orphan: .. _ahelp_@ROI_modal_grow: *************** @ROI_modal_grow *************** .. contents:: :local: | Overview ======== .. code-block:: none Script to grow a set of regions in a volumetric dataset using modal smoothing. Usage Example ============= .. code-block:: none @ROI_modal_grow \ -input mydset.nii.gz \ -outdir myoutdir \ -niters 5 \ -mask mymask.nii.gz \ -prefix rmg_name Note only the input dataset and the number of iteration levels are required. Options ======= .. code-block:: none -input input_dset :required input dataset. This dataset should be set of integer values. The program mostly assumes approximate isotropic voxels. -outdir outdirname :directory name for output. All output goes to this directory. Default is rmgrow. -niters nn :number of iterations for modal growth - something like dilation level here - generally this will make sense for values from about 1-10 -mask maskset :mask dataset at same grid as the input dataset. this could be a dilated version of the original mask or a larger region like a cortical ribbon mask. Not required but often desirable. -prefix baseprefix :base name of final output dataset, i.e. baseprefix.nii.gz Default is rmg, so output would be rmg.nii.gz -NN [1,2,3] :neighborhood type using in finding mode, 1 - facing neighbors, 2-edges, 3-corners Also see these programs with these similar functions: 3dROImaker - grows regions using regular dilation iteratively 3dmask_tool - dilates and erodes sets of input files or a single output mask 3dmerge, 3dAutomask, 3dcalc - all can do dilation 3dLocalstat - modal and nonzero modal smoothing ROIgrow - dilates surface ROI (patches) within the mesh of the surface