
          ================== Welcome to 3dLME ==================
    AFNI Group Analysis Program with Linear Mixed-Effects Modeling Approach
Version 1.9.8, Jan 19, 2018
Author: Gang Chen (gangchen@mail.nih.gov)
Website - https://afni.nimh.nih.gov/sscc/gangc/lme.html
SSCC/NIMH, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda MD 20892

 3dLME is a group-analysis program that performs linear mixed-effects (LME)
 modeling analysis. One simple criterion to decide whether 3dLME is appropriate
 is that each subject has to have two or more measurements at each spatial
 location (except for a small portion of subjects with missing data). In other
 words, at least one within-subject (or repeated-measures) factor serves as
 explanatory variable.

 F-statistics for main effects and interactions are automatically included in
 the output for all variables. In addition, Student t-tests for quantitative
 variables are also in the output. In addition, general linear tests (GLTs) can
 be requested via symbolic coding.

 If you want to cite the analysis approach, use the following:

 Chen, G., Saad, Z.S., Britton, J.C., Pine, D.S., Cox, R.W. (2013). Linear
 Mixed-Effects Modeling Approach to FMRI Group Analysis. NeuroImage 73:176-190.

 Input files for 3dLME can be in AFNI, NIfTI, or surface (niml.dset) format.

 In addition to R installtion, the following two R packages need to be acquired
 in R first before running 3dLME: "nlme", "lme4" and "phia". In addition, the "snow"
 package is also needed if one wants to take advantage of parallel computing.
 To install these packages, run the following command at the terminal:

 rPkgsInstall -pkgs ALL

 Alternatively you may install them in R:


 More details about 3dLME can be found at

 Once the 3dLME command script is constructed, it can be run by copying and
 pasting to the terminal. Alternatively (and probably better) you save the
 script as a text file, for example, called LME.txt, and execute it with the
 following (assuming on tc shell),

 tcsh -x LME.txt &


 tcsh -x LME.txt > diary.txt &
 tcsh -x LME.txt |& tee diary.txt &

 The advantage of the latter command is that the progression is saved into
 the text file diary.txt and, if anything goes awry, can be examined later.

 Thanks to the R community, Henrik Singmann and Helios de Rosario for the strong
 technical support.

Example 1 --- one condition modeled with 8 basis functions (e.g., TENT or TENTzero)
for one group of 13 subjects:
   3dLME -prefix myOutput -jobs   4               \
         -model '0+Time'                        \
         -qVars order                           \
         -qVarCenters 0                         \
         -ranEff '~1'                              \
         -corStr 'order : AR1'                  \
         -SS_type 3                             \
         -num_glf 1                             \
         -glfLabel 1 4TimePoints -glfCode 1 'Time : 1*Diff2 & 1*Diff3 & 1*Diff4 & 1*Diff5' \
         -dataTable                             \
         Subj   Time  order InputFile           \
         c101   Diff0 0 testData/c101time0+tlrc \
         c101   Diff1 1 testData/c101time1+tlrc \
         c101   Diff2 2 testData/c101time2+tlrc \
         c101   Diff3 3 testData/c101time3+tlrc \
         c101   Diff4 4 testData/c101time4+tlrc \
         c101   Diff5 5 testData/c101time5+tlrc \
         c101   Diff6 6 testData/c101time6+tlrc \
         c101   Diff7 7 testData/c101time7+tlrc \
         c103   Diff0 0 testData/c103time0+tlrc \
         c103   Diff1 1 testData/c103time1+tlrc \

Example 2 --- one within-subject factor (conditions: House and Face), one
within-subject quantitative variable (reaction time, RT) and one between-
subjects covariate (age). RT values don't differ significantly between the
two conditions, and thus are centered via grand mean. Random effects are
intercept and RT effect whose correlation is estimated from the data.
   3dLME -prefix Example2 -jobs 24                                         \
          -model  "cond*RT+age"                                            \
          -qVars "RT,age"                                                  \
          -qVarCenters "105.35,34.7"                                       \
          -ranEff '~1+RT'                                                  \
          -SS_type 3                                                       \
          -num_glt 4                                                       \
          -gltLabel 1 'House' -gltCode  1 'cond : 1*House'    \
          -gltLabel 2 'Face-House' -gltCode  2 'cond : 1*Face -1*House'    \
          -gltLabel 3 'House-AgeEff' -gltCode  3 'cond : 1*House age :'    \
          -gltLabel 4 'House-Age2' -gltCode  4 'cond : 1*House age : 5.3'    \
          -num_glf 1                                                       \
          -glfLabel 1 'cond_age' -glfCode  1 'cond : 1*House & 1*Face age :'    \
          -dataTable                                                       \
          Subj  cond        RT   age        InputFile                      \
          s1    House      124   35  s1+tlrc'[House#0_Coef]'               \
          s2    House       97   51  s2+tlrc'[House#0_Coef]'               \
          s3    House      107   25  s3+tlrc'[House#0_Coef]'               \
          s1    Face       110   35  s1+tlrc'[Face#0_Coef]'                \
          s2    Face        95   51  s2+tlrc'[Face#0_Coef]'                \
          s3    Face       120   25  s3+tlrc'[Face#0_Coef]'                \

Example 3 --- one within-subject factor (conditions: positive, negative,
and neutral), and one between-subjects factors (groups: control and patients).
Effect estimates for a few subjects are available for only one or two
conditions. These subjects with missing data would have to be abandoned in
the traditional ANOVA approach. All subjects can be included with 3dLME, and
a random intercept is considered.
   3dLME -prefix Example3 -jobs 24                                     \
          -model  "cond*group"                                         \
          -ranEff '~1'                                                 \
          -SS_type 3                                                   \
          -num_glt 6                                                   \
          -gltLabel 1 'pos-neu' -gltCode  1 'cond : 1*pos -1*neu'      \
          -gltLabel 2 'neg' -gltCode  2 'cond : 1*neg '      \
          -gltLabel 3 'pos+nue-neg' -gltCode  3 'cond : 1*pos +1*neu -1*neg'      \
          -gltLabel 4 'pat_pos-neu' -gltCode  4 'cond : 1*pos -1*neu group : 1*pat'    \
          -gltLabel 5 'pat_neg-neu' -gltCode  5 'cond : 1*neg -1*neu group : 1*pat'    \
          -gltLabel 6 'pat_pos-neg' -gltCode  6 'cond : 1*pos -1*neg group : 1*pat'    \
          -num_glf 1                                                   \
          -glfLabel 1 'pos-neu' -glfCode  1 'Group : 1*ctr & 1*pat cond : 1*pos -1*neu & 1*pos -1*neg'      \
          -dataTable                                                  \
          Subj  cond      group        InputFile                      \
          s1    pos        ctr    s1+tlrc'[pos#0_Coef]'               \
          s1    neg        ctr    s1+tlrc'[neg#0_Coef]'               \
          s1    neu        ctr    s1+tlrc'[neu#0_Coef]'               \
          s21   pos        pat   s21+tlrc'[pos#0_Coef]'               \
          s21   neg        pat   s21+tlrc'[neg#0_Coef]'               \
          s21   neu        pat   s21+tlrc'[neu#0_Coef]'               \

Example 4 --- Computing ICC values for two within-subject factor (Cond:
positive, negative, and neutral; Scanner: one, and two) plus subjects (factor
   3dLME -prefix Example4 -jobs 12                                      \
          -model  "1"                                                   \
          -ranEff 'Cond+Scanner+Subj'                                   \
          -ICCb                                                         \
          -dataTable                                                    \
          Subj  Cond      Scanner        InputFile                      \
          s1    pos        one    s1_1+tlrc'[pos#0_Coef]'               \
          s1    neg        one    s1_1+tlrc'[neg#0_Coef]'               \
          s1    neu        one    s1_1+tlrc'[neu#0_Coef]'               \
          s1    pos        two    s1_2+tlrc'[pos#0_Coef]'               \
          s1    neg        two    s1_2+tlrc'[neg#0_Coef]'               \
          s1    neu        two    s1_2+tlrc'[neu#0_Coef]'               \
          s21   pos        two   s21_2+tlrc'[pos#0_Coef]'               \
          s21   neg        two   s21_2+tlrc'[neg#0_Coef]'               \
          s21   neu        two   s21_2+tlrc'[neu#0_Coef]'               \

Options in alphabetical order:

   -ICC: This option allows 3dLME to compute voxel-wise intra-class correlation
         for the variables specified through option -ranEff. See Example 4 in
         in the help.

   -ICCb: This option allows 3dLME to compute voxel-wise intra-class correlation
         through a Bayesian approach with Gamma priors for the variables
         specified through option -ranEff. The computation will take much
         longer due the sophistication involved. However, the Bayesian method is
         preferred to the old approach with -ICC for the typical FMRI data. R
         package 'blme' is required for this option.

   -LOGIT: This option allows 3dLME to perform voxel-wise logistic modeling.
        Currently no random effects are allowed ('-ranEff NA'), but this
        limitation can be removed later if demand occurs. The InputFile
        column is expected to list subjects' responses in 0s and 1s. In
        addition, one voxel-wise covariate is currently allowed. Each
        regression coefficient (including the intercept) and its z-statistic
        are saved in the output.

   -ML: Add this option if Maximum Likelihood is wanted instead of the default
         method, Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML).

   -Rio: Use R's io functions. The alternative is -cio.

   -SS_type NUMBER: Specify the type for sums of squares in the F-statistics.
         Two options are currently supported: sequential (1) and marginal (3).

   -cio: Use AFNI's C io functions, which is default. Alternatively -Rio
         can be used.

   -corStr FORMULA: Specify the correlation structure of the residuals. For example,
         when analyzing the effect estimates from multiple basis functions,
         one may consider account for the temporal structure of residuals with
         AR or ARMA.

   -cutoff threshold: Specify the cutoff value to obtain voxel-wise accuracy
         in logistic regression analysis. Default is 0 (no accuracy will
         be estimated).

   -dataTable TABLE: List the data structure with a header as the first line.


         1) This option has to occur last; that is, no other options are
         allowed thereafter. Each line should end with a backslash except for
         the last line.

         2) The first column is fixed and reserved with label 'Subj', and the
         last is reserved for 'InputFile'. Each row should contain only one
         effect estimate in the table of long format (cf. wide format) as
         defined in R. The level labels of a factor should contain at least
         one character. Input files can be in AFNI, NIfTI or surface format.
         AFNI files can be specified with sub-brick selector (square brackets
         [] within quotes) specified with a number or label.

         3) It is fine to have variables (or columns) in the table that are
         not modeled in the analysis.

         4) The context of the table can be saved as a separate file, e.g.,
         called table.txt. Do not forget to include a backslash at the end of
         each row. In the script specify the data with '-dataTable @table.txt'.
         This option is useful: (a) when there are many input files so that
         the program complains with an 'Arg list too long' error; (b) when
         you want to try different models with the same dataset.

   -dbgArgs: This option will enable R to save the parameters in a
         file called .3dLME.dbg.AFNI.args in the current directory
          so that debugging can be performed.

   -glfCode k CODING: Specify the k-th general linear F-test (GLF) through a
         weighted combination among factor levels. The symbolic coding has
         to be within (single or double) quotes. For example, the coding
         'Condition : 1*A -1*B & 1*A -1*C Emotion : 1*pos' tests the main
         effect of Condition at the positive Emotion. Similarly the coding
         'Condition : 1*A -1*B & 1*A -1*C Emotion : 1*pos -1*neg' shows
         the interaction between the three levels of Condition and the two.
         levels of Emotion.


         1) The weights for a variable do not have to add up to 0.

         2) When a quantitative variable is present, other effects are
         tested at the center value of the covariate unless the covariate
         value is specified as, for example, 'Group : 1*Old Age : 2', where
         the Old Group is tested at the Age of 2 above the center.

         3)  The absence of a categorical variable in a coding means the
         levels of that factor are averaged (or collapsed) for the GLF.

         4) The appearance of a categorical variable has to be followed
         by the linear combination of its levels.

   -glfLabel k label: Specify the label for the k-th general linear F-test
         (GLF). A symbolic coding for the GLF is assumed to follow with
         each -glfLabel.

   -gltCode k CODING: Specify the k-th general linear test (GLT) through a
         weighted combination among factor levels. The symbolic coding has
         to be within (single or double) quotes. For example, the following
         'Condition : 2*House -3*Face Emotion : 1*positive '
         requests for a test of comparing 2 times House condition
         with 3 times Face condition while Emotion is held at positive


         1) The weights for a variable do not have to add up to 0.

         2) When a quantitative variable is present, other effects are
         tested at the center value of the covariate unless the covariate
         value is specified as, for example, 'Group : 1*Old Age : 2', where
         the Old Group is tested at the Age of 2 above the center.

         3) The effect for a quantitative variable can be specified with,
         for example, 'Group : 1*Old Age : ', or
         'Group : 1*Old - 1*Young Age : '

         4) The absence of a categorical variable in a coding means the
         levels of that factor are averaged (or collapsed) for the GLT.

         5) The appearance of a categorial variable has to be followed
         by the linear combination of its levels. Only a quantitative
         is allowed to have a dangling coding as seen in 'Age :'

   -gltLabel k label: Specify the label for the k-th general linear test
         (GLT). A symbolic coding for the GLT is assumed to follow with
         each -gltLabel.

   -help: this help message

   -jobs NJOBS: On a multi-processor machine, parallel computing will speed
         up the program significantly.
         Choose 1 for a single-processor computer.

   -logLik: Add this option if the voxel-wise log likelihood is wanted in the output.
         This option currently cannot be combined with -ICC, -ICCb, -LOGIT.

   -mask MASK: Process voxels inside this mask only.
          Default is no masking.

   -model FORMULA: Specify the terms of fixed effects for all explanatory,
         including quantitative, variables. The expression FORMULA with more
         than one variable has to be surrounded within (single or double)
         quotes. Variable names in the formula should be consistent with
         the ones used in the header of -dataTable. A+B represents the
         additive effects of A and B, A:B is the interaction between A
         and B, and A*B = A+B+A:B. Subject should not occur in the model
         specification here.

   -num_glf NUMBER: Specify the number of general linear F-tests (GLFs). A glf
         involves the union of two or more simple tests. See details in

   -num_glt NUMBER: Specify the number of general linear t-tests (GLTs). A glt
         is a linear combination of a factor levels. See details in

   -prefix PREFIX: Output file name. For AFNI format, provide prefix only,
         with no view+suffix needed. Filename for NIfTI format should have
         .nii attached, while file name for surface data is expected
         to end with .niml.dset. The sub-brick labeled with the '(Intercept)',
         if present, should be interpreted as the effect with each factor
         at the reference level (alphabetically the lowest level) for each
         factor and with each quantitative covariate at the center value.

   -qVarCenters VALUES: Specify centering values for quantitative variables
         identified under -qVars. Multiple centers are separated by
         commas (,) without any other characters such as spaces and should
         be surrounded within (single or double) quotes. The order of the
         values should match that of the quantitative variables in -qVars.
         Default (absence of option -qVarsCetners) means centering on the
         average of the variable across ALL subjects regardless their
         grouping. If within-group centering is desirable, center the
         variable YOURSELF first before the values are fed into -dataTable.

   -qVars variable_list: Identify quantitative variables (or covariates) with
         this option. The list with more than one variable has to be
         separated with comma (,) without any other characters such as
         spaces and should be surrounded within (single or double) quotes.
          For example, -qVars "Age,IQ"
         1) Centering a quantitative variable through -qVarsCenters is
         very critical when other fixed effects are of interest.
         2) Between-subjects covariates are generally acceptable.
         However EXTREME caution should be taken when the groups
         differ significantly in the average value of the covariate.
         3) Within-subject covariates are better modeled with 3dLME.

   -ranEff FORMULA: Specify the random effects. The simplest and most common
         one is random intercept, "~1", meaning each subject deviates some
         amount (called random effect) from the group average. "~RT" or "~1+RT"
         means that each subject has a unique intercept as well as a slope,
         and the correlation between the two random effects are estimated, not
         assumed, from the data. "~0+RT" indicates that only a random effect
         of slope is desired. Compound symmetry for a variance-covariance metric
         across the levels of factor A can be specified through pdCompSymm(~0+A)
         The list of random terms should be separated by space within (single or
         double) quotes.
         Notice: In the case of computing ICC values, list all the factors with
         which the ICC is to be obtained. For example, with two factors "Scanner"
         and "Subj", set it as -ranEff "Scanner+Subj". See Example 4 in the
         the help.

   -resid PREFIX: Output file name for the residuals. For AFNI format, provide
         prefix only without view+suffix. Filename for NIfTI format should
         have .nii attached, while file name for surface data is expected
         to end with .niml.dset. The sub-brick labeled with the '(Intercept)',
         if present, should be interpreted as the effect with each factor
         at the reference level (alphabetically the lowest level) for each
         factor and with each quantitative covariate at the center value.

   -show_allowed_options: list of allowed options

   -vVarCenters VALUES: Specify centering values for voxel-wise covariates
         identified under -vVars. Multiple centers are separated by
         commas (,) within (single or double) quotes. The order of the
         values should match that of the quantitative variables in -qVars.
         Default (absence of option -vVarsCetners) means centering on the
         average of the variable across ALL subjects regardless their
         grouping. If within-group centering is desirable, center the
         variable YOURSELF first before the files are fed into -dataTable.

   -vVars variable_list: Identify voxel-wise covariates with this option.
         Currently one voxel-wise covariate is allowed only, but this
         may change if demand occurs...
         By default mean centering is performed voxel-wise across all
         subjects. Alternatively centering can be specified through a
         global value under -vVarsCenters. If the voxel-wise covariates
         have already been centered, set the centers at 0 with -vVarsCenters.