:orphan: .. _ahelp_imcat: ***** imcat ***** .. contents:: :local: | .. code-block:: none Usage: 2dcat [options] fname1 fname2 etc. Puts a set images into an image matrix (IM) montage of NX by NY images. The minimum set of input is N images (N >= 1). If need be, the default is to reuse images until the desired NX by NY size is achieved. See options -zero_wrap and -image_wrap for more detail. OPTIONS: ++ Options for editing, coloring input images: -scale_image SCALE_IMG: Multiply each image IM(i,j) in output image matrix IM by the color or intensity of the pixel (i,j) in SCALE_IMG. -scale_pixels SCALE_PIX: Multiply each pixel (i,j) in output image by the color or intensity of the pixel (i,j) in SCALE_IMG. SCALE_IMG is automatically resized to the resolution of the output image. -scale_intensity: Instead of multiplying by the color of pixel (i,j), use its intensity (average color) -gscale FAC: Apply FAC in addition to scaling of -scale_* options -rgb_out: Force output to be in rgb, even if input is bytes. This option is turned on automatically in certain cases. -res_in RX RY: Set resolution of all input images to RX by RY pixels. Default is to make all input have the same resolution as the first image. -respad_in RPX RPY: Like -res_in, but resample to the max while respecting the aspect ratio, and then pad to achieve desired pixel count. -pad_val VAL: Set the padding value, should it be needed by -respad_in to VAL. VAL is typecast to byte, default is 0, max is 255. -crop L R T B: Crop images by L (Left), R (Right), T (Top), B (Bottom) pixels. Cutting is performed after any resolution change, if any, is to be done. -autocrop_ctol CTOL: A line is eliminated if none of its R G B values differ by more than CTOL% from those of the corner pixel. -autocrop_atol ATOL: A line is eliminated if none of its R G B values differ by more than ATOL% from those of line average. -autocrop: This option is the same as using both of -autocrop_atol 20 and -autocrop_ctol 20 NOTE: Do not mix -autocrop* options with -crop Cropping is determined from the 1st input image and applied to to all remaining ones. ++ Options for output: -zero_wrap: If number of images is not enough to fill matrix solid black images are used. -white_wrap: If number of images is not enough to fill matrix solid white images are used. -gray_wrap GRAY: If number of images is not enough to fill matrix solid gray images are used. GRAY must be between 0 and 1.0 -image_wrap: If number of images is not enough to fill matrix images on command line are reused (default) -rand_wrap: When reusing images to fill matrix, randomize the order in refill section only. -prefix ppp = Prefix the output files with string 'ppp' Note: If the prefix ends with .1D, then a 1D file containing the average of RGB values. You can view the output with 1dgrayplot. -matrix NX NY: Specify number of images in each row and column of IM at the same time. -nx NX: Number of images in each row (3 for example below) -ny NY: Number of images in each column (4 for example below) Example: If 12 images appearing on the command line are to be assembled into a 3x4 IM matrix they would appear in this order: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 NOTE: The program will try to guess if neither NX nor NY are specified. -matrix_from_scale: Set NX and NY to be the same as the SCALE_IMG's dimensions. (needs -scale_image) -gap G: Put a line G pixels wide between images. -gap_col R G B: Set color of line to R G B values. Values range between 0 and 255. Example 0 (assuming afni is in ~/abin directory): Resizing an image: 2dcat -prefix big -res_in 1024 1024 \ ~/abin/funstuff/face_zzzsunbrain.jpg 2dcat -prefix small -res_in 64 64 \ ~/abin/funstuff/face_zzzsunbrain.jpg aiv small.ppm big.ppm Example 1: Stitching together images: (Can be used to make very high resolution SUMA images. Read about 'Ctrl+r' in SUMA's GUI help.) 2dcat -prefix cat -matrix 14 12 \ ~/abin/funstuff/face_*.jpg aiv cat.ppm Example 2: Stitching together 3 images getting rid of annoying white boundary: 2dcat -prefix surfview_pry3b.jpg -ny 1 -autocrop surfview.000[789].jpg Example 20 (assuming afni is in ~/abin directory): 2dcat -prefix bigcat.jpg -scale_image ~/abin/afnigui_logo.jpg \ -matrix_from_scale -rand_wrap -rgb_out -respad_in 128 128 \ -pad_val 128 ~/abin/funstuff/face_*.jpg aiv bigcat.jpg bigcat.jpg Crop/Zoom in to see what was done. In practice, you want to use a faster image viewer to examine the result. Zooming on such a large image is not fast in aiv. Be careful with this toy. Images get real big, real quick. You can look at the output image file with afni -im ppp.ppm [then open the Sagittal image window]