

Usage: 3dZeropad [options] dataset
Adds planes of zeros to a dataset (i.e., pads it out).

  -I n = adds 'n' planes of zero at the Inferior edge
  -S n = adds 'n' planes of zero at the Superior edge
  -A n = adds 'n' planes of zero at the Anterior edge
  -P n = adds 'n' planes of zero at the Posterior edge
  -L n = adds 'n' planes of zero at the Left edge
  -R n = adds 'n' planes of zero at the Right edge
  -z n = adds 'n' planes of zeros on EACH of the
          dataset z-axis (slice-direction) faces

 -RL a = These options specify that planes should be added/cut
 -AP b = symmetrically to make the resulting volume have
 -IS c = 'a', 'b', and 'c' slices in the respective directions.

 -mm   = pad counts 'n' are in mm instead of slices:
         * each 'n' is an integer
         * at least 'n' mm of slices will be added/removed:
            n =  3 and slice thickness = 2.5 mm ==> 2 slices added
            n = -6 and slice thickness = 2.5 mm ==> 3 slices removed

 -master mset = match the volume described in dataset 'mset':
                * mset must have the same orientation and grid
                   spacing as dataset to be padded
                * the goal of -master is to make the output dataset
                   from 3dZeropad match the spatial 'extents' of
                   mset (cf. 3dinfo output) as much as possible,
                   by adding/subtracting slices as needed.
                * you can't use -I,-S,..., or -mm with -master

 -prefix ppp = write result into dataset with prefix 'ppp'
                 [default = 'zeropad']

Nota Bene:
 * You can use negative values of n to cut planes off the edges
     of a dataset.  At least one plane must be added/removed
     or the program won't do anything.
 * Anat parent and Talairach markers are NOT preserved in the
     new dataset.
 * If the old dataset has z-slice-dependent time offsets, and
     if new (zero filled) z-planes are added, the time offsets
     of the new slices will be set to zero.
 * You can use program '3dinfo' to find out how many planes
     a dataset has in each direction.
 * Program works for byte-, short-, float-, and complex-valued
 * You can use a sub-brick selector on the input dataset.

 Author: RWCox - July 2000

++ Compile date = Mar 27 2018 {AFNI_18.0.27:linux_ubuntu_16_64}