

Usage: 3dBrickStat [options] dataset
Compute maximum and/or minimum voxel values of an input dataset

The output is a number to the console.  The input dataset
may use a sub-brick selection list, as in program 3dcalc.

Note that this program computes ONE number as the output; e.g.,
the mean over all voxels and time points.  If you want (say) the
mean over all voxels but for each time point individually, see
program 3dmaskave.

Note: If you don't specify one sub-brick, the parameter you get
----- back is computed from all the sub-bricks in dataset.
Options :
  -quick = get the information from the header only (default)
  -slow = read the whole dataset to find the min and max values
         all other options except min and max imply slow
  -min = print the minimum value in dataset
  -max = print the maximum value in dataset (default)
  -mean = print the mean value in dataset
  -sum = print the sum of values in the dataset
  -var = print the variance in the dataset
  -stdev = print the standard deviation in the dataset
           -stdev and -var are mutually exclusive
  -count = print the number of voxels included
  -volume = print the volume of voxels included in microliters
  -positive = include only positive voxel values
  -negative = include only negative voxel values
  -zero = include only zero voxel values
  -non-positive = include only voxel values 0 or negative
  -non-negative = include only voxel values 0 or greater
  -non-zero = include only voxel values not equal to 0
  -absolute = use absolute value of voxel values for all calculations
              can be combined with restrictive non-positive, non-negative,
              etc. even if not practical. Ignored for percentile and
              median computations.
  -nan = include only voxel values that are finite numbers,
         not NaN, or inf. -nan forces -slow mode.
  -nonan =exclude voxel values that are not numbers
  -mask dset = use dset as mask to include/exclude voxels
  -mrange MIN MAX = Only accept values between MIN and MAX (inclusive)
                    from the mask. Default it to accept all non-zero
  -mvalue VAL = Only accept values equal to VAL from the mask.
  -automask = automatically compute mask for dataset
    Can not be combined with -mask
  -percentile p0 ps p1 write the percentile values starting
              at p0% and ending at p1% at a step of ps%
              Output is of the form p% value   p% value ...
              Percentile values are output first.
              Only one sub-brick is accepted as input with this option.
              Write the author if you REALLY need this option
              to work with multiple sub-bricks.
  -median a shortcut for -percentile 50 1 50
  -ver = print author and version info
  -help = print this help screen

This program accepts datasets that are modified on input according to the
following schemes:
  'r1+orig[3..5]'                                    {sub-brick selector}
  'r1+orig<100..200>'                                {sub-range selector}
  'r1+orig[3..5]<100..200>'                          {both selectors}
  '3dcalc( -a r1+orig -b r2+orig -expr 0.5*(a+b) )'  {calculation}
For the gruesome details, see the output of 'afni -help'.

++ Compile date = Mar 27 2018 {AFNI_18.0.27:linux_ubuntu_16_64}