Dimon1 - monitor real-time acquisition of DICOM image files
(or GEMS 5.x I-files, as 'Imon')
This program is intended to be run during a scanning session
on a scanner, to monitor the collection of image files. The
user will be notified of any missing slice or any slice that
is acquired out of order.
When collecting DICOM files, it is recommended to run this
once per run, only because it is easier to specify the input
file pattern for a single run (it may be very difficult to
predict the form of input filenames runs that have not yet
This program can also be used off-line (away from the scanner)
to organize the files, run by run. If the DICOM files have
a correct DICOM 'image number' (0x0020 0013), then Dimon can
use the information to organize the sequence of the files,
particularly when the alphabetization of the filenames does
not match the sequencing of the slice positions. This can be
used in conjunction with the '-GERT_Reco' option, which will
write a script that can be used to create AFNI datasets.
See the '-dicom_org' option, under 'other options', below.
If no -quit option is provided (and no -no_wait), the user should
terminate the program when it is done collecting images according
to the input file pattern.
Dimon can be terminated using <ctrl-c>.
comments for using Dimon with various image file types
DICOM : this is the intended and default use
- provide at least -infile_prefix
GEMS 5x. : GE Medical Systems I-files
- requires -start_dir and -file_type GEMS
- works as the original Imon program
AFNI : AFNI/NIfTI volume datasets
- requires -file_type AFNI
- use -sp to specify slice timing pattern
- if datasets are 4D, please use rtfeedme
realtime notes for running afni remotely:
- The afni program must be started with the '-rt' option to
invoke the realtime plugin functionality.
- If afni is run remotely, then AFNI_TRUSTHOST will need to be
set on the host running afni. The value of that variable
should be set to the IP address of the host running Dimon1.
This may set as an environment variable, or via the .afnirc
startup file.
- The typical default security on a Linux system will prevent
Dimon1 from communicating with afni on the host running afni.
The iptables firewall service on afni's host will need to be
configured to accept the communication from the host running
Dimon1, or it (iptables) will need to be turned off.
usage: Dimon1 [options] -infile_prefix PREFIX
OR: Dimon1 [options] -infile_pattern "PATTERN"
OR: Dimon1 [options] -infile_list FILES.txt
notes regarding Siemens mosaic images:
- Final run slices will be reported as 1 (since there is only 1
actual image), but mos_nslices will show the mosaic slice count.
- Acquisition timing for the slices will depend on the number of
slices (parity), as well as the mosiac ordering. So users may
need to rely on reading slice timing from the DICOM headers.
- If slice timing is detected,
A. no real-time options:
Dimon1 -infile_prefix s8912345/i
Dimon1 -infile_pattern 's8912345/i*'
Dimon1 -infile_list my_files.txt
Dimon1 -help
Dimon1 -infile_prefix s8912345/i -quit
Dimon1 -infile_prefix s8912345/i -nt 120 -quit
Dimon1 -infile_prefix s8912345/i -debug 2
Dimon1 -infile_prefix s8912345/i -dicom_org -GERT_Reco -quit
A2. investigate a list of files:
Dimon1 -infile_pattern '*' -dicom_org -show_sorted_list -quit
A3. save a sorted list of files and check it later:
Dimon1 -infile_prefix data/im -dicom_org -save_file_list sorted.files
Dimon1 -infile_list sorted.files ...
B. for GERT_Reco:
Dimon1 -infile_prefix run_003/image -gert_create_dataset
Dimon1 -infile_prefix run_003/image -dicom_org -GERT_Reco -no_wait
Dimon1 -infile_prefix 'run_00[3-5]/image' -GERT_Reco -quit
Dimon1 -infile_prefix anat/image -GERT_Reco -no_wait
Dimon1 -infile_prefix epi_003/image -dicom_org -no_wait \
-GERT_Reco -gert_to3d_prefix run3 -gert_nz 42
B2. Deal with Philips data (names are not sorted, and image numbers
are in slice-major order). Sort by acq time, then inst num.
See -sort_by_acq_time in help output for details.
Dimon1 -infile_pattern 'data/*.dcm' -GERT_Reco -quit \
-use_last_elem -use_slice_loc -dicom_org -sort_by_acq_time
B2. Simple examples for NIH scanners (GE or Siemens).
o create GERT_Reco script to put data into AFNI format
o create GERT_Reco script AND execute it (running to3d)
(-gert_create_dataset implies -GERT_Reco and -quit)
o create and execute script, but make a NIfTI dataset
o also, store the datasets under a 'MRI_dsets' directory
Dimon1 -infile_pattern 'mr_0015/*.dcm' -GERT_Reco -quit
Dimon1 -infile_prefix 'mr_0003/image' -gert_create_dataset
Dimon1 -infile_pattern 'mr_0003/*.dcm' -gert_create_dataset
Dimon1 -infile_pattern 'mr_0003/*.dcm' -gert_create_dataset
-gert_outdir MRI_dsets -gert_write_as_nifti
C. with real-time options:
Dimon1 -infile_prefix s8912345/i -rt
Dimon1 -infile_pattern 's*/i*' -rt
Dimon1 -infile_pattern 's*/i*' -rt -nt 120
Dimon1 -infile_pattern 's*/i*' -rt -quit
Dimon1 -infile_prefix s8912345/i -rt -num_chan 2 -quit
** detailed real-time example:
Dimon1 \
-infile_pattern 's*/i*' \
-rt -nt 120 \
-host some.remote.computer \
-rt_cmd "PREFIX 2005_0513_run3" \
-num_slices 32 \
-max_quiet_trs 3 \
-sleep_frac 0.4 \
This example scans data starting from directory 003, expects
120 repetitions (TRs), and invokes the real-time processing,
sending data to a computer called some.remote.computer.name
(where afni is running, and which considers THIS computer to
be trusted - see the AFNI_TRUSTHOST environment variable).
The time to wait for new data is 1.1*TR, and 32 slices are
required for a volume
Note that -num_slices can be important in a real-time setup,
as scanners do not always write the slices in order. Slices
from volume #1 can appear on disk before all slices from volume
#0, in which case Dimon might determine an incorrect number of
slices per volume.
Multiple DRIVE_AFNI commands are passed through '-drive_afni'
options, one requesting to open an axial image window, and
another requesting an axial graph, with 160 data points.
Also, '-drive_wait' options may be used like '-drive_afni',
except that the real-time plugin will wait until the first new
volume is processed before executing those DRIVE_AFNI commands.
One advantage of this is opening an image window for a dataset
_after_ it is loaded, allowing afni to approriately set the
window size.
See README.driver for acceptable DRIVE_AFNI commands.
Also, multiple commands specific to the real-time plugin are
passed via '-rt_cmd' options. The PREFIX command sets the
prefix for the datasets output by afni. The GRAPH_XRANGE and
GRAPH_YRANGE commands set the graph dimensions for the 3D
motion correction graph (only). And the GRAPH_EXPR command
is used to replace the 6 default motion correction graphs with
a single graph, according to the given expression, the square
root of the average squared entry of the 3 rotation params,
roll, pitch and yaw, ignoring the 3 shift parameters, dx, dy
and dz.
See README.realtime for acceptable DRIVE_AFNI commands.
example D (drive_afni):
Dimon1 \
-infile_pattern 's*/i*.dcm' \
-nt 160 \
-rt \
-host some.remote.computer.name \
-drive_afni 'OPEN_WINDOW axialimage' \
-drive_afni 'OPEN_WINDOW axialgraph pinnum=160' \
-rt_cmd 'PREFIX eat.more.cheese' \
-rt_cmd 'GRAPH_XRANGE 160' \
-rt_cmd 'GRAPH_YRANGE 1.02' \
-rt_cmd 'GRAPH_EXPR sqrt(d*d+e*e+f*f)'
example E (drive_wait):
Close windows and re-open them after data has arrived.
Dimon \
-infile_prefix EPI_run1/8HRBRAIN \
-rt \
-drive_afni 'CLOSE_WINDOW axialimage' \
-drive_afni 'CLOSE_WINDOW sagittalimage' \
-drive_wait 'OPEN_WINDOW axialimage geom=+20+20' \
-drive_wait 'OPEN_WINDOW sagittalimage geom=+520+20' \
-rt_cmd 'PREFIX brie.would.be.good' \
example F (for testing complete real-time system):
** consider AFNI_data6/realtime.demos/demo.2.fback.*
Use Dimon to send volumes to afni's real-time plugin, simulating
TR timing with Dimon's -pause option. Motion parameters and ROI
averages are then sent on to realtime_receiver.py (for subject
a. Start afni in real-time mode, but first set some environment
variables to make it explicit what might be set in the plugin.
Not one of these variables is actually necessary, but they
make the process more scriptable.
See Readme.environment for details on any variable.
setenv AFNI_TRUSTHOST localhost
setenv AFNI_REALTIME_Registration 3D:_realtime
setenv AFNI_REALTIME_Graph Realtime
setenv AFNI_REALTIME_MP_HOST_PORT localhost:53214
setenv AFNI_REALTIME_Mask_Vals ROI_means
afni -rt
Note: in order to send ROI averages per TR, the user must
choose a mask in the real-time plugin.
b. Start realtime_receiver.py to show received data.
realtime_receiver.py -show_data yes
c. Run Dimon from the AFNI_data3 directory, in real-time mode,
using a 2 second pause to simulate the TR. Dicom images are
under EPI_run1, and the files start with 8HRBRAIN.
Dimon -rt -pause 2000 -infile_prefix EPI_run1/8HRBRAIN
Note that Dimon can be run many times at this point.
c2. alternately, set some env vars via Dimon
Dimon -rt -pause 2000 -infile_prefix EPI_run1/8 \
-drive_afni 'SETENV AFNI_REALTIME_Mask_Vals=ROI_means' \
Note that plugout_drive can also be used to set vars at
run-time, though plugouts must be enabled to use it.
example G: when reading AFNI datasets
Note that single-volume AFNI datasets might not contain the.
TR and slice timing information (since they are not considered
to be time series). So it may be necessary to specify such
information on the command line.
Dimon1 -rt \
-infile_pattern EPI_run1/vol.*.HEAD \
-file_type AFNI -sleep_vol 1000 -sp alt+z -tr 2.0 -quit
- Once started, unless the '-quit' option is used, this
program exits only when a fatal error occurs (single
missing or out of order slices are not considered fatal).
Otherwise, it keeps waiting for new data to arrive.
With the '-quit' option, the program will terminate once
there is a significant (~2 TR) pause in acquisition.
- To terminate this program, use <ctrl-c>.
main options:
For DICOM images, either -infile_pattern or -infile_prefix
is required.
-infile_pattern PATTERN : specify pattern for input files
e.g. -infile_pattern 'run1/i*.dcm'
This option is used to specify a wildcard pattern matching
the names of the input DICOM files. These files should be
sorted in the order that they are to be assembled, i.e.
when the files are sorted alphabetically, they should be
sequential slices in a volume, and the volumes should then
progress over time (as with the 'to3d' program).
The pattern for this option must be within quotes, because
it will be up to the program to search for new files (that
match the pattern), not the shell.
-infile_prefix PREFIX : specify prefix matching input files
e.g. -infile_prefix run1/i
This option is similar to -infile_pattern. By providing
only a prefix, the user need not use wildcard characters
with quotes. Using PREFIX with -infile_prefix is
equivalent to using 'PREFIX*' with -infile_pattern (note
the needed quotes).
Note that it may not be a good idea to use, say 'run1/'
for the prefix, as there might be a readme file under
that directory.
Note also that it is necessary to provide a '/' at the
end, if the prefix is a directory (e.g. use run1/ instead
of simply run1).
-infile_list MY_FILES.txt : filenames are in MY_FILES.txt
e.g. -infile_list subject_17_files
If the user would rather specify a list of DICOM files to
read, those files can be enumerated in a text file, the
name of which would be passed to the program.
real-time options:
-rt : specify to use the real-time facility
With this option, the user tells 'Dimon1' to use the real-time
facility, passing each volume of images to an existing
afni process on some machine (as specified by the '-host'
option). Whenever a new volume is acquired, it will be
sent to the afni program for immediate update.
Note that afni must also be started with the '-rt' option
to make use of this.
Note also that the '-host HOSTNAME' option is not required
if afni is running on the same machine.
-drive_afni CMND : send 'drive afni' command, CMND
e.g. -drive_afni 'OPEN_WINDOW axialimage'
This option is used to pass a single DRIVE_AFNI command
to afni. For example, 'OPEN_WINDOW axialimage' will open
such an axial view window on the afni controller.
Note: the command 'CMND' must be given in quotes, so that
the shell will send it as a single parameter.
Note: this option may be used multiple times.
See README.driver for more details.
-drive_wait CMND : send delayed 'drive afni' command, CMND
e.g. -drive_wait 'OPEN_WINDOW axialimage'
This option is used to pass a single DRIVE_AFNI command
to afni. For example, 'OPEN_WINDOW axialimage' will open
such an axial view window on the afni controller.
This has the same effect as '-drive_afni', except that
the real-time plugin will wait until the next completed
volume to execute the command.
An example of where this is useful is so that afni 'knows'
about a new dataset before opening the given image window,
allowing afni to size the window appropriately.
-fast : process data very quickly
short for: -sleep_init 50 -sleep_vol 50
-host HOSTNAME : specify the host for afni communication
e.g. -host mycomputer.dot.my.network
e.g. -host
e.g. -host mycomputer
the default host is 'localhost'
The specified HOSTNAME represents the machine that is
running afni. Images will be sent to afni on this machine
during the execution of 'Dimon1'.
Note that the environment variable AFNI_TRUSTHOST must be
set on the machine running afni. Set this equal to the
name of the machine running Imon (so that afni knows to
accept the data from the sending machine).
-num_chan CHANNELS : specify number of channels to send over
e.g. -num_chan 8
This option tells the realtime plugin how many channels to
break incoming data into. Each channel would then get its
own dataset.
Note that this simply distributes the data as it is read
across multiple datasets. If 12 volumes are seen in some
directory and -num_chan 2 is specified, then volumes 0, 2,
4, 6, 8 and 10 would go to one dataset (e.g. channel 1),
while volumes 1,3,5,7,9,11 would go to another.
A sample use might be for multi-echo data. If echo pairs
appear to Dimon sequentially over the TRs, then -num_chan
could be used to send each echo type to its own dataset.
This is why the option was added, for J Evans.
Currently, -num_chan only affects the realtime use.
-pause TIME_IN_MS : pause after each new volume
e.g. -pause 200
In some cases, the user may wish to slow down a real-time
process. This option will cause a delay of TIME_IN_MS
milliseconds after each volume is found.
-rev_byte_order : pass the reverse of the BYTEORDER to afni
Reverse the byte order that is given to afni. In case the
detected byte order is not what is desired, this option
can be used to reverse it.
See the (obsolete) '-swap' option for more details.
-rt_cmd COMMAND : send COMMAND(s) to realtime plugin
e.g. -rt_cmd 'GRAPH_XRANGE 120'
e.g. -rt_cmd 'GRAPH_XRANGE 120 \n GRAPH_YRANGE 2.5'
This option is used to pass commands to the realtime
plugin. For example, 'GRAPH_XRANGE 120' will set the
x-scale of the motion graph window to 120 (repetitions).
Note: the command 'COMMAND' must be given in quotes, so
that the shell will send it as a single parameter.
Note: this option may be used multiple times.
See README.realtime for more details.
-show_sorted_list : display -dicom_org info and quit
After the -dicom_org has taken effect, display the list
of run index, image index and filenames that results.
This option can be used as a simple review of the files
under some directory tree, say.
See the -show_sorted_list example under example A2.
-sleep_init MS : time to sleep between initial data checks
e.g. -sleep_init 500
While Dimon searches for the first volume, it checks for
files, pauses, checks, pauses, etc., until some are found.
By default, the pause is approximately 3000 ms.
This option, given in milliseconds, will override that
default time.
A small time makes the program seem more responsive. But
if the time is too small, and no new files are seen on
successive checks, Dimon may think the first volume is
complete (with too few slices).
If the minimum time it takes for the scanner to output
more slices is T, then 1/2 T is a reasonable -sleep_init
time. Note: that minimum T had better be reliable.
The example shows a sleep time of half of a second.
See also -fast.
-sleep_vol MS : time to sleep between volume checks
e.g. -sleep_vol 1000
When Dimon finds some volumes and there still seems to be
more to acquire, it sleeps for a while (and outputs '.').
This option can be used to specify the amount of time it
sleeps before checking again. The default is 1.5*TR.
The example shows a sleep time of one second.
See also -fast.
-sleep_frac FRAC : new data search, fraction of TR to sleep
e.g. -sleep_frac 0.5
When Dimon finds some volumes and there still seems to be
more to acquire, it sleeps for a while (and outputs '.').
This option can be used to specify the amount of time it
sleeps before checking again, as a fraction of the TR.
The default is 1.5 (as the fraction).
The example shows a sleep time of one half of a TR.
-swap (obsolete) : swap data bytes before sending to afni
Since afni may be running on a different machine, the byte
order may differ there. This option will force the bytes
to be reversed, before sending the data to afni.
** As of version 3.0, this option should not be necessary.
'Dimon1' detects the byte order of the image data, and then
passes that information to afni. The realtime plugin
will (now) decide whether to swap bytes in the viewer.
If for some reason the user wishes to reverse the order
from what is detected, '-rev_byte_order' can be used.
-zorder ORDER : slice order over time
e.g. -zorder alt
e.g. -zorder seq
the default is 'alt'
This options allows the user to alter the slice
acquisition order in real-time mode, similar to the slice
pattern of the '-sp' option. The main differences are:
o only two choices are presently available
o the syntax is intentionally different (from that
of 'to3d' or the '-sp' option)
ORDER values:
alt : alternating in the Z direction (over time)
seq : sequential in the Z direction (over time)
other options:
-debug LEVEL : show debug information during execution
e.g. -debug 2
the default level is 1, the domain is [0,3]
the '-quiet' option is equivalent to '-debug 0'
-dicom_org : organize files before other processing
e.g. -dicom_org
When this flag is set, the program will attempt to read in
all files subject to -infile_prefix or -infile_pattern,
determine which are DICOM image files, and organize them
into an ordered list of files per run.
This may be necessary since the alphabetized list of files
will not always match the sequential slice and time order
(which means, for instance, that '*.dcm' may not list
files in the correct order.
In this case, if the DICOM files contain a valid 'image
number' field (0x0020 0013), then they will be sorted
before any further processing is done.
- This does not work in real-time mode, since the files
must all be organized before processing begins.
- The DICOM images need valid 'image number' fields for
organization to be possible (DICOM field 0x0020 0013).
- This works will in conjunction with '-GERT_Reco', to
create a script to make AFNI datasets. There will be
a single file per run that contains the image filenames
for that run (in order). This is fed to 'to3d'.
- This may be used with '-save_file_list', to store the
list of sorted filenames in an output file.
- The images can be sorted in reverse order using the
option, -rev_org_dir.
-epsilon EPSILON : specify EPSILON for 'equality' tests
e.g. -epsilon 0.05
the default is 0.01
When checking z-coordinates or differences between them
for 'equality', a check of (difference < EPSILON) is used.
This option lets the user specify that cutoff value.
-file_type TYPE : specify type of image files to be read
e.g. -file_type AFNI
the default is DICOM
Dimon will currently process GEMS 5.x or DICOM files
(single slice or Siemens mosaic).
possible values for TYPE:
GEMS : GE Medical Systems GEMS 5.x format
DICOM : DICOM format, possibly Siemens mosaic
AFNI : AFNI or NIfTI formatted datasets
-help : show this help information
-hist : display a history of program changes
-max_images NUM : limit on images (slices per volume)
e.g. -max_images 256
default = 3000
This variable is in case something is very messed up with
the data, and prevents the program from continuing after
failing to find a volume in this number of images.
-max_quiet_trs TRS : max number of TRs without data (if -quit)
e.g. -max_quiet_trs 4
default = 2
This variable is to specify the number of TRs for which
having no new data is okay. After this number of TRs, it
is assumed that the run has ended.
The TR (duration) comes from either the image files or
the -tr option.
-nice INCREMENT : adjust the nice value for the process
e.g. -nice 10
the default is 0, and the maximum is 20
a superuser may use down to the minimum of -19
A positive INCREMENT to the nice value of a process will
lower its priority, allowing other processes more CPU
-no_wait : never wait for new data
More forceful than -quit, when using this option, the
program should never wait for new data. This option
implies -quit and is implied by -gert_create_dataset.
This is appropriate to use when the image files have
already been collected.
-nt VOLUMES_PER_RUN : set the number of time points per run
e.g. -nt 120
With this option, if a run stalls before the specified
VOLUMES_PER_RUN is reached (notably including the first
run), the user will be notified.
Without this option, Dimon1 will compute the expected number
of time points per run based on the first run (and will
allow the value to increase based on subsequent runs).
Therefore Dimon1 would not detect a stalled first run.
-num_slices SLICES : slices per volume must match this
e.g. -num_slices 34
Setting this puts a restriction on the first volume
search, requiring the number of slices found to match.
This prevents odd failures at the scanner, which does not
necessarily write out all files for the first volume
before writing some file from the second.
-quiet : show only errors and final information
-quit : quit when there is no new data
With this option, the program will terminate once a delay
in new data occurs (an apparent end-of-run pause).
This option is implied by -no_wait.
-rev_org_dir : reverse the sort in dicom_org
e.g. -rev_org_dir
With the -dicom_org option, the program will attempt to
organize the DICOM files with respect to run and image
numbers. Normally that is an ascending sort. With this
option, the sort is reversed.
see also: -dicom_org
-rev_sort_dir : reverse the alphabetical sort on names
e.g. -rev_sort_dir
With this option, the program will sort the input files
in descending order, as opposed to ascending order.
-save_file_list FILENAME : store the list of sorted files
e.g. -save_file_list dicom_file_list
With this option the program will store the list of files,
sorted via -dicom_org, in the output file, FILENAME. The
user may wish to have a separate list of the files.
Note: this option requires '-dicom_org'.
-sort_by_acq_time : sort files by acquisition time
e.g. -dicom_org -sort_by_acq_time
When this option is used with -dicom_org, the program will
sort DICOM images according to:
run, acq time, image index and image number
For instance, Philips files may have 0020 0013 (Inst. Num)
fields that are ordered as slice-major (volume minor).
But since slice needs to be the minor number, Acquisition
Time may be used for the major sort, before Instance Num.
So sort first by Acquisition Num, then by Instance.
Consider example B2.
-sort_by_num_suffix : sort files according to numerical suffix
e.g. -sort_by_num_suffix
With this option, the program will sort the input files
according to the trailing '.NUMBER' in the filename. This
NUMBER will be evaluated as a positive integer, not via
an alphabetic sort (so numbers need not be zero-padded).
This is intended for use on interleaved files, which are
properly enumerated, but only in the filename suffix.
Consider a set of names for a single, interleaved volume:
im001.1 im002.3 im003.5 im004.7 im005.9 im006.11
im007.2 im008.4 im009.6 im010.8 im011.10
Here the images were named by 'time' of acquisition, and
were interleaved. So an alphabetic sort is not along the
slice position (z-order). However the slice ordering was
encoded in the suffix of the filenames.
NOTE: the suffix numbers must be unique
-start_file S_FILE : have Dimon1 process starting at S_FILE
e.g. -start_file 043/I.901
With this option, any earlier I-files will be ignored
by Dimon1. This is a good way to start processing a later
run, if it desired not to look at the earlier data.
In this example, all files in directories 003 and 023
would be ignored, along with everything in 043 up through
I.900. So 043/I.901 might be the first file in run 2.
-tr TR : specify the TR, in seconds
e.g. -tr 5.0
In the case where volumes are acquired in clusters, the TR
is different than the time needed to acquire one volume.
But some scanners incorrectly store the latter time in the
TR field.
This option allows the user to override what is found in
the image files, which is particularly useul in real-time
mode, though is also important to have stored properly in
the final EPI datasets.
Here, TR is in seconds.
-use_imon : revert to Imon functionality
** This option is deprecated.
Use -file_type GEMS, instead.
-use_last_elem : use the last elements when reading DICOM
In some poorly created DICOM image files, some elements
are listed incorrectly, before being listed correctly.
Use the option to search for the last occurrence of each
element, not necessarily the first.
-use_slice_loc : use REL Slice Loc for z offset
REL Slice Location, 0020 1041, is sometimes used for the
z offset, rather than Image Position.
Use this option to set slice offsets according to SLoc.
-version : show the version information
GERT_Reco options:
-GERT_Reco : output a GERT_Reco_dicom script
Create a script called 'GERT_Reco_dicom', similar to the
one that Ifile creates. This script may be run to create
the AFNI datasets corresponding to the I-files.
-gert_create_dataset : actually create the output dataset
Execute any GERT_Reco script, creating the AFNI or NIfTI
This option implies -GERT_Reco and -quit.
See also -gert_write_as_nifti.
-gert_filename FILENAME : save GERT_Reco as FILENAME
e.g. -gert_filename gert_reco_anat
This option can be used to specify the name of the script,
as opposed to using GERT_Reco_dicom.
By default, if the script is generated for a single run,
it will be named GERT_Reco_dicom_NNN, where 'NNN' is the
run number found in the image files. If it is generated
for multiple runs, then the default it to name it simply
-gert_nz NZ : specify the number of slices in a mosaic
e.g. -gert_nz 42
Dimon happens to be able to write valid to3d commands
for mosaic (volume) data, even though it is intended for
slices. In the case of mosaics, the user must specify the
number of slices in an image file, or any GERT_Reco script
will specify nz as 1.
-gert_outdir OUTPUT_DIR : set output directory in GERT_Reco
e.g. -gert_outdir subject_A7
e.g. -od subject_A7
the default is '-gert_outdir .'
This will add '-od OUTPUT_DIR' to the @RenamePanga command
in the GERT_Reco script, creating new datasets in the
OUTPUT_DIR directory, instead of the 'afni' directory.
-sp SLICE_PATTERN : set output slice pattern in GERT_Reco
e.g. -sp alt-z
the default is 'alt+z'
This options allows the user to alter the slice
acquisition pattern in the GERT_Reco script.
See 'to3d -help' for more information.
-gert_to3d_prefix PREFIX : set to3d PREFIX in output script
e.g. -gert_to3d_prefix anatomy
When creating a GERT_Reco script that calls 'to3d', this
option will be applied to '-prefix'.
The default prefix is 'OutBrick_run_NNN', where NNN is the
run number found in the images.
* Caution: this option should only be used when the output
is for a single run.
-gert_write_as_nifti : output dataset should be in NIFTI format
By default, datasets created by the GERT_Reco script will be in
afni format. Use this option to create them in NIfTI format,
instead. These merely appends a .nii to the -prefix option of
the to3d command.
See also -gert_create_dataset.
-gert_quit_on_err : Add -quit_on_err option to to3d command
which has the effect of causing to3d to
fail rather than come up in interactive
mode if the input has an error.
Author: R. Reynolds - version 3.18 (August 3, 2015)