

  Convert set of DTI eigenvectors and eigenvalues to a diffusion tensor,
  while also allowing for some potentially useful value-scaling and vector-

  May be helpful in converting output from different software packages.
  Part of FATCAT (Taylor & Saad, 2013) in AFNI.
  It is essentially the inverse of the existing AFNI command: 3dDTeig.

  Minor note and caveat:
  This program has been checked for consistency with 3dDWItoDT outputs (that
  is using its output eigenvalues and eigenvectors to estimate a DT, which
  was then compared with that of the original 3dDWItoDT fit).
  This program will *mostly* return the same DTs that one would get from
  using the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of 3dDWItoDT to very high agreement
  The values generally match to <10**-5 or so, except in CSF where there can
  be small/medium differences, apparently due to the noisiness or non-
  tensor-fittability of the original DWI data in those voxels.
  However, these discrepancies *shouldn't* really affect most cases of using
  DTI data.  This is probably generally true for reconstructing DTs of most
  software program output:  the results match well for most WM and GM, but
  there might be trouble in partial-volumed and CSF regions, where the DT
  model likely did not fit well anyways.  Caveat emptor.

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  + COMMAND: 3dEigsToDT -eig_vals NAME1 -eig_vecs NAME2 {-mask MASK } \
           {-flip_x | -flip_y | flip_z} {-scale_eigs X} -prefix PREFIX

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     1) AFNI-format DT file with 6 subbricks in the same format as output
          by, for example, 3dDWItoDT (the lower triangular, row-wise
          elements of the tensor in symmetric matrix form)
            [0] Dxx
            [1] Dxy
            [2] Dyy
            [3] Dxz
            [4] Dyz
            [5] Dzz

    -eig_vals NAME1  :Should be a searchable descriptor for finding all
                      three required eigenvalue files.  Thus, on a Linux
                      commandline, one would expect:
                      $ ls NAME1
                      to list all three eigenvalue files in descending order
                      of magnitude. This program will also only take
                      the first three matches (not including doubling of
                      BRIK/HEAD files in AFNI-format).
    -eig_vecs NAME2  :Should be a searchable descriptor for finding all
                      three required eigenvector files.  Thus, on a Linux
                      commandline, one would expect:
                      $ ls NAME2
                      to list all three eigenvector files in order matching
                      the eigenvalue files. This program will also only take
                      the first three matches (not including doubling of
                      BRIK/HEAD files in AFNI-format).
              -> Try to make NAME1 and NAME2 as specific as possible, so
                 that the search&load gets everything as right as possible.
                 Also, if using the wildcard character, '*', then make sure
                 to enclose the option value with apostrophes (see EXAMPLE,
    -prefix PREFIX   :output file name prefix. Would suggest putting a 'DT'
                      label in it.
    -mask   MASK     :can include a mask within which to calculate uncert.
                      Otherwise, data should be masked already.

    -flip_x          :change sign of first element of eigenvectors.
    -flip_y          :change sign of second element of eigenvectors.
    -flip_z          :change sign of third element of eigenvectors.
              -> Only a single flip would ever be necessary; the combination
                 of any two flips is mathematically equivalent to the sole
                 application of the remaining one.
    -scale_eigs  X   :rescale the eigenvalues, dividing by a number that is
                      X>0. Could be used to reintroduce the DW scale of the
                      original b-values, if some other program has
                      remorselessly scaled it away.

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      3dEigsToDT            \
      -eig_vals 'DTI/DT_L*'   \
      -eig_vecs 'DTI/DT_V*'   \
      -prefix DTI/NEW_DT    \
      -scale_eigs 1000      \

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  If you use this program, please reference the introductory/description
    paper for the FATCAT toolbox:
    Taylor PA, Saad ZS (2013). FATCAT: (An Efficient) Functional And
    Tractographic Connectivity Analysis Toolbox. Brain Connectivity.