Usage: 3dAutobox [options] DATASET
Computes size of a box that fits around the volume.
Also can be used to crop the volume to that box.
-prefix PREFIX = Crop the input dataset to the size of the box, and
write an output dataset with PREFIX for the name.
* If -prefix is not used, no new volume is written out,
just the (x,y,z) extents of the voxels to be kept.
-input DATASET = An alternate way to specify the input dataset.
The default method is to pass DATASET as
the last parameter on the command line.
-noclust = Don't do any clustering to find box. Any non-zero
voxel will be preserved in the cropped volume.
The default method uses some clustering to find the
cropping box, and will clip off small isolated blobs.
-extent: Write to standard out the spatial extent of the box
-npad NNN = Number of extra voxels to pad on each side of box,
since some troublesome people (that's you, LRF) want
this feature for no apparent reason.
* With this option, it is possible to get a dataset that
is actually bigger than the input.
* You can input a negative value for NNN, which will
crop the dataset even more than the automatic method.
++ Compile date = Mar 27 2018 {AFNI_18.0.27:linux_ubuntu_16_64}