

Script used to create a label table

Usage: @MakeLabelTable <-labeltable LABELTABLE>
                     [-atlas_pointlist ATLAS_POINTLIST>
                     [<-lab_r LAB MIN MAX> <-lab_r LAB MIN MAX> <...>]
                     [<-lab_v LAB KEY> <-lab_v LAB VAL> <...>]
                     [<-lab_file FILE cLAB cVAL>]
                     [<-dset DSET>]
   -labeltable LABELTABLE: Name of output label table
   -atlas_pointlist ATLAS_POINTLIST: Instead of a label table
                                     produce an atlas point list
   -lab_r LAB MIN MAX: Define a label LAB its minimum key MIN
                       and its maximum value MAX.
              For example: -lab_r GM 5 7 generates in the labeltable:
                           "5" "GM01"
                           "6" "GM02"
                           "7" "GM03"
   -lab_v LAB KEY: Define a label LAB and its value KEY
              For example: -lab_v  WM 8 generates in the labeltable:
                           "8" "WM"
   -lab_file FILE cLAB cVAL: Labels and keys are in text file FILE.
                          cLAB is the index of column containing labels
                          vVAL is the index of column containing keys
                          (1st column is indexed at 0)
   -lab_file_delim COL_DELIM: Set column delimiter for -lab_file option
                              Default is ' ' (space), but you can set
                              your own. ';' for example. Note that the
                              delimiter is passed directly to awk's -F
                 Note: This option must be set BEFORE -lab_file option
                       on the command line.
   -dset DSET: Attach the label table (or atlas point list) to
               dataset DSET
   -centers : Compute center of mass location for each ROI
              requires simple blobbish ROIs to work
   -skip_novoxels : Skip regions without voxels

   Note that you cannot use the same key for multiple labels.
   When redundancies occur, the script preserves just one entry.

      @MakeLabelTable   -lab_r CSF 1 3 -lab_r GM 5 7 -lab_v WM 8  \
                        -labeltable example1

Usage mode 2: Get information about an existing labeltable
    @MakeLabelTable <-labeltable LABELTABLE>
        <[-lkeys LABEL] | [-rkeys LABEL] | [-all_labels] | [-all_keys]>

    -all_labels: Return a listing of the labels
    -all_keys:  Return a listing of all keys
    -lkeys LABEL: Return the keys whose labels match LABEL
    -rkeys LABEL: Return the range (min max) of keys whose
                  labels match LABEL
    -klabel KEY: Return the label associated with KEY
    -match_label LABEL: Return labels matching LABEL
    -labeltable_of_dset DSET: Dump the labeltable from DSET
    -word_label_match: Use word matching (grep's -w )
                       With this option, 'Out' matches 'Out.l1'
                       but no longer matches 'OutSk'
    -quiet_death: Do not give error messages when failing
   Options in usage 2 are mutually exclusive

Usage mode 3: Transform Label Tables to Atlas Point Lists and exit
    @MakeLabelTable [<-LT_to_atlas_PL LABELTABLE>]
                  [<-dset_LT_to_atlas_PL DSET POINTLIST]
    -LT_to_atlas_PL LABELTABLE: Transform Label Table LABELTABLE to
                                Atlas Point List
    -dset_LT_to_atlas_PL DSET POINTLIST: Get Label Table in
                                DSET and write it out as an
                                Atlas Point List to POINTLIST

      @MakeLabelTable -LT_to_atlas_PL aparc.a2009s+aseg_rank.niml.lt

Usage mode 4: Turn a labeled dataset or an integral valued dset
              into an ATLAS
    @MakeLabelTable [<-atlasize_labeled_dset SOME_LABELED_ROI_DSET>]
                  [<-atlas_file ATLAS_NIML_FILE]
                  [<-atlas_name ATLAS_NAME>] [-replace]

     -atlasize_labeled_dset SOME_LABELED_ROI_DSET: Change a labeled
                            ROI dataset into an atlas
     -atlas_file ATLAS_NIML_FILE: Specify the name of the NIML file
                            where atlas attributes are stored.
                            Default is ./SessionAtlases.niml which
                            is a good choice for single subject atlases
     -atlas_name ATLAS_NAME: Atlas is named based on the prefix, by
                             default. You can override that with this
     -atlas_description ATLAS_DESC: Atlas description, which appears
                             in afni's whereami window. Default is
                             'My Atlas'
     -replace: If ATLAS_NAME is already in ATLAS_NIML_FILE, the script
               will fail to proceed unless you instruct it to do so
               this option
     -add_atlas_dset ATLAS_DSET: Use if you have an atlas that you want
                                 added to an atlas_file.

      @MakeLabelTable -atlasize_labeled_dset SOME_LABELED_ROI_DSET
 or you can specify the keys in a file:
      @MakeLabelTable -lab_file FILE cLAB cVAL \
                      -atlas_pointlist apl \
                      -dset target_dset \
                      -atlas_file SessionAtlases.niml

            See also @Atlasize script

Global Help Options:

   -h_web: Open webpage with help for this program
   -hweb: Same as -h_web
   -h_view: Open -help output in a GUI editor
   -hview: Same as -hview
   -all_opts: List all of the options for this script
   -h_find WORD: Search for lines containing WORD in -help
                 output. Seach is approximate.