Usage: 3dAFNItoMINC [options] dataset
Reads in an AFNI dataset, and writes it out as a MINC file.
-prefix ppp = Write result into file ppp.mnc;
default prefix is same as AFNI dataset's.
-floatize = Write MINC file in float format.
-swap = Swap bytes when passing data to rawtominc
* Multi-brick datasets are written as 4D (x,y,z,t) MINC
* If the dataset has complex-valued sub-bricks, then this
program won't write the MINC file.
* If any of the sub-bricks have floating point scale
factors attached, then the output will be in float
format (regardless of the presence of -floatize).
* This program uses the MNI program 'rawtominc' to create
the MINC file; rawtominc must be in your path. If you
don't have rawtominc, you must install the MINC tools
software package from MNI. (But if you don't have the
MINC tools already, why do you want to convert to MINC
format anyway?)
* At this time, you can find the MINC tools at
You need the latest version of minc-*.tar.gz and also
of netcdf-*.tar.gz.
-- RWCox - April 2002
++ Compile date = Mar 27 2018 {AFNI_18.0.27:linux_ubuntu_16_64}