@DTI_studio_reposition <DTI_Studio_volume> <AFNI_reference_volume>
This script reslices and repositions a DTI Studio Analyze format
volume to match an AFNI volume used as input data for DTI Studio.
Check realignment with AFNI to be sure all went well.
Fibers.hdr is an Analyze volume from DTI Studio that contains
fiber tract volume data. The Analyze format data will have two files -
Fibers.hdr with the header data and Fibers.img with the data
DTI Studio allows saving the fibers as volumes in the Fiber panel,
disk icon in the lower right
FA+orig is an AFNI volume to which to match the Analyze volume
To create an AFNI brick version of Fibers that is in alignment
with FA+orig (output is Fibers+orig):
@DTI_studio_reposition Fibers.hdr FA+orig