Program to perform wavelet analysis of an FMRI 3d+time dataset.
-type wname wname = name of wavelet to use for the analysis
At present, there are only two choices for wname:
Haar --> Haar wavelets
Daub --> Daubechies wavelets
-input fname fname = filename of 3d+time input dataset
[-input1D dname] dname = filename of single (fMRI) .1D time series
[-mask mname] mname = filename of 3d mask dataset
[-nfirst fnum] fnum = number of first dataset image to use in
the wavelet analysis. (default = 0)
[-nlast lnum] lnum = number of last dataset image to use in
the wavelet analysis. (default = last)
[-fdisp fval] Write (to screen) results for those voxels
whose F-statistic is >= fval
Filter options:
[-filt_stop band mintr maxtr] Specify wavelet coefs. to set to zero
[-filt_base band mintr maxtr] Specify wavelet coefs. for baseline model
[-filt_sgnl band mintr maxtr] Specify wavelet coefs. for signal model
where band = frequency band
mintr = min. value for time window (in TR)
maxtr = max. value for time window (in TR)
Output options:
[-datum DTYPE] Coerce the output data to be stored as type DTYPE,
which may be short or float. (default = short)
[-coefts cprefix] cprefix = prefix of 3d+time output dataset which
will contain the forward wavelet transform
[-fitts fprefix] fprefix = prefix of 3d+time output dataset which
will contain the full model time series fit
to the input data
[-sgnlts sprefix] sprefix = prefix of 3d+time output dataset which
will contain the signal model time series fit
to the input data
[-errts eprefix] eprefix = prefix of 3d+time output dataset which
will contain the residual error time series
from the full model fit to the input data
The following options control the contents of the bucket dataset:
[-fout] Flag to output the F-statistics
[-rout] Flag to output the R^2 statistics
[-cout] Flag to output the full model wavelet coefficients
[-vout] Flag to output the sample variance (MSE) map
[-stat_first] Flag to specify that the full model statistics will
appear prior to the wavelet coefficients in the
bucket dataset output
[-bucket bprefix] bprefix = prefix of AFNI 'bucket' dataset containing
parameters of interest, such as the F-statistic
for significance of the wavelet signal model.
++ Compile date = Mar 27 2018 {AFNI_18.0.27:linux_ubuntu_16_64}