:orphan: .. _ahelp_FIRdesign: ********* FIRdesign ********* .. contents:: :local: | .. code-block:: none Usage: FIRdesign [options] fbot ftop ntap Uses the Remez algorithm to calculate the FIR filter weights for a bandpass filter; results are written to stdout in an unadorned (no header) column of numbers. Inputs are fbot = lowest frequency in the pass band. ftop = highest frequency in the pass band. * 0 <= fbot < ftop <= 0.5/TR * Unless the '-TR' option is given, TR=1. ntap = Number of filter weights (AKA 'taps') to use. * Define df = 1/(ntap*TR) = frequency resolution: * Then if fbot < 1.1*df, it will be replaced by 0; in other words, a pure lowpass filter. This change is necessary since the duration ntap*TR must be longer than 1 full cycle of the lowest frequency (1/fbot) in order to filter out slower frequency components. * Similarly, if ftop > 0.5/TR-1.1*df, it will be replaced by 0.5/TR; in other words, a pure highpass filter. * If ntap is odd, it will be replaced by ntap+1. * ntap must be in the range 8..2000 (inclusive). OPTIONS: -------- -TR dd = Set time grid spacing to 'dd' [default is 1.0] -band fbot ftop = Alternative way to specify the passband -ntap nnn = Alternative way to specify the number of taps EXAMPLES: --------- FIRdesign 0.01 0.10 180 | 1dplot -stdin FIRdesign 0.01 0.10 180 | 1dfft -nodetrend -nfft 512 stdin: - \ | 1dplot -stdin -xaxis 0:0.5:10:10 -dt 0.001953 The first line plots the filter weights The second line plots the frequency response (0.001953 = 1/512) NOTES: ------ * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parks-McClellan_filter_design_algorithm * The Remez algorithm code is written and GPL-ed by Jake Janovetz * Multiple passbands could be designed this way; let me know if you need such an option; a Hilbert transform FIR is also possible * Don't try to be stupidly clever when using this program