This program performs alpha probability simulations; among other
things, it computes the probability of a random field of noise
producing a cluster of a given size after the noise is thresholded
at a given level ('-pthr').
*** PLEASE do not use this program any more. Use 3dClustSim! ***
-nx n1 n1 = number of voxels along x-axis
-ny n2 n2 = number of voxels along y-axis
-nz n3 n3 = number of voxels along z-axis
-dx d1 d1 = voxel size (mm) along x-axis
-dy d2 d2 = voxel size (mm) along y-axis
-dz d3 d3 = voxel size (mm) along z-axis
-nxyz n1 n2 n3 = give all 3 grid dimensions at once
-dxyz d1 d2 d3 = give all 3 voxel sizes at once
[-mask mset] Use the 0 sub-brick of dataset 'mset' as a mask
to indicate which voxels to analyze (a sub-brick
selector is allowed) [default = use all voxels]
Note: The -mask command also REPLACES the
-nx, -ny, -nz, -dx, -dy, and -dz commands,
and takes the volume dimensions from 'mset'.
[-fwhm s] s = Gaussian filter width (FWHM, in mm)
[-fwhmx sx] sx = Gaussian filter width, x-axis (FWHM)
[-fwhmy sy] sy = Gaussian filter width, y-axis (FWHM)
[-fwhmz sz] sz = Gaussian filter width, z-axis (FWHM)
[-sigma s] s = Gaussian filter width (1 sigma, in mm)
[-sigmax sx] sx = Gaussian filter width, x-axis (1 sigma)
[-sigmay sy] sy = Gaussian filter width, y-axis (1 sigma)
[-sigmaz sz] sz = Gaussian filter width, z-axis (1 sigma)
[-power] perform statistical power calculations
[-ax n1] n1 = extent of active region (in voxels) along x-axis
[-ay n2] n2 = extent of active region (in voxels) along y-axis
[-az n3] n3 = extent of active region (in voxels) along z-axis
[-zsep z] z = z-score separation between signal and noise
[-rmm r] r = cluster connection radius (mm)
Default is nearest neighbor connection only.
-pthr p p = individual voxel threshold probability
-iter n n = number of Monte Carlo simulations
[-quiet] suppress lengthy per-iteration screen output
[-out file] file = name of output file [default value = screen]
[-max_clust_size size] size = maximum allowed voxels in a cluster
[-seed S] S = random number seed
default seed = 123456789
if seed=0, then program will randomize it
[-fast] Use a faster random number generator:
Can speed program up by about a factor of 2,
but detailed results will differ slightly since
a different sequence of random values will be used.
[-approx] Compute an analytic approximation to the Alpha(i)
result for cluster size i, and print a column of that
value in the output (only if '-power' is NOT used)
** This analytic approximation is a way to extrapolate
the alpha value for cluster sizes beyond the
reaches of the simulation. The formula for it is
printed above the output table; see the example below.
** The analytic approximation is only computed if the
table of cluster size vs. alpha is 'large enough'.
** The approximation formula is of 'extreme value' type,
possibly with an adjustment for smaller i and larger Alpha.
Unix environment variables you can use:
Set AFNI_BLUR_FFT to YES to require blurring be done with FFTs
(the oldest way, and slowest).
Set AFNI_BLUR_FFT to NO and AFNI_BLUR_FIROLD to YES to require
blurring to be done with the old (crude) FIR code (not advised).
If neither of these are set, then blurring is done using the newer
(more accurate) FIR code (recommended).
Results will differ in detail depending on the blurring method
used to generate the simulated noise fields.
AlphaSim -nxyz 64 64 20 -dxyz 3 3 3 -iter 10000 -pthr 0.004 -fwhm 5 \
-quiet -fast -approx
# Alpha(i) approx 1-exp[-exp(8.720-2.2166*i^0.58-0.05743*posval(12-i)^1.0)]
# Cl Size Frequency CumuProp p/Voxel Max Freq Alpha Approx
1 1024002 0.584689 0.00414373 0 1.000000 1.000000
2 358143 0.789183 0.00289373 0 1.000000 1.000000
3 156346 0.878455 0.00201936 0 1.000000 1.000000
4 87554 0.928447 0.00144680 0 1.000000 1.000000
5 48445 0.956108 0.00101929 6 1.000000 1.000000
6 29126 0.972738 0.00072361 81 0.999400 0.999736
7 17743 0.982869 0.00051028 407 0.991300 0.992216
8 11220 0.989276 0.00035867 1082 0.950600 0.948274
9 6722 0.993114 0.00024910 1453 0.842400 0.844084
10 4251 0.995541 0.00017525 1564 0.697100 0.697100
11 2708 0.997087 0.00012336 1426 0.540700 0.543212
12 1736 0.998079 0.00008700 1132 0.398100 0.407466
13 1164 0.998743 0.00006157 875 0.284900 0.284900
14 744 0.999168 0.00004309 615 0.197400 0.195818
15 485 0.999445 0.00003038 434 0.135900 0.133634
16 324 0.999630 0.00002150 302 0.092500 0.091099
17 213 0.999752 0.00001517 196 0.062300 0.062256
18 140 0.999832 0.00001075 136 0.042700 0.042736
19 87 0.999881 0.00000767 84 0.029100 0.029499
20 62 0.999917 0.00000566 61 0.020700 0.020485
21 49 0.999945 0.00000414 49 0.014600 0.014314
22 31 0.999962 0.00000289 31 0.009700 0.010064
23 16 0.999971 0.00000205 16 0.006600 0.007119
24 10 0.999977 0.00000161 10 0.005000 0.005065
25 11 0.999983 0.00000131 11 0.004000 0.003624
26 12 0.999990 0.00000098 12 0.002900 0.002607
27 3 0.999992 0.00000060 3 0.001700 0.001885
28 4 0.999994 0.00000050 4 0.001400 0.001370
29 7 0.999998 0.00000036 7 0.001000 0.001000
30 1 0.999999 0.00000011 1 0.000300 0.000733
31 2 1.000000 0.00000008 2 0.000200 0.000540
That is, thresholded random noise alone (no signal) would produce a cluster
of size 18 or larger about 4.27% (Alpha) of the time, in a 64x64x20 volume
with cubical 3 mm voxels and a FHWM noise smoothness of 5 mm, and an uncorrected
uncorrected (per voxel) p-value of 0.004 -- this combination of voxel-wise and
cluster-size thresholds would be a logical one to use for a functional map that
had these parameters.
If you run the exact command above, you will get slightly different results,
due to variations in the random numbers generated in the simulations.
To plot the approximation on top of the empirical alpha, if the above file
is stored as alp.1D, then the following command can be used:
1dplot -start 1 -one -ytran 'log(-log(1-a))' alp.1D'[5,6]'
These will plot the log(log) transformed Alpha(i) and the log(log)
transformed approximation together, so you can see how they fit,
especially for the large i and small Alpha cases. Another comparison
technique is to plot the ratio of Approx(i) to Alpha(i):
1deval -a alp.1D'[5]' -b alp.1D'[6]' -expr 'b/a' | 1dplot -start 1 -stdin
(Since Alpha(i) is always > 0 in the table, there is no division by zero.)
The analytic approximation formula above uses the function 'posval(x)',
which is defined to be 'max(x,0)' -- this is the correction for small i
(in this example, i < 12). The syntax is compatible with 1deval and 3dcalc.
The breakpoint for the small i/large Alpha correction is set to be at the
cluster size i where Alpha(i) is about 0.3 [in the sample above, 'posval(12-i)'].
For larger i/smaller Alpha, the approximation is of the simple form
Alpha(i) = 1-exp[-exp(a-b*i^p)]
where a, b, p are constants. For a pure extreme value distribution, p=1;
I've found that allowing p < 1 gives slightly better fits in some cases.
*** PLEASE do not use this program any more. Use 3dClustSim! ***
* This binary version of AlphaSim is compiled using OpenMP, a semi-
automatic parallelizer software toolkit, which splits the work across
multiple CPUs/cores on the same shared memory computer.
* OpenMP is NOT like MPI -- it does not work with CPUs connected only
by a network (e.g., OpenMP doesn't work with 'cluster' setups).
* For implementation and compilation details, please see
* The number of CPU threads used will default to the maximum number on
your system. You can control this value by setting environment variable
OMP_NUM_THREADS to some smaller value (including 1).
* Un-setting OMP_NUM_THREADS resets OpenMP back to its default state of
using all CPUs available.
++ However, on some systems, it seems to be necessary to set variable
OMP_NUM_THREADS explicitly, or you only get one CPU.
++ On other systems with many CPUS, you probably want to limit the CPU
count, since using more than (say) 16 threads is probably useless.
* You must set OMP_NUM_THREADS in the shell BEFORE running the program,
since OpenMP queries this variable BEFORE the program actually starts.
++ You can't usefully set this variable in your ~/.afnirc file or on the
command line with the '-D' option.
* How many threads are useful? That varies with the program, and how well
it was coded. You'll have to experiment on your own systems!
* The number of CPUs on this particular computer system is ...... 2.
* The maximum number of CPUs that will be used is now set to .... 2.
* OpenMP compilation implies '-fast'