

Script to skull-strip and warp to the MNI 2009 template.

Usage: @SSwarper T1dataset SubID [minp]

T1dataset = a T1-weighted dataset, not skull-stripped,
            with resolution about 1 mm.
SubID     = name code for output datasets (e.g., 'sub007').
minp      = optional: minimum patch size on final 3dQwarp
                      (if not given, 11 is used)

The template dataset MNI152_2009_template.nii.gz is supplied
with AFNI binaries and is described later in this help.

Suppose the SubID is 'sub007' (because you scanned Bond, James Bond?).
Then the outputs from this script will be

  anatU.sub007.nii        = intensity uniform-ized original dataset;
  anatS.sub007.nii        = first pass skull-stripped original dataset;
  anatSS.sub007.nii       = second pass skull-stripped original dataset;
  anatQQ.sub007.nii       = skull-stripped dataset nonlinearly warped to
                            MNI template space;
  anatQQ.sub007.aff12.1D  = affine matrix to transform original dataset
                            to MNI template space;
  anatQQ.sub007_WARP.nii  = incremental warp from affine transformation
                            to nonlinearly aligned dataset;
  AMsub007.jpg            = 3x3 snapshot image of the anatQQ.sub007.nii
                            dataset with the edges from the MNI template
                            overlaid -- to check the alignment;
  MAsub007.jpg            = similar to the above, with the roles of the
                            template and the anatomical datasets reversed.

* The .aff12.1D and _WARP.nii transformations need to be catenated to get
  the full warp from orginal space to MNI space; example:
    3dNwarpApply -nwarp 'anatQQ.sub007_WARP.nii anatQQ.sub007.aff12.1D' ...

* It is important to examine (at least) the two .jpg snapshot images to
  make sure that the skull-stripping and nonlinear warping worked well.

* The inputs needed for the '-tlrc_NL_warped_dsets' option to afni_proc.py
  are (in this order):
    anatQQ.sub007.nii anatQQ.sub007.aff12.1D anatQQ.sub007_WARP.nii

* When B-O-B uses this script for skull-stripping plus warping, He
  gives afni_proc.py these options (among others), after running
  @SSwarper successfully -- here, 'subj' is the subject identifier:

  set tpath = `@FindAfniDsetPath MNI152_2009_template.nii.gz`
  if( "$tpath" == "" ) exit 1
  afni_proc.py [...other stuff here...]                             \
    -copy_anat anatSS.${subj}.nii -anat_has_skull no                \
    -align_opts_aea -ginormous_move -deoblique on -cost lpc+ZZ      \
    -volreg_align_to MIN_OUTLIER -volreg_align_e2a                  \
    -volreg_tlrc_warp -tlrc_base $tpath/MNI152_2009_template.nii.gz \
    -tlrc_NL_warp                                                   \
    -tlrc_NL_warped_dsets                                           \
       anatQQ.${subj}.nii                                           \
       anatQQ.aff12.1D                                              \

The Template Dataset
The file MNI152_2009_template.nii.gz has 5 volumes:
  [0] = skull-stripped template brain volume
  [1] = skull-on template brain volume
  [2] = weight mask for nonlinear registration, with the
        brain given greater weight than the skull
  [3] = binary mask for the brain
  [4] = binary mask for gray matter plus some CSF (slightly dilated)
        -- this volume is not used in this script
        -- it is intended for use in restricting FMRI analyses
           to the 'interesting' parts of the brain
        -- this mask should be resampled to your EPI spatial
           resolution (see program 3dfractionize), and then
           combined with a mask from your experiment reflecting
           your EPI brain coverage (see program 3dmask_tool).

You Know My Methods, Watson
#1: Uniform-ize the input dataset's intensity via 3dUnifize.
     ==> anatU.sub007.nii
#2: Strip the skull with 3dSkullStrip, with mildly agressive settings.
     ==> anatS.sub007.nii
#3: Nonlinearly warp (3dQwarp) the result from #1 to the skull-on
    template, driving the warping to a medium level of refinement.
#4: Use a slightly dilated brain mask from the template to
    crop off the non-brain tissue resulting from #3 (3dcalc).
#5: Warp the output of #4 back to original anatomical space,
    along with the template brain mask, and combine those
    with the output of #2 to get a better skull-stripped
    result in original space (3dNwarpApply and 3dcalc).
     ==> anatSS.sub007.nii
#6  Restart the nonlinear warping, registering the output
    of #5 to the skull-off template brain volume (3dQwarp).
     ==> anatQQ.sub007.nii (et cetera)
#7  Use @snapshot_volreg3 to make the pretty pictures.
     ==> AMsub007.jpg and MAsub007.jpg

Temporary Files
If the script crashes for some reason, it might leave behind files
whose names start with 'junk.SSwarper' -- you should delete these
files manually.

Author: Bob, Bob, there is one Bob, He spells it B-O-B.