Usage: @ExamineGenFeatDists <-fdir FEATURES_DIR>
Examine histograms produced by 3dGenFeatDists
-fdir DIR: output directory of 3dGenFeatDists
-fwild WILD1 [WILD2 ...]: Wildcards used to select feature histograms
under DIR.
Histograms picked would be those named:
h.*WILD1.niml.hist and h.*WILD1-G-*.niml.hist
-suffix SUFF: Output suffix, added to output images. Default nosuff
-exfeat FEAT1 [FEAT2 ...]: Exclude following features. String matching
is partial
-exclass CLSS1 [CLSS2 ...]: Exclude following classes. String matching
is partial
-odir DIR: Output directory, default is DIR
-nx NX: Set number of panel along the horizontal direction
-echo: Set echo
-help: this message
See also @FeatureHists
@ExamineGenFeatDists -fwild sc9 Xz Yz Zz FA.MAD07 MD \
-fdir GenFeatDist.sc9 \
-exfeat mean z.FA. z.MD \
-exclass air \
-odir GenFeatDist.sc9
Global Help Options:
-h_web: Open webpage with help for this program
-hweb: Same as -h_web
-h_view: Open -help output in a GUI editor
-hview: Same as -hview
-all_opts: List all of the options for this script
-h_find WORD: Search for lines containing WORD in -help