Usage: @DriveSuma
A script to demonstrate how to drive suma from the command line.
The script pops messages explaining what will happen in the next command
You can also read the script, focusing on the DriveSuma commands
to understand what is going on.
See also DriveSuma -help and @DO.examples
Questions or comments are welcome on AFNI's message board:
echo ' https://afni.nimh.nih.gov/afni/community/board/list.php?f=1 '
Global Help Options:
-h_web: Open webpage with help for this program
-hweb: Same as -h_web
-h_view: Open -help output in a GUI editor
-hview: Same as -hview
-all_opts: List all of the options for this script
-h_find WORD: Search for lines containing WORD in -help
output. Seach is approximate.
-h_raw: Raw help string
-h_txt: Text formatted help string
-h_spx: Sphinx formatted help string
-h_aspx: Sphinx formatted help string with auto tagging of options